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- April 1997 (Revised February 2001)
- Case
Mexico in Debt
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Eilene Zimmerman
Describes Mexico's political and economic system in the 1960s and 1970s. Focuses on: 1) the causes of the debt crisis in 1982; 2) elements of President de la Madrid's restructuring efforts between 1982-88; President Salinas's attempts to complete restructuring and... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Economic Systems; Financial Crisis; Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Borrowing and Debt; Government and Politics; Mexico
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Eilene Zimmerman. "Mexico in Debt." Harvard Business School Case 797-110, April 1997. (Revised February 2001.)
- 2020
- Chapter
Reserve Accumulation, Sovereign Debt, and Exchange Rate Policy
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
In the past decade, foreign participation in local-currency bond markets in emerging countries increased dramatically. Additionally, emerging countries are increasingly deviating from inflation targeting regimes, managing their exchange rate and engaging in... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Reserve Accumulation, Sovereign Debt, and Exchange Rate Policy." In Asset Management at Central Banks and Monetary Authorities: New Practices in Managing International Foreign Exchange Reserves, edited by Jacob Bjorheim. Springer, 2020. (Book link.)
- 2010
- Working Paper
International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
The key in the investigation of "where" and "why" capital flows, relative to the neoclassical benchmark, is how we measure these flows. The macro literature has been using three main yardsticks: the current account balance, returns to capital, and the volume of net... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth." NBER Working Paper Series, No. w17396.
- 14 Oct 2019
- Working Paper Summaries
Undisclosed Debt Sustainability
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
- 2023
- Working Paper
Sovereign Default and the Decline in Interest Rates
By: Max Miller, James Paron and Jessica Wachter
Sovereign debt yields have declined dramatically over the last half-century. Standard explanations, including aging populations and increases in asset demand from abroad, encounter difficulties when confronted with the full range of evidence. We propose an explanation... View Details
- Research Summary
Debt Redemption and Reserve Accumulation
By: Laura Alfaro
In the past decade, foreign participation in local-currency bond markets in emerging countries increased dramatically. We revisit sovereign debt sustainability under the assumptions that countries can accumulate reserves and borrow internationally using their own... View Details
- June 2014
- Article
Frictions in Shadow Banking: Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Funds
By: Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderam
We document the consequences of money market fund risk taking during the European sovereign debt crisis. Using a novel data set of security-level holdings of prime money market funds, we show that funds with large exposures to risky Eurozone banks suffered significant... View Details
Keywords: Money Market Mutual Funds; European Sovereign Debt Crisis; Runs; Contagion; Risk Taking; Investment Funds; Financial Crisis; Europe
Chernenko, Sergey, and Adi Sunderam. "Frictions in Shadow Banking: Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Funds." Review of Financial Studies 27, no. 6 (June 2014): 1717–1750.
- June 2006 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
Creditor Activism in Sovereign Debt: 'Vulture' Tactics or Market Backbone
By: Laura Alfaro and Ingrid Vogel
The role of distressed debt funds, also known as "vulture funds," in sovereign debt restructuring was a hotly debated topic, especially after the success of Elliot Associates in converting an $11 million investment in Peruvian bonds worth $21 million into a $58 million... View Details
Keywords: Vulture Funds; Borrowing and Debt; Bonds; Investment Activism; Investment Funds; Sovereign Finance; Government and Politics; Contracts; Business and Government Relations; Peru
Alfaro, Laura, and Ingrid Vogel. "Creditor Activism in Sovereign Debt: 'Vulture' Tactics or Market Backbone." Harvard Business School Case 706-057, June 2006. (Revised April 2024.)
- 01 Aug 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
The Costs of Sovereign Default: Evidence from Argentina
Keywords: by Jesse Schreger and Benjamin Hebert
- 27 Jun 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Fiscal Rules and Sovereign Default
- April 1990 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
Mexico: Escaping from the Debt Crisis?
Explores how Mexico found itself in the debt crisis that exploded in 1982 and how the de la Madrid administration (1982-88) followed by the Salinas government (1988 on) devised policies by which to resolve the macroeconomic imbalances. Describes the economic and... View Details
Shapiro, Helen. "Mexico: Escaping from the Debt Crisis?" Harvard Business School Case 390-174, April 1990. (Revised January 1994.)
- April 2006 (Revised December 2006)
- Case
The Barber of Buenos Aires: Argentina's Debt Renegotiation
By: Noel Maurer and Aldo Musacchio
Tells the story of Argentina's aggressive strategy for renegotiating its sovereign debt from 2003 to 2005. Most creditors accepted the offer to swap their debt for new securities worth 35 cents on the dollar, with no recognition of all past-due interest. Many holdouts,... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Borrowing and Debt; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; International Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Sovereign Finance; Government and Politics; Negotiation Tactics; Outcome or Result; Situation or Environment; Argentina
Maurer, Noel, and Aldo Musacchio. "The Barber of Buenos Aires: Argentina's Debt Renegotiation." Harvard Business School Case 706-034, April 2006. (Revised December 2006.)
- June 2015 (Revised January 2017)
- Case
Greece's Debt: Sustainable?
By: George Serafeim
The case "Greece's Debt: Sustainable?" describes the Greek economic crisis, bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the debt restructuring that followed. Because of a lack of trust in Greece's ability to repay its debt, two... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Accounting; Debt Sustainability; Austerity; Solvency Opinions; Borrowing and Debt; Restructuring; Valuation; Accrual Accounting; Fair Value Accounting; Economy; Greece
Serafeim, George. "Greece's Debt: Sustainable?" Harvard Business School Case 115-063, June 2015. (Revised January 2017.)
- 2012
- Case
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Olivia Leskinen
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
2009 AL Fellow
Bob Whelan developed an idea with partners that was a seed before his fellowship year and seemed to address a significant national challenge - college financing - with a creative concept and experience from... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Entrepreneurs; Leadership Skills; Student Loan Crisis; Student Loans; Students; Low-income; Postsecondary Education; Debt-free; Income-share Agreements; ISA; College; Master’s Degree; Google; Purdue Research Foundation; Kanter’s Law; Elida Gonzalez; 13th Avenue; Ed Lowry; Flexibility; National Student Debt Jubilee Project; Fundraising; Difficult Middles; Investing In Student Success Act Of 2014; State Engagement; State Level; Pay It Forward; Student Movement; Tuition; Financing College; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Education; Higher Education; Financing and Loans; Social Enterprise
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Olivia Leskinen. "Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-009, 2012. (Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- 25 Apr 2014
- Research & Ideas
To Pay or Not to Pay: Argentina and the International Debt Market
Costa Rica, recommends a course of action sure to anger banks and fund managers: absolute sovereign immunity, which is the way things were done before 1976. Argentina's escalating financial crisis is taking... View Details
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro
- October 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002
By: Rafael Di Tella
The case describes Argentina's struggle to establish a credible monetary system under populist pressures and the recurrent use of exchange rate stabilization plans. It focuses on two episodes where there was "too little money" in the economy: during the hyperinflation... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Hyperinflation; Financial Crisis; Inflation and Deflation; Currency Exchange Rate; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael. "A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002." Harvard Business School Case 715-019, October 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- August 2015
- Article
A Comparative-Advantage Approach to Government Debt Maturity
By: Robin Greenwood, Samuel G. Hanson and Jeremy C. Stein
We study optimal government debt maturity in a model where investors derive monetary services from holding riskless short-term securities. In a setting where the government is the only issuer of such riskless paper, it trades off the monetary premium associated with... View Details
Greenwood, Robin, Samuel G. Hanson, and Jeremy C. Stein. "A Comparative-Advantage Approach to Government Debt Maturity." Journal of Finance 70, no. 4 (August 2015): 1683–1722. (2015 Brattle Group Distinguished Paper for an outstanding corporate finance paper published in the Journal of Finance. Internet Appendix Here.)
- 16 Oct 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Government Debt Management at the Zero Lower Bound
- 06 Dec 2011
- Op-Ed
Greater Fiscal Integration Best Solution for Euro Crisis
deleveraging that made them sell European sovereign debt. But the ECB's most powerful weapon - intervening in the bond market - is still locked away. Draghi needs to create consensus among the German "hawks" who worry about the... View Details
Keywords: by Dante Roscini
- February 2009
- Case
Avid Radiopharmaceuticals: The Venture Debt Question
By: Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and Ann Leamon
The CEO of a promising biotech company must decide how to respond to the macro-economic slump of late 2008. He had planned to pursue an aggressive schedule, moving the firm's Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease imaging compounds through clinical trials and into the... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Entrepreneurship; Borrowing and Debt; Venture Capital; Financial Management; Investment; Health Testing and Trials; Expansion; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew, and Ann Leamon. "Avid Radiopharmaceuticals: The Venture Debt Question." Harvard Business School Case 809-086, February 2009.