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- All HBS Web (186)
- Faculty Publications (140)
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- January–March 2000
- Article
Un nuevo índice de precios para México, 1886-1929 [A New Price Index for Mexico, 1886-1929]
By: Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato and Aldo Musacchio
We present new price indices for the period 1886-1929. These indices have several advantages with respect to the previous ones: i) they cover the whole period with the same methodology, and by reaching 1929 these series can be joined with contemporary price indices,... View Details
Gómez-Galvarriato, Aurora, and Aldo Musacchio. "Un nuevo índice de precios para México, 1886-1929 [A New Price Index for Mexico, 1886-1929]." Trimestre económico 67, no. 265 (January–March 2000): 47–91.
- February 2011 (Revised June 2011)
- Case
Aluar: Aluminio Argentino S.A. (A)
By: David F. Hawkins, Hernan Etiennot, Gustavo A. Herrero and Cintra Scott
Argentine government claims inflation rate is 8 percent but others claim it is double that rate. Analysts' attempts to adjust the company's financial statements for inflation. View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Accounting; Financial Statements; Government and Politics; Argentina
Hawkins, David F., Hernan Etiennot, Gustavo A. Herrero, and Cintra Scott. "Aluar: Aluminio Argentino S.A. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 111-059, February 2011. (Revised June 2011.)
- April 2001
- Background Note
Exchange Rate Terminology and Analytics
An introduction to the concept of exchange rates, simple analytics regarding currency appreciation and devaluation, and real and nominal exchange rates. Concludes with a series of examples that illustrate how shifts in exchange rates and inflation can affect firms'... View Details
Kennedy, Robert E. "Exchange Rate Terminology and Analytics." Harvard Business School Background Note 701-121, April 2001.
- 28 Jul 2009
- Research Event
Business Summit: Real Estate
isn't dead. Despite the current challenges in the real estate sector, there will be tremendous buying opportunities The economy will experience deflation first, followed by inflation. Read the in-depth summary For more coverage and video:... View Details
- October 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002
By: Rafael Di Tella
The case describes Argentina's struggle to establish a credible monetary system under populist pressures and the recurrent use of exchange rate stabilization plans. It focuses on two episodes where there was "too little money" in the economy: during the hyperinflation... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Hyperinflation; Financial Crisis; Inflation and Deflation; Currency Exchange Rate; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael. "A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002." Harvard Business School Case 715-019, October 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- June 2024
- Article
Inflation with COVID Consumption Baskets
By: Alberto Cavallo
The Covid-19 pandemic led to changes in expenditure patterns that introduced significant bias in the measurement of Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation. Using publicly-available data on card transactions, I updated the official CPI weights and re-calculated inflation... View Details
Keywords: COVID; Consumer Expenditures; CPI; Inflation; Consumer Behavior; Inflation and Deflation; Health Pandemics
Cavallo, Alberto. "Inflation with COVID Consumption Baskets." Special Issue on The Global Economy: Looking Back, Moving Forward, Part II. IMF Economic Review 72, no. 2 (June 2024): 902–917.
- July 2018 (Revised July 2018)
- Teaching Note
Argentina Power—Don’t Cry for Me Argentina
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz and Sayiddah Fatima McCree
Teaching Note for HBS No. 218-041. This case concerns a complex potential energy infrastructure investment in Argentina by a global conglomerate shortly after Mauricio Macri (“Macri”) became President of Argentina in 2015. The central issues are (i) why was a country... View Details
- April 2015
- Teaching Note
International Macroeconomics — An Online Tutorial
By: Laura Alfaro and Elizabeth A. Meyer
This is the Teaching Note to accompany "International Macroeconomics", HBS Tutorial 715-702. View Details
- July 2017
- Article
Inflation Expectations, Learning, and Supermarket Prices: Evidence from Survey Experiments
By: Alberto Cavallo, Guillermo Cruces and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
Information frictions play a central role in the formation of household inflation expectations, but there is no consensus about their origins. We address this question with novel evidence from survey experiments. We document two main findings. First, individuals in... View Details
Keywords: Inflation Expectations; Survey Experiment; Rational Inattention; Supermarkets; Macroeconomics; Household; Inflation and Deflation; Policy
Cavallo, Alberto, Guillermo Cruces, and Ricardo Perez-Truglia. "Inflation Expectations, Learning, and Supermarket Prices: Evidence from Survey Experiments." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 9, no. 3 (July 2017): 1–35.
- December 1999 (Revised November 2010)
- Background Note
Inflation Accounting and Analysis
By: David F. Hawkins
Describes alternative approaches to accounting for business activities during periods of inflation. Presents hints and techniques for analyzing financial statements during inflationary periods. A rewritten version of an earlier note. View Details
Hawkins, David F. "Inflation Accounting and Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 100-063, December 1999. (Revised November 2010.)
- March 1983 (Revised June 1988)
- Teaching Note
American Standard, Inc.: The Inflation Accounting System, TN
By: William J. Bruns Jr. and Julie H. Hertenstein
- July 1997
- Case
Treasury Inflation-Protection Securities (TIPS)
Explores the development of a new product offering based on the first issuance of "real" bonds in the United States. Looks at a specific organization's efforts to position itself to profit from this market development. Follows naturally from a case on nominal bonds. View Details
Das, Sanjiv R., and Jeffrey T. Slovin. "Treasury Inflation-Protection Securities (TIPS)." Harvard Business School Case 298-017, July 1997.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Fiscal Policy under Convex Supply Curves
By: Shlok Goyal, Avi Lipton and Borui Niklas Zhu
Recent empirical evidence suggests that supply curves are convex. Supply curve convexity is at odds with conventional Phillips curves, which rely on an infinitely elastic underlying supply curve. This paper explores the effect of supply curve convexity on the... View Details
Keywords: Fiscal Stimulus; Fiscal Policy; Inflation; Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Policy; Mathematical Methods; United States
Goyal, Shlok, Avi Lipton, and Borui Niklas Zhu. "Fiscal Policy under Convex Supply Curves." Working Paper, August 2024.
- February 1990
- Article
Inflation and Taxation with Optimizing Governments
By: J. J. Rotemberg and James Poterba
Rotemberg, J. J., and James Poterba. "Inflation and Taxation with Optimizing Governments." Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 22 (February 1990): 1–19.
- October 2012
- Case
Brazil 2003: Inflation Targeting and Debt Dynamics (Abridged)
By: Laura Alfaro and Rafael Di Tella
In October 2002, Brazilians elected a left-wing president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, for the first time in that country's history. As markets faltered in response, Lula sought to reaffirm his commitment to fiscal discipline, a floating exchange rate, and inflation... View Details
- June 1994
- Case
Harvey Cohen
An introductory case in the construction of financial statements from basic financial transactions where inflation accounting is an issue. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren. "Harvey Cohen." Harvard Business School Case 194-155, June 1994.
- Other Unpublished Work
Inflation Uncertainty and the Wage Bargain
By: Lucy White and Hans-Joachim Voth
- March–April 2023
- Article
Case Study: Should a Dollar Store Raise Prices to Keep Up with Inflation?
By: Jill Avery and Marco Bertini
How should a dollar store maintain its brand and price position in the marketplace in the face of rising inflation? Is holding a $1.00 price point still viable in today's marketplace? In this fictional case, managers face inflationary pressures and must decide whether... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Pricing Strategy; Retailing; Discount Retailing; Discount Store; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Inflation and Deflation; Retail Industry; United States
Avery, Jill, and Marco Bertini. "Case Study: Should a Dollar Store Raise Prices to Keep Up with Inflation?" Harvard Business Review 101, no. 2 (March–April 2023): 140–144.
- 1999
- Chapter
Excess Capital Flows and the Burden of Inflation in Open Economies
By: M. A. Desai and James R. Hines Jr.
Desai, M. A., and James R. Hines Jr. "Excess Capital Flows and the Burden of Inflation in Open Economies." In The Costs and Benefits of Price Stability, edited by Martin S. Feldstein. University of Chicago Press, 1999.
- 2023
- Chapter
Inflation and Misallocation in New Keynesian Models
By: Alberto Cavallo, Francesco Lippi and Ken Miyahara
The New Keynesian framework implies that sluggish price adjustment results in a distorted allocation of resources. We use a simple model to quantify these unobservable distortions, using data that depict the price-setting behavior of firms, specifically the frequency... View Details
Cavallo, Alberto, Francesco Lippi, and Ken Miyahara. "Inflation and Misallocation in New Keynesian Models." In ECB Forum on Central Banking 26-28 June 2023, Sintra, Portugal: Macroeconomic Stabilisation in a Volatile Inflation Environment. European Central Bank, 2023.