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- Faculty Publications (576)
- July–August 1983
- Article
End-Game Strategies for Declining Industries
By: Kathryn Rudie Harrigan and M. E. Porter
Many companies are faced with declining product demand beyond their control. A study of the strategies of over 95 companies that confronted declining markets suggests that companies can often be very successful if they analyze all the characteristics that shape... View Details
Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie, and M. E. Porter. "End-Game Strategies for Declining Industries." Harvard Business Review 61, no. 4 (July–August 1983).
- May 1983 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
The Carlton Polish Company
Students are asked to determine the fair market value of Carlton Polish Co. and decide if Mr. Carlton should buy out his partner's half for $25 million. Carlton's alternative is to sell his half for $25 million. Students must also evaluate a financing plan. View Details
Keywords: Value; Financing and Loans; Partners and Partnerships; Leveraged Buyouts; Fair Value Accounting
Sahlman, William A. "The Carlton Polish Company." Harvard Business School Case 283-008, May 1983. (Revised May 2015.)
- January 1982
- Article
The Returns and Risk of Alternative Put Option Portfolio Investment Strategies
By: Robert C. Merton, Myron S. Scholes and Matthew L. Gladstein
Merton, Robert C., Myron S. Scholes, and Matthew L. Gladstein. "The Returns and Risk of Alternative Put Option Portfolio Investment Strategies." Journal of Business 55 (January 1982): 183–242.
- December 1980 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
International Foodstuffs
By: David E. Bell
Describes three fairly routine instances in which considerations of risk exposure in foreign exchange are necessary. The three are a delayed payment for a grain shipment, a foreign subsidiary facing devaluation of its domestic currency, and a foreign acquisition. The... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Risk and Uncertainty; International Relations; Mergers and Acquisitions; Money; International Finance; Financial Services Industry
Bell, David E. "International Foodstuffs." Harvard Business School Case 181-049, December 1980. (Revised January 1994.)
- January 1980 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
New Balance Athletic Shoes
By: Kim B. Clark
Faced with growth exceeding 100% per year, James Davis, president of New Balance, must decide how to meet the need for additional capacity. Several factors contribute to a climate of extreme uncertainty. Several options are considered, ranging from a second shift to... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Forecasting and Prediction; Financial Strategy; Information; Growth Management; Organizational Design; Performance Capacity; Risk and Uncertainty; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Republic of Ireland
Clark, Kim B. "New Balance Athletic Shoes." Harvard Business School Case 680-110, January 1980. (Revised April 1994.)
- December 1978
- Article
An Alternative Model for a Global Analysis of Quadratic Programs in a Finite Number of Steps
By: André Perold
Keywords: Global Range
Perold, André. "An Alternative Model for a Global Analysis of Quadratic Programs in a Finite Number of Steps." Mathematical Programming 15 (December 1978): 105–109.
- November 1978
- Supplement
British Petroleum Co. Ltd.: Financing Alternatives in 1971, Additional Information
By: Thomas R. Piper
Piper, Thomas R. "British Petroleum Co. Ltd.: Financing Alternatives in 1971, Additional Information." Harvard Business School Supplement 279-031, November 1978.
- April 1978
- Article
The Returns and Risk of Alternative Call Option Portfolio Investment Strategies
By: Robert C. Merton, Myron S. Scholes and Matthew L. Gladstein
Merton, Robert C., Myron S. Scholes, and Matthew L. Gladstein. "The Returns and Risk of Alternative Call Option Portfolio Investment Strategies." Journal of Business 51 (April 1978): 183–242.
- 1978
- Chapter
Alternatives for Mineral Tax Reform
By: Malcolm Gillis, Louis T. Wells, Glenn Jenkins and Brian Wright
- Article
Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care
By: Jerry R. Green
This paper addresses the theoretical models designed to ascertain the existence of a variable level of physicians' activity in shifting the demand of their patients. Two basic approaches are followed: equilibrium models of the demand for health care, and disequilibrium... View Details
Keywords: Physicians; Economic Equilibrium; Monopolistic Competition; Economic Competition; Medical Care
Green, Jerry R. "Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care." Special Issue on National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on the Economics of Physician and Patient Behavior. Journal of Human Resources 13, Suppl. (1978).
- 1978
- Article
Sequential Structure of Futures Markets and the Value of Improving Information: An Example
By: Jerry R. Green
In an example, the value of improving information is computed under alternative structures for the timing of futures markets. It is always beneficial if futures markets are active both before and after the information is revealed. View Details
Green, Jerry R. "Sequential Structure of Futures Markets and the Value of Improving Information: An Example." Economics Letters 1, no. 1 (1978): 29–32.
- December 1977
- Article
Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem
By: A. E. Roth
Roth, A. E. "Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem." Journal of Economic Theory 16 (December 1977): 247–251.
- June 1977 (Revised September 1992)
- Case
Sorenson Research Co. (Abridged)
Presents the issues facing a high volume, high margin (but lightweight) medical products business. The company is trying to improve its inventory control to reduce inventory investment and improve service. The present multi-site inventory system is described and major... View Details
Keywords: Business Earnings; Investment; Volume; Service Delivery; Supply Chain; Performance Improvement; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Wheelwright, Steven C. "Sorenson Research Co. (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 677-257, June 1977. (Revised September 1992.)
- January 1977
- Case
MRC, Inc. (Consolidated)
By: Thomas R. Piper
A large diversified company must develop a strategy for a division whose performance has deteriorated due to its aging product. Alternatives range from liquidation to a major investment in a new product. The formal capital budgeting system is compared with the informal... View Details
Piper, Thomas R. "MRC, Inc. (Consolidated)." Harvard Business School Case 277-123, January 1977.
- Article
On the Optimal Structure of Liability Laws
By: Jerry R. Green
We consider the control of tvo-party accidents through the use of liability rules that assign damages according to whether or not predetermined standards for care have been met. Particular emphasis is given to how the differential in the costs of accident avoidance... View Details
Green, Jerry R. "On the Optimal Structure of Liability Laws." Bell Journal of Economics 7, no. 2 (Fall 1976): 553–574.
- February 1976 (Revised February 1977)
- Case
Evaluation of Investment Alternatives
By: Dwight B. Crane
Crane, Dwight B. "Evaluation of Investment Alternatives." Harvard Business School Case 276-180, February 1976. (Revised February 1977.)
- July 1975
- Background Note
Introduction to the Case Method
Guidelines to aid the student in analyzing a case situation by casting himself or herself in the role of protagonist, developing criteria for alternative decisions, and generalizing to other situations. View Details
Keywords: Cases
Shapiro, Benson P. "Introduction to the Case Method." Harvard Business School Background Note 576-031, July 1975.
- May 1973
- Article
Evaluating Alternatives and Alternative Values
By: R. M. Kanter and L. Zurcher
Keywords: Values and Beliefs
Kanter, R. M., and L. Zurcher. "Evaluating Alternatives and Alternative Values." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 9 (May 1973): 381–97.
- September 1972 (Revised February 1984)
- Case
Blanchard Importing and Distribution Co., Inc.
By: Paul W. Marshall
Illustration of the two main types of errors resulting from use of the economic order quantity (EOQ) as a tool in production scheduling. Designed to permit class discussion to begin with a consideration of one common type of mistake, errors in calculation of the EOQ... View Details
Marshall, Paul W. "Blanchard Importing and Distribution Co., Inc." Harvard Business School Case 673-033, September 1972. (Revised February 1984.)
- Teaching Interest
By: Kevin P. Mohan
This advanced negotiation course includes both negotiation simulations and analysis of actual corporate deals. In the first part of the course, students will participate in complex negotiation simulations and debrief their results in class. In the second part of the... View Details