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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (14)
- News (2,206)
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- Faculty Publications (4,701)
- Editorial
How to Turn Around a Country
By: Paul Kazarian and George Serafeim
Change is hard. Especially trying to change an entire country and its public sector that consists of more than 650,000 employees and has an annual budget of approximately 80 billion euros. This is the case of Greece, once the fastest-growing eurozone country, which has... View Details
Keywords: Greece; Europe; European Union; Turnaround; Accountability; Sovereign Finance; Leadership; Corporate Accountability; Public Sector; Accounting; Economic Growth; Change; European Union; Greece
Kazarian, Paul, and George Serafeim. "How to Turn Around a Country." Kathimerini (January 19, 2016).
- September 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Technical Note
Real Estate in China: A Technical Note for SOHO China
By: Charles F. Wu
A technical note on the state of Chinese commercial real estate and the effects of China's slowing growth. This note was written in conjunction with the case study "SOHO China: Transformation in Progress." View Details
Keywords: China; Real Estate; Commercial Real Estate; Beijing; Shanghai; REIT; Gdp; Economic Growth; Real Estate Industry; Shanghai; Beijing
Wu, Charles F. "Real Estate in China: A Technical Note for SOHO China." Harvard Business School Technical Note 217-029, September 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- June 2010 (Revised July 2012)
- Supplement
Dubai: Debt, Development, and Crisis (C)
By: Aldo Musacchio, Andrew Christopher Goodman and Claire K. Qureshi
On November 25, 2009, the city state of Dubai stunned markets by announcing that Dubai World, its flagship state holding company, would seek a six month "standstill" on at least $4 billion U.S. dollars of its $26 billion in debt obligations. This case describes Dubai's... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Investment; Emerging Markets; Trade; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Development Economics; Financial Crisis; State Ownership; Sovereign Finance; Business Strategy; Dubai
Musacchio, Aldo, Andrew Christopher Goodman, and Claire K. Qureshi. "Dubai: Debt, Development, and Crisis (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 710-071, June 2010. (Revised July 2012.)
- 09 Feb 2009
- Research & Ideas
Uncompromising Leadership in Tough Times
the social institution? How can good leadership strengthen morale as well as the economic side of the organization in times of uncertainty? A: We interviewed the CEOs before... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- Profile
Kayode Ogunro
and calls with alumni, field-based learning projects, and internships to be invaluable resources and experiences. What are you most looking forward to in your career? In my career I look forward to continuous learning and building a track record View Details
- 12 Nov 2019
- Working Paper Summaries
Tariff Passthrough at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from US Trade Policy
- 10 Aug 2011
- Research & Ideas
HBS Faculty Views on Debt Crisis
blame game engulfed politicians and S&P itself. In the midst of all this angst, four Harvard Business School faculty members offer their views on what went wrong and what needs to be done to right the US ship View Details
Keywords: by Staff
- February 1997 (Revised February 2002)
- Case
Mexico (A): From Stabilized Development to Debt Crisis
By: Huw Pill
Describes the evolution of the Mexican economy from 1945 to 1982. Describes the import-substituting industrialization strategy pursued in the aftermath of World War II. Discusses briefly why this failed in the late 1960s and then analyzes the change of strategy toward... View Details
Pill, Huw. "Mexico (A): From Stabilized Development to Debt Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 797-096, February 1997. (Revised February 2002.)
- June 2002 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Renewing Germany: Kohl's Legacy and Schroder's Dilemma
By: Huw Pill, Michael Linse, Marie-Anne Popp and Ingrid Vogel
The German economy has long been seen as the locomotive of European (and, on occasion, global) growth. Germany appeared to weather the stagflation of the 1970s more successfully than many other economies, and reunification in 1990 appeared to present opportunities for... View Details
Pill, Huw, Michael Linse, Marie-Anne Popp, and Ingrid Vogel. "Renewing Germany: Kohl's Legacy and Schroder's Dilemma." Harvard Business School Case 702-087, June 2002. (Revised October 2002.)
- March 1996 (Revised August 1997)
- Case
World to Mexico--Get a Grip!
By: Huw Pill and Courtenay Sprague
The views of three prominent international economists on the events leading to, and ensuing from, the Mexican peso crisis of December 1994 to March 1995. View Details
Pill, Huw, and Courtenay Sprague. "World to Mexico--Get a Grip!" Harvard Business School Case 796-123, March 1996. (Revised August 1997.)
- Article
Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Matching Markets with Transfers
By: John William Hatfield and Scott Duke Kominers
This note surveys recent work in generalized matching theory, focusing on trading networks with transferable utility. In trading networks with a finite set of contractual opportunities, the substitutability of agents’ preferences is essential for the guaranteed... View Details
Keywords: Matching; Networks; Joint Ventures; Stability; Competitive Equilibrium; Core; Efficiency; Economics; Theory
Hatfield, John William, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Matching Markets with Transfers." ACM SIGecom Exchanges 10, no. 3 (December 2011).
- 05 Sep 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro & Fabio Kanczuk
- April 1998 (Revised January 2005)
- Case
Bahtulism, Collapse, Resurrection? Financial Crisis in Asia: 1997-1998
By: Huw Pill and Donald H. Mathis
Describes, in detail, events precipitating crises. Provides both conventional and new explanations of crises. Presents a chronology of crises as the events unfold, and a brief summary of four particular countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand) and their... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; International Finance; Development Economics; Thailand; Malaysia; South Korea; Indonesia
Pill, Huw, and Donald H. Mathis. "Bahtulism, Collapse, Resurrection? Financial Crisis in Asia: 1997-1998." Harvard Business School Case 798-089, April 1998. (Revised January 2005.)
- 20 Nov 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, November 20, 2018
forthcoming Review of Financial Studies Private Equity and Financial Fragility During the Crisis By: Bernstein, Shai, Josh Lerner, and Filippo Mezzanotti Abstract—Do private equity firms contribute to financial fragility during View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- November 2021 (Revised May 2022)
- Case
West Virginia: Finding the Right Path Forward
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl, Christine Keung and Reggie Smith
Once at the center of the American economy, the state of West Virginia had seen decades of decline as its coal industry fell on hard times. With beautiful but challenging topography, a proud but shrinking population, and a new scourge of the opioid epidemic, the... View Details
Keywords: Population Health; Geographic Location; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; West Virginia
Weinzierl, Matthew C., Christine Keung, and Reggie Smith. "West Virginia: Finding the Right Path Forward." Harvard Business School Case 722-024, November 2021. (Revised May 2022.)
- 2017
- Working Paper
Business History, the Great Divergence and the Great Convergence
By: Geoffrey Jones
This working paper provides a business history perspective on debates about the Great Divergence, the rise of the income gap between the West and the Rest, and the more recent Great Convergence, which has seen a narrowing of that gap. The literature on the timing and... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Economics; History; Wealth and Poverty; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth
Jones, Geoffrey. "Business History, the Great Divergence and the Great Convergence." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-004, July 2017.
- 05 Dec 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Seesaws and Social Security Benefits Indexing
Keywords: by Matthew Weinzierl
- 2024
- Working Paper
Corporate Debt, Boom-Bust Cycles, and Financial Crises
By: Victoria Ivashina, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Luc Laeven and Karsten Müller
Using a new dataset on sectoral credit exposures covering financial and non-financial sectors in 115 economies over the period 1940–2014, we document the following evidence that corporate debt plays a key role in explaining boom-bust cycles, financial crises, and slow... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Economic Growth; Economic Sectors; Borrowing and Debt; Credit
Ivashina, Victoria, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Luc Laeven, and Karsten Müller. "Corporate Debt, Boom-Bust Cycles, and Financial Crises." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 32225, March 2024.
- 05 Oct 2015
- Research & Ideas
What Companies Should Not Do in the Next Banking Crisis
question in a new paper, titled Survive Another Day: Using Changes in the Composition of Investments to Measure the Cost of Credit Constraints (forthcoming in the Review of... View Details
- Research Summary
I am currently a Principal or Co-Principal Investigator of five field-based randomized controlled trials, each of which examines the management of lay health workers in developing countries, with an eye toward generating theoretical insights and policy guidance on how... View Details