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- Faculty Publications (37,859)
- January 2019
- Supplement
Fail Safe Testing, Inc.
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Fail Safe Testing, Inc." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 219-714, January 2019.
- January 2019 (Revised June 2019)
- Case
Lattice Semiconductor and the Future of Chinese High-Tech Acquisitions in the United States
By: Meg Rithmire and Yihao Li
Rithmire, Meg, and Yihao Li. "Lattice Semiconductor and the Future of Chinese High-Tech Acquisitions in the United States." Harvard Business School Case 719-059, January 2019. (Revised June 2019.)
- January 2019
- Supplement
MC Tool
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "MC Tool." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 219-718, January 2019.
- January 2019
- Supplement
Next Street, LLC
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Next Street, LLC." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 219-723, January 2019.
- January 2019
- Case
Philips' Connected Baby Bottle
By: Rajiv Lal, Srikant M. Datar and Caitlin N. Bowler
Keywords: Smart Connected Products
Lal, Rajiv, Srikant M. Datar, and Caitlin N. Bowler. "Philips' Connected Baby Bottle." Harvard Business School Case 519-020, January 2019.
- January 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World? Inside GPIF's Embrace of ESG
In the fall of 2018, Hiro Mizuno, the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of GPIF, the Japanese Government Pension Fund, was reflecting on his efforts to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues into every aspect of GPIF’s portfolio. His efforts ranged... View Details
Keywords: Pension Funds; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Investment Funds; Environmental Sustainability; Social Issues; Governance; Leading Change; Economy; Performance Improvement; Japan
Henderson, Rebecca, George Serafeim, Josh Lerner, and Naoko Jinjo. "Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World? Inside GPIF's Embrace of ESG." Harvard Business School Case 319-067, January 2019. (Revised February 2020.)
- Article
Big Ideas Feature: Time for Happiness: Why the Pursuit of Money Isn't Bringing You Joy—and What Will
By: A.V. Whillans
Adam (real story, fake name) was a good employee who was given a plum project he believed could get him a promotion and a raise. Taking it seemed like the proverbial no-brainer: Work hard, nail the assignment, get more pay. He knew he’d have to put in long days and... View Details
Whillans, A.V. "Big Ideas Feature: Time for Happiness: Why the Pursuit of Money Isn't Bringing You Joy—and What Will." Special Issue on HBR Big Idea: Time Poor and Unhappy. Harvard Business Review (website) (January 29, 2019).
- 2019
- Article
Fair Algorithms for Learning in Allocation Problems
By: Hadi Elzayn, Shahin Jabbari, Christopher Jung, Michael J Kearns, Seth Neel, Aaron Leon Roth and Zachary Schutzman
Settings such as lending and policing can be modeled by a centralized agent allocating a scarce resource (e.g. loans or police officers) amongst several groups, in order to maximize some objective (e.g. loans given that are repaid, or criminals that are apprehended).... View Details
Elzayn, Hadi, Shahin Jabbari, Christopher Jung, Michael J Kearns, Seth Neel, Aaron Leon Roth, and Zachary Schutzman. "Fair Algorithms for Learning in Allocation Problems." Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (2019): 170–179.
- January 2019 (Revised February 2024)
- Teaching Note
Hubble Contact Lenses: Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
By: Ayelet Israeli
Teaching Note for HBS No. 519-011. As its Series A extension round approaches, the founders of Hubble, a subscription-based, social-media fueled, direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand of contact lenses, are reflecting on the marketing strategies that have taken them to a... View Details
Keywords: DTC; Direct To Consumer Marketing; Health Care; Mobile; Attribution; Experimentation; Experiments; Churn/retention; Customer Lifetime Value; Internet Marketing; Big Data; Analytics; A/B Testing; CRM; Advertising; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Media; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Digital Marketing; Acquisition; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Consumer Behavior; Social Media; E-commerce
- 2019
- Working Paper
The Impact of Increasing Search Frictions on Online Shopping Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment
By: Donald Ngwe, Kris J. Ferreira and Thales Teixeira
Many online stores are designed such that shoppers can easily access any available discounted products. We propose that deliberately increasing search frictions by placing small obstacles to locating discounted items can improve online retailers’ margins and even... View Details
Keywords: E-commerce; Online Retailing; Friction; Effor; Search Costs; Price Discrimination; Consumer Behavior; Price; Search Technology
Ngwe, Donald, Kris J. Ferreira, and Thales Teixeira. "The Impact of Increasing Search Frictions on Online Shopping Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-080, January 2019.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Relative Performance Transparency: Effects on Sustainable Choices
By: Ryan W. Buell, Shwetha Mariadassou and Yanchong Zheng
We study how transparency into the levels and changes of relative sustainability performance affects consumer choices. Our work considers two forms of transparency: process transparency, in which customers receive information about the company's sustainability... View Details
Keywords: Relative Performance Tranparency; Process Transparency; Customer Transparency; Levels; Changes; Reflectiveness; Self-serving Attribution Biases; Sustainability; Consumer Choice
Buell, Ryan W., Shwetha Mariadassou, and Yanchong Zheng. "Relative Performance Transparency: Effects on Sustainable Choices." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-079, January 2019.
- Article
Research: People Use Less Energy When They Think Their Neighbors Care About the Environment
By: Jon M. Jachimowicz, Oliver P. Hauser, Julie O'Brien, Erin Sherman and Adam D. Galinsky
A significant reduction in energy consumption is needed to help meet critical temperature thresholds. New research points to a way to help consumers work toward this goal – one that doesn’t rest on changing people’s personal beliefs about climate change. Rather, it... View Details
Jachimowicz, Jon M., Oliver P. Hauser, Julie O'Brien, Erin Sherman, and Adam D. Galinsky. "Research: People Use Less Energy When They Think Their Neighbors Care About the Environment." Harvard Business Review (website) (January 28, 2019).
- January 2019 (Revised December 2019)
- Case
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises (A): Turning Over a New Leaf?
By: Lena G. Goldberg, Michael S. Kaufman, Zach Addy, Michelle Lee, Cordelia Shackleton and Tara Tomimoto
Goldberg, Lena G., Michael S. Kaufman, Zach Addy, Michelle Lee, Cordelia Shackleton, and Tara Tomimoto. "Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises (A): Turning Over a New Leaf?" Harvard Business School Case 319-077, January 2019. (Revised December 2019.)
- January 2019
- Case
AIME High: A Social Entrepreneur's Moon Shot
Describes the entrepreneurial leadership of Jack Manning Bancroft (JMB), a young Indigenous Australian university student who created the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME), a nonprofit organization he formed to respond to the problem of Indigenous high... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Mission; Organization Culture; Non-profit; NGO; Social Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Global Strategy; Mission and Purpose; Secondary Education; Organizational Culture; Education Industry; Service Industry; Australia; United States
Bartlett, Christopher A. "AIME High: A Social Entrepreneur's Moon Shot." Harvard Business School Case 919-411, January 2019.
- January 2019
- Supplement
AIME High: A Social Entrepreneur's Moon Shot (B)
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Bartlett, Christopher A. "AIME High: A Social Entrepreneur's Moon Shot (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 919-412, January 2019.
- January 2019 (Revised December 2020)
- Case
Angola Starts Now
By: Jeremy Friedman and Sophus A. Reinert
After five centuries of colonialism, four decades of civil war, an extended experiment with Marxism-Leninism, and nearly four decades of rule by a single man, José Eduardo Dos Santos, Angola finally has a chance to realize its enormous economic potential. A country... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Government and Politics; History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Social Issues; Angola
Friedman, Jeremy, and Sophus A. Reinert. "Angola Starts Now." Harvard Business School Case 719-007, January 2019. (Revised December 2020.)
- January 2019
- Supplement
Dollar General Bids for Family Dollar Spreadsheet Supplement
By: Jonas Heese, Paula A. Price and Suraj Srinivasan
- 2019
- Working Paper
Immigrant Networking and Collaboration: Survey Evidence from CIC
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
Networking and the giving and receiving of advice outside of one’s own firm are important features of entrepreneurship and innovation. We study how immigrants and natives utilize the potential networking opportunities provided by CIC, formerly known as the Cambridge... View Details
Keywords: Immigrants; Networking; Advice; Entrepreneurs; Inventors; Start-up Employees; Venturing; Co-working; Agglomeration; Immigration; Entrepreneurship; Networks; Innovation and Invention; Social and Collaborative Networks
Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. "Immigrant Networking and Collaboration: Survey Evidence from CIC." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-078, January 2019.
- January 2019 (Revised October 2019)
- Case
Liulishuo: AI English Teacher
By: John J-H Kim and Shu Lin
Educators and entrepreneurs alike are excited about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to change the way learning will look like in the future. There is a confluence of factors such as the availability of large sources of rich,... View Details
Keywords: AI; Artificial Intelligence; Education Technology; Information Technology; Education; Entrepreneurship; AI and Machine Learning; Education Industry; China
Kim, John J-H, and Shu Lin. "Liulishuo: AI English Teacher." Harvard Business School Case 319-090, January 2019. (Revised October 2019.)
- January 23, 2019
- Other Article
A New Model Of Business Education
By: P. Tufano
Tufano, P. "A New Model Of Business Education." Poets & Quants (January 23, 2019).