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- Faculty Publications (1,877)
- September 2015 (Revised July 2016)
- Case
Turkish Airlines: Widen Your World
By: Juan Alcácer and Esel Çekin
This case tracks Turkish Airlines' transition from regional player to global powerhouse. With an order for 212 aircraft in the first half of 2013, the airline had moved to double its size and become one of the industry's top-ten players. Growing its fleet would allow... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Operational Complexity; Capacity Constraints; Profitable Growth; Subsidiary Management; Externalities; Emerging Market; Globalized Firms and Management; Competition; Air Transportation; Alliances; Corporate Strategy; Emerging Markets; Growth and Development Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; Turkey
Alcácer, Juan, and Esel Çekin. "Turkish Airlines: Widen Your World." Harvard Business School Case 716-408, September 2015. (Revised July 2016.)
- Article
Visualizing and Measuring Software Portfolio Architecture: A Power Utility Case
By: Robert Lagerström, Carliss Y. Baldwin and Alan MacCormack
In this paper, we test a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) based method for visualizing and
measuring software portfolio architectures. Our data is drawn from a power utility company, comprising 192 software applications with 614 dependencies between them. We
show that the... View Details
Lagerström, Robert, Carliss Y. Baldwin, and Alan MacCormack. "Visualizing and Measuring Software Portfolio Architecture: A Power Utility Case." Special Issue on DSM Conference 2014. Journal of Modern Project Management 3, no. 2 (September–December 2015): 114–121.
- August 2015 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
Hoag Orthopedic Institute
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Jonathan Warsh
Two groups of orthopedic surgeons form a joint venture with a community hospital to establish Hoag Orthopedic Institute, a for-profit hospital and two ambulatory service centers. By controlling and integrating all aspects of the patients' medical treatment, the... View Details
Keywords: Outcomes Measurement; Bundled Payment; Health Care; Activity-based Costing And Management; Measurement and Metrics; Activity Based Costing and Management; Competitive Strategy; Medical Specialties; Health Care and Treatment; Outcome or Result; Health Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Jonathan Warsh. "Hoag Orthopedic Institute." Harvard Business School Case 115-023, August 2015. (Revised August 2015.)
- 2015
- Article
International Trade, Multinational Activity, and Corporate Finance
By: C. Fritz Foley and Kalina Manova
An emerging new literature brings unique ideas from corporate finance to the study of international trade and investment. Insights about differences in the development of financial institutions across countries, the role of financial constraints, and the use of... View Details
Foley, C. Fritz, and Kalina Manova. "International Trade, Multinational Activity, and Corporate Finance." Annual Review of Economics 7 (2015): 119–146.
- 2015
- Chapter
Information Technology and the Distribution of Inventive Activity
By: Chris Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein
We examine the relationship between the diffusion of advanced Internet technology and the geographic concentration of invention, as measured by patents. First, we show that patenting became more concentrated from the early 1990s to the early 2000s and, similarly, that... View Details
Forman, Chris, Avi Goldfarb, and Shane Greenstein. "Information Technology and the Distribution of Inventive Activity." In The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, edited by Adam Jaffe and Benjamin Jones, 169–196. University of Chicago Press, 2015.
- Article
Ignore June 30: Time is on the Side of a Better Iran Deal
Prior to the "interim deal" reached in November 2013, Iranian nuclear negotiators could—and did—play for time while the regime rapidly added more centrifuges and increased production of enriched uranium. That is no longer the case. For the first time in years, the... View Details
Keywords: International Relations; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Deal; Iran; United States; Iran; United States
Sebenius, James K. "Ignore June 30: Time is on the Side of a Better Iran Deal." Iran Matters (June 28, 2015).
- June 2015
- Teaching Note
Schӧn Klinik: Measuring Cost and Value
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Teaching Note for Schon Klinik: Measuring Cost and Value. View Details
- June 2015 (Revised May 2017)
- Teaching Note
Philips Healthcare: Marketing the HealthSuite Digital Platform
By: John A. Quelch
- June 2015 (Revised February 2016)
- Case
Team Rubicon: Bridging the Gap from Startup to National Organization
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger and Dan Nidess
Team Rubicon, a military veteran volunteer disaster relief organization, has experienced significant success in attracting attention and support in its first four years of operation. The challenges of managing the volunteer base, the cost of responding to disasters,... View Details
Keywords: Growth Strategy And Execution; Disaster Relief; NGO; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Non-Governmental Organizations
Schlesinger, Leonard A., and Dan Nidess. "Team Rubicon: Bridging the Gap from Startup to National Organization." Harvard Business School Case 315-124, June 2015. (Revised February 2016.)
- May 2015 (Revised March 2016)
- Supplement
Thomas Cook Group on the Brink (B): Transformation Year 1 Results
By: Benjamin C. Esty
Analyzes the results of the Thomas Cook turnaround plan after the first year under Harriet Green's leadership (November 2013). View Details
Keywords: Turnaround; Corporate Restructuring; Female Ceo; Transformation; Change Management; Communication Strategy; Cost Management; Financial Liquidity; Financial Management; Management Succession; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Value Creation; Leadership; Travel Industry; United Kingdom
Esty, Benjamin C. "Thomas Cook Group on the Brink (B): Transformation Year 1 Results." Harvard Business School Supplement 215-051, May 2015. (Revised March 2016.)
- May 2015 (Revised March 2016)
- Supplement
Thomas Cook Group on the Brink (C): Transformation Year 2 Results
By: Benjamin C. Esty
Analyzes the results of the Thomas Cook turnaround plan after the second year under Harriet Green's leadership (November 2014). View Details
Keywords: Turnaround; Corporate Restructuring; Female Ceo; Transformation; Change Management; Communication Strategy; Cost Management; Financial Liquidity; Financial Management; Management Succession; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Value Creation; Leadership; Travel Industry; United Kingdom
Esty, Benjamin C. "Thomas Cook Group on the Brink (C): Transformation Year 2 Results." Harvard Business School Supplement 215-052, May 2015. (Revised March 2016.)
- Article
Do Strict Capital Requirements Raise the Cost of Capital? Bank Regulation, Capital Structure and the Low Risk Anomaly
By: Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler
Traditional capital structure theory predicts that reducing banks' leverage reduces the risk and cost of equity but does not change the weighted average cost of capital, and thus the rates for borrowers. We confirm that the equity of better-capitalized banks has lower... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Do Strict Capital Requirements Raise the Cost of Capital? Bank Regulation, Capital Structure and the Low Risk Anomaly." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 105, no. 5 (May 2015): 315–320.
- 2015
- Book
Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy
By: Avi Goldfarb, Shane Greenstein and Catherine Tucker
As the cost of storing, sharing, and analyzing data has decreased, economic activity has become increasingly digital. But while the effects of digital technology and improved digital communication have been explored in a variety of contexts, the impact on economic... View Details
Goldfarb, Avi, Shane Greenstein and Catherine Tucker, eds. Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy. University of Chicago Press, 2015.
- April 2015
- Case
Who Owns the Whale?
By: Thales S. Teixeira and David E. Bell
Judge William Wright considers the case of the dispute of a whale carcass wherein several whaling ships claim ownership based on each one's contribution to its killing. The judge must weigh in the differing efforts and costs of three ships who each played a role at... View Details
Keywords: Whaling; Attribution; Norms-of-ownership; Transaction Costs; Deadweight Losses; Free-rider Problem; Advertising; History; Advertising Industry; North America; Europe
Teixeira, Thales S., and David E. Bell. "Who Owns the Whale?" Harvard Business School Case 515-107, April 2015.
- April 2015
- Case
Who Owns the Whale? (Abridged)
By: Thales S. Teixeira and David E. Bell
Judge William Wright considers the case of the dispute of a whale carcass wherein several whaling ships claim ownership based on each one's contribution to its killing. The judge must weigh in the differing efforts and costs of three ships who each played a role at... View Details
Keywords: Whaling; Attribution; Norms-of-ownership; Transaction Costs; Deadweight Losses; Free-rider Problem; Advertising; History; United States; United Kingdom
Teixeira, Thales S., and David E. Bell. "Who Owns the Whale? (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 515-108, April 2015.
- April 2015
- Case
Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer Analytics
By: John A. Quelch and Margaret L. Rodriguez
In 2014, Dr. Michael Dulin, chief clinical officer for analytics and outcomes research and head of the Dickson Advanced Analytics (DA2) group at Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), successfully unified all analytics talent and resources into one group over a three year... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Segmentation; Big Data; Management Information Systems; Hospital Management; Health Care and Treatment; Marketing; Segmentation; Analytics and Data Science; Information Management; Information Technology; Health; Health Industry; United States
Quelch, John A., and Margaret L. Rodriguez. "Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer Analytics." Harvard Business School Case 515-060, April 2015.
- 2015
- Chapter
Innovating without Information Constraints: Organization, Communities, and Innovation when Information Costs Approach Zero
By: Elizabeth J. Altman, Frank Nagle and Michael Tushman
Innovation has traditionally taken place within an organization's boundaries and/or with selected partners. This Chandlerian approach to innovation has been rooted in transaction costs, organizational boundaries, and information processing challenges associated with... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing; Cost; Innovation and Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention
Altman, Elizabeth J., Frank Nagle, and Michael Tushman. "Innovating without Information Constraints: Organization, Communities, and Innovation when Information Costs Approach Zero." In The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, edited by Christina E. Shalley, Michael A. Hitt, and Jing Zhou, 353–379. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- Spring 2015
- Article
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Evaluating the Impact of the Argentina Ruling
By: Laura Alfaro
Recent rulings in the ongoing litigation over the pari passu clause in Argentinian sovereign debt instruments have generated considerable controversy. Some official-sector participants and academic articles have suggested that the rulings will disrupt or impede... View Details
Alfaro, Laura. "Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Evaluating the Impact of the Argentina Ruling." Harvard Business Law Review 5, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 47–71.
- 2015
- Working Paper
Can Marshall's Clusters Survive Globalization?
By: Giulio Buciuni and Gary P. Pisano
It is widely presumed that in today's globalized economy, the value of geographic clustering of manufacturing industries is no longer valuable. Manufacturing is represented as a highly mobile "commodity" that can be sourced from anywhere in the world where factor costs... View Details
Keywords: Manufacturing; Globalization; Marshall Industrial Clusters; Global Supply Chains; Manufacturing Industry
Buciuni, Giulio, and Gary P. Pisano. "Can Marshall's Clusters Survive Globalization?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-088, May 2015.
- March 2015
- Case
Statoil: Transparency on Payments to Governments
By: George Serafeim
The Statoil case describes the challenge of increasing transparency, in extractive industries, around host county government payments. The case describes Statoil's reasoning behind voluntarily disclosing host country government payments, and the events that led to this... View Details
Keywords: Corruption; Disclosure; Disclosure Strategy; Regulation; Industry Self-regulation; Corporate Governance; Corporate Accountability; Bribery; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility; Government Legislation; Cost vs Benefits; Corporate Disclosure; Mining; Mining Industry; United States
Serafeim, George, Paul M. Healy, and Jérôme Lenhardt. "Statoil: Transparency on Payments to Governments." Harvard Business School Case 115-049, March 2015.