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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (3)
- News (239)
- Research (1,083)
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- Faculty Publications (701)
- 20 Apr 2017
- Cold Call Podcast
Making Health Insurance That Consumers Actually Like
- 12 Nov 2014
- Op-Ed
A Challenge to the New Congress: Pass Housing Finance Reform
conservatorship, experts from public, private, and academic worlds concurred: housing finance in the United States was mortally flawed. The private sector reaped the gains while the public sector absorbed the risk. In the aftermath of the... View Details
- 2021
- Working Paper
Friends and Family Money: P2P Transfers and Financially Fragile Consumers
By: Tetyana Balyuk and Emily Williams
We assess the impact that real time money transfer technology has on consumer outcomes, particularly during periods of financial fragility. We do this by developing a new data set that documents use of Zelle—the most widely used P2P money transfer technology in the... View Details
Keywords: P2P Money Transfers; Real Time Payments; Fintech; Finance; Information Technology; Personal Finance; Financial Condition
Balyuk, Tetyana, and Emily Williams. "Friends and Family Money: P2P Transfers and Financially Fragile Consumers." Working Paper, November 2021.
- Web
Research - Behavioral Finance & Financial Stability
research here , and Jeffrey’s other research here . More Info Loan types and the bank lending channel By: Victoria Ivashina , Luc Laeven & Enrique Moral-Benito MAR 2022 There are four main types of commercial credit: asset-based loans, cash flow loans, trade View Details
- 22 May 2019
- News
Forgiving Student Loan Debt Leads to Better Jobs, Stronger Consumers
- October 2003 (Revised December 2020)
- Case
Globalizing Consumer Durables: Singer Sewing Machine before 1914
By: Geoffrey Jones and David Kiron
Examines the global strategy of Singer, one of the world's first multinationals, before 1914. Singer, a U.S. pioneer of the modern sewing machine, established its first foreign factory in Scotland in 1867. Investments followed in manufacturing and marketing in other... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Global Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Globalization
Jones, Geoffrey, and David Kiron. "Globalizing Consumer Durables: Singer Sewing Machine before 1914." Harvard Business School Case 804-001, October 2003. (Revised December 2020.)
- 2008
- Book
Borrowing to Live: Consumer and Mortgage Credit Revisited
By: Nicolas P. Retsinas and Eric S. Belsky
Retsinas, Nicolas P. and Eric S. Belsky, eds. Borrowing to Live: Consumer and Mortgage Credit Revisited. Brookings Institution Press, 2008.
- Web
Buy Now, Pay Later: Credit in a Consumer Society
HBS Quick Links MBA Executive Education Doctoral Programs Faculty and Research Alumni HBS Publishing Site Index HBS Home Contact Us Map/Directions Introduction Credit in Pre-Industrial Society Credit and the Market Economy: The Rise of Credit Reporting Credit in a... View Details
- January 2009
- Teaching Note
Consumer Payment Systems — United States and Japan
By: Benjamin Edelman and Andrei Hagiu
Teaching Note for [909006] and [909007]. View Details
- 2008
- Working Paper
Consumer Demand for Prize-Linked Savings: A Preliminary Analysis
By: P. Tufano, Nick Maynard and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
This paper reports on a small-scale survey of the potential American demand for prize-linked savings accounts, an account that awards prizes as part of the saving product's return. In October 2006, Centra Credit Union launched a prize-linked savings pilot. As part of... View Details
Keywords: Saving; Income; Consumer Behavior; Personal Finance; Investment Return; Banks and Banking; Clarksville
Tufano, P., Nick Maynard, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve. "Consumer Demand for Prize-Linked Savings: A Preliminary Analysis." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-061, February 2008.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Who Invests in Crypto? Wealth, Financial Constraints, and Risk Attitudes
By: Darren Aiello, Scott R. Baker, Tetyana Balyuk, Marco Di Maggio, Mark J. Johnson and Jason Kotter
We provide a first look into the drivers of household cryptocurrency investing. Analyzing
consumer transaction data for millions of U.S. households, we find that, except for high income
early adopters, cryptocurrency investors resemble the general population. These... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Finance; Cryptocurrency; Fintech; Inflation; Portfolio Choice; Stimulus; Consumer Behavior; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment
Aiello, Darren, Scott R. Baker, Tetyana Balyuk, Marco Di Maggio, Mark J. Johnson, and Jason Kotter. "Who Invests in Crypto? Wealth, Financial Constraints, and Risk Attitudes." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-073, May 2023. (Revised November 2023. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 31856, November 2023)
- 2010
- Working Paper
Regulating for Legitimacy: Consumer Credit Access in France and America
Theories of legitimate regulation have emphasized the role of governments either in fixing market failures to promote greater efficiency or in restricting the efficient functioning of markets in order to pursue public welfare goals. In either case, features of markets... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Credit; Financial Markets; Personal Finance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business History; Business and Government Relations; Welfare; France; United States
Trumbull, J. Gunnar. "Regulating for Legitimacy: Consumer Credit Access in France and America." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-047, November 2010.
- 22 Feb 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Consumer Demand for Prize-Linked Savings: A Preliminary Analysis
- 01 Jun 2021
- News
Running a Consumer Fintech Startup within Goldman Sachs
- 19 May 2022
- News
Cratering Markets Blowing a Bigger Hole in Consumer Psychology
- October 2023 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing
By: George Serafeim, Siko Sikochi and Namrata Arora
The problem was massive: two million hectares of African forests were lost annually to charcoal production for cooking, an area equivalent to 13 times Greater London, resulting in one billion tons of carbon emissions yearly. At the same time, an estimated 700,000... View Details
Keywords: Clean Tech; Digital; Carbon Credits; Carbon Offsetting; Climate Change; Entrepreneurship; Energy Sources; Environmental Sustainability; Health; Market Design; Business Startups; Transition; Environmental Regulation; Policy; Energy Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Africa; Kenya; Rwanda
Serafeim, George, Siko Sikochi, and Namrata Arora. "KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing." Harvard Business School Case 124-022, October 2023. (Revised March 2024.)
- 01 Jun 2021
- Cold Call Podcast
Running a Consumer Fintech Startup within Goldman Sachs
Keywords: Financial Services
- February 2019
- Article
The Market for Financial Adviser Misconduct
By: Mark Egan, Gregor Matvos and Amit Seru
We construct a novel database containing the universe of financial advisers in the United States from 2005 to 2015, representing approximately 10% of employment of the finance and insurance sector. We provide the first large-scale study that documents the economy-wide... View Details
Keywords: Financial Advisors; Brokers; Consumer Finance; Financial Misconduct And Fraud; FINRA; Financial Institutions; Crime and Corruption; Organizational Culture; Personal Finance; Financial Services Industry
Egan, Mark, Gregor Matvos, and Amit Seru. "The Market for Financial Adviser Misconduct." Journal of Political Economy 127, no. 1 (February 2019): 233–295.
- Article
The Rise of Consumer Bankruptcy: Evolution, Revolution, or Both
By: David A. Moss and Gibbs A. Johnson
Keywords: Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Moss, David A., and Gibbs A. Johnson. "The Rise of Consumer Bankruptcy: Evolution, Revolution, or Both." American Bankruptcy Law Journal 73, no. 2 (Spring 1999): 311–351. (Winner of American Bankruptcy Law Journal Editors' Prize Given annually for the best article to appear in the journal.)
- March 2009
- Background Note
Note on the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA)
By: Stuart C. Gilson
In 2005, new legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the President that introduced a number of major amendments to U.S. bankruptcy law, affecting both business and consumer bankruptcies. This legislation, called the Bankruptcy Abuse... View Details
Keywords: Government Legislation; Restructuring; Personal Finance; Laws and Statutes; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Corporate Finance
Gilson, Stuart C. "Note on the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA)." Harvard Business School Background Note 209-133, March 2009.