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- All HBS Web
- People (17)
- News (889)
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- Faculty Publications (2,076)
- Article
The Re-Industrialization of the United States?
By: Willy C. Shih
Talk of "re-industrialization" in the United States has been supported by a seeming resurgence in manufacturing, but this is driven more by the end of labor arbitrage and increasing coordination costs of offshore manufacturing. Aggressive restructurings and significant... View Details
Keywords: U.S. Competitiveness; Re-industrialization; Re-shoring; Operations; Production; Supply and Industry; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Geographic Location; Geography; Globalization; Globalized Economies and Regions; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Labor; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; China; European Union
Shih, Willy C. "The Re-Industrialization of the United States?" Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 60, no. 2 (Second Quarter 2013): 297–312.
- January 1988 (Revised January 1997)
- Case
Digital Equipment Corp.: The Endpoint Model (A)
By: David A. Garvin
Describes a comprehensive manufacturing strategy designed to reduce substantially the cycle time of orders (i.e. the time between the placement of an order by a customer and its delivery to the customer). To launch the strategy Digital has adopted manufacturing... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Information; Time Management; Production; Strategic Planning; Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Garvin, David A. "Digital Equipment Corp.: The Endpoint Model (A)." Harvard Business School Case 688-059, January 1988. (Revised January 1997.)
- 26 Jun 2017
- Research & Ideas
How Cellophane Changed the Way We Shop for Food
development of self-service merchandising systems in American grocery stores, but also revealing how cellophane manufacturers tried to control the narrative of how women buy food. “Cellophane changed how people shopped,” says Ai Hisano,... View Details
- 2024
- Working Paper
The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the U.S. Economy
By: Joe Long, Carlo Medici, Nancy Qian and Marco Tabellini
This paper investigates the economic consequences of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which banned immigration from China. The Act reduced the number of Chinese workers of all skill levels living in the United States. It also reduced the labor supply and the quality of... View Details
Keywords: Growth; Productivity; Economic Development; Business History; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Business and Government Relations; Prejudice and Bias; Government Legislation; Immigration; United States
Long, Joe, Carlo Medici, Nancy Qian, and Marco Tabellini. "The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the Economic Development of the Western U.S." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-008, August 2022. (Revised September 2024. Featured in Bloomberg, at Hoover Institute, VoxEU, NBER Digest, NPR, Forbes, The New Yorker, HBS Working Knowledge, and Cato Institute, quoted here.)
- March 1999 (Revised January 2005)
- Case
Newell Company: Corporate Strategy
By: Cynthia A. Montgomery and Elizabeth Gordon
In 1998, Newell Co., a manufacturer of low-tech, high-volume consumer goods, acquired Calphalon Corp., a high-end cookware company, and Rubbermaid, a $2 billion manufacturer of consumer and commercial plastic products. The case focuses on Newell's strategy and its... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and Elizabeth Gordon. "Newell Company: Corporate Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 799-139, March 1999. (Revised January 2005.)
- March 1989 (Revised April 1990)
- Case
Merton Truck Co.
Introduces some of the key concepts in linear programming--problem formulation, relevant costs, shadow prices, and reduced costs. The setting, while artificial, is quite typical: a company manufactures two models of trucks in four manufacturing departments; it must... View Details
Dhebar, Anirudh S. "Merton Truck Co." Harvard Business School Case 189-163, March 1989. (Revised April 1990.)
- September 2010
- Case
New Heritage Doll Company
By: Timothy A. Luehrman and Heide Abelli
A manufacturer and retailer of specialty doll products must decide which of two projects to fund. The decision requires the student to compute cash flows for the 2 projects, discount values to the present and compare and contrast different project performance measures. View Details
Keywords: Forecasting; Resource Management; Resource Allocation; Forecasting and Prediction; Capital Budgeting; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Luehrman, Timothy A., and Heide Abelli. "New Heritage Doll Company." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-212, September 2010.
- 26 Jun 2017
- News
How Cellophane Changed the Way We Shop for Food
- March 2022 (Revised October 2022)
- Case
Transforming Kimball International, Inc. (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Will Hurwitz
Kimball International, Inc. (KII), led by CEO Kristie Juster, and its board of directors, chaired by Kim Ryan, faced critical questions about KII’s future in the spring of 2021. Two years earlier, the board had appointed Juster as the new CEO of KII, a publicly traded,... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Board Committees; Board Decisions; Board Dynamics; CEO Compensation; CEO Succession; Compensation Committee; Compensation Consultants; Compensation Design; Compensation Mix; Corporate Purpose; COVID-19; ESG; Furniture; Furniture Industry; Manufacturing; Midwest; Pandemic; Purpose; Spin Off; Strategic Change; Strategic Decisions; Strategic Evolution; Target-setting; Executive Compensation; Family Ownership; Governance; Restructuring; Strategy; Transformation; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Will Hurwitz. "Transforming Kimball International, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 322-083, March 2022. (Revised October 2022.)
- March 1980 (Revised December 1995)
- Case
American Chemical Corp.
By: William E. Fruhan Jr. and John P. Goldsberry III
A large chemical manufacturer divests a plant that is acquired by a small specialty chemicals manufacturer. The acquisition decision is viewed from the vantage point of the small specialty chemicals manufacturer. View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Chemicals; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Decision Making; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Fruhan, William E., Jr., and John P. Goldsberry III. "American Chemical Corp." Harvard Business School Case 280-102, March 1980. (Revised December 1995.)
- 05 Nov 2012
- News
How to restore America’s industrial commons
- 04 Dec 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Local Industrial Conditions and Entrepreneurship: How Much of the Spatial Distribution Can We Explain?
- November 2002 (Revised August 2003)
- Case
MedSource Technologies
Considers the issues facing Richard Effress, MedSource's chairman and CEO, as the firm approaches the Precision Cut project--the first test of MedSource's capabilities as an integrated, contract manufacturer in the medical device industry. MedSource Technologies was... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Production; Mergers and Acquisitions; Product Design; Supply Chain Management; Management Teams; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; United States
Huckman, Robert S. "MedSource Technologies." Harvard Business School Case 603-081, November 2002. (Revised August 2003.)
- April 2006 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
By: H. Kent Bowen, Robert S. Huckman and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Considers whether New Balance, one of the world's five largest manufacturers of athletic footwear, should respond to Adidas' planned acquisition of Reebok--a transaction that would join the second- and third-largest companies in the industry. Highlights the unique... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Production; Supply Chain Management; Performance Improvement; Competition; Consolidation; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, Robert S. Huckman, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 606-094, April 2006. (Revised June 2008.)
- October 1995 (Revised June 1996)
- Case
Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd.
Li & Fung, one of the largest export trading companies in Asia, works primarily as an agent to connect U.S. and European manufacturers and retailers of nondurable, mass-market consumer goods with suppliers located all over East Asia who manufacture products according... View Details
Keywords: Networks; Marketplace Matching; Supply Chain Management; Trade; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Asia; United States; Europe
Loveman, Gary W., and Jamie O'Connell. "Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 396-075, October 1995. (Revised June 1996.)
- December 2017 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Tesla Motors (B): Merging with SolarCity
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
In 2016, electric car manufacturer Tesla announced that it was making an offer to acquire solar panel manufacturer SolarCity in an all-stock offer worth $2.6 billion in Tesla stock. Tesla’s co-founder and CEO, Elon Musk, believed that the merger would generate... View Details
Keywords: M&A; M&A Valuation; Investing; Equities; Equity; Valuation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Auto Industry; Energy Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "Tesla: Merging with SolarCity." Harvard Business School Case 218-038, December 2017. (Revised November 2018.)
- April 1985 (Revised October 1988)
- Case
Everest Computer (A): The Development of the SuperMOS Process
By: Kim B. Clark
The research and development lab at the semiconductor development and manufacturing facility of a computer systems manufacturer has embarked on a radically improved semiconductor manufacturing process for application in a new computer system. The case offers a detailed... View Details
- 05 Mar 2012
- News
It's Manufacturing's Turn for Special Treatment
Janice H. Hammond
Janice H. Hammond is the Jesse Philips Professor of Manufacturing. She currently serves as coursehead for the new MBA required course, Data Science for Managers. She serves as program chair for the HBS Executive Education International Women’s Foundation and Women’s... View Details
- June 2003 (Revised December 2004)
- Case
Molded Dimensions, Inc.
By: H. Kent Bowen, Virginia Fuller and Doren Spinner
Mike Katz, an MBA with several years of manufacturing management experience, talks about purchasing Molded Dimensions, Inc. (MDI), a Wisconsin-based plastics manufacturer, with his wife Linda, who also has a manufacturing background. The case describes at length... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Jobs and Positions; Leadership; Business or Company Management; Negotiation Process; Manufacturing Industry; Wisconsin
Bowen, H. Kent, Virginia Fuller, and Doren Spinner. "Molded Dimensions, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 603-133, June 2003. (Revised December 2004.)