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- Faculty Publications (1,450)
- December 2014 (Revised March 2018)
- Case
John D. Rockefeller: The Richest Man in the World
By: Tom Nicholas and Vasiliki Fouka
By the late nineteenth century scale and managerial hierarchies had extended to several major industrial sectors of the U.S. economy. Although the precise mechanisms often varied, this process mainly involved horizontal integration, some form of legal or administrative... View Details
Keywords: Horizontal Integration; Wealth; Business History; Vertical Integration; Consolidation; Personal Development and Career; Energy Industry; United States
Nicholas, Tom, and Vasiliki Fouka. "John D. Rockefeller: The Richest Man in the World." Harvard Business School Case 815-088, December 2014. (Revised March 2018.)
- 3 Dec 2014
- Other Presentation
The New Competitive Advantage: Creating Shared Value
This presentation given by Professor Michael Porter covers the role of business in society, the concept of shared value, the difference between CSR and CSV, the three levels of shared value, implications for government and civil society, and examples of companies that... View Details
Keywords: Society; Value Creation; Competitive Advantage; Civil Society or Community; Business and Community Relations; Government and Politics
Porter, Michael E. "The New Competitive Advantage: Creating Shared Value." Porter Prize for Excellence in CSV, Seoul, South Korea, December 3, 2014.
- December 2014 (Revised October 2017)
- Case
Dow: Breakthroughs to World Challenges
By: Michael E. Porter, Mark R. Kramer and Annelena Lobb
Dow had adopted the "Breakthroughs to World Challenges" (BWC) program as part of its ten-year 2015 Sustainability Goals. BWC was an internal award recognizing products that effectively addressed one of five world challenges: energy and climate change, sustainable water... View Details
Porter, Michael E., Mark R. Kramer, and Annelena Lobb. "Dow: Breakthroughs to World Challenges." Harvard Business School Case 715-403, December 2014. (Revised October 2017.)
- Article
The Not-So-Common-Wealth of Australia: Evidence for a Cross-Cultural Desire for a More Equal Distribution of Wealth.
By: Michael I. Norton, David T. Neal, Cassandra L. Govan, Dan Ariely and Elise Holland
Recent evidence suggests that Americans underestimate wealth inequality in the United States and favor a more equal wealth distribution (Norton & Ariely, 2011). Does this pattern reflect ideological dynamics unique to the United States, or is the phenomenon evident in... View Details
Norton, Michael I., David T. Neal, Cassandra L. Govan, Dan Ariely, and Elise Holland. "The Not-So-Common-Wealth of Australia: Evidence for a Cross-Cultural Desire for a More Equal Distribution of Wealth." Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 14, no. 1 (December 2014): 339–351.
- November 2014
- Teaching Note
Marketing Marijuana in Colorado
By: John A. Quelch
The case, set in the middle of 2014, reviews the first six months of marketplace activity in Colorado, following the legalization of marijuana for recreational use and the expansion of marijuana retailing from medical dispensaries to recreational stores. The case... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Innovations; Retail Government Services; Public Health; Agribusiness; Customers; Goods and Commodities; Government and Politics; Health; Marketing; Society; Consumer Products Industry; Distribution Industry; Health Industry; Public Administration Industry; North and Central America
- November 2014 (Revised March 2017)
- Exercise
Walmart: Segmenting Social Impact
By: Michael Porter, Mark Kramer and Pamela Sud
This case provides a sample of Walmart's social engagement activities and asks students to categorize each as philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, or creating shared value. View Details
Keywords: Creating Shared Value; Society; Value Creation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Retail Industry
Porter, Michael, Mark Kramer, and Pamela Sud. "Walmart: Segmenting Social Impact." Harvard Business School Exercise 715-435, November 2014. (Revised March 2017.)
- November 2014
- Case
BRAC in 2014
By: Tarun Khanna, Rachna Tahilyani, Reeti Roy and Aldo Sesia
In the early 1970s BRAC was a startup nongovernmental organization (NGO) working in Bangladesh. By 2014, it was the world's largest NGO. It had a strong presence in Bangladesh and had begun to deliver social development programs in nine other countries. Its founder and... View Details
Keywords: BRAC; Bangladesh; NGO; Strategy; Business Model; Business Organization; Social Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Enterprise; Social Issues; Poverty; Bangladesh
Khanna, Tarun, Rachna Tahilyani, Reeti Roy, and Aldo Sesia. "BRAC in 2014." Harvard Business School Case 715-414, November 2014.
- November 2014
- Case
Napalm: From Soldiers Field to Trang Bang
By: Tom Nicholas and Jonas Peter Akins
Napalm is one of the most destructive weapons ever to be invented. Yet, at its original inception it was nothing more than a technical challenge, and it was never intended to be used in indiscriminate antipersonnel warfare. The pathway of its development by a Harvard... View Details
Keywords: Moral Sensibility; War; Chemicals; Research and Development; Chemical Industry; Viet Nam; Cambridge; United States
Nicholas, Tom, and Jonas Peter Akins. "Napalm: From Soldiers Field to Trang Bang." Harvard Business School Case 815-060, November 2014.
- November 2014 (Revised May 2017)
- Teaching Note
Fresno's Social Impact Bond for Asthma
By: John A. Quelch
The case desccribes a social impact bond (SIB) to fund home-based remediation programs designed to reduce asthma attacks among Fresno residents (especially children) and thereby save on health care costs (ambulance callouts, emergency room visits etc.). The case... View Details
- 16 Oct 2014
- Other Presentation
U.S. Competitiveness and Implications for our Economic Future
Keynote talk about enhancing U.S. competitiveness during the Inner City 100 Symposium: Icons of Industry Growth View Details
Keywords: United States; Small And Medium Enterprises; Competitiveness; Urban Development; Economics; United States
Porter, Michael E. "U.S. Competitiveness and Implications for our Economic Future." Inner City 100 Awards Dinner, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Boston, MA, United States, October 16, 2014.
- October 2014 (Revised January 2015)
- Background Note
Advanced Leadership in Public Education: Tools for Tackling Change from Outside the Building In
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Pamela Yatsko
If you want to create change in public education but are not a school principal or other traditional public education leader, what do you need to do? This long, integrated background note examines the inspiring models and stories of individuals who are improving... View Details
- October 2014
- Case
Teckentrup: A Door to Managing Difference
By: Clayton Rose, Jerome Lenhardt and Daniela Beyersdorfer
For Kai Teckentrup, the owner and co-CEO of the German "Mittelstand" door manufacturer Teckentrup, balancing competitive pressures, demographic realities and values were at the heart of the diversity program that he had started and championed at the company. Beyond... View Details
Keywords: Diversity Management; Corporate Values; Competitiveness; Demographics; Change Management; Transformation; Diversity; Ethnicity; Gender; Literacy; Nationality; Race; Residency; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Culture; Economic Growth; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Immigration; Employee Relationship Management; Civil Society or Community; Manufacturing Industry; Construction Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Europe; Germany; Russia; Turkey
Rose, Clayton, Jerome Lenhardt, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "Teckentrup: A Door to Managing Difference." Harvard Business School Case 315-016, October 2014.
- 26 Sep 2014
- Other Presentation
Economic and Social Development: The New Learning
This presentation covers topics on social and economic development, including: competitve advantage of nations and regions, clusters, the social progress index, and creating shared value. View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Economic and Social Development: The New Learning." Porter Prize Conference, Institute for Competitiveness, India, Boston/New Delhi, United States/India, September 26, 2014.
- September 2014 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
The United Kingdom and the Means to Prosperity
By: Laura Alfaro, Lakshmi Iyer and Hilary White
After struggling through the country's longest recession since 2008, the U.K. was expected to grow faster than any other G7 nation in 2014. Analysts wondered whether the return to growth was because, or in spite of, Prime Minister David Cameron's controversial £113... View Details
Keywords: United Kingdom; Keynesian Multiplier; Inflation; Inflation Targeting; Government Spending; Government Intervention In The Markets; Monetary Policy; Financial Crisis Management; Austerity; Inequality; Public Finance; Government Finance; Macroeconomics; Economics; Government and Politics; Inflation and Deflation; Financial Crisis; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Economic Growth; Business Cycles; Welfare; United Kingdom
Alfaro, Laura, Lakshmi Iyer, and Hilary White. "The United Kingdom and the Means to Prosperity." Harvard Business School Case 715-008, September 2014. (Revised May 2015.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
Signaling without Certification: The Critical Role of Civil Society Scrutiny
By: Susan A. Kayser, John W. Maxwell and Michael W. Toffel
In response to stakeholders' growing concerns, companies are joining voluntary environmental programs to signal their superior environmental management capabilities. In contrast to the literature's focus on certification programs that require a third-party audit, we... View Details
Keywords: United Nations; Labor Standards; Supplier Relationship; Procurement; Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Quality And Safety; Risk; Globalization; Globalized Markets and Industries; Governance; Working Conditions; Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Quality; Risk and Uncertainty; Safety; Reputation
Kayser, Susan A., John W. Maxwell, and Michael W. Toffel. "Signaling without Certification: The Critical Role of Civil Society Scrutiny." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-009, August 2014. (Revised July 2016.)
- August 2014 (Revised May 2016)
- Case
Husk Power
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III and Sid Misra
In late 2013, Husk Power Systems found itself falling further and further behind plan. The founding CEO had decided to resign. His co-founder is faced with the decision of quitting his corporate job in the US to head to India and help form a new management team. Husk... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Business Model; Business Startups; Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Social Entrepreneurship; Foreign Direct Investment; International Finance; Globalized Markets and Industries; Crime and Corruption; Employee Relationship Management; Independent Innovation and Invention; Employment; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Management Practices and Processes; Management Style; Management Succession; Management Skills; Emerging Markets; Social Psychology; Culture; Business Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Utilities Industry; Africa; India; United States
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and Sid Misra. "Husk Power." Harvard Business School Case 815-023, August 2014. (Revised May 2016.)
- June 2014 (Revised April 2015)
- Background Note
Affordable Housing and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in the United States
By: Arthur I Segel and Nicolas P. Retsinas
This background note explores the basic themes surrounding the government's approach to providing housing: namely its shift from a supplier and builder of affordable housing to an approach that focuses on demand-side solutions and indirect subsidies to private... View Details
Segel, Arthur I., and Nicolas P. Retsinas. "Affordable Housing and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in the United States." Harvard Business School Background Note 214-107, June 2014. (Revised April 2015.)
- 2014
- Other Article
Communicating Change: When Identity Becomes a Source of Vulnerability for Institutional Challengers
By: Ryann Elizabeth Manning, Julie Battilana and Lakshmi Ramarajan
Social movements challenge institutions through two related communication processes: articulating collective action frames and constructing collective movement identity. We argue that frames not only express movement identity, but also provide openings through which... View Details
Keywords: Identity Threat; Institutional Change; Social Movements; Framing; Social Issues; Identity; Organizational Culture; Change
Manning, Ryann Elizabeth, Julie Battilana, and Lakshmi Ramarajan. "Communicating Change: When Identity Becomes a Source of Vulnerability for Institutional Challengers." Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2014): 453–458.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Handshaking Promotes Cooperative Dealmaking
By: Juliana Schroeder, Jane Risen, Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton
Humans use subtle sources of information—like nonverbal behavior—to determine whether to act cooperatively or antagonistically when they negotiate. Handshakes are particularly consequential nonverbal gestures in negotiations because people feel comfortable initiating... View Details
Schroeder, Juliana, Jane Risen, Francesca Gino, and Michael I. Norton. "Handshaking Promotes Cooperative Dealmaking." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-117, May 2014.
- 22 May 2014
- Other Presentation
Inclusion of Small Business in Value Chains
Prerecorded CSV video played as part of the panel "Inclusion of small business in value chains - international experiences," Business Linkages conference. This event was hosted by the leading Brazilian small business development agency, Sebrae, on May 21 and May 22,... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Inclusion of Small Business in Value Chains." Sebrae, São Paulo, Brazil, May 22, 2014.