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- All HBS Web
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- 01 Aug 2019
- Video
Improving Lives One Data Set at a Time, Esther Hsu Wang (MBA 2009)
- August 2017 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
GROW: Using Artificial Intelligence to Screen Human Intelligence
By: Ethan Bernstein, Paul McKinnon and Paul Yarabe
Over 10% of all 2017 university graduates in Japan used GROW, an artificial intelligence platform and mobile app developed by Tokyo-based people analytics startup IGS, to recruit for a job. This case puts participants in the shoes of IGS founder and CEO Masahiro... View Details
Keywords: Big Data; Artificial Intelligence; Talent and Talent Management; Recruitment; Selection and Staffing; Human Resources; Information Technology; AI and Machine Learning; Analytics and Data Science; Financial Services Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Advertising Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry; Japan
Bernstein, Ethan, Paul McKinnon, and Paul Yarabe. "GROW: Using Artificial Intelligence to Screen Human Intelligence." Harvard Business School Case 418-020, August 2017. (Revised July 2019.)
- January 2021 (Revised March 2021)
- Supplement
E-Commerce Analytics for CPG Firms (A): Estimating Sales
By: Ayelet Israeli and Fedor (Ted) Lisitsyn
The E-Commerce Analytics group at the traditional CPG firm was in charge of compiling various online sales reports, as well as making data-driven recommendations for sales and marketing tactics. In a series of exercises, students address different data challenges for... View Details
Keywords: Data Analysis; Data Analytics; CPG; Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG); Estimation; Online Channel; Retail Analytics; Retail; Retailing Industry; Data; Data Sharing; Bricks And Mortar; Ecommerce; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Sales; Goods and Commodities; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States
- January 1995
- Article
Learning in Extensive-Form Games: Experimental Data and Simple Dynamic Models in the Intermediate Term
By: A. E. Roth and I. Erev
Roth, A. E., and I. Erev. "Learning in Extensive-Form Games: Experimental Data and Simple Dynamic Models in the Intermediate Term." Special Issue on Nobel Symposium. Games and Economic Behavior 8 (January 1995): 164–212.
- January 2021 (Revised March 2021)
- Supplement
E-Commerce Analytics for CPG Firms (C): Free Delivery Terms
By: Ayelet Israeli and Fedor (Ted) Lisitsyn
The E-Commerce Analytics group at the traditional CPG firm was in charge of compiling various online sales reports, as well as making data-driven recommendations for sales and marketing tactics. In a series of exercises, students address different data challenges for... View Details
Keywords: Data; Data Analysis; Data Analytics; Data Sharing; CPG; Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG); Delivery Planning; Customer Lifetime Value; Online Channel; Retail; Retail Analytics; Retailing Industry; Ecommerce; Grocery; Grocery Delivery; Margins; Retention; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States
- January 2021
- Exercise
E-Commerce Analytics for CPG Firms (B): Optimizing Assortment for a New Retailer
By: Ayelet Israeli and Fedor (Ted) Lisitsyn
The E-Commerce Analytics group at the traditional CPG firm was in charge of compiling various online sales reports, as well as making data-driven recommendations for sales and marketing tactics. In a series of exercises, students address different data challenges for... View Details
Keywords: Data Analysis; Data Analytics; CPG; Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG); Online Channel; Retail Analytics; Retail; Retailing Industry; Data; Data Sharing; Ecommerce; CRM; Loyalty Management; Assortment Planning; Assortment Optimization; Lifetime Value (LTV); Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Retention; E-commerce; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Israeli, Ayelet, and Fedor (Ted) Lisitsyn. "E-Commerce Analytics for CPG Firms (B): Optimizing Assortment for a New Retailer." Harvard Business School Exercise 521-079, January 2021.
- August 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Teaching Note
Sidewalk Labs: Privacy in a City Built from the Internet Up
By: Leslie John and Mitch Weiss
Email for a courtesy copy.
The case serves as a microcosm of issues of digital privacy: the availability of data – personal data in particular – has tremendous potential to improve people’s lives... View Details
The case serves as a microcosm of issues of digital privacy: the availability of data – personal data in particular – has tremendous potential to improve people’s lives... View Details
Keywords: Privacy; Privacy By Design; Privacy Regulation; Platforms; Data; Data Security; Behavioral Science; Analytics and Data Science; Safety; Entrepreneurship; Business and Government Relations; Consumer Behavior; Digital Platforms
John, Leslie, and Mitch Weiss. "Sidewalk Labs: Privacy in a City Built from the Internet Up." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-023, August 2019. (Revised February 2020.) (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- December 2022 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Akooda: Charging Toward Operational Intelligence
By: Christopher Stanton and Mel Martin
The Akooda case describes the challenges confronting founder and CEO Yuval Gonczarowski (MBA ‘17) in 2022 as he attempts to boost sales. Launched in November 2020, Akooda was an AI company that mined 20 different sources of digital data, from tools like Slack, Google... View Details
Keywords: Data Mining; Productivity; Monitoring; Data Analysis; AI and Machine Learning; Knowledge Management; Operations; Problems and Challenges; Employee Relationship Management; Information Technology Industry; Technology Industry; Information Industry; Boston; Israel
Stanton, Christopher, and Mel Martin. "Akooda: Charging Toward Operational Intelligence." Harvard Business School Case 823-018, December 2022. (Revised January 2025.)
- August 2021
- Article
Multiple Imputation Using Gaussian Copulas
By: F.M. Hollenbach, I. Bojinov, S. Minhas, N.W. Metternich, M.D. Ward and A. Volfovsky
Missing observations are pervasive throughout empirical research, especially in the social sciences. Despite multiple approaches to dealing adequately with missing data, many scholars still fail to address this vital issue. In this paper, we present a simple-to-use... View Details
Hollenbach, F.M., I. Bojinov, S. Minhas, N.W. Metternich, M.D. Ward, and A. Volfovsky. "Multiple Imputation Using Gaussian Copulas." Special Issue on New Quantitative Approaches to Studying Social Inequality. Sociological Methods & Research 50, no. 3 (August 2021): 1259–1283. (0049124118799381.)
- February 2013
- Case
Recorded Future: Analyzing Internet Ideas About What Comes Next
Recorded Future is a "big data" startup company that uses Internet data to make predictions about events, people, and entities. The company primarily serves government intelligence agencies, but has some private sector clients and is considering taking on more. The... View Details
Keywords: Big Data; Analytics; Internet; Analytics and Data Science; Internet and the Web; Entrepreneurship; Forecasting and Prediction; Business Startups; Information Technology Industry
Davenport, Thomas H. "Recorded Future: Analyzing Internet Ideas About What Comes Next." Harvard Business School Case 613-083, February 2013.
- 2003
- Working Paper
The Flattening Firm: Evidence from Panel Data on the Changing Nature of Corporate Hierarchies
By: Raghuram G. Rajan and Julie Wulf
Using a detailed database of managerial job descriptions, reporting relationships, and compensation structures in over 300 large U.S. firms, we find that firm hierarchies are becoming flatter. The number of positions reporting directly to the CEO has gone up... View Details
Rajan, Raghuram G., and Julie Wulf. "The Flattening Firm: Evidence from Panel Data on the Changing Nature of Corporate Hierarchies." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 9633, April 2003. (Published in Review of Economics & Statistics 2006.)
- November 2006
- Article
The Flattening Firm: Evidence from Panel Data on the Changing Nature of Corporate Hierarchies
By: Raghuram G. Rajan and Julie Wulf
Using a detailed database of managerial job descriptions, reporting relationships, and compensation structures in over 300 large U.S. firms, we find that firm hierarchies are becoming flatter. The number of positions reporting directly to the CEO has gone up... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Change; Business Ventures; Compensation and Benefits; Rank and Position; Wages; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Jobs and Positions; United States
Rajan, Raghuram G., and Julie Wulf. "The Flattening Firm: Evidence from Panel Data on the Changing Nature of Corporate Hierarchies." Review of Economics and Statistics 88, no. 4 (November 2006): 759–773.
- October 2017 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
By: Constantine E. Kontokosta, Mitchell Weiss, Christine Snively and Sarah Gulick
Joe Morrisroe, executive director for NYC311, had some gut instincts but no definitive answer to the question he was just asked by one of the mayor’s deputies: “Are some communities being underserved by 311? How do we know we are hearing from the right people?” Founded... View Details
Keywords: New York City; NYC; 311; NYC311; Big Data; Equal Access; Bias; Data Analysis; Public Entrepreneurship; Urban Informatics; Predictive Analytics; Chief Data Officer; Data Analytics; Cities; City Leadership; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Prejudice and Bias; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; City; Public Administration Industry; New York (city, NY)
- August 2018 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Chateau Winery (A): Unsupervised Learning
By: Srikant M. Datar and Caitlin N. Bowler
This case follows Bill Booth, marketing manager of a regional wine distributor, as he applies unsupervised learning on data about his customers’ purchases to better understand their preferences. Specifically, he uses the K-means clustering technique to identify groups... View Details
Datar, Srikant M., and Caitlin N. Bowler. "Chateau Winery (A): Unsupervised Learning." Harvard Business School Case 119-023, August 2018. (Revised April 2019.)
- Web
Data for Impact: Impact Measurement from Startup to Fortune 500 C-Suite - Course Catalog
HBS Course Catalog Data for Impact: Impact Measurement from Startup to Fortune 500 C-Suite Course Number 1641 Associate Professor Benjamin N. Roth Assistant Professor Natalia Rigol Spring; Q3Q4; 3.0 credits Paper Educational Objectives... View Details
- 1979
- Chapter
Research Methods and Data Analysis: The Challenge of Knowing How to Do What About Why
By: T. M. Amabile and W. DeJong