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- Faculty Publications (1,251)
- 2017
- Chapter
Gapponshugi in Global Perspective: Debating the Responsibility of Capitalism
By: Geoffrey Jones
This chapter places the concepts of ethical capitalism developed by the 19th century Japanese venture capitalist Shibusawa Eiichi in a global historical perspective. The chapter reviews the similarities and differences over time and between countries of proponents of... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Responsibility; Business Ethics; Ethics; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Business History; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Jones, Geoffrey. "Gapponshugi in Global Perspective: Debating the Responsibility of Capitalism." Chap. 7 in Ethical Capitalism: Shibusawa Eiichi and Business Leadership in Global Perspective, edited by Patrick Fridenson and Takeo Kikkawa, 144–169. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- February 2017 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Akshaya Patra: Impact at Scale
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
Akshaya Patra, an Indian NGO, had set an ambitious goal of serving 5 million free meals daily to India's schoolchildren. Founded in 2000, Akshaya Patra had thus far opened 25 high-capacity kitchens in 10 different States to provide a midday meal to nearly 1.65 million... View Details
Keywords: Scaling; Public-private Partnership; Operational Excellence; Nonprofit Scaling; Social Impact; Social Enterprise; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; Performance Effectiveness; Nonprofit Organizations; India
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "Akshaya Patra: Impact at Scale." Harvard Business School Case 517-028, February 2017. (Revised September 2017.)
- Article
Does 'Liking' Lead to Loving? The Impact of Joining a Brand's Social Network on Marketing Outcomes
Does “liking” a brand on Facebook cause a person to view it more favorably? Or is “liking” simply a symptom of being fond of a brand? We disentangle these possibilities and find evidence for the latter: brand attitudes and purchasing are predicted by consumers’... View Details
Keywords: Brands; Marketing Effectiveness; Brand Evaluation; Peer Influence; Brands and Branding; Social and Collaborative Networks; Social Media
John, Leslie K., Oliver Emrich, Sunil Gupta, and Michael I. Norton. "Does 'Liking' Lead to Loving? The Impact of Joining a Brand's Social Network on Marketing Outcomes." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 54, no. 1 (February 2017): 144–155.
- January 2017 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Vox Capital: Pioneering Impact Investing in Brazil
By: Julie Battilana, Marissa Kimsey, Falko Paetzold and Priscilla Zogbi
Vox Capital was the first certified impact investing fund in Brazil. Founded in 2009, it provides early-stage capital for companies offering innovative and scalable solutions to enhance the lives of low-income Brazilians, while aiming to simultaneously generate... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Social Performance Measurement; Social Entrepreneurship; Investment Funds; Social Enterprise; Brazil
Battilana, Julie, Marissa Kimsey, Falko Paetzold, and Priscilla Zogbi. "Vox Capital: Pioneering Impact Investing in Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 417-051, January 2017. (Revised November 2018.)
- 2017
- Article
True Happiness: The Role of Morality in the Concept of Happiness
By: Jonathan Phillips, Julian De Freitas, Christian Mott, June Gruber and Joshua Knobe
Recent scientific research has settled on a purely descriptive definition of happiness that is focused solely on agents' psychological states (high positive affect, low negative affect, high life satisfaction). In contrast to this understanding, recent research has... View Details
Phillips, Jonathan, Julian De Freitas, Christian Mott, June Gruber, and Joshua Knobe. "True Happiness: The Role of Morality in the Concept of Happiness." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146, no. 2 (2017): 165–181.
- December 2016
- Article
Impact Investing: A Brief History
By: Brian Trelstad
Over the last decade, impact investing has become an increasingly-discussed topic in the realms of both business and public policy. Impact investors are motived by a desire to advance social or environmental goals and an intuition that pursuing two goals at once -... View Details
Trelstad, Brian. "Impact Investing: A Brief History." Capitalism and Society 11, no. 2 (December 2016).
- December 2016
- Article
Social Network Utilization and the Impact of Academic Research in Marketing
By: Stav Rosenzweig, Amir Grinstein and Elie Ofek
The forces that drive the impact of academic research articles in the marketing discipline are of great interests to authors, editors, and the discipline’s policy makers. A key understudied driver is social network utilization by academic researchers. In this paper, we... View Details
Keywords: Social Networks; Academic Reserach; Human Capital; Country Of Origin; Scientometrics; Social and Collaborative Networks; Research; Marketing; Gender; Human Resources; Social Media
Rosenzweig, Stav, Amir Grinstein, and Elie Ofek. "Social Network Utilization and the Impact of Academic Research in Marketing." International Journal of Research in Marketing 33, no. 4 (December 2016): 818–839.
- Article
Celebrating the Work of Keith Murnighan
By: Donald E. Conlon, Max Bazerman, Deepak Malhotra and Madan M. Pillutla
In this tribute, four scholars highlight research published during the career of 2015 International Association for Conflict Management Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Keith Murnighan. In the four sections of the paper, each scholar highlights one of Keith’s... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Management
Conlon, Donald E., Max Bazerman, Deepak Malhotra, and Madan M. Pillutla. "Celebrating the Work of Keith Murnighan." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 9, no. 4 (November 2016): 332–344.
- November 2016
- Article
Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality
By: Mozaffar Khan, George Serafeim and Aaron Yoon
Using newly available materiality classifications of sustainability topics, we develop a novel dataset by hand-mapping sustainability investments classified as material for each industry into firm-specific sustainability ratings. This allows us to present new evidence... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Investments; Corporate Social Responsibility; Accounting; Corporate Reporting; Regulation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Integrated Corporate Reporting; Investment; Corporate Governance
Khan, Mozaffar, George Serafeim, and Aaron Yoon. "Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality." Accounting Review 91, no. 6 (November 2016).
- 2016
- Working Paper
Alternative Paths of Green Entrepreneurship: The Environmental Legacies of The North Face's Doug Tompkins and Patagonia's Yvon Chouinard
By: Geoffrey Jones and Ben Gettinger
This working paper examines the impact of two entrepreneurs who offered alternative paths to reach their shared goal of a more sustainable world. Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins were respective founders of the prominent outdoor apparel brands Patagonia and The North... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Jones, Geoffrey, and Ben Gettinger. "Alternative Paths of Green Entrepreneurship: The Environmental Legacies of The North Face's Doug Tompkins and Patagonia's Yvon Chouinard." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-034, October 2016.
- 2016
- Book
Building a Culture of Health: A New Imperative for Business
By: John A. Quelch and Emily C. Boudreau
This ambitious volume sets out to understand how every company impacts public health and introduces a robust model, rooted in organizational and scientific knowledge, for companies committed to making positive contributions to health and wellness. Focusing on four... View Details
Quelch, John A., and Emily C. Boudreau. Building a Culture of Health: A New Imperative for Business. SpringerBriefs in Public Health. Springer, 2016.
- Fall 2016
- Article
The Integrity of Private Third-party Compliance Monitoring
By: Jodi L. Short and Michael W. Toffel
Government agencies are increasingly turning to private, third-party monitors to inspect and assess regulated entities’ compliance with law. The integrity of these regulatory regimes rests on the validity of the information third-party monitors provide to regulators.... View Details
Keywords: Regulation; Compliance; Compliance Policies; Conflict Of Interest; Independent Third Party; Inspection; Audit Quality; Auditor; Audit; Environment; Safety; Conflict of Interests; Working Conditions; Labor; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Accounting Audits
Short, Jodi L., and Michael W. Toffel. "The Integrity of Private Third-party Compliance Monitoring." Administrative & Regulatory Law News 42, no. 1 (Fall 2016): 22–25.
- September 2016 (Revised February 2019)
- Case
KaBOOM!: Play at Scale (A)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
A case on scaling social impact for nonprofits. Founded in 1995, KaBOOM! quickly became a nationally recognized nonprofit in building playgrounds with strong corporate partnerships and volunteer-organizing capabilities. Over the years, KaBOOM! developed new programs,... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Social Impact; Scaling; Nonprofit Scaling; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Social Enterprise; Growth and Development Strategy; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "KaBOOM!: Play at Scale (A)." Harvard Business School Case 517-025, September 2016. (Revised February 2019.)
- September 2016 (Revised April 2022)
- Case
Zhang Xin and the Emergence of Chinese Philanthropy
By: Geoffrey Jones and Amanda Yang
This case examines the recent emergence of Chinese business philanthropy through the case of the SOHO China Foundation established by the wife and husband real estate moguls Zhang Xin and Pan Shiyi. It begins by describing the early careers of Zhang and Pan, and how... View Details
Keywords: China; Philanthropy Funding; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Personal Development and Career; Ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Higher Education; Real Estate Industry; China
Jones, Geoffrey, and Amanda Yang. "Zhang Xin and the Emergence of Chinese Philanthropy." Harvard Business School Case 317-045, September 2016. (Revised April 2022.)
- September 2016
- Case
Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (A)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
Explores strategies to achieve system-level impact for a nonprofit focused on addressing patients' basic social needs through healthcare institutions. Founded in 1996 with a volunteer-staffed help desk at Boston Medical Center connecting low-income patients with basic... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Social Impact; Nonprofit; Healthcare; Health Care Outcomes; Health Care Reform; Health Care Delivery; Scaling Social Enterprise; Social Enterprise; Health; Nonprofit Organizations; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (A)." Harvard Business School Case 517-022, September 2016.
- September 2016
- Case
Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (Abridged)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
A nonprofit in the healthcare arena explores strategies to achieve system-level impact. Founded in 1996 with a volunteer-staffed help desk at Boston Medical Center connecting low-income patients with basic resources like heating assistance, job training, and childcare... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Social Enterprise; Scaling Social Impact; Health Care Delivery; Health Care Outcomes; Health Care Reform; Nonprofit; Nonprofit Scaling; Social Enterprise; Health Care and Treatment; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Health Industry; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 517-024, September 2016.
- September 2016
- Supplement
Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (B)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
The (B) case documents the development of a strategy to achieve system-level impact in a rapidly changing healthcare landscape for a nonprofit focused on addressing patients' basic social needs through healthcare institutions. Founded in 1996 with a volunteer-staffed... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Social Impact; Scaling Social Enterprise; Health Care Delivery; Health Care Outcomes; Nonprofit Scaling; Nonprofit; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Health Industry; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "Health Leads: Reaching for Impact (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 517-023, September 2016.
- September 2016 (Revised October 2017)
- Case
KaBOOM!: Play at Scale (Abridged)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarah Appleby
A case on scaling social impact for nonprofits. Founded in 1995, KaBOOM! quickly became a nationally recognized nonprofit in building playgrounds with strong corporate partnerships and volunteer-organizing capabilities. Over the years, KaBOOM! developed new programs,... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Social Enterprise; Scaling Social Impact; Nonprofit Scaling; Nonprofit; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sarah Appleby. "KaBOOM!: Play at Scale (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 517-027, September 2016. (Revised October 2017.)
- September 2016 (Revised August 2018)
- Case
Pi Investments
By: Vikram S. Gandhi and Tony L. He
Pi was a large family office pioneering the concept of 100% portfolio impact investing. Tasked with preserving capital, generating moderate returns and advancing the family’s social justice goals – Pi’s Managing Directors had to identify appropriate products across... View Details
Gandhi, Vikram S., and Tony L. He. "Pi Investments." Harvard Business School Case 317-039, September 2016. (Revised August 2018.)
- September 2016 (Revised December 2018)
- Case
Joan Bavaria and Multi-Dimensional Capitalism
By: Geoffrey Jones and Seema Amble
The case examines the career of Joan Bavaria, a pioneer of socially responsible investing and founder of Trillium Asset Management and Ceres, the nonprofit organization advocating for sustainability leadership. It describes her personal journey from art student and... View Details
Keywords: Integrated Corporate Reporting; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Personal Development and Career
Jones, Geoffrey, and Seema Amble. "Joan Bavaria and Multi-Dimensional Capitalism." Harvard Business School Case 317-028, September 2016. (Revised December 2018.)