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- Faculty Publications (5,403)
- May 1991 (Revised December 1994)
- Case
State of Connecticut Municipal Swap
By: Andre F. Perold
The state of Connecticut wants to raise $325 million of long-term fixed-rate debt. One alternative is to do this synthetically--issue long-term variable rate debt and enter into an interest rate swap. The case is a vehicle for analyzing various floating rate structures... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Interest Rates; Taxation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Risk and Uncertainty; New England
Perold, Andre F. "State of Connecticut Municipal Swap." Harvard Business School Case 291-024, May 1991. (Revised December 1994.)
- May 1991
- Article
Engines of Progress: Designing and Running Entrepreneurial Vehicles in Established Companies: The Enter-Prize Program at Ohio Bell, 1985-90
By: R. M. Kanter and L. Richardson
Kanter, R. M., and L. Richardson. "Engines of Progress: Designing and Running Entrepreneurial Vehicles in Established Companies: The Enter-Prize Program at Ohio Bell, 1985-90." Journal of Business Venturing 6 (May 1991): 209–229.
- April 1991 (Revised July 1992)
- Case
Koito Manufacturing Ltd.
By: W. Carl Kester and Robert W. Lightfoot
Having acquired a 26% stake in Koito Manufacturing, a Japanese automotive parts supplier in the Toyota Group, T. Boone Pickens seeks a seat on Koito's board of directors. Koito's management resists, claiming Pickens is an unhelpful greenmailer, not a true long-term... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Debates; Corporate Governance; Production; Supply Chain; Performance Efficiency; Welfare; Auto Industry; Japan; United States
Kester, W. Carl, and Robert W. Lightfoot. "Koito Manufacturing Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 291-027, April 1991. (Revised July 1992.)
- April 1991 (Revised February 1992)
- Teaching Note
Central Maine Power Co.: Goals and Objectives Program (A) and (B), Teaching Note
By: Robert L. Simons
- March 1991 (Revised January 1996)
- Case
The General Mills Board and Strategic Planning
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Examines the General Mills Board of Directors' role in the General Mills joint venture with Nestle S.A. to sell cereals outside of North America. It raises the more general question of the appropriate role for the board of directors in strategy formulation. View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Trade; Corporate Governance; Managerial Roles; Expansion; Food and Beverage Industry; North America
Lorsch, Jay W. "The General Mills Board and Strategic Planning." Harvard Business School Case 491-117, March 1991. (Revised January 1996.)
- March 1991 (Revised December 1994)
- Case
Marks and Spencer Ltd. (B)
Describes the firm's 1988 expansion into the United States through the acquisition of Brooks Brothers, a specialty up-market men's clothing chain and Kings Super Markets, a high quality New Jersey grocer. View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Expansion; Business Strategy; Mergers and Acquisitions; Globalization; Retail Industry; United States
Montgomery, Cynthia A. "Marks and Spencer Ltd. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 391-090, March 1991. (Revised December 1994.)
- March 1991 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Chevron Corp.: Corporate Image Advertising
By: John A. Quelch
Describes a series of advertising research studies conducted by Chevron to monitor the effectiveness of its corporate advertising. Specific research approaches covered include the McCollum-Spielman and Communications Techniques. The Vals Typology developed by Stanford... View Details
Keywords: Surveys; Multinational Firms and Management; Research; Advertising; Brands and Branding; Energy Industry; United States
Quelch, John A. "Chevron Corp.: Corporate Image Advertising." Harvard Business School Case 591-005, March 1991. (Revised June 1993.)
- March 1991 (Revised April 1995)
- Case
IBP and the U.S. Meat Industry
By: David J. Collis and Nancy Donohue
IBP, the largest U.S. beef and pork processor, is facing deteriorating earnings and undertakes a fundamental strategic review in 1990. Having grown from its founding in 1961 to its current position as a low cost, innovative producer of boxed beef, and more recently... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Product; Competition; Business Earnings; Geography; Vertical Integration; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Collis, David J., and Nancy Donohue. "IBP and the U.S. Meat Industry." Harvard Business School Case 391-006, March 1991. (Revised April 1995.)
- February 1991
- Teaching Note
Carolina Power & Light Co., Teaching Note
- February 1991 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Henderson Home Products: USSR Joint Venture
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Henderson Home Products: USSR Joint Venture." Harvard Business School Case 391-129, February 1991. (Revised January 1992.)
- February 1991 (Revised February 1992)
- Case
Appex Corp.
By: Nitin Nohria
1990 Business Week named Appex Corp. the fastest growing high-technology company in the United States. Appex provided management information systems and intercarrier network services to cellular telephone companies. During its rapid growth, the company went through... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Culture; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Performance Productivity; Problems and Challenges; Management Practices and Processes; Business Divisions; Information Management; Information Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Nohria, Nitin. "Appex Corp." Harvard Business School Case 491-082, February 1991. (Revised February 1992.)
- January 1991
- Case
Volkswagen of America: Audi 5000 (A)
Audi marketing executives and their advertising agency colleagues must decide which of several advertising executions should be employed for the introductory campaign for the Audi 5000, their new car entry scheduled to replace the Audi 100LS in the United States in the... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Auto Industry; United States
Greyser, Stephen A. "Volkswagen of America: Audi 5000 (A)." Harvard Business School Case 591-065, January 1991.
- January 1991
- Supplement
Volkswagen of America: Audi 5000 (B)
Six months after the launch in the United States of Audi 5000, Audi marketing executives and their advertising agency must appraise the introductory advertising for the car. Three alternative campaigns to replace the current one are under consideration. View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Advertising Campaigns; Product Launch; Performance Evaluation; Auto Industry; United States
Greyser, Stephen A. "Volkswagen of America: Audi 5000 (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 591-066, January 1991.
- 1991
- Book
Multinational and International Banking
By: G. Jones
The essays in this volume explore the historical evolution of multinational and international banking. Contemporary studies, and most writers on the theory of multinational banking, focus on US data, yet historically European financial institutions were the leaders in... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Multinational Firms and Management; Analytics and Data Science; Opportunities; Theory; Banking Industry; Europe; United States
Jones, G., ed. Multinational and International Banking. Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991.
- January 1991
- Teaching Note
CIBA Vision Canada--1990, Teaching Note
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Jiro Kokuryo
Keywords: Canada
- January 1991 (Revised March 1992)
- Case
USA Today
By: Robert L. Simons
USA Today is a national newspaper struggling to achieve profitability. This case focuses on the use of management control systems to identify emerging opportunities and the formulation of new strategies. The interactive system used by top managers--the Friday... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Managerial Roles; Forecasting and Prediction; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk Management; Labor and Management Relations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Risk and Uncertainty; Journalism and News Industry; United States
Simons, Robert L. "USA Today." Harvard Business School Case 191-004, January 1991. (Revised March 1992.)
- Article
Enfranchisement of Service Workers
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger and James Heskett
Enfranchisement is achieved through an integration of empowerment with methods of pay for performance. Evidence from Ito Yokado Group in Japan and Nordstrom in the US demonstrates the positive effects of enfranchisement. Successful efforts to enfranchise employees: 1.... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Franchise Ownership; Employees; Compensation and Benefits; Service Industry; Japan; United States
Schlesinger, Leonard A., and James Heskett. "Enfranchisement of Service Workers." California Management Review 33, no. 4 (Summer 1991).
- November 1990 (Revised June 1991)
- Case
American Airlines (A): Strategy in the 1990s
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Gary W. Loveman
American Airlines is pursuing a growth strategy through international and domestic route expansion. At the same time, the airline is working hard to cut costs while trying to provide the best customer service possible. Is this strategy achievable given the recent surge... View Details
Keywords: Expansion; Air Transportation; Cost Management; Customer Focus and Relationships; Growth and Development Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; United States
Lorsch, Jay W., and Gary W. Loveman. "American Airlines (A): Strategy in the 1990s." Harvard Business School Case 491-044, November 1990. (Revised June 1991.)
- 1990
- Chapter
Institutional Incentives for Protection: The American Use of Voluntary Export Restraints
By: J. J. Coleman and D. B. Yoffie
- October 1990 (Revised April 1991)
- Case
RU 486 (A)
Describes the factors faced by Roussel UCLAF, a French drug company, in deciding whether and how to market a controversial new drug, RU 486, which is often called "the French abortion pill." Roussel's decision involved its relations with the French government, its... View Details
Keywords: Judgments; Ethics; Product Launch; Negotiation; Outcome or Result; Performance; Business and Government Relations; Health Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; France; Germany; United States
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "RU 486 (A)." Harvard Business School Case 391-050, October 1990. (Revised April 1991.)