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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (1,889)
- April 2008
- Case
TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial
By: Michael Beer and Sunru Yong
TerraCog, a successful privately held high-tech firm that develops GPS (global positioning system) and similar products for consumer markets, has recently been caught off-guard by a competitor's new product that makes novel use of satellite imagery. When TerraCog... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Meetings; Decision Making; Group Dynamics; Human Resource Management; Conflict; Information Technology; Leadership; Conflict Management; Competition; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Communication; Decision Choices and Conditions; Crisis Management; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael, and Sunru Yong. "TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial." Harvard Business School Brief Case 082-184, April 2008.
- March 2015
- Case
Twine Health
By: Robert S. Huckman, Ariel D. Stern and Matthew G. Preble
In late 2014, Dr. John Moore (CEO), Frank Moss (chairman), and Scott Gilroy (CTO) of Twine Health (Twine) had to resolve several challenges that threatened to restrict the widespread dissemination of its sole product, Twine. Twine was a cloud-based platform that... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Chronic Disease; Technology Adoption; Digital Health; Health Acceleration Challenge; Strategy; Disease Management; Health; Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Health Industry; United States; Massachusetts
Huckman, Robert S., Ariel D. Stern, and Matthew G. Preble. "Twine Health." Harvard Business School Case 615-068, March 2015.
- February 1993 (Revised June 2011)
- Case
David Fletcher
By: Linda A. Hill and Melinda B. Conrad
David Fletcher, manager of the Emerging Growth Fund at a New York investment management firm, decides to assemble a team of analysts to which he can delegate part of his workload. The case explores the challenges of being a producing manager and Fletcher's efforts to... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Groups and Teams; Management Teams; Investment Funds; Management Style; Selection and Staffing; Financial Services Industry; New York (city, NY)
Hill, Linda A., and Melinda B. Conrad. "David Fletcher." Harvard Business School Case 493-064, February 1993. (Revised June 2011.)
- November 2012 (Revised September 2013)
- Case
Learning Resources: A Hands-On Toy Company Deals with New Challenges and Opportunities
By: Boris Groysberg and Anahita Hashemi
Learning Resources is a family-owned educational toy company that, by late 2011, was facing a myriad of challenges, including increased competition, entry into new markets, new distribution methods, rising costs of production in China, and changing customer behavior.... View Details
Keywords: Leading Teams; Strategy Formulation; Strategy And Execution; Innovation; Corporate Culture; Industry Analysis; Organizational Alignment; Entrepreneurs; Sales Channels; Leadership; Strategy; Change Management; Innovation Leadership; Family Business; Entrepreneurship; Product Design; Sales; Retail Industry; United States
Groysberg, Boris, and Anahita Hashemi. "Learning Resources: A Hands-On Toy Company Deals with New Challenges and Opportunities." Harvard Business School Case 413-086, November 2012. (Revised September 2013.)
- May 2011
- Case
Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and William Schmidt
Baria Planning Solutions (BPS) is a consulting firm that specializes in using spend analysis to help companies identify savings through reduced procurement costs and improved supplier performance. Management is concerned about the disappointing performance of the sales... View Details
Keywords: Quantitative Analysis; Technology; Operations Management; Product Lines; Manufacturing; Capacity Planning; Production Planning; Production; Management Practices and Processes; Service Operations; Supply Chain Management; Salesforce Management; Planning; Consulting Industry; North and Central America
Wheelwright, Steven C., and William Schmidt. "Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-568, May 2011.
- 2021
- Article
Nudging the Commute: Using Behaviorally-Informed Interventions to Promote Sustainable Transportation
By: Ashley Whillans, Joseph Sherlock, Jessica Roberts, Shibeal O'Flaherty, Lyndsay Gavin, Holly Dykstra and Michael Daly
Dramatic reductions in carbon emissions must take place immediately. A human-centric method of reducing environmental impacts is to “nudge” employees away from single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs) toward more sustainable commuting options. While an abundance of research... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Science; Transportation Demand Management; Commuting; Single-occupancy Vehicle Commutes; Transportation; Behavior; Change; Environmental Sustainability
Whillans, Ashley, Joseph Sherlock, Jessica Roberts, Shibeal O'Flaherty, Lyndsay Gavin, Holly Dykstra, and Michael Daly. "Nudging the Commute: Using Behaviorally-Informed Interventions to Promote Sustainable Transportation." Behavioral Science & Policy 7, no. 2 (2021): 27–49.
- February 2017
- Case
Yemeksepeti: Growing and Expanding the Business Model through Data
By: William R. Kerr, Gamze Yucaoglu and Eren Kuzucu
In October 2016, Nevzat Aydin, co-founder and CEO of Yemeksepeti, the Turkish online food-ordering company, was looking over the company's quarterly results and projections for the upcoming year with his management team. It had been almost a year and a half since Aydin... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Ventures; Turkey; Big Data; Customer Focused Organization; Service Management; Continuous Improvement; Data Analysis; Internet; Growth Strategy; Technological Change; Information Systems; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Strategy; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Customer Focus and Relationships; Emerging Markets; Service Operations; Competitive Advantage; Performance Improvement; Internet and the Web; Growth and Development Strategy; Information Technology; Value Creation; Food and Beverage Industry; Turkey
Kerr, William R., Gamze Yucaoglu, and Eren Kuzucu. "Yemeksepeti: Growing and Expanding the Business Model through Data." Harvard Business School Case 817-095, February 2017.
- 12 Feb 2021
- News
How Dunkin’ Donuts Took Over the World
with the management team at the time, to scale back all of those businesses, focus on the diamond in the rough that we had within our midst, the Dunkin’ Donuts business, polish that up, standardize the... View Details
Keywords: brands; leadership; management; strategy; operations; career; Food and Beverage Stores; Retail Trade
- 01 Jun 2004
- News
The Ambidextrous Organization
time, they maintain tight links across units at the senior executive level. In other words, they manage organizational separation through a tightly integrated senior team. Such “ambidextrous organizations” provide a practical and proven... View Details
- May 2013 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
Benetton Group S.p.A., 2000
By: John R. Wells and Galen Danskin
In 2000, Benetton was one of the leading mass fashion competitors in the world with approximately $1.9 billion in sales across 5,500 stores in 120 countries. But the company's fortunes seemed to be on the wane. Operating profits had fallen 9% from the prior year to... View Details
Keywords: Fashion; Strategic Change; Strategic Management; Globalized Firms and Management; Marketing Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Performance Consistency; Management Teams; Strategy; Fashion Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Retail Industry; Italy
Wells, John R., and Galen Danskin. "Benetton Group S.p.A., 2000." Harvard Business School Case 713-510, May 2013. (Revised March 2014.)
- December 2018
- Case
Kodak: The Rebirth of an Iconic Brand
By: Anat Keinan, Giana M. Eckhart and Michael B. Beverland
Following its re-emergence from bankruptcy protection in 2014, the marketing team at Kodak has been charged with tripling brand value with consumers, with little marketing budget. The case focuses on the strategies used by senior Kodak marketers Steven Overman and Dany... View Details
Keywords: Branding; Brand & Product Management; Brand Heritage; Cultural Branding; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Demographics
Keinan, Anat, Giana M. Eckhart, and Michael B. Beverland. "Kodak: The Rebirth of an Iconic Brand." Harvard Business School Case 519-051, December 2018.
- June 2016
- Case
Duff & Phelps: Scaling an Entrepreneurial Venture (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and David Lane
Having teamed up to launch their own financial services business, Noah Gottdiener and Jacob Silverman soon discover a venerable brand and viable business in an established bank subsidiary. They then work for many months to acquire the business as a platform for... View Details
Keywords: Duff & Phelps; Entrepreneurial Management; Mergers & Acquisitions; Entrepreneurial Financing; Entrepreneurship; Mergers and Acquisitions; Integration; Business Model; Growth and Development Strategy; Financial Services Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and David Lane. "Duff & Phelps: Scaling an Entrepreneurial Venture (A)." Harvard Business School Case 816-041, June 2016.
- July 2012 (Revised March 2013)
- Supplement
Shanghai Diligence Law Firm (B)
By: Robert G. Eccles and Catherine Zhang
Shanghai Diligence Law Firm continued with its approach to grow through a merger, rather than organically, and was eventually merged into a bigger law firm in China. After the merger, a refined A-B-C-D model is still in use as compensation system, although the... View Details
Keywords: Professional Service Firms; Compensation; Law Firms; Motivating Professionals; Client Management; Developing Professionals; Entrepreneurship; China; Mergers and Acquisitions; Employee Relationship Management; Compensation and Benefits; Groups and Teams; Legal Services Industry; China
Eccles, Robert G., and Catherine Zhang. "Shanghai Diligence Law Firm (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 413-027, July 2012. (Revised March 2013.)
- November 2014 (Revised January 2017)
- Case
Micromax: Scaling the Largest Indian Mobile Handset Company
By: Ranjay Gulati, Rachna Tahilyani and Alicia DeSantola
It is January 2014 and Rahul Sharma, cofounder of Micromax Informatics (Micromax), the largest Indian mobile handset company, is preparing for an emergency conference call with his private equity investors. In the last six years, Micromax had grown its annual product... View Details
Keywords: Mobile; Scaling; Indian Software Development; Consumer Behavior; Management Turnover; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Management; E-commerce; Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; India
Gulati, Ranjay, Rachna Tahilyani, and Alicia DeSantola. "Micromax: Scaling the Largest Indian Mobile Handset Company." Harvard Business School Case 415-034, November 2014. (Revised January 2017.)
- October 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Relevent and LaLiga: Bringing Spanish Soccer to America
By: Anita Elberse and David Moreno Vicente
“Barcelona backs out of proposed LaLiga match in Miami.” It is December 2018, and Daniel Sillman, chief executive officer of sports and entertainment company Relevent, is tasked with finding a way forward after a significant setback. Relevent had found success by... View Details
Keywords: Soccer; Football; Superstars; Talent; Talent Development; General Management; Marketing; Entertainment; Sports; Media; Talent and Talent Management; Globalization; Strategy; Sports Industry
Elberse, Anita, and David Moreno Vicente. "Relevent and LaLiga: Bringing Spanish Soccer to America." Harvard Business School Case 520-021, October 2019. (Revised February 2020.)
- 01 Jun 2023
- News
Buy Big, Sell Small
connection. “But then COVID-19 hit,” she says, “and all of India stopped traveling.” The risks Shruti had considered in the abstract became real. “The 15 people on my team had devoted a year of their lives to the travel venture,” she... View Details
- February 2016
- Teaching Note
Advanced Leadership Pathways: David Weinstein and Write the World
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Tessa Natanay Hamilton and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
Following a successful career as a lawyer, Chief Administrative Officer of Fidelity Investments, and law school instructor, David Weinstein became a 2011 Advanced Leadership Fellow at Harvard University. During his Advanced Leadership Fellowship he conceived an idea to... View Details
- Article
Agility Hacks
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Ranjay Gulati
In the past 20 years, the agile approach to improving products, services, and processes has swept the business world. Rooted in software development, agile has spread to many other functions, and some companies have turned much of their organization, including the... View Details
Keywords: Agile Practices; Agile Project Management; Projects; Management Practices and Processes; Groups and Teams; Innovation Strategy
Edmondson, Amy C., and Ranjay Gulati. "Agility Hacks." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 6 (November–December 2021).
- 04 Apr 2023
- What Do You Think?
How Does Remote Work Affect Innovation?
team weren’t even on the ads team It was the culture that attracted . These five engineers . To the company in the first place. How would this story play out if Google had relied heavily on remote work at... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 26 Aug 2002
- Research & Ideas
High-Stakes Decision Making: The Lessons of Mount Everest
anticipatory regret can lead to indecision and costly delays. 71 This anxiety can be particularly problematic for executives in fast-moving industries. Successful management teams in turbulent industries... View Details
Keywords: by Michael A. Roberto