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- Faculty Publications (921)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (921)
- August 2008
- Teaching Note
Pawson Foundation: August 2006 (TN)
By: G. Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
Teaching Note for [806042]. View Details
- July 2008
- Teaching Note
Yale University Investments Office: August 2006 (TN)
By: Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
Teaching Note for [807073]. View Details
- July 2008 (Revised April 2009)
- Case
Advanced Micro Devices: Competing in the Shadow of a Giant (A)
By: Willy C. Shih and Andrew A. King
As the only significant competitor to Intel Corporation in PC microprocessors, Advanced Micro Devices faced daunting investment choices. Not only did it have to fund microprocessor design teams, it also had to fund silicon process R&D, and it faced huge capital... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Operations; Partners and Partnerships; Competitive Strategy; Technology Industry
Shih, Willy C., and Andrew A. King. "Advanced Micro Devices: Competing in the Shadow of a Giant (A)." Harvard Business School Case 609-002, July 2008. (Revised April 2009.)
- June 2008
- Article
Capital Structure with Risky Foreign Investment
By: Mihir A. Desai, C. Fritz Foley and James R. Hines Jr.
Desai, Mihir A., C. Fritz Foley, and James R. Hines Jr. "Capital Structure with Risky Foreign Investment." Journal of Financial Economics 88, no. 3 (June 2008): 534–553.
- May 2008 (Revised March 2009)
- Case
SKS Microfinance
By: Shawn A. Cole and Theresa Chen
Vikram Akula, CEO of SKS Microfinance, seeks a venture capital investment to fund his firm. SKS, one of the largest and fastest growing microfinance institutions in India, is a profitable, for-profit institution with a social mission. In what is one of the first... View Details
Keywords: For-Profit Firms; Venture Capital; Microfinance; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Valuation; Financial Services Industry; India
Cole, Shawn A., and Theresa Chen. "SKS Microfinance." Harvard Business School Case 208-137, May 2008. (Revised March 2009.)
- May 2008
- Article
Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? An Empirical Investigation
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
We examine the empirical role of different explanations for the lack of capital flows from rich to poor countries—the "Lucas Paradox." The theoretical explanations include cross country differences in fundamentals affecting productivity and capital market... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Wealth and Poverty; Development Economics; Income; Capital Markets; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Australia; Peru
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? An Empirical Investigation." Review of Economics and Statistics 90, no. 2 (May 2008): 347–368.
- April 2008 (Revised December 2008)
- Case
Leveraged Loans 2007
By: Andre F. Perold and Erik Stafford
The leveraged loan market was in a crisis during the summer of 2007, following many years of low realized volatility (less than 4% per annum), an index of leveraged loans had fallen over 5% in the month of July. A sudden drop in capital market prices for an asset class... View Details
Keywords: History; Financial Liquidity; Investment; Financial Crisis; Market Transactions; Disruption; Decision Choices and Conditions; Competitive Strategy; Capital Markets; Crisis Management; Commercial Banking; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F., and Erik Stafford. "Leveraged Loans 2007." Harvard Business School Case 208-145, April 2008. (Revised December 2008.)
- Article
Czech Mate: Expropriation and Investor Protection in a Converging World
By: Mihir A. Desai and Alberto Moel
This paper examines the expropriation of a foreign investor by a local partner and the subsequent resolution of that case through international arbitration in favor of the investor. Despite the investor's 99% interest in joint venture, the local partner managed to... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Capital Markets; Foreign Direct Investment; Geographic Location; Multinational Firms and Management; Governance Controls; Courts and Trials; Rights; Czech Republic; United States
Desai, Mihir A., and Alberto Moel. "Czech Mate: Expropriation and Investor Protection in a Converging World." Review of Finance 12, no. 1 (2008): 221–251. (This paper is a revised version of ECGI Working Paper No. 62/2004.)
- February 2008 (Revised November 2008)
- Case
Radical Collaboration: IBM Microelectronics Joint Development Alliances
By: Willy Shih, Gary Pisano and Andrew A. King
IBM's "Radical Collaboration" model has been an innovative approach to meeting the challenges of the huge R&D and capital investments that are needed to stay competitive in the global semiconductor industry. This model has required a rethinking of what is proprietary,... View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Investment; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Problems and Challenges; Alliances; Networks; Partners and Partnerships; Research and Development; Competitive Advantage; Semiconductor Industry
Shih, Willy, Gary Pisano, and Andrew A. King. "Radical Collaboration: IBM Microelectronics Joint Development Alliances." Harvard Business School Case 608-121, February 2008. (Revised November 2008.)
- February 2008 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
The International Finance Corporation's Grassroots Business Initiative
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Katharine Lee
Grassroots Business Initiative was set up to financially assist small enterprises engaged in creating social value. Three years later, Harold Rosen, its creator, wished to explore an alternative funding model to provide it with scale and sustainability. View Details
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Microfinance; Investment Funds; Social Enterprise
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Katharine Lee. "The International Finance Corporation's Grassroots Business Initiative." Harvard Business School Case 508-063, February 2008. (Revised February 2009.)
- January 2008 (Revised February 2009)
- Teaching Note
Leslie Brinkman at Versutia Capital (TN)
By: Julie Battilana and Robert Steven Kaplan
Teaching Note for [407089]. View Details
- January 2008 (Revised May 2009)
- Case
Restructuring at Delphi Corporation (A)
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
Delphi Corporation, operating under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, has filed a plan of reorganization with the court, under which a consortium of hedge funds led by Appaloosa Management will invest up to $2.6 billion in new equity. Also participating in the plan is... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Capital Structure; Private Equity; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Investment Funds; Labor and Management Relations; Auto Industry; Service Industry
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "Restructuring at Delphi Corporation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 208-069, January 2008. (Revised May 2009.)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Catering through Nominal Share Prices
By: Malcolm Baker, Robin Greenwood and Jeffrey Wurgler
We propose and test a catering theory of nominal stock prices. The theory predicts that when investors place higher valuation on low-price firms, managers will maintain share prices at lower levels, and vice-versa. Using measures of time-varying catering... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Robin Greenwood, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Catering through Nominal Share Prices." NBER Working Paper Series, No. w13762, January 2008. (First Draft in 2007.)
- January 2008
- Article
Venture Capital Investment Cycles: The Impact of Public Markets
It is well documented that the venture capital industry is highly volatile and that much of this volatility is associated with shifting valuations and activity in public equity markets. This paper examines how changes in public market signals affected venture capital... View Details
Keywords: Market Cycles; Venture Capital; Investment; Experience and Expertise; Public Equity; Volatility; Financial Services Industry
Gompers, Paul, Anna Kovner, Josh Lerner, and David Scharfstein. "Venture Capital Investment Cycles: The Impact of Public Markets." Journal of Financial Economics 87, no. 1 (January 2008): 1–23. (Earlier versions distributed as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 11385.)
- December 2007 (Revised April 2009)
- Teaching Note
Adams Capital Management: Fund IV (TN)
By: G. Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
- November 2007 (Revised June 2011)
- Case
By: Clayton S. Rose
Provides the opportunity to examine the nature and extent of a company's responsibilities to its bondholders, and to develop an enhanced understanding of the challenges in managing contractual obligations, and circumstances under which business leaders might agree to... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Bonds; Contracts; Private Equity; Leveraged Buyouts; Privatization; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Borrowing and Debt; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Europe
Rose, Clayton S. "ISS A/S (A)." Harvard Business School Case 308-054, November 2007. (Revised June 2011.)
- November 2007
- Background Note
Asset Allocation I
By: Joshua D. Coval, Erik Stafford, Rodrigo Osmo, John Jernigan, Zack Page and Paulo Passoni
The goal of these simulations is to understand the mathematics of mean-variance optimization and the equilibrium pricing of risk if all investors use this rule with common information sets. Simulation A focuses on five to 10 years of monthly sector returns that are... View Details
- November 2007
- Background Note
Event Arbitrage
By: Joshua D. Coval and Erik Stafford
The event arbitrage module includes two simulation sessions. The first simulation focuses on analyzing and evaluating individual merger transactions, while the second simulation emphasizes managing a portfolio of individual positions and the limitations of arbitrage... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Capital Markets; Financial Management; Investment Portfolio; Risk Management
Coval, Joshua D., and Erik Stafford. "Event Arbitrage." Harvard Business School Background Note 208-090, November 2007.
- November – December 2007
- Article
Fundamentally Flawed Indexing
By: Andre F. Perold
A new theory of finance is being advanced as providing definitive proof that holding stocks in proportion to their market capitalizations is an inferior investment strategy. The claim is that capitalization weighting necessarily invests more in overvalued stocks and... View Details
Perold, Andre F. "Fundamentally Flawed Indexing." Financial Analysts Journal 63, no. 6 (November–December 2007). (Winner of Graham and Dodd Best Perspectives Award For excellence in financial writing.)
- November 2007
- Article
Standing Out from the Crowd: The Visibility-Enhancing Effects of IPO-related Signals on Alliance Formation by Entrepreneurial Firms
By: Tim Pollock and Ranjay Gulati
In this study, we explore how multiple signals related to entrepreneurial companies at the time of their initial public offering (IPO) influence the firms' ability to acquire non-financial resources over time. Specifically, the study looks at how signals based on... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Initial Public Offering; Investment; Alliances; Risk and Uncertainty; Power and Influence
Pollock, Tim, and Ranjay Gulati. "Standing Out from the Crowd: The Visibility-Enhancing Effects of IPO-related Signals on Alliance Formation by Entrepreneurial Firms." Strategic Organization 5, no. 4 (November 2007). (A shorter version of this paper appeared in Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, pp. 11-16, 2002.)