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- All HBS Web
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- May 2018
- Article
Using Online Prices for Measuring Real Consumption Across Countries
By: Alberto Cavallo, Erwin Diewert, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer
We show that online prices can be used to construct quarterly purchasing power parities (PPPs) with a closely matched set of goods and identical methodologies in a variety of developed and developing countries. Our results are close to those reported by the... View Details
Keywords: Purchasing Power Parity; International Economy; Online Prices; Billion Prices Project; Economics; Macroeconomics; Price; Internet and the Web; Spending; Economy; Global Range; Measurement and Metrics
Cavallo, Alberto, Erwin Diewert, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar, and Marcel P. Timmer. "Using Online Prices for Measuring Real Consumption Across Countries." AEA Papers and Proceedings 108 (May 2018): 483–487.
- September 2013 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Qatar: Energy for Development
By: Aldo Musacchio, Colin Donovan, Samir Mikati, Rami Sarafa and Abdulla AlMisnad
Despite being the richest country in the world on a per capita basis, for analysts Qatar belongs in the group of emerging markets considered "frontier markets." This case analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the development strategy of this small country as set... View Details
Keywords: Frontier Markets; State-owned Enterprises; State Capitalism; Sovereign Wealth Funds; Economic Development; Sovereign Finance; State Ownership; Development Economics; Energy Industry; Middle East; Qatar
Musacchio, Aldo, Colin Donovan, Samir Mikati, Rami Sarafa, and Abdulla AlMisnad. "Qatar: Energy for Development." Harvard Business School Case 714-003, September 2013. (Revised November 2013.)
- Winter 2012
- Article
South Sudan: The Birth of an Economy
By: Eric D. Werker, Kelly Wyett and Shannon Ding
We discuss the birth of a new economy in a society that has only recently emerged from a 22-year-long civil war. The pace of growth so far has been fast but uneven. We find that aid and oil money are flowing rapidly into certain sectors, while other... View Details
Keywords: Sudan; Developing Markets; Foreign Aid; Conflict; Oil Prices; Private Sector Development; Emerging Markets; Policy; Developing Countries and Economies; Innovation and Invention; South Sudan
Werker, Eric D., Kelly Wyett, and Shannon Ding. "South Sudan: The Birth of an Economy." Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization 7, no. 1 (Winter 2012): 73–90.
- March 2002
- Article
The Potential Role of Economic Cost Models in the Regulation of Telecommunications in Developing Countries
What is the efficient cost of providing telecommunications services to a certain area or type of customer? As developing countries build up their capacity to regulate infrastructure monopolies, cost models are likely to prove increasingly important in answering... View Details
Keywords: Information; Cost; Mathematical Methods; Developing Countries and Economies; Telecommunications Industry
Ruzzier, Christian Alejandro, D. Benitez, A. Estache, and D. M. Kennet. "The Potential Role of Economic Cost Models in the Regulation of Telecommunications in Developing Countries." Information Economics and Policy 14, no. 1 (March 2002): 21–38.
- 2017
- Article
Agricultural Insurance and Economic Development
By: Shawn A. Cole and Wentao Xiong
This article provides a review of recent research on agricultural insurance (AI) in developing countries. Agricultural producers face a variety of significant risks; historically, only government-subsidized products have achieved widespread adoption. A recent... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Insurance; Developing Countries and Economies; Adoption; Risk Management; Research; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Cole, Shawn A., and Wentao Xiong. "Agricultural Insurance and Economic Development." Annual Review of Economics 9 (2017): 235–262.
- November 1983 (Revised May 1984)
- Background Note
Note on the Export of Pesticides from the United States to Developing Countries
This is an issues-oriented note designed to stimulate discussion of the ethical aspects of the sale of pesticides which are not approved for any use or only for restricted use in the United States to less developed countries. It is organized as follows: the problem,... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Ethics; Health; Chemicals; Developing Countries and Economies; Chemical Industry; United States
Goodpaster, Kenneth E. "Note on the Export of Pesticides from the United States to Developing Countries." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-097, November 1983. (Revised May 1984.)
- September 2007
- Journal Article
Refugee Camp Economies
By: Eric D. Werker
This paper describes the economy of a refugee camp. Key distortions to the economy of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Uganda are noted and the findings are used to construct a generic model of a refugee camp economy. Camp economies are influenced by host country... View Details
Keywords: Refugees; Economy; Policy; Civil Society or Community; Human Needs; Societal Protocols; Uganda
Werker, Eric D. "Refugee Camp Economies." Journal of Refugee Studies 20, no. 3 (September 2007): 461–480.
- TeachingInterests
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (Online Course)
By: Tarun Khanna
This business and management course takes an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding and solving complex social problems. You will learn about prior attempts to address these problems, identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and... View Details
- 12 Jan 2014
- News
Better measuring a country
- 2018
- Chapter
Will Urbanization Save the Chinese Economy or Destroy it?
By: Meg Rithmire
The Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping has announced its intentions to transition the economy from one driven by investment and exports to one driven by domestic demand. The main strategy to achieve this transformation involves massive state-led urbanization. This... View Details
Rithmire, Meg. "Will Urbanization Save the Chinese Economy or Destroy it?" Chap. 16 in The China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power, edited by Jennifer Rudolph and Michael Szonyi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018.
- 07 Jun 2004
- Research & Ideas
The Competition of Countries
involved in a large-scale field study of best practice in environmental management. Having just completed a case text on competing countries, Vietor discusses globalization and national development... View Details
Keywords: by Cynthia Churchwell
- February 2016
- Teaching Note
Indonesia: Growth and Stability in a Global Economy
By: Lakshmi Iyer
This country case on Indonesia is designed to enable a discussion of the potential risks in financial globalization. The country suffered a severe economic crisis in 1997-98 when global capital withdrew from many Asian countries. A significant currency depreciation of... View Details
- January 2009
- Article
FDI, Productivity, and Financial Development
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Selin Sayek
This paper examines the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on growth by focusing on the complementarities between FDI inflows and financial markets. In our earlier work, we found that FDI is beneficial for growth only if the host country has well-developed... View Details
Keywords: Human Capital; Income; Performance Productivity; Financial Markets; Foreign Direct Investment; Financial Institutions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Selin Sayek. "FDI, Productivity, and Financial Development." Special Issue on Multinational Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment. World Economy 32, no. 1 (January 2009): 111–135.
- January 2002 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
Finland and Nokia: Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy
By: Michael E. Porter and Orjan Solvell
Finland, with a special language and culture, has developed as a country in between the west (the Nordic region and Europe) and the east (especially its neighbor Russia). In the 1980s, a process started of moving out of an investment-driven economy into an... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Economic Growth; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Clusters; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy; Telecommunications Industry; Finland
Porter, Michael E., and Orjan Solvell. "Finland and Nokia: Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy." Harvard Business School Case 702-427, January 2002. (Revised March 2011.)
- January 2001
- Background Note
Country Analysis in a "Global Village"
By: Bruce R. Scott
Substantially rewritten to establish the relevance of countries in the global context. It does so in terms of their differing economic performance in recent decades, and also by contrasting those that have "converged" toward the rich country norm (as theory would... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Economies and Regions; Macroeconomics; Trade; Business Strategy; Performance Evaluation; Industry Growth; Currency; Policy; Development Economics
Scott, Bruce R. Country Analysis in a "Global Village". Harvard Business School Background Note 701-074, January 2001.
- August 1996 (Revised December 1996)
- Case
Korean Development and Western Economics
By: George C. Lodge and Courtenay Sprague
Provides a summary of Korea's economic performance during the past 40 years. Korea's economic strategy is discussed with regard to context--both the domestic (historic) and the international factors that have informed Korea's development. Simultaneously, Korea also... View Details
Lodge, George C., and Courtenay Sprague. "Korean Development and Western Economics." Harvard Business School Case 797-008, August 1996. (Revised December 1996.)
- Fast Answer
Entrepreneurship by country
related to entrepreneurship collected for dozens of countries. Navigate directly to the Data section to run custom reports for variables across countries over time. World Bank Entrepreneurship Database: data relating to business... View Details
- February 6, 2021
- Editorial
The Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth: The Narrative Wrongfully Portrays Both Beijing and the Developing Countries It Deals With.
By: Deborah Brautigam and Meg Rithmire
Our research shows that Chinese banks are willing to restructure the terms of existing loans and have never actually seized an asset from any country, much less the port of Hambantota. A Chinese company’s acquisition of a majority stake in the port was a cautionary... View Details
Brautigam, Deborah, and Meg Rithmire. "The Chinese Debt Trap Is a Myth: The Narrative Wrongfully Portrays Both Beijing and the Developing Countries It Deals With." The Atlantic (website) (February 6, 2021).
- May 1983
- Case
Brazil and the World Economy
By: Dennis J. Encarnation III and Richard H.K. Vietor
Encarnation, Dennis J., III, and Richard H.K. Vietor. "Brazil and the World Economy." Harvard Business School Case 383-182, May 1983.