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- Faculty Publications (134)
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- Faculty Publications (134)
- March 2015
- Case
BOLT: Seed Venture Capital Firm
By: William A. Sahlman and Robert F. White
BOLT is a different kind of seed venture capital firm built to serve the needs of early-stage startups at the intersection of hardware and software.
In the past decade, the cost of entrepreneurial experimentation has dropped dramatically, particularly in web... View Details
In the past decade, the cost of entrepreneurial experimentation has dropped dramatically, particularly in web... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Finance; Accelerator; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Venture Capital; Applications and Software; Information Infrastructure; Strategy
Sahlman, William A., and Robert F. White. "BOLT: Seed Venture Capital Firm." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 815-702, March 2015.
- 2017
- Working Paper
Cost of Experimentation and the Evolution of Venture Capital
By: Michael Ewens, Ramana Nanda and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
We study how technological shocks to the cost of starting new businesses have led the venture capital model to adapt in fundamental ways over the prior decade. We both document and provide a framework to understand the changes in the investment strategy of VCs in... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Investing; Abandonment Option; Technological Innovation; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurship; Investment
Ewens, Michael, Ramana Nanda, and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf. "Cost of Experimentation and the Evolution of Venture Capital." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-070, February 2015. (Revised March 2017, Forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Economics.)
- Article
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Driver for Provider Engagement in Costing Activities and Redesign Initiatives
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Nancy McLaughlin, Michael A. Burke, Nisheeta P. Setlur, Douglas R. Niedzwiecki, Alan L. Kaplan, Christopher Saigal, Aman Mahajan and Neil A. Martin
Object. To date, health care providers have devoted significant efforts to improve performance regarding patient safety and quality of care. To address the lagging involvement of health care providers in the cost component of the value equation, UCLA Health... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Nancy McLaughlin, Michael A. Burke, Nisheeta P. Setlur, Douglas R. Niedzwiecki, Alan L. Kaplan, Christopher Saigal, Aman Mahajan, and Neil A. Martin. "Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Driver for Provider Engagement in Costing Activities and Redesign Initiatives." Neurosurgical Focus 37, no. 5 (November 2014).
- October 2014
- Case
Honeywell and the Great Recession (A)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg
CEO Dave Cote spent six years turning around an ailing Honeywell and in 2008 Cote and his team face a new challenge: how to respond to the Great Recession. Cote does not want to give up the gains he made in transforming and unifying Honeywell. With a fall-off in... View Details
Keywords: Layoffs; Furloughs; Downsizing; Work Sharing; Short Time Work; Recessions; Earnings Forecast; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Cost Management; Executive Compensation; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Manufacturing Industry
Sucher, Sandra J., and Susan J. Winterberg. "Honeywell and the Great Recession (A)." Harvard Business School Case 315-022, October 2014.
- October 2014
- Supplement
Honeywell and the Great Recession: The Economic Recovery (B)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg
Five years after the Great Recession, Honeywell's CEO Dave Cote and his executive team reflect on the choices they made to manage costs and earnings forecasts during that uncertain time. They discuss which cost cutting measures they decided to take and their personal... View Details
Keywords: Layoffs; Furloughs; Downsizing; Work Sharing; Short Time Work; Recessions; Earnings Forecast; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Cost Management; Executive Compensation; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Manufacturing Industry
Sucher, Sandra J., and Susan J. Winterberg. "Honeywell and the Great Recession: The Economic Recovery (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-023, October 2014.
- May 2014 (Revised June 2014)
- Case
Intellectual Property Strategy at North Technology Group—Sailing Downwind
By: Felix Oberholzer-Gee and William W. Fisher III
North Sails is the world's leading sailmaker. The company commands a global market share of more than 50% and is largely responsible for the rapid technological progress in the sailmaking industry over the past 30 years. CEO Tom Whidden needs to consider how to best... View Details
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, and William W. Fisher III. "Intellectual Property Strategy at North Technology Group—Sailing Downwind." Harvard Business School Case 714-403, May 2014. (Revised June 2014.)
- 2014
- Working Paper
The Cost of Friendship
By: Paul A. Gompers, Vladimir Mukharlyamov and Yuhai Xuan
We investigate how personal characteristics affect people's desire to collaborate and whether this attraction enhances or detracts from performance in venture capital. We find that venture capitalists who share the same ethnic, educational, or career background are... View Details
Gompers, Paul A., Vladimir Mukharlyamov, and Yuhai Xuan. "The Cost of Friendship." Working Paper, 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Opting Out of Good Governance
By: C. Fritz Foley, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Jonathan Greenstein and Eric Zwick
Cross-listing on a U.S. exchange does not bond foreign firms to follow the corporate governance rules of that exchange. Hand-collected data show that 80% of cross-listed firms opt out of at least one exchange governance rule, instead committing to observe the rules of... View Details
Foley, C. Fritz, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Jonathan Greenstein, and Eric Zwick. "Opting Out of Good Governance." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 19953, March 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Management Practices, Relational Contracts and the Decline of General Motors
By: Susan Helper and Rebecca Henderson
General Motors was once regarded as one of the best managed and most successful firms in the world, but between 1980 and 2009 its share of the US market fell from 62.6 to 19.8 percent, and in 2009 the firm went bankrupt. In this paper we argue that the conventional... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Structure; Decision Making; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry
Helper, Susan, and Rebecca Henderson. "Management Practices, Relational Contracts and the Decline of General Motors." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-062, January 2014. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 19867, January 2014.)
- August 2013 (Revised October 2013)
- Case
Modern Family Planning: The Business of Circle Surrogacy
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Blake Landro
The business of surrogacy, a boutique practice with client costs upwards of $100,000, allowed couples and individuals from a variety of backgrounds, ages, and sexual orientations to build families. This case examines Circle Surrogacy (CS), one of the premier surrogacy... View Details
Keywords: Family Planning; Platform; Competitive Advantage; Law; Globalization; Competitive Strategy; Digital Platforms; United States; Ukraine
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Blake Landro. "Modern Family Planning: The Business of Circle Surrogacy." Harvard Business School Case 714-418, August 2013. (Revised October 2013.)
- 2013
- Tool
Harvard Business Review's Go to Market Tools: Pricing for Profit
By: Thomas Steenburgh and Jill Avery
What price is right? Figuring out the best price for your product or service can be nerve-wracking. Your new product launch or marketing campaign's success—perhaps even your career advancement—may hinge on the price you choose. So how do you select a price that's... View Details
Keywords: Quantitative Analysis; Tools; Pricing; Profitability Analysis; Pricing Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Marketing
Steenburgh, Thomas, and Jill Avery. Harvard Business Review's Go to Market Tools: Pricing for Profit. Tool. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013. Electronic.
- May 2013 (Revised September 2013)
- Case
The Kashagan Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Florian Bitsch
When discovered in the 1990s, the Kashagan oil field was the second largest oil field in the world. The project sponsors (equity investors) signed a 40-year production sharing agreement (PSA) with the Kazakh government in 1997, with the expectation the field would... View Details
Keywords: Contracts; Oil & Gas; Project Finance; Kazakhstan; Asia; ENI; Risk Management; Economic Development; Project Management; Expropriation; Product Sharing Agreement; Negotiation; Agreements and Arrangements; Development Economics; Energy Sources; Capital Budgeting; International Finance; Valuation; Joint Ventures; Energy Industry; Asia; Kazakhstan; Italy
Esty, Benjamin C., and Florian Bitsch. "The Kashagan Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)." Harvard Business School Case 213-082, May 2013. (Revised September 2013.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
Do Display Ads Influence Search?: Attribution and Dynamics in Online Advertising
By: Sunil Gupta
As firms increasingly rely on online media to acquire consumers, marketing managers feel comfortable justifying higher online marketing spend by referring to online metrics such as click-through rate (CTR) and cost per acquisition (CPA). However, these standard online... View Details
Kireyev, Pavel, Koen Pauwels, and Sunil Gupta. "Do Display Ads Influence Search? Attribution and Dynamics in Online Advertising." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-070, February 2013.
- August 2012
- Case
Polar Sports, Inc.
By: W. Carl Kester and Wei Wang
Polar Sports, Inc. is a fashion skiwear manufacturing company in Littleton, Colorado. The company has a unique design for skiwear using a special synthetic material that improves insulation and durability. The ski apparel industry is highly competitive and the best way... View Details
Keywords: Production; Decision Choices and Conditions; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Finance; Manufacturing Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Sports Industry; Colorado
Kester, W. Carl, and Wei Wang. "Polar Sports, Inc." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-513, August 2012.
- July 2012
- Case
Johannes Linden: Managing the Global Executive Committee
By: Linda A. Hill and Mark Rennella
Johannes Linden is the Director of the Washer and Dryer division of Fluss, a large Swiss appliance manufacturer. Soon after the company completes its revenue projections and bonus targets for the upcoming year, Linden shares some good news with his leadership team, the... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Style; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Management Style; Motivation and Incentives; Power and Influence; Multinational Firms and Management; Manufacturing Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Switzerland
Hill, Linda A., and Mark Rennella. "Johannes Linden: Managing the Global Executive Committee." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-509, July 2012.
- June 2012
- Article
Pricing to Create Shared Value
By: Marco Bertini and John T. Gourville
Many companies are in competition with their customers to extract as much value as possible from every transaction. Pricing is their weapon of choice, and consumers fight back by rooting out and disseminating pricing policies that seem unfair. The problem is that... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Marketing Strategy; Price; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Relationship Management; Value Creation; Fairness
Bertini, Marco, and John T. Gourville. "Pricing to Create Shared Value." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 6 (June 2012): 96–104.
- 2012
- Working Paper
The Cost of Friendship
By: Paul A. Gompers, Yuhai Xuan and Vladimir Mukharlyamov
This paper explores two broad questions on collaboration between individuals. First, we investigate what personal characteristics affect people's desire to work together. Second, given the influence of these personal characteristics, we analyze whether this attraction... View Details
Gompers, Paul A., Yuhai Xuan, and Vladimir Mukharlyamov. "The Cost of Friendship." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 18141, June 2012.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Is India's Manufacturing Sector Moving Away from Cities?
By: Ejaz Ghani, Arti Grover Goswami and William R. Kerr
This paper investigates the urbanization of the Indian manufacturing sector by combining enterprise data from formal and informal sectors. We find that plants in the formal sector are moving away from urban and into rural locations, while the informal sector is moving... View Details
Keywords: Urban Development; Policy; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Geographic Location; Education; Infrastructure; Manufacturing Industry; India
Ghani, Ejaz, Arti Grover Goswami, and William R. Kerr. "Is India's Manufacturing Sector Moving Away from Cities?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-090, April 2012.
- March 2012
- Article
Choosing the United States
By: Michael E. Porter and Jan W. Rivkin
The U.S. is not winning its appropriate share of location decisions, even those involving the high-value-adding activities that the country has long been able to attract. In part, this is because U.S. policy makers are not addressing weaknesses in the national business... View Details
Porter, Michael E., and Jan W. Rivkin. "Choosing the United States." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 3 (March 2012): 80–91.
- 2012
- Chapter
Schumpeterian Competition and Diseconomies of Scope: Illustrations from the Histories of Microsoft and IBM
By: Timothy F. Bresnahan, Shane Greenstein and Rebecca M. Henderson
We address a longstanding question about the causes of creative destruction. Dominant incumbent firms, long successful in an existing technology, are often much less successful in new technological eras. This is puzzling, since a cursory analysis would suggest that... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Opportunities; Competition; Information Technology; Innovation and Management; Organizations; Relationships; Information Technology Industry
Bresnahan, Timothy F., Shane Greenstein, and Rebecca M. Henderson. "Schumpeterian Competition and Diseconomies of Scope: Illustrations from the Histories of Microsoft and IBM." In The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited, edited by Josh Lerner and Scott Stern. University of Chicago Press, 2012.