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- All HBS Web
- People (1)
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- Faculty Publications (401)
- 2015
- Working Paper
A Normative Theory of Dynamic Capabilities: Connecting Strategy, Know-How, and Competition
By: Gary P. Pisano
The field of strategy has mounted an enormous effort to understand, define, predict, and measure how organizational capabilities shape competitive advantage. While the notion that capabilities influence strategy dates back to the work of Andrews (1971), attempts to... View Details
Pisano, Gary P. "A Normative Theory of Dynamic Capabilities: Connecting Strategy, Know-How, and Competition." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-036, September 2015.
- 1984
- Chapter
Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure
By: Michael Jensen and William H. Meckling
Jensen, Michael, and William H. Meckling. "Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure." In The Modern Theory of Corporate Finance, edited by Michael C. Jensen and Clifford H. Smith Jr.. McGraw-Hill, 1984. (Also in Economics of Corporation Law & Securities Regulation, Posner & Scott, Eds, (Little Brown,1980); Jensen, Foundations of Organizational Strategy, (HUP, 1998); & Theory of the Firm. . . (HUP, 2000) and JFE.)
- January 12, 2023
- Article
Progressive Decentralization: A High-level Framework
By: Jad Esber and Scott Duke Kominers
We explain a high-level framework for designing for future decentralization up front, and offer some guidance about when and how to do so. The guidelines apply to both web3 projects and more traditional organizations. View Details
Keywords: Crypto Economy; Cryptocurrency; Decentralization; Decentralized Autonomous Organizations; Entrepreneurial Journey; Entrepreneurial Management; Organization Behavior; Organization And Management Theory; Organization Form; Organizational Structure
Esber, Jad, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Progressive Decentralization: A High-level Framework." (January 12, 2023).
- September–October 2013
- Article
Discretion Within Constraint: Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization
By: Adam M. Kleinbaum, Toby E. Stuart and Michael Tushman
Homophily in social relations results from both individual preferences and selective opportunities for interaction, but how these two mechanisms interact in large, contemporary organizations is not well understood. We argue that organizational structures and geography... View Details
Keywords: Familiarity; Interpersonal Communication; Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Social and Collaborative Networks; Gender; Information Technology Industry
Kleinbaum, Adam M., Toby E. Stuart, and Michael Tushman. "Discretion Within Constraint: Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization." Organization Science 24, no. 5 (September–October 2013): 1316–1336.
- 2012
- Book
Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers
By: Roderick Kramer and Todd Lowell Pittinsky
Recent events around the world, especially in the financial sector and with respect to government performance, have severely undermined people’s trust in both private organizations and public institutions. In no small measure, these substantial and enduring declines in... View Details
Keywords: Trust; Leadership; Public Opinion; Social Psychology; Financial Services Industry; Public Administration Industry
Kramer, Roderick, and Todd Lowell Pittinsky, eds. Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers. Oxford University Press, 2012.
- 29 Mar 2019
- Interview
Integrating Theory into Your Organization: Black Duck by Synopsys
By: Lou Shipley
The Disruptive Voice hits the road, heading to BlackDuck by Synopsys headquarters in Burlington, MA. We sit down with Lou Shipley (CEO), Patrick Carey (Director of Product Marketing), and Tim Kenny (VP of Culture) to hear how Competing Against Luck became a company... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Company Culture; Disruption; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Technology; Organizational Culture
"Integrating Theory into Your Organization: Black Duck by Synopsys." no. 31, The Disruptive Voice, HBS Forum on Growth and Innovation, March 29, 2019.
- July–August 2019
- Article
Coupling Labor Codes of Conduct and Supplier Labor Practices: The Role of Internal Structural Conditions
By: Yanhua Bird, Jodi L. Short and Michael W. Toffel
Exploitive working conditions have spurred companies to pressure their suppliers to adopt labor codes of conduct and to conform their labor practices to the standards set forth in those codes. Yet little is known about whether organizational structures such as codes... View Details
Keywords: Organization Theory; Economic Sociology; Social Responsibility; Sustainability; Auditing; Process Improvement; Organizational Structure; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Supply Chain; Labor; Working Conditions
Bird, Yanhua, Jodi L. Short, and Michael W. Toffel. "Coupling Labor Codes of Conduct and Supplier Labor Practices: The Role of Internal Structural Conditions." Organization Science 30, no. 4 (July–August 2019): 847–867. (Best Paper Award at ComplianceNet Conference 2019, 2020 Responsible Research in Management Award Finalist.)
- 2017
- Article
The Energizing Nature of Work Engagement: Toward a New Need-Based Theory of Work Motivation
By: Paul Green, Eli Finkel, Grainne Fitzsimons and Francesca Gino
We present theory suggesting that experiences at work that meet employees’ expectations of need fulfillment drive work engagement. Employees have needs (e.g., a desire to be authentic) and they also have expectations for how their job or their organization will fulfill... View Details
Keywords: Needs; Motivation; Work Engagement; Disengagement; Authenticity; Self-Expression; Employees; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Human Needs
Green, Paul, Eli Finkel, Grainne Fitzsimons, and Francesca Gino. "The Energizing Nature of Work Engagement: Toward a New Need-Based Theory of Work Motivation." Research in Organizational Behavior 37 (2017): 1–18.
- March–April 2012
- Article
The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks
By: Gautam Ahuja, Guiseppe Soda and Akbar Zaheer
An extensive body of knowledge exists on network outcomes and on how network structures may contribute to the creation of outcomes at different levels of analysis, but less attention has been paid to understanding how and why organizational networks emerge, evolve, and... View Details
Keywords: Economic Sociology; Economics And Organization; Social Networks; Organization And Management Theory; Interorganizatonal Relationships; Networks; Strategy; Change
Ahuja, Gautam, Guiseppe Soda, and Akbar Zaheer. "The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks." Organization Science 23, no. 2 (March–April 2012): 434–448.
- 1975
- Article
Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior." Sociological Inquiry 45, nos. 2-3 (1975). (Also in Another Voice, edited by M. Millman and R.M. Kanter. N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor, 1975; Reprintings include: The Management of Libraries: Basic Readings, edited by B.P. Lynch. Neil Schuman, 1985; The Sociology of Organizations: Basic Studies, edited by O. Grusky and G.A. Miller (Rev. ed.) N.Y.: Free Press, 1980;.)
- 2022
- Article
Becoming a Learning Organization While Enhancing Performance: The Case of LEGO
By: Thomas Borup Kristensen, Henrik Saabye and Amy Edmondson
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to empirically test how problem-solving lean practices, along with
leaders as learning facilitators in an action learning approach, can be transferred from a production context to a
knowledge work context for the purpose... View Details
Kristensen, Thomas Borup, Henrik Saabye, and Amy Edmondson. "Becoming a Learning Organization While Enhancing Performance: The Case of LEGO." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 42, no. 13 (2022): 438–481.
- January 2021
- Article
Institutional-Political Scenarios for Anthropocene Society
By: Andrew J. Hoffman and P. Devereaux Jennings
Natural scientists have proposed that humankind has entered a new geologic epoch. Termed the “Anthropocene,” this new reality revolves around the central role of human activity in multiple Earth ecosystems. That challenge requires a rethinking of social science... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Change; Institutional Theory; Natural Environment; Society; Environmental Sustainability
Hoffman, Andrew J., and P. Devereaux Jennings. "Institutional-Political Scenarios for Anthropocene Society." Business & Society 60, no. 1 (January 2021): 57–94.
- 2017
- Article
Making Transparency Transparent: The Evolution of Observation in Management Theory
By: Ethan Bernstein
Observation is key to management scholarship and practice. Yet a holistic view of its role in management has been elusive, in part due to shifting terminology. The current popularity of the term “transparency” provides the occasion for a thorough review, which finds... View Details
Keywords: Transparency; Privacy; Observation; Tracking; Monitoring; Surveillance; Learning; Control; Disclosure; Process Visibility; Organizations; Theory; Information Technology; Relationships; Measurement and Metrics; Management Practices and Processes; Leadership; Law; Knowledge; Human Resources; Communication
Bernstein, Ethan. "Making Transparency Transparent: The Evolution of Observation in Management Theory." Academy of Management Annals 11, no. 1 (2017): 217–266.
- September 2022
- Article
A Spanner in the Works: Category-Spanning Entrants and Audience Valuation of Incumbents
By: Rory M. McDonald and Ryan T. Allen
Previous work has examined how audiences evaluate category-spanning organizations, but little is known about how their entrance affects evaluations of other, proximate organizations. We posit that the emergence of category-spanning entrants signals the advent of an... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Industries; Industry Dynamics; Organization And Management Theory; Technology Strategy; Technology And Innovation Management; Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Strategy; Management; Theory; Innovation and Management
McDonald, Rory M., and Ryan T. Allen. "A Spanner in the Works: Category-Spanning Entrants and Audience Valuation of Incumbents." Strategy Science 7, no. 6 (September 2022): 190–209.
- September 2011
- Article
Taking Gender into Account: Theory and Design for Women's Leadership Development Programs
By: Robin J. Ely, Herminia Ibarra and Deborah Kolb
We conceptualize leadership development as identity work and show how subtle forms of gender bias in the culture and in organizations interfere with the identity work of women leaders. Based on this insight, we revisit traditional approaches to standard leadership... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Prejudice and Bias; Leadership Development; Identity; Organizational Culture; Gender
Ely, Robin J., Herminia Ibarra, and Deborah Kolb. "Taking Gender into Account: Theory and Design for Women's Leadership Development Programs." Academy of Management Learning & Education 10, no. 3 (September 2011): 474–493. (Winner, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Decade Award, 2021.)
- September 2014
- Article
The New Heretics: Hybrid Organizations and the Challenges they Present to Corporate Sustainability
By: Nardia Haigh and Andrew J. Hoffman
Corporate sustainability has become mainstream; reaching into all areas of business management. Yet despite this progress, large-scale social and ecological issues continue to worsen. In this article, we examine how corporate sustainability has been enacted as a... View Details
Keywords: Social Issues; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Mission and Purpose
Haigh, Nardia, and Andrew J. Hoffman. "The New Heretics: Hybrid Organizations and the Challenges they Present to Corporate Sustainability." Organization & Environment 27, no. 3 (September 2014): 223–241.
- 2000
- Article
Theories of Gender: A New Approach to Organizational Analysis and Change
By: R. J. Ely and D. E. Meyerson
Ely, R. J., and D. E. Meyerson. "Theories of Gender: A New Approach to Organizational Analysis and Change." Research in Organizational Behavior 22 (2000).
- September–October 2016
- Article
Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation
By: Sebastian Raisch and Michael Tushman
Large companies initiate many new businesses, but few of them reach scale. The ambidexterity literature describes how companies create exploratory businesses, but says little about how they subsequently scale these businesses. The strategy literature uses real option... View Details
Keywords: Ambidexterity; Comparative Case Study; Corporate Venturing; Exploration; Organization Design; Real Option Theory; Organizational Design; Corporate Strategy; Corporate Entrepreneurship
Raisch, Sebastian, and Michael Tushman. "Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation." Organization Science 27, no. 5 (September–October 2016).
Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work
Most managers today understand the value of building a learning organization. Their goal is to leverage knowledge and make it a key corporate asset, yet they remain uncertain about how best to get started. What they lack are guidelines and tools that transform abstract... View Details
- 2005
- Other Unpublished Work
A Normative Theory of Dynamic, Organizational Design: Lessons from project management
By: Steven Spear and Clayton M. Christensen
Keywords: Organizational Design