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- September 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Kana Communications
Kana is a young Internet software company wondering how it should react to the rapid emergence of Application Service Providers (ASPs), firms that host software applications for customers who can reach those via the Internet. ASPs may be a new channel of distribution... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Distribution Channels; Web Services Industry
Sarvary, Miklos. "Kana Communications." Harvard Business School Case 501-003, September 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- October 1998
- Case
Conduit Communications
By: William A. Sahlman and Jon Biotti
Sahlman, William A., and Jon Biotti. "Conduit Communications." Harvard Business School Case 899-104, October 1998.
- July 1988 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
Teleport Communications
McKenney, James L. "Teleport Communications." Harvard Business School Case 189-028, July 1988. (Revised December 1988.)
- February 2006 (Revised June 2007)
- Case
Atheros Communications
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Lauren Barley
Managers at Atheros, a leading provider of wireless local area network chipsets, must decide whether to join a special interest group (SIG) proposed by Intel to end an impasse over standards for the 802.11n (11n), the next generation of "Wi-Fi" technology. Two factions... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property; Standards; Wireless Technology; Semiconductor Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Lauren Barley. "Atheros Communications." Harvard Business School Case 806-093, February 2006. (Revised June 2007.)
- September 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Arnold Communications
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Jeremiah Weinstock
The new owner and CEO of Arnold Advertising, a relatively small regional agency, aims to build it into Arnold Communications--a much larger, stronger firm competing successfully for national accounts. As part of this growth strategy, the agency develops a process for... View Details
Keywords: Management Practices and Processes; Creativity; Entrepreneurship; Advertising; Business Processes; Brands and Branding; Growth and Development Strategy; Advertising Industry
Amabile, Teresa M., and Jeremiah Weinstock. "Arnold Communications." Harvard Business School Case 899-083, September 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- April 1999 (Revised October 2001)
- Case
Motive Communications
The founders of Motive Communications, Inc., a recent start-up dedicated to reinventing the support chain involved in the delivery of information technology support services, put in place a development process hinged on extensive customer feedback. As part of this, a... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Customer Relationship Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Information Technology Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Marco Iansiti, Myra M. Hart, William W Chan, and Find Findsen. "Motive Communications." Harvard Business School Case 699-157, April 1999. (Revised October 2001.)
- Research Summary
The "New" Corporate Communications
Stephen A. Greyser continues to explore the issues and problems
organizations face as they attempt to communicate effectively with a
variety of constituencies. Greyser's work and the course to which it
contributes are structured around the business-media-publics... View Details
- January 1996 (Revised December 2005)
- Case
First Community Bank (A)
First Community Bank, a bank-within-a-bank at Bank of Boston, was established in 1990 as a unique venture to serve urban communities. By 1995 it has achieved profitability but must manage relationships with the mainstream at Bank of Boston, serve as a change agent and... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Business Ventures; Business and Community Relations; Agency Theory; Change Management; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Structure; Problems and Challenges; Banking Industry; Boston
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "First Community Bank (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-202, January 1996. (Revised December 2005.)
- March 2020
- Article
Gender Differences in Communicative Abstraction
By: Priyanka D. Joshi, Cheryl J. Wakslak, Gil Appel and Laura Huang
Drawing on construal level theory, which suggests that experiencing a communicative audience as proximal rather than distal leads speakers to frame messages more concretely, we examine gender difference in linguistic abstraction. In a meta-analysis of prior studies... View Details
Joshi, Priyanka D., Cheryl J. Wakslak, Gil Appel, and Laura Huang. "Gender Differences in Communicative Abstraction." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118, no. 3 (March 2020): 417–435.
- September 1997 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
Adelphia Communications Corporation
By: Paul M. Healy
A bank officer must make a loan application decision for a large but financially troubled cable broadcaster. View Details
Keywords: Financial Condition; Financing and Loans; Decision Choices and Conditions; Contracts; Telecommunications Industry
Healy, Paul M. "Adelphia Communications Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 198-031, September 1997. (Revised March 2000.)
- February 1991 (Revised October 1991)
- Case
Lincoln Community Hospital
Dhebar, Anirudh S. "Lincoln Community Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 191-149, February 1991. (Revised October 1991.)
- May 1993
- Background Note
On "Good" Communication
Tagiuri, Renato. On "Good" Communication. Harvard Business School Background Note 493-080, May 1993.
- March 1998 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
United Way Community Services
Describes in detail the fund development and distribution system of United Way Community Services. A key question is how to measure the outcome/impact of the work done by the agencies that receive United Way funding. A follow-on question is how to reinvent the... View Details
Keywords: Capital; Management Systems; Measurement and Metrics; Distribution Channels; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Outcome or Result; Nonprofit Organizations
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "United Way Community Services." Harvard Business School Case 598-138, March 1998. (Revised July 1998.)
- May 1999
- Case
African Communications Group (Condensed)
Describes the opportunities that confront the African Communications Group, an entrepreneurial organization that plans to introduce a wireless pay-phone system in Tanzania. Provides a foundation for the analysis of value creation and of value capture. The possibility... View Details
McGahan, Anita M. "African Communications Group (Condensed)." Harvard Business School Case 799-148, May 1999.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Does Who Helps You Impact Your Behavior? Examining the Effects of Social Interactions on Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities
By: Eunkwang Seo, Frank Nagle and Sonali K. Shah
Online communities provide vibrant forums for knowledge sharing and are increasingly being used by individual users and firms to source knowledge and create and capture value. Yet, there is much to learn about how the actions of community members affect other members,... View Details
Keywords: Online Communities; Knowledge Development; Innovation; Reciprocity; Knowledge Sharing; Networks; Innovation and Invention; Interpersonal Communication
Seo, Eunkwang, Frank Nagle, and Sonali K. Shah. "Does Who Helps You Impact Your Behavior? Examining the Effects of Social Interactions on Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-026, August 2020. (Revised July 2021.)
- March 2023
- Module Note
Communication as a Trusted Advisor
By: David G. Fubini and Patrick Sanguineti
A module note for the Mastering Consulting and Advisory Skills (MCAS) course, "Communication as a Trusted Advisor" provides best practices for communicating as an advisor across multiple contexts. View Details
Keywords: Communication
Fubini, David G., and Patrick Sanguineti. "Communication as a Trusted Advisor." Harvard Business School Module Note 423-081, March 2023.
- June 2007 (Revised September 2007)
- Teaching Note
Atheros Communications (TN)
Keywords: Communications Industry
- October 1986
- Supplement
American Communications (B)
By: D. Quinn Mills and G Bruce Friesen
Mills, D. Quinn, and G Bruce Friesen. "American Communications (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 487-031, October 1986.
- June 2018 (Revised January 2019)
- Background Note
Visualizing Data & Effective Communication
By: Srikant M. Datar and Caitlin N. Bowler
This note explores three specific ways an analyst can use visualization. Section 1 considers visualization to explore data. Section 2 discusses visualization as a tool for developing a deeper understanding of trends and phenomena encoded in the data. Section 3... View Details
Keywords: Data Visualization; Graphical Guidelines; Charts; Analytics and Data Science; Communication
Datar, Srikant M., and Caitlin N. Bowler. "Visualizing Data & Effective Communication." Harvard Business School Background Note 118-114, June 2018. (Revised January 2019.)