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- Faculty Publications (659)
- November 1998 (Revised November 2001)
- Case
BMW AG: The Digital Car Project (A)
By: Stefan H. Thomke and Ashok Nimgade
Describes how the German automotive firm BMW is trying to reduce its development time by half with the aid of computer-aided technologies. To leverage these technologies fully in the very competitive automotive industry, BMW is faced with the challenge of changing its... View Details
Keywords: Change; Competency and Skills; Management; Time Management; Product Positioning; Product Development; Business Processes; Performance; Problems and Challenges; Technology; Auto Industry
Thomke, Stefan H., and Ashok Nimgade. "BMW AG: The Digital Car Project (A)." Harvard Business School Case 699-044, November 1998. (Revised November 2001.)
- August 1998 (Revised October 1998)
- Case
Disney's "The Lion King" (A): The $2 Billion Movie
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Cate Reavis
In 1994, just 10 years after its filmed entertainment division lost $33 million, Disney's animated creation "The Lion King" became the second highest grossing film ever. In addition to drawing $740 million in worldwide box office sales, its merchandise sales exceeded... View Details
Keywords: Value Creation; Marketing Strategy; Expansion; Creativity; Film Entertainment; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Product Development; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Retail Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Cate Reavis. Disney's "The Lion King" (A): The $2 Billion Movie. Harvard Business School Case 899-041, August 1998. (Revised October 1998.)
- May 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Biopure Corp.
It is early 1998 and Biopure Corp., a small biopharmaceutical firm with no sales revenues in its ten-year history, has just received government approval to release Oxyglobin, a revolutionary new "blood substitute" designed to replace the need for donated animal blood... View Details
Keywords: Segmentation; Marketing Strategy; Engineering; Budgets and Budgeting; Sales; Transformation; Markets; Debates; Product Launch; Pharmaceutical Industry
Gourville, John T. "Biopure Corp." Harvard Business School Case 598-150, May 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- May 1998
- Article
Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation
By: Shane Greenstein and Garey Ramey
We reassess Arrow's (1962) [Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, in NBER, The Rate and Direction of Innovative Activity (Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ)] results concerning the effect of market structure on the returns from process... View Details
Greenstein, Shane, and Garey Ramey. "Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation." International Journal of Industrial Organization 16, no. 3 (May 1998): 285–311.
- March 1998 (Revised November 1999)
- Case
By: John A. Deighton and Anthony St. George
How should USA TODAY use its brand franchise to build a publishing business on the World Wide Web? Advertising Age described the first steps as "a case study in how not to do it," but by the end of 1997 USA TODAY Online is the most visited news site on the Web. Now the... View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Design; Profit; Revenue; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Internet and the Web; Information Industry
Deighton, John A., and Anthony St. George. "USA TODAY Online." Harvard Business School Case 598-133, March 1998. (Revised November 1999.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- January 1998 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Acer America: Development of the Aspire
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Anthony St. George
Follows the development, national launch, and global rollout of the Aspire, Acer's first new product developed outside of Taiwan. Implementing a very promising new PC concept proves challenging to Mike Culver and his U.S. team, who are plagued by coordination problems... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Globalized Firms and Management; Organizational Design; Supply Chain; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Business Subsidiaries; Product Launch; Computer Industry; United States; Taiwan
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Anthony St. George. "Acer America: Development of the Aspire." Harvard Business School Case 399-011, January 1998. (Revised April 2001.)
- November 1997 (Revised July 1999)
- Case
Guidant: Cardiac Rhythm Management Business (A)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Mikelle Eastley
Examines the choices Guidant must make in research and development spending and new product development. More specifically, CEO Jay Graf considers the payoffs and tradeoffs of using product development skills that he learned in CPI's core business when applied to a... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Product Marketing; Product Development; Business or Company Management; Management Skills; Research and Development; Business Strategy; Communication; Product Design; Market Design; Organizational Design; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Wheelwright, Steven C., and Mikelle Eastley. "Guidant: Cardiac Rhythm Management Business (A)." Harvard Business School Case 698-021, November 1997. (Revised July 1999.)
- August 1997
- Case
Orbital Sciences Corporation: ORBCOMM
By: Das Narayandas and John A. Quelch
In late 1993, Orbital Communications Corp. (OCC), a subsidiary of Orbital Sciences Corp., is developing a global two-way wireless data communications system, called "ORBCOMM," based on a 26-satellite constellation in low earth orbit. Service is scheduled to begin in... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Business Model; Business Startups; Price; Global Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Demand and Consumers; Partners and Partnerships; Salesforce Management; Telecommunications Industry
Narayandas, Das, and John A. Quelch. "Orbital Sciences Corporation: ORBCOMM." Harvard Business School Case 598-027, August 1997.
- June 1997 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Walker and Company: Profit Plan Decisions
By: Robert L. Simons and Ramsey Walker
Ramsey Walker, a second-year MBA student, must decide how to control a family business as an absentee owner. After providing background details on the publishing industry, the case requires the reader to: 1) make a product segmentation decision; 2) prepare a profit... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure; Family and Family Relationships; Market Design; Management Systems; Planning; Profit; Performance Evaluation; Segmentation; Corporate Strategy; Investment Return; Publishing Industry
Simons, Robert L., and Ramsey Walker. "Walker and Company: Profit Plan Decisions." Harvard Business School Case 197-084, June 1997. (Revised February 2000.)
- February 1997 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
Launching the BMW Z3 Roadster
By: Robert J. Dolan and Susan M. Fournier
James McDowell, vice president of marketing at BMW North America, Inc., must design Phase II communication strategies for the launch of the new BMW Z3 Roadster. The program follows an "out-of-the-box" prelaunch campaign centered on the placement of the product in the... View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Innovation and Invention; Auto Industry; North America
Dolan, Robert J., and Susan M. Fournier. "Launching the BMW Z3 Roadster." Harvard Business School Case 597-002, February 1997. (Revised January 2002.)
- October 1996 (Revised December 2022)
- Case
Chiquita Brands International (A)
By: Debora L. Spar and Terence Mulligan
When a new banana import policy is implemented in 1993 by the European Union, Chiquita Brands International, the world's largest banana distributor, watches its sales and net income plummet. The policy, Council Regulation (EEC 404/93), uses a new tariff and quota... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Trade; Government and Politics; Policy; Market Design; Fairness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Latin America; European Union
Spar, Debora L., and Terence Mulligan. "Chiquita Brands International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 797-015, October 1996. (Revised December 2022.)
- September 1996 (Revised September 1999)
- Case
Mobil USM&R (A): Linking the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The CEO of the marketing and refining division of a major oil company is in the midst of implementing a profit turnaround. He transforms the strongly centralized, functionally-organized division into 17 independent business units and 14 internal service companies. The... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Measurement and Metrics; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Balanced Scorecard; Corporate Strategy; Mining Industry; Energy Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Mobil USM&R (A): Linking the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 197-025, September 1996. (Revised September 1999.)
- August 1996 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
J Boats, Inc.
By: Robert L. Simons
During the 20-year evolution of a family-owned, entrepreneurial sailboat company, two founders leverage their design and marketing skills to build one of the most recognized brands in the recreational boating industry. The founder then considers management succession... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Family Business; Risk Management; Financial Management; Leveraged Buyouts; Brands and Branding; Competitive Strategy; Capital Markets; Valuation; Shipping Industry; Transportation Industry
Simons, Robert L. "J Boats, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 197-015, August 1996. (Revised December 1999.)
- February 1996 (Revised February 2008)
- Case
Toshiba: Ome Works
By: H. Kent Bowen, Janice H. Hammond, Sylvie Ryckebusch and Hiroshi Uchikoga
In 1995, Toshiba was the market leader in portable computer sales worldwide. This case describes the assembly of portable notebook computers in Toshiba's Ome factory in Ome, Japan, providing insights into some of the reasons for Toshiba's success. In addition to... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Employees; Job Design and Levels; Production; Hardware; Japan
Bowen, H. Kent, Janice H. Hammond, Sylvie Ryckebusch, and Hiroshi Uchikoga. "Toshiba: Ome Works." Harvard Business School Case 696-059, February 1996. (Revised February 2008.)
- October 1995 (Revised January 1998)
- Case
Heineken N.V.: Global Branding and Advertising
By: John A. Quelch
Heineken managers are evaluating the results of the research projects designed to identify the values of the Heineken brand and to translate these into effective advertising messages. View Details
Keywords: Value; Advertising Campaigns; Globalization; Brands and Branding; Food and Beverage Industry
Quelch, John A. "Heineken N.V.: Global Branding and Advertising." Harvard Business School Case 596-015, October 1995. (Revised January 1998.)
- August 1995 (Revised September 1995)
- Background Note
Designing and Managing the Information Age IT Architecture
The co-evolution of technology, work, and the workforce over the past 30 years has dramatically influenced our concept of organizations and the industries within which they compete. No longer simply a tool to support "back-office" transactions, IT has become a... View Details
Applegate, Lynda M. "Designing and Managing the Information Age IT Architecture." Harvard Business School Background Note 196-005, August 1995. (Revised September 1995.)
- August 1995
- Background Note
Managing in an Information Age: IT Challenges and Opportunities
The co-evolution of technology, work, and the workforce over the past 30 years has dramatically influenced our concept of organizations and the industries within which they compete. No longer simply a tool to support "back-office" transactions, IT has become a... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Information Management; Restructuring; Technological Innovation; Corporate Strategy; Organizational Design; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Managing in an Information Age: IT Challenges and Opportunities." Harvard Business School Background Note 196-004, August 1995.
- April 1995 (Revised December 1997)
- Case
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (A)
By: Marco Iansiti and Ellen Stein
Based on a Silicon Valley company that has developed the capability to compete in a rapidly growing, highly turbulent environment. This capability hinges on its flexible and rapid development process, which the case characterizes in detail. Focuses on the development... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Information Infrastructure; Product Launch; Managerial Roles; Expansion; Design; Applications and Software; Computer Industry; Electronics Industry; California
Iansiti, Marco, and Ellen Stein. "Silicon Graphics, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 695-061, April 1995. (Revised December 1997.)
- December 1994 (Revised March 1996)
- Case
Ciba Consumer Pharmaceuticals' Acutrim: Challenges and Opportunities in Today's Diet Industry
By: Nancy F. Koehn and Rebecca Voorheis
Since its introduction in 1983, Acutrim has been a major player in the U.S. appetite suppressant market and in the broader diet industry. This case focuses on the strategic, regulatory, marketing, and financial challenges this product and the rapidly changing diet... View Details
Keywords: Product Marketing; Market Design; Industry Structures; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Opportunities; Food and Beverage Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Koehn, Nancy F., and Rebecca Voorheis. "Ciba Consumer Pharmaceuticals' Acutrim: Challenges and Opportunities in Today's Diet Industry." Harvard Business School Case 795-043, December 1994. (Revised March 1996.)