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- Faculty Publications (102)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (102)
- Article
A Field Experiment on Search Costs and the Formation of Scientific Collaborations
By: Kevin Boudreau, Tom Brady, Ina Ganguli, Patrick Gaule, Eva C. Guinan, Anthony Hollenberg and Karim R. Lakhani
We present the results of a field experiment conducted at Harvard Medical School to understand the extent to which search costs affect matching among scientific collaborators. We generated exogenous variation in search costs for pairs of potential collaborators by... View Details
Keywords: Search Costs; Cost; Marketplace Matching; Groups and Teams; Science; Collaborative Innovation and Invention
Boudreau, Kevin, Tom Brady, Ina Ganguli, Patrick Gaule, Eva C. Guinan, Anthony Hollenberg, and Karim R. Lakhani. "A Field Experiment on Search Costs and the Formation of Scientific Collaborations." Review of Economics and Statistics 99, no. 4 (October 2017): 565–576.
- September 2017 (Revised May 2019)
- Case
Goldman Sachs' Digital Journey
By: Sunil Gupta and Sara Simonds
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, proclaimed, “We are a technology firm. We are a platform.” By 2017, he led a series of initiatives to translate this vision into reality. These included giving clients access to its proprietary database without... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Information Technology; Digital Platforms; Strategy; Transformation; Digital Strategy; Digital Transformation
Gupta, Sunil, and Sara Simonds. "Goldman Sachs' Digital Journey." Harvard Business School Case 518-039, September 2017. (Revised May 2019.)
- May 2017
- Article
Distracted Shareholders and Corporate Actions
By: Elisabeth Kempf, Alberto Manconi and Oliver Spalt
Investor attention matters for corporate actions. Our new identification approach constructs firm-level shareholder "distraction" measures, by exploiting exogenous shocks to unrelated parts of institutional shareholders' portfolios. Firms with "distracted" shareholders... View Details
Keywords: Investors; Business and Shareholder Relations; Executive Compensation; Stocks; Mergers and Acquisitions
Kempf, Elisabeth, Alberto Manconi, and Oliver Spalt. "Distracted Shareholders and Corporate Actions." Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 5 (May 2017): 1660–1695.
- April 2017
- Case
The Future of Patent Examination at the USPTO
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Tarun Khanna and Sarah Mehta
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal government agency responsible for evaluating and granting patents and trademarks. In 2015, the USPTO employed approximately 8,000 patent examiners who granted nearly 300,000 patents to inventors. As of April... View Details
Keywords: Machine Learning; Telework; Collaborating With Unions; Human Resources; Recruitment; Retention; Intellectual Property; Copyright; Patents; Trademarks; Knowledge Sharing; Technology Adoption; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Productivity; Performance Improvement; District of Columbia
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Tarun Khanna, and Sarah Mehta. "The Future of Patent Examination at the USPTO." Harvard Business School Case 617-027, April 2017.
- Article
Social Recycling Transforms Unwanted Goods into Happiness
By: Grant Edward Donnelly, Cait Lamberton, Rebecca Walker Reczek and Michael I. Norton
Consumers are often surrounded by resources that once offered meaning or happiness but that have lost this subjective value over time—even as they retain their objective utility. We explore the potential for social recycling—disposing of used goods by allowing other... View Details
Keywords: Disposition; Well-being; Prosocial Behavior; Pro-environmental Behavior; Happiness; Behavior; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Environmental Sustainability
Donnelly, Grant Edward, Cait Lamberton, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Michael I. Norton. "Social Recycling Transforms Unwanted Goods into Happiness." Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 2, no. 1 (January 2017): 48–63.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents
By: David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Pian Shu and Gary Pisano
Manufacturing is the locus of U.S. innovation, accounting for more than three quarters of U.S. corporate patents. The rise of import competition from China has represented a major competitive shock to the sector, which in theory could benefit or stifle innovation. In... View Details
Keywords: Patents; Competition; System Shocks; Trade; Innovation and Invention; Manufacturing Industry; China; United States
Autor, David, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Pian Shu, and Gary Pisano. "Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 22879, December 2016.
- May 2016
- Case
Seaside Organics
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Alisa Zalosh
This case follows Sara Norton, a soccer player-turned-serial entrepreneur, as she transforms Seaside Organics from a fledgling startup into an $89 million company. Informed by the successes and failures of her first organics venture, WellBar, Norton tries to balance... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Organizational Structure; Personal Development and Career; Entrepreneurship; Personal Characteristics; Business Startups; Business Strategy; Conflict and Resolution; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Stevenson, Howard H., and Alisa Zalosh. "Seaside Organics." Harvard Business School Brief Case 916-526, May 2016.
- February 2016 (Revised March 2019)
- Case
Bankruptcy at Caesars Entertainment
By: Kristin Mugford and David Chan
Caesars Entertainment was a large casino operator in the United States that had been purchased in a 2008 leveraged buyout by Apollo and TPG. In January 2015, Caesars Entertainment Operating Company (CEOC), its largest subsidiary, filed for Chapter 11. This set up a... View Details
Keywords: Gaming; Chapter 11; Fraudulent Conveyance; Apollo; TPG; Bankruptcy; Leveraged Buyouts; Restructuring; Capital Structure; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Private Equity; Financial Management; Lawsuits and Litigation; Negotiation; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Las Vegas
Mugford, Kristin, and David Chan. "Bankruptcy at Caesars Entertainment." Harvard Business School Case 216-052, February 2016. (Revised March 2019.)
- February 2016
- Case
Banking and Politics in Antebellum New York
By: David Moss and Colin Donovan
After a long period of solid Democratic control, Whigs secured a majority of seats in the New York State Assembly in 1837, the same year that a major financial panic had crippled the banking system and shaken public confidence in the state's governance. The next year,... View Details
- February 2016 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Regulating Radio in the Age of Broadcasting
By: David Moss, Marc Campasano and Colin Donovan
When the Titanic tragically sank on April 15, 1912, potentially life-saving help was delayed as a result of failures in radio communication. In part as a result, Congress moved swiftly to regulate radio, passing the Radio Act of 1912 four months later. Although at... View Details
Keywords: Radio; Regulation; Communication Technology; Government Legislation; History; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Moss, David, Marc Campasano, and Colin Donovan. "Regulating Radio in the Age of Broadcasting." Harvard Business School Case 716-043, February 2016. (Revised March 2017.)
- December 2015
- Article
Control the Negotiation Before It Begins
By: Deepak Malhotra
Countless books and articles offer advice on avoiding missteps at the bargaining table. But some of the costliest mistakes take place before negotiators sit down to discuss the substance of the deal. That's because they often take for granted that if they bring a lot... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Preparation
Malhotra, Deepak. "Control the Negotiation Before It Begins." Harvard Business Review 93, no. 12 (December 2015): 66–72.
- June 2015 (Revised May 2017)
- Case
LOYAL3: Own What You Love™
By: Luis M. Viceira and Allison M. Ciechanover
This case features San Francisco–based financial technology startup, LOYAL3. Founded in 2008, the company seeks to disrupt the capital markets and democratize access to those markets for retail investors. By the fall of 2014, LOYAL3 had three products. In the first,... View Details
Viceira, Luis M., and Allison M. Ciechanover. "LOYAL3: Own What You Love™." Harvard Business School Case 215-075, June 2015. (Revised May 2017.)
- June 2015
- Article
Standard-Essential Patents
By: Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole
A major policy issue in standard setting is that patents that are ex-ante not that important may, by being included into the standard, become standard-essential patents (SEPs). In an attempt to curb the monopoly power that they create, most standard-setting... View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Jean Tirole. "Standard-Essential Patents." Journal of Political Economy 123, no. 3 (June 2015): 547–586.
- April 2015 (Revised July 2015)
- Case
Proxy Access at Whole Foods
By: Jay Lorsch and Emily McTague
Proxy access grants shareholders meeting certain ownership requirements the right to nominate directors for election to the board without going through a typical proxy contest. In August 2010 the SEC approved a rule granting proxy access for shareholders meeting... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Proxy Advisor; Shareholder Activism; Shareholder Voting; Shareholder Votes; Proxy Battle; Institutional Change; Institutional Investing; Business and Shareholder Relations; Food and Beverage Industry; North America
Lorsch, Jay, and Emily McTague. "Proxy Access at Whole Foods." Harvard Business School Case 415-073, April 2015. (Revised July 2015.)
- March 24, 2014
- Article
Like a Boss: How Corporate Negotiators Would Handle Nuclear Talks With Iran
While the Obama team deserves high marks for launching the interim talks, its approach doesn't sell the upside of a comprehensive deal persuasively enough to transform more Iranian skeptics into active supporters—a necessary condition for success if there is an... View Details
Keywords: Negotiations; Nuclear; Conflict Resolution; Winning Coalition; Blocking Coalition; Strategy; France; Germany; Iran; China; Great Britain; United States; Russia; Negotiation; International Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Public Administration Industry; France; Germany; Iran; China; Great Britain; United States; Russia
Sebenius, James K. "Like a Boss: How Corporate Negotiators Would Handle Nuclear Talks With Iran." (March 24, 2014).
- March 2014 (Revised September 2014)
- Supplement
Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (B)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
This case, a follow-up to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (A), HBS No. 313-012, begins with the debate over New Hampshire's certificate-of-need (CON) law, which restricts hospital expansion. This debate ignited significant public criticism of Cancer Treatment... View Details
Keywords: Cancer; Cancer Treatment; Accountability; Outcomes; Outcomes Reporting; Outcomes Measurement; Survival; For-profit Hospitals; Health Care; Healthcare; Hospital; Certificate Of Need; Health Care and Treatment; Outcome or Result; Corporate Accountability; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 314-003, March 2014. (Revised September 2014.)
- 2018
- Working Paper
Information Provision and Innovation: Natural Experiment of Herbal Patent Prior Art Adoption at the United States and European Patent Offices
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury and Tarun Khanna
We exploit a natural experiment to study how codifying information about prior innovation affects subsequent innovation. A codified database of traditional Indian herbal formulations was adopted by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the U.S. Patent and Trademark... View Details
Keywords: Patents; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Ethnicity; Health Care and Treatment; Pharmaceutical Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; China; India
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, and Tarun Khanna. "Information Provision and Innovation: Natural Experiment of Herbal Patent Prior Art Adoption at the United States and European Patent Offices." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-079, February 2014. (Revised January 2018.)
- February 2014 (Revised December 2015)
- Case
Mara Group
By: Eugene Soltes and Sara Hess
Mara Group is a rapidly growing Pan-African conglomerate run by its entrepreneurial CEO Ashish Thakkar. The case explores Thakkar's decision on which African markets to expand operations into. View Details
Keywords: Telecommunications Manufacturing; Business Ventures; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Pulp and Paper Industry; Real Estate Industry; Shipping Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Africa
Soltes, Eugene, and Sara Hess. "Mara Group." Harvard Business School Case 114-060, February 2014. (Revised December 2015.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- February 2014 (Revised December 2015)
- Supplement
Mara Group (B)
By: Eugene Soltes and Sara Hess
Mara Group is a rapidly growing Pan-African conglomerate run by its entrepreneurial CEO Ashish Thakkar. The case explores Thakkar's decision on which African markets to expand operations into. View Details
Keywords: Telecommunications Manufacturing; Business Ventures; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Pulp and Paper Industry; Real Estate Industry; Shipping Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Africa
Soltes, Eugene, and Sara Hess. "Mara Group (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 114-061, February 2014. (Revised December 2015.)
- December 2013 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
Breaking Bad (the Rules): Argentina Defaults, Inflates (and Grows), 1997–2015
By: Rafael Di Tella and Fernanda Miguel
In late October 2011, after losing 1 billion of dollar reserves in one month, the Argentine government began imposing a series of currency controls, limiting the ability to buy foreign currency. As of October 2011, Argentina's tax collection agency AFIP had been... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Fernanda Miguel. "Breaking Bad (the Rules): Argentina Defaults, Inflates (and Grows), 1997–2015." Harvard Business School Case 714-036, December 2013. (Revised March 2024.)