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- Faculty Publications (1,338)
- November 2014 (Revised May 2017)
- Teaching Note
Fresno's Social Impact Bond for Asthma
By: John A. Quelch
The case desccribes a social impact bond (SIB) to fund home-based remediation programs designed to reduce asthma attacks among Fresno residents (especially children) and thereby save on health care costs (ambulance callouts, emergency room visits etc.). The case... View Details
- November 2014 (Revised March 2016)
- Background Note
Mental Health and the American Workplace
By: John A. Quelch and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Mental illness has been described as an epidemic affecting nearly a quarter of all Americans in their lifetimes, often during their most productive working years. Managers who can design organizations that maximize mental health can minimize these risks and boost... View Details
Keywords: Public Health; Productivity; Competitiveness; Stress Management; Depression; Absenteeism; Presenteeism; Work Culture; Business or Company Management; Work-Life Balance; Performance Productivity; Organizational Culture; Medical Specialties; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States
Quelch, John A., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Mental Health and the American Workplace." Harvard Business School Background Note 515-062, November 2014. (Revised March 2016.)
- Article
How Not to Cut Health Care Costs
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Derek A. Haas
Health care providers in much of the world are trying to respond to the tremendous pressure to reduce costs—but evidence suggests that many of their attempts are counterproductive, raising costs and sometimes decreasing the quality of care. Using evidence from field... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., and Derek A. Haas. "How Not to Cut Health Care Costs." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 11 (November 2014): 116–122.
- Article
Teaming: An Approach to the Growing Complexities in Health Care: AOA Critical Issues
By: Haseeb Nawaz, Amy C. Edmondson, Tony H. Tzeng, Jamal K. Saleh, Kevin J. Bozic and Khaled J. Saleh
Confronted with rising costs and patients who often have multiple comorbidities, the orthopaedic surgeon needs to face the challenge of providing high-quality health care. One solution is to increase and improve coordination, communication, and teamwork. The... View Details
Nawaz, Haseeb, Amy C. Edmondson, Tony H. Tzeng, Jamal K. Saleh, Kevin J. Bozic, and Khaled J. Saleh. "Teaming: An Approach to the Growing Complexities in Health Care: AOA Critical Issues." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: American Volume 96, no. 21 (November 5, 2014).
- Article
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Driver for Provider Engagement in Costing Activities and Redesign Initiatives
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Nancy McLaughlin, Michael A. Burke, Nisheeta P. Setlur, Douglas R. Niedzwiecki, Alan L. Kaplan, Christopher Saigal, Aman Mahajan and Neil A. Martin
Object. To date, health care providers have devoted significant efforts to improve performance regarding patient safety and quality of care. To address the lagging involvement of health care providers in the cost component of the value equation, UCLA Health... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Nancy McLaughlin, Michael A. Burke, Nisheeta P. Setlur, Douglas R. Niedzwiecki, Alan L. Kaplan, Christopher Saigal, Aman Mahajan, and Neil A. Martin. "Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Driver for Provider Engagement in Costing Activities and Redesign Initiatives." Neurosurgical Focus 37, no. 5 (November 2014).
- November–December 2014
- Article
Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Identify Value-Improvement Opportunities in Healthcare
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Mary L. Witkowski, Megan Abbott, Alexis Guzman, Laurence Higgins, John Meara, Erin Padden, Apurva Shah, Peter Waters, Marco Weidemeier, Samuel Wertheimer and Thomas W. Feeley
As healthcare providers cope with pricing pressures and increased accountability for performance, they should be rededicating themselves to improving the value they deliver to their patients: better outcomes and lower costs. Time-driven activity-based costing offers... View Details
Keywords: Value Creation; Activity Based Costing and Management; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States; Europe
Kaplan, Robert S., Mary L. Witkowski, Megan Abbott, Alexis Guzman, Laurence Higgins, John Meara, Erin Padden, Apurva Shah, Peter Waters, Marco Weidemeier, Samuel Wertheimer, and Thomas W. Feeley. "Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Identify Value-Improvement Opportunities in Healthcare." Journal of Healthcare Management 59, no. 6 (November–December 2014): 399–413.
- October 2014 (Revised April 2023)
- Case
Gilead: Hepatitis C Access Strategy (A)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan, Vikram Rangan and David E. Bloom
Gilead had come up with an innovative drug for Hepatitis C, which affected 180 million people worldwide. The drug was priced at $1,000 a pill for the US market. Gilead had to decide how to price and market the pill in developing countries that bore the brunt of the... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Pricing; Access To Care; Emerging Markets; Health Care and Treatment; Price; Strategy; Ethics; Health Industry; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, Vikram Rangan, and David E. Bloom. "Gilead: Hepatitis C Access Strategy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 515-025, October 2014. (Revised April 2023.)
- Article
Management Practices, Relational Contracts and the Decline of General Motors
By: Susan Helper and Rebecca Henderson
General Motors was once regarded as one of the best managed and most successful firms in the world, but between 1980 and 2009 its share of the U.S. market fell from 62.6% to 19.8%, and in 2009 the firm went bankrupt. In this paper we argue that the conventional... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Management Practices and Processes; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; United States
Helper, Susan, and Rebecca Henderson. "Management Practices, Relational Contracts and the Decline of General Motors." Journal of Economic Perspectives 28, no. 1 (Winter 2014): 49–72.
- September 2014
- Supplement
Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (B)
By: John A. Quelch and James Weber
This (B) case provides a brief description of the outcome of the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Health Care Policy; Pharmaceutical Sales; Mergers And Acquisitions; Marketing; Pharmaceutical Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Quelch, John A., and James Weber. "Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 515-008, September 2014.
- September 2014 (Revised January 2017)
- Teaching Note
Access Health CT: Marketing Affordable Care (A) & (B)
By: John A. Quelch
- September 2014 (Revised February 2015)
- Case
Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)
By: John A. Quelch and James Weber
In 2014, Pfizer proposed a friendly acquisition of AstraZeneca, but the AstraZeneca board resisted over price and strategy concerns. Was this good for pharmaceutical consumers? Pfizer, like pharmaceutical companies in general, faced difficulties in growing sales due to... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Policy; Mergers And Acquisitions; Marketing; Government Relations; Crisis Management; Decision Making; Growth and Development; Management; Markets; Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Quelch, John A., and James Weber. "Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)." Harvard Business School Case 515-007, September 2014. (Revised February 2015.)
- September 2014 (Revised November 2014)
- Case
Marketing Marijuana in Colorado
By: John A. Quelch and David Lane
Colorado's 2014 legalization of marijuana for adult recreational (not just medical) use created a new market that entrepreneurs rushed to enter, channeled by regulations that aimed to minimize marijuana's access to minors while not stifling the emergent new industry.... View Details
Keywords: Public Health; Regulation; Marijuana; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Public Sector; Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Health Industry; Colorado
Quelch, John A., and David Lane. "Marketing Marijuana in Colorado." Harvard Business School Case 515-009, September 2014. (Revised November 2014.)
- September 2014 (Revised March 2021)
- Case
La Ribera Health Department (A)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Emer Moloney and Daniela Beyersdorfer
The La Ribera case studies depict an innovative low cost/high quality privately financed hospital model struggling to achieve alignment with the Six Factors. It is reimbursed by the public sector in a Spanish environment whose Consumers, Structure, and Public Policy... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Financing; Health Care Industry; Health Care Operations; Health Care and Treatment; Operations; Business Model; Government and Politics; Programs; Innovation Strategy; Vertical Integration; Health Industry; Europe; Spain
Herzlinger, Regina E., Emer Moloney, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "La Ribera Health Department (A)." Harvard Business School Case 315-006, September 2014. (Revised March 2021.)
- September 2014 (Revised May 2017)
- Case
Fresno's Social Impact Bond for Asthma
By: John A. Quelch and Margaret L. Rodriguez
In 2014, Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) were quickly gaining popularity as an investment vehicle which joined together private investors and nonprofits to tackle social issues. Although numerous SIB projects and proposals had cropped up across the U.S. following the launch... View Details
Keywords: Social Enterprise; Health Care; Marketing; Bonds; Financing; Asthma; Air Pollution; Air Quality; Chronic Disease; Public Health; Health; Health Care and Treatment; Finance; Health Industry; Health Industry; United States
Quelch, John A., and Margaret L. Rodriguez. "Fresno's Social Impact Bond for Asthma." Harvard Business School Case 515-028, September 2014. (Revised May 2017.)
- September 2014 (Revised March 2016)
- Case
Mayo Clinic: The 2020 Initiative
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Robert S. Huckman and Jenny Lesser
Describes the challenges facing Dr. John Noseworthy, President and CEO, in implementing a long-term strategy for the growth of the Mayo Clinic—a leading academic medical center with a reputation for excellence in tertiary and quaternary health care. The case highlights... View Details
Keywords: Health; Health Care Industry; Health Care Policy; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., Robert S. Huckman, and Jenny Lesser. "Mayo Clinic: The 2020 Initiative." Harvard Business School Case 615-027, September 2014. (Revised March 2016.)
- 2014
- Chapter
Reframing Hierarchical Interactions as Negotiations to Promote Change in Health Care Systems
By: Patricia Satterstrom, Jeff Polzer and Robert Wei
Satterstrom, Patricia, Jeff Polzer, and Robert Wei. "Reframing Hierarchical Interactions as Negotiations to Promote Change in Health Care Systems." Chap. 18 in Handbook of Conflict Management Research, edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko, Neal M. Ashkansy, and Karen Jehn, 291–307. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
- August 2014
- Case
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Meng Li
Keywords: Health; Health Care Industry; Health Insurance; United States; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States; Florida
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Meng Li. "Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 315-009, August 2014.
- August 2014 (Revised February 2021)
- Case
Hospital for Special Surgery (A)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Stacy Schwartz
Hospital for Special Surgery, a focused factory for orthopedics and joint disease, is contemplating various growth options: further growth in the United Kingdom's National Health Services, management of hospitals in the United States, and/or hospital consulting.... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Expansion; Health Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Stacy Schwartz. "Hospital for Special Surgery (A)." Harvard Business School Case 315-012, August 2014. (Revised February 2021.)
- 2014
- Working Paper
Don't Take 'No' for an Answer: An Experiment with Actual Organ Donor Registrations
By: Judd B. Kessler and Alvin E. Roth
Over 10,000 people in the U.S. die each year while waiting for an organ. Attempts to increase organ transplantation have focused on changing the registration question from an opt-in frame to an active choice frame. We analyze this change in California and show it... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Health Care and Treatment; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Industry
Kessler, Judd B., and Alvin E. Roth. "Don't Take 'No' for an Answer: An Experiment with Actual Organ Donor Registrations." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 20378, August 2014.
- July 2014
- Case
BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)
By: Srikant Datar, Saloni Chaturvedi and Caitlin Bowler
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) is an Indian not-for-profit organization engaged in assisting differently-abled persons by providing them with the legendary low-cost prosthesis, the Jaipur Foot, and other mobility-assisting devices, free of cost. Known... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Condition; Health Care and Treatment; Diversity; Growth and Development Strategy; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Industry; Health Industry; India
Datar, Srikant, Saloni Chaturvedi, and Caitlin Bowler. "BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 115-009, July 2014.