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- Faculty Publications (531)
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- Faculty Publications (531)
- August 2001 (Revised October 2001)
- Case
What a Great Idea
By: Myra M. Hart and Susan Harmeling
Charles "Chic" Thompson has created a successful business as a professional speaker, consultant, and author of two books on creativity. He is challenged to institutionalize his knowledge and brand in an organization that will outlive his involvement. This case examines... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Entrepreneurship; Management Teams; Organizational Design; Technological Innovation; Technology Adoption; Service Industry; Education Industry
Hart, Myra M., and Susan Harmeling. "What a Great Idea." Harvard Business School Case 802-030, August 2001. (Revised October 2001.)
- June 2001
- Teaching Note
Coordinating + Managing Supply Chains: Course Overview Note TN
By: Ananth Raman
Describes the MBA elective course on supply chain management at HBS. Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains focuses on the managerial aspects of supply chains. Acquaints students with practical issues in a variety of supply chains and then identifies barriers to, and... View Details
- April 2001
- Article
Beyond Talent: John Irving and the Passionate Craft of Creativity
By: T. M. Amabile
Although laypeople and creativity theorists often make the assumption that individual creativity depends primarily on talent, there is considerable evidence that hard work and intrinsic motivation-which can be supported or undermined by the social environment-also play... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Performance; Performance Improvement; Motivation and Incentives; Personal Characteristics; Situation or Environment
Amabile, T. M. "Beyond Talent: John Irving and the Passionate Craft of Creativity." American Psychologist 56, no. 4 (April 2001): 333–336.
- 2001
- Book
The Performing Arts in a New Era
By: Kevin F. McCarthy, Arthur C. Brooks, Julia Lowell and Laura Zakaras
This book examines recent trends in the performing arts and discusses how the arts are likely to evolve in the future. It is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of the performing arts, including analysis of opera, theater, dance, and music, in both their... View Details
McCarthy, Kevin F., Arthur C. Brooks, Julia Lowell, and Laura Zakaras. The Performing Arts in a New Era. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001.
- 2000
- Book
Can Japan Compete?
By: Michael E. Porter, Hirotaka Takeuchi and M. Sakakibara
The result of a major piece of research, this book reveals that there have long been two Japans, the familiar one that was highly competitive, and another Japan, almost invisible, that was highly uncompetitive. The authors unravel this puzzle, and provide a solution... View Details
Porter, Michael E., Hirotaka Takeuchi, and M. Sakakibara. Can Japan Compete? New York: Basic Books, 2000.
- 2000
- Book
Nihon no Kyōsō Senryaku [Can Japan Compete?]
By: Michael E. Porter, Hirotaka Takeuchi and M. Sakakibara
The result of a major piece of research, this book reveals that there have long been two Japans, the familiar one that was highly competitive, and another Japan, almost invisible, that was highly uncompetitive. The authors unravel this puzzle, and provide a solution... View Details
- 2000
- Book
Can Japan Compete?
By: Michael E. Porter, Hirotaka Takeuchi and M. Sakakibara
The result of a major piece of research, this book reveals that there have long been two Japans, the familiar one that was highly competitive, and another Japan, almost invisible, that was highly uncompetitive. The authors unravel this puzzle, and provide a solution... View Details
Porter, Michael E., Hirotaka Takeuchi, and M. Sakakibara. Can Japan Compete? Basingstoke: Macmillan Publishing, 2000.
- May 2000 (Revised September 2000)
- Exercise
Tyrell Web Developers Inc. (A)
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Andrew P. McAfee
An integrated exercise culminating in a team project to design and develop a Web site for a fictitious company. Allows instructors to establish a technical baseline for students prior to starting the team project. Students are asked to develop a personal web site which... View Details
MacCormack, Alan D., and Andrew P. McAfee. "Tyrell Web Developers Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Exercise 600-025, May 2000. (Revised September 2000.)
- April 2000 (Revised September 2001)
- Case
Peppers and Rogers Group, The
By: John A. Deighton
Can two successful authors build a scalable consulting practice based on their unique view of customer relationship management (CRM)? Should they emphasize strategy or execution? The case describes how Peppers and Rogers grew from two people earning speaker fees to a... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Growth and Development; Information Publishing; Going Public; Strategy; Competition; Internet; Consulting Industry
Deighton, John A. "Peppers and Rogers Group, The." Harvard Business School Case 500-096, April 2000. (Revised September 2001.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- 2000
- Article
Georgia Regional Transportation Authority: A Case Study of an Innovative Regional Planning Institution
By: Brian Trelstad
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA), a new regional planning institution, is a governor-appointed body of 15 regional leaders with broad authority over land use and transportation planning throughout the state. Created in the summer of 1999, GRTA... View Details
Trelstad, Brian. "Georgia Regional Transportation Authority: A Case Study of an Innovative Regional Planning Institution." Berkeley Planning Journal 14 (2000): 23–45.
- August 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Background Note
What It Really Means to Manage: Exercising Power and Influence
By: Linda A. Hill
Describes the realities versus the myths of what it means to be a manager. In particular, it focuses on the limitations of formal authority as a source of power and identifies other sources of power that effective managers rely upon. Also outlines a framework of... View Details
Hill, Linda A. "What It Really Means to Manage: Exercising Power and Influence." Harvard Business School Background Note 400-041, August 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- 1998
- Book
The Multinational Traders
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book examines the history and theory of multinational trading companies. The essays in this volume demonstrate the importance of trading companies in trade and investment flows in the world economy from the nineteenth century to the present day. The empirical... View Details
Keywords: Company History; Trade; Globalization; Books; Organizational Structure; Perspective; Diversification; Theory; Asia; Europe; United States
Jones, Geoffrey, ed. The Multinational Traders. Routledge International Studies in Business History. London: Routledge, 1998.
- Article
Merchants as Business Groups: British Trading Companies in Asia before 1945
By: G. Jones and Judith Wale
Merchants formed an important component of British foregn direct investment before 1945. Locating in parts of Asia, Latin America and other developing economies, they often diversified into non-trading activities, inclding the ownership of plantations. This article... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Developing Countries and Economies; Diversification; Competency and Skills; Entrepreneurship; Foreign Direct Investment; Asia; Latin America; Europe; Africa; North and Central America
Jones, G., and Judith Wale. "Merchants as Business Groups: British Trading Companies in Asia before 1945." Business History Review 72, no. 3 (Fall 1998): 367–408.
- September–October 1998
- Article
How to Kill Creativity
By: T. M. Amabile
The article addresses the topic of business creativity, its benefits, and how managers can inspire it. The author's research shows that it is possible to develop the best of both worlds: organizations in which business imperatives are attended to and creativity... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Situation or Environment; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Culture; Management Practices and Processes
Amabile, T. M. "How to Kill Creativity." Harvard Business Review 76, no. 5 (September–October 1998): 76–87.
- June 1998
- Article
Reward, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creativity
By: B. A. Hennessey and T. M. Amabile
Comments on R. Eisenberger and J. Cameron's (see record 1996-06440-007) discussion on the impact of reward on creativity. The authors argue that Eisenberger and Cameron overlooked or failed to adequately explain several demonstrations of lower creativity on rewarded... View Details
Hennessey, B. A., and T. M. Amabile. "Reward, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creativity." American Psychologist 53, no. 6 (June 1998): 674–675.
- July 1997
- Article
The Presidio Trust legislation: Preservation or Privatization?
By: Brian Trelstad
This analysis of the Presidio Trust legislation places the recent developments on the Presidio in the context of a century and a half of environmental planning. By first exploring the Presidio's history, and then tracing the more recent legislative background to the... View Details
Keywords: Presidio; Presidio Trust; National Parks; Urban Parks; Public-private Management; Natural Environment; Urban Scope; Planning
Trelstad, Brian. "The Presidio Trust legislation: Preservation or Privatization?" Urban Ecosystems 1, no. 3 (July 1997): 135–153.
- May–June 1996
- Article
Ruling the Net
By: D. L. Spar and Jeffrey J. Bussgang
The Internet promises a radical new world of business. But for many companies, it has yet to deliver. Although doing business in cyberspace may be novel and exhilarating, it can also be frustrating, confusing, and even unprofitable. Debora Spar and Jeffrey Bussgang... View Details
Spar, D. L., and Jeffrey J. Bussgang. "Ruling the Net." Harvard Business Review 74, no. 3 (May–June 1996): 125–133.
- April 1996
- Case
Confronting the Third Industrial Revolution
By: David A. Moss
Comprises three pieces. The first piece, which forms the body of the case, is adapted from a speech delivered by the author before the Harvard Business School Political Forum in early 1995. Originally entitled "The Economic Foundations of American Social Policy:... View Details
Moss, David A. "Confronting the Third Industrial Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 796-161, April 1996.
- 1996
- Article
Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model
By: William R. Kerr and Robert G. King
There has been a substantial amount of research on interest rate rules. This literature finds that the feasibility and desirability of interest rate rules depends on the structure of the model used to approximate macroeconomic reality. We employ a series of... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Interest Rates; Price; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Performance Expectations
Kerr, William R., and Robert G. King. "Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 82, no. 2 (1996): 47–75.