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- All HBS Web (459)
- Faculty Publications (149)
- July 2000 (Revised October 2019)
- Exercise
Riggs-Vericomp Negotiation (B): Confidential Information for VERICOMP (Buyer)
By: Michael Wheeler
The seller (Riggs Engineering) manufactures and services recycling equipment for the computer industry. The buyer (Vericomp) uses solvents in manufacturing chips. Though set in a high-tech industry, this exercise illustrates fundamental aspects of negotiation analysis... View Details
Keywords: Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Tactics; Value Creation; Computer Industry
Wheeler, Michael. "Riggs-Vericomp Negotiation (B): Confidential Information for VERICOMP (Buyer)." Harvard Business School Exercise 801-097, July 2000. (Revised October 2019.)
- September 2017 (Revised March 2019)
- Case
Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
In 1976, a growing crisis in Southern Africa drew the attention of United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. White Rhodesian leader Ian Smith's refusal to accede to black majority rule threatened to widen into a regional conflict involving apartheid South... View Details
Keywords: Equality and Inequality; Race; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Africa; United States
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (A)." Harvard Business School Case 918-003, September 2017. (Revised March 2019.)
- September 2017 (Revised March 2019)
- Supplement
Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
In 1976, United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger conducted a series of intricate, multiparty negotiations in Southern Africa to persuade white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith to accede to black majority rule. Conducted near the end of President Gerald Ford’s... View Details
Keywords: Equality and Inequality; Race; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Deal; Government and Politics; Africa; United States
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 918-004, September 2017. (Revised March 2019.)
- Dec 01 2020
- Testimonial
Participants Share the Experience of a Virtual GMP
- October 2009
- Article
Negotiation Analysis: From Games to Inferences to Decisions to Deals
Exemplified by the pioneering work of Howard Raiffa and often expressed in the pages of the Negotiation Journal, the emergent prescriptive field of "negotiation analysis" progressively developed from Raiffa's early contributions to game theory and to his later... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Tactics; Game Theory
Sebenius, James K. "Negotiation Analysis: From Games to Inferences to Decisions to Deals." Negotiation Journal 25, no. 4 (October 2009): 449–465.
- February 1997 (Revised October 1999)
- Case
3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (C)
By: Michael A. Wheeler and Thomas Dretler
An epilogue to the (A) and (B) cases, this describes the final steps in implementing the agreement 3M made with Procter and Gamble and with local public officials and interest groups. View Details
Keywords: Agreements and Arrangements; Pollutants; Negotiation Participants; Performance Effectiveness; United States
Wheeler, Michael A., and Thomas Dretler. "3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (C)." Harvard Business School Case 897-136, February 1997. (Revised October 1999.)
- January 1999 (Revised August 1999)
- Background Note
Doing Business in Russia: Note on Negotiating in the "Wild East"
By: James K. Sebenius and Randall A Fine
Based on an MBA's experience, this anecdotal note explores cross-border negotiations between U.S. executives and Russian counterparts. The first section guides the reader through general aspects of the Russian market. Next follows a characterization of the Russian... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Deal; Problems and Challenges; Negotiation Style; Decisions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Negotiation Participants; Russia; United States
Sebenius, James K., and Randall A Fine. Doing Business in Russia: Note on Negotiating in the "Wild East". Harvard Business School Background Note 899-048, January 1999. (Revised August 1999.)
- February 1997 (Revised May 1998)
- Case
3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (A)
By: Michael A. Wheeler and Thomas Dretler
A proposed trade of air pollution emission credits between 3M (now Imation) and Procter and Gamble is described. Though such trading is encouraged under federal environmental laws, 3M had adopted a company-wide policy against such deals. Procter and Gamble needs the... View Details
Keywords: Conflict of Interests; Negotiation Types; Pollutants; Negotiation Participants; Laws and Statutes; Policy; Government and Politics; United States
Wheeler, Michael A., and Thomas Dretler. "3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-134, February 1997. (Revised May 1998.)
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #1
Describes the position of Utility #1 in negotiating Group A with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Process; Pollutants; Laws and Statutes; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry; United States
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #1." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-073, December 1992.
- February 1997 (Revised September 2000)
- Case
3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (B)
By: Michael A. Wheeler and Thomas Dretler
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Conflict of Interests; Negotiation Types; Pollutants; Negotiation Participants; Laws and Statutes; Policy; Government and Politics; United States
Wheeler, Michael A., and Thomas Dretler. "3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (B)." Harvard Business School Case 897-135, February 1997. (Revised September 2000.)
- December 1992 (Revised November 1993)
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #3
Describes the position of Utility #3 in negotiating Group C with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Process; Pollutants; Laws and Statutes; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry; United States
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #3." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-083, December 1992. (Revised November 1993.)
- 26 Sep 2005
- Research & Ideas
What Perceived Power Brings to Negotiations
year in the journal Group Decisions and Negotiation, authors Rebecca L. Wolfe and Kathleen McGinn found that in negotiations where participants shared relatively equal perceived power, the outcome tended to... View Details
Keywords: by Mallory Stark
- March 2020
- Article
Knowing When to Ask: The Cost of Leaning-in
By: Christine L. Exley, Muriel Niederle and Lise Vesterlund
Women's reluctance to negotiate is often used to explain the gender wage gap, popularizing the push for women to “lean-in" and negotiate more. Examining an environment where women achieve positive profits when they choose to negotiate, we find that increased... View Details
Exley, Christine L., Muriel Niederle, and Lise Vesterlund. "Knowing When to Ask: The Cost of Leaning-in." Journal of Political Economy 128, no. 3 (March 2020): 816–854.
- 08 Apr 2002
- Research & Ideas
How to Negotiate “Yes” Across Cultural Boundaries
Cultural differences can influence business negotiations in significant and unexpected ways, as many a hapless dealmaker has learned. In some cases, it's a matter of ignorance or blatant disrespect, as with the American salesman who... View Details
Keywords: by James K. Sebenius
- 2004
- Chapter
Claiming Authority: Negotiating Challenges for Women Leaders
By: Hannah R. Bowles and Kathleen L. McGinn
Keywords: Leadership; Negotiation Participants; Problems and Challenges; Gender; Power and Influence
Bowles, Hannah R., and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Claiming Authority: Negotiating Challenges for Women Leaders." Chap. 9 in The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Approaches, edited by D. Messick and R. Kramer, 191–208. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
- May 2011
- Article
Can Nervous Nelly Negotiate? How Anxiety Causes Negotiators to Make Low First Offers, Exit Early, and Earn Less Profit
By: A.W. Brooks and M.E. Schweitzer
Negotiations trigger anxiety. Across four studies, we demonstrate that anxiety is harmful to negotiator performance. In our experiments, we induced either anxiety or neutral feelings and studied behavior in negotiation and continuous shrinking-pie tasks. Compared to... View Details
Brooks, A.W., and M.E. Schweitzer. "Can Nervous Nelly Negotiate? How Anxiety Causes Negotiators to Make Low First Offers, Exit Early, and Earn Less Profit." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 115, no. 1 (May 2011): 43–54. (Awarded Best Paper with a Student as First Author by the International Association for Conflict Management, 2010.)
- 2018
- Working Paper
Thanks for Nothing: Expressing Gratitude Invites Exploitation by Competitors
By: Jeremy Yip, Kelly Kiyeon Lee, Cindy Chan and Alison Wood Brooks
Previous research has revealed that expressing gratitude motivates prosocial behavior in cooperative relationships. However, expressing gratitude in competitive interactions may operate differently. Across five studies, we demonstrate that individuals interacting with... View Details
Yip, Jeremy, Kelly Kiyeon Lee, Cindy Chan, and Alison Wood Brooks. "Thanks for Nothing: Expressing Gratitude Invites Exploitation by Competitors." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-081, February 2018.
- 2015
- Chapter
"Level II" Negotiation Strategies: Advance Your Interests by Helping to Solve Their Internal Problems
Many negotiators have constituencies that must formally or informally approve an agreement. Traditionally, it is the responsibility of each negotiator to manage the internal conflicts and constituencies on his or her own side. Far less familiar are the many valuable... View Details
Sebenius, James K. "Level II" Negotiation Strategies: Advance Your Interests by Helping to Solve Their Internal Problems. In Negotiating in Times of Conflict, edited by Gilead Sher and Anat Kurz, 107–124. Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, 2015. Electronic.
- 25 Jan 2016
- Research & Ideas
When Negotiating a Price, Never Bid with a Round Number
Here’s an easy tip for anyone negotiating to buy a car, a house, or even a company. When you make an initial offer, don’t bid with a round number like $10,000 or $1 million or $15 per share. Rather, bid with a more precise number, like... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel