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- March 2013
- Other Article
Redesigning Primary Care: A Strategic Vision to Improve Value by Organizing Around Patients' Needs
By: Michael E. Porter, Erika A. Pabo and Thomas H. Lee
Primary care in the United States currently struggles to attract new physicians and to garner investments in infrastructure required to meet patients' needs. We believe that the absence of a robust overall strategy for the entire spectrum of primary care is a... View Details
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E., Erika A. Pabo, and Thomas H. Lee. "Redesigning Primary Care: A Strategic Vision to Improve Value by Organizing Around Patients' Needs." Health Affairs 32, no. 3 (March 2013): 516–525.
- Article
The Job Market for New Economists: A Market Design Perspective
By: Peter A. Coles, John Cawley, Phillip B. Levine, Muriel Niederle, Alvin E. Roth and John J. Siegfried
This paper, written by the members of the American Economic Association (AEA) Ad Hoc Committee on the Job Market, provides an overview of the market for new Ph.D. economists. It describes the role of the AEA in the market and focuses in particular on two mechanisms... View Details
Coles, Peter A., John Cawley, Phillip B. Levine, Muriel Niederle, Alvin E. Roth, and John J. Siegfried. "The Job Market for New Economists: A Market Design Perspective." Journal of Economic Perspectives 24, no. 4 (Fall 2010): 187–206.
- January 2009 (Revised May 2011)
- Case
China Mobile's Rural Communications Strategy
By: William C. Kirby, F. Warren McFarlan, G.A. Donovan and Tracy Manty
China Mobile was the world's leading mobile communications service provider with over 400 million customers. In some cities, its penetration rate was over 100%. With such huge successes, Chairman Wang Jianzhou was exploring ways to expand its customer base. Nearly... View Details
Keywords: Communication Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Investment; Rural Scope; Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Telecommunications Industry; China
Kirby, William C., F. Warren McFarlan, G.A. Donovan, and Tracy Manty. "China Mobile's Rural Communications Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 309-034, January 2009. (Revised May 2011.)
- January 2003 (Revised September 2007)
- Background Note
A Note on Racing to Acquire Customers
Examines factors that motivate a firm's race to acquire customers in newly emerging markets and explores conditions under which racing strategies are likely to yield attractive returns. Provides a definition of racing behavior, introduces the notion of an optimal level... View Details
Keywords: Customers; Price Bubble; Network Effects; Emerging Markets; Market Entry and Exit; Behavior; Competition
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "A Note on Racing to Acquire Customers." Harvard Business School Background Note 803-103, January 2003. (Revised September 2007.)
- 17 Dec 2007
- Research & Ideas
The Rise of Medical Tourism
describes, the globalization of health care also provides a fascinating angle on globalization generally and is of great interest to corporate strategists. "Apollo Hospitals—First-World Health Care at Emerging-Market Prices"... View Details
- July 2018
- Case
Financing Anghami's Growth
By: Ramana Nanda and Eren Kuzucu
In December 2012, less than two years into the founding of their music-streaming platform Anghami, cofounders Elie Habib and Eddy Maroun found themselves evaluating an unorthodox term sheet. Habib and Maroun needed to make a decision vis-à-vis the proposal put forth by... View Details
Keywords: Growth; Startups; Copyright; Business Startups; Business Model; Music Entertainment; Decisions; Technological Innovation; Venture Capital; Internet and the Web; Growth and Development Strategy; Financial Strategy; Product Marketing; Product Launch; Product Development; Expansion; Digital Platforms; Agreements and Arrangements; Valuation; Decision Making; Middle East; Lebanon
Nanda, Ramana, and Eren Kuzucu. "Financing Anghami's Growth." Harvard Business School Case 819-033, July 2018.
- February 2010 (Revised March 2016)
- Background Note
Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Break-even Analysis
By: Thomas J. Steenburgh and Jill Avery
Marketing managers are often called upon to make recommendations for or against programs that cost money to implement. Before expenditures are made, managers want to be sure that they will be getting a return on their investment. One way of assessing this is by... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Investment Return; Spending; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Strategic Planning; Mathematical Methods
Steenburgh, Thomas J., and Jill Avery. "Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Break-even Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 510-080, February 2010. (Revised March 2016.)
- 16 Jul 2007
- Research & Ideas
Understanding the ‘Want’ vs. ’Should’ Decision
they receive a $10 off coupon. This finding has important implications for economic models of life-cycle consumption, as well as the models marketers use to estimate the true costs of coupon offers. Another area of research that Todd is... View Details
- November 2011
- Case
Lowell General Physician Hospital Organization
By: Richard M.J. Bohmer and Natalie Kindred
This case focuses on the Alternative Quality Contract (AQC), a novel payment program designed to incentivize providers to deliver less costly, high quality health care. Under the AQC, offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, providers received a fixed-dollar... View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Service Delivery; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Bohmer, Richard M.J., and Natalie Kindred. "Lowell General Physician Hospital Organization." Harvard Business School Case 612-016, November 2011.
- May 2022
- Case
Maestro Pizza: Coming in Hot!
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Fares Khrais
Maestro Pizza opened its first store in 2013 after its founder, Khalid Al Omran, recognized an opportunity in Saudi Arabia to offer high quality pizza at affordable prices. The business grew rapidly and under the radar at first, but soon enough caught the attention of... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Competition; Market Entry and Exit; Emerging Markets; Business Startups; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Product Positioning; Disruption; Disruptive Innovation; Advertising; Advertising Campaigns; Social Media; Forecasting and Prediction; Crisis Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Brands and Branding; Product Development; Production; Service Delivery; Business Growth and Maturation; Financial Statements; Cost Management; Analysis; Quality; Performance Consistency; Customer Satisfaction; Profit; Family Ownership; Food and Beverage Industry; Middle East; Saudi Arabia
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Fares Khrais. "Maestro Pizza: Coming in Hot!" Harvard Business School Case 722-399, May 2022.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Economic Factors Underlying the Unbundling of Advertising Agency Services
By: Mohammad Arzaghi, Ernst R. Berndt, James C. Davis and Alvin J. Silk
This paper addresses a longstanding puzzle involving the unbundling of services that has occurredover more than two decades in the U.S. advertising agency industry: How can the shift from the bundling to the unbundling of services be explained and what accounts for the... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Framework; Service Operations; Decisions; Relationships; Price; Diversification; Geography; Cost; Advertising Industry; United States
Arzaghi, Mohammad, Ernst R. Berndt, James C. Davis, and Alvin J. Silk. "Economic Factors Underlying the Unbundling of Advertising Agency Services." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14345, September 2008.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Operations in the On-Demand Economy: Staffing Services with Self-Scheduling Capacity
By: Itai Gurvich, Martin Lariviere and Antonio Moreno
Motivated by recent innovations in service delivery such as ride-sharing services and work-from-home call centers, we study capacity management when workers self-schedule. Our service provider chooses capacity to maximize its profit (revenue from served customers minus... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Servers; On-demand Economy; Independent Capacity; Distributed Systems; Uber; Service Operations; Performance Capacity
Gurvich, Itai, Martin Lariviere, and Antonio Moreno. "Operations in the On-Demand Economy: Staffing Services with Self-Scheduling Capacity." Working Paper, June 2016.
- 2010
- Working Paper
Beyond Agency Theory: The Hidden and Heretofore Inaccessible Power of Integrity (PDF file of Keynote Slides)
By: Michael C. Jensen and Werner Erhard
There is far too much concern today about the conflicts of interest between people; for example, conflicts of interest between agents and owners—historically a favorite topic of Jensen—and not enough attention paid to the damage caused by an individual's conflict of... View Details
- November 2014 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Disrupting the Meat Industry: Tissue Culture Beef
By: Jose B. Alvarez and Matthew G. Preble
Dr. Mark Post and his team at Maastricht University were perfecting their tissue culture beef product—made entirely from muscle grown in his lab—to give it the same taste, texture and appearance of a traditional beef hamburger. A previous iteration of this product had... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Beef Production; Environmental Impacts Of Food Production; Agribusiness; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Invention; Environmental Sustainability; Food; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Netherlands; United States; United Kingdom
Alvarez, Jose B., and Matthew G. Preble. "Disrupting the Meat Industry: Tissue Culture Beef." Harvard Business School Case 515-001, November 2014. (Revised March 2015.)
- 2019
- Working Paper
On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Affects Labor Supply and Gender Norms
By: Natalia Rigol, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Simone Schaner and Charity Troyer-Moore
Can greater control over earned income incentivize women to work and influence gender norms? In collaboration with Indian government partners, we provided rural women with individual bank accounts and randomly varied whether their wages from a public workfare program... View Details
Rigol, Natalia, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer-Moore. "On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Affects Labor Supply and Gender Norms." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 26294, September 2019.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment
By: Laura Alfaro and Andrew Charlton
We use a new firm level data set that establishes the location, ownership, and activity of 650,000 multinational subsidiaries -- close to a comprehensive picture of global multinational activity. A number of patterns emerge from the data. Most foreign direct investment... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Business Subsidiaries; Foreign Direct Investment; Geographic Location; Supply and Industry; Vertical Integration
Alfaro, Laura, and Andrew Charlton. "Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13447, September 2007.
- January 2011 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Arcadia Biosciences: Seeds of Change (Abridged)
By: Arthur A. Daemmrich
Arcadia Biosciences is seeking to introduce genetically modified rice to China that will lower farmers' costs and generate environmental benefits through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The case describes challenges facing this small agricultural biotechnology... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Intellectual Property; Genetics; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Climate Change; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; China
Daemmrich, Arthur A. "Arcadia Biosciences: Seeds of Change (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 711-050, January 2011. (Revised July 2012.)
- Article
The IT Transformation Health Care Needs
By: Nikhil R. Sahni, Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati and David M. Cutler
In recent years, health care organizations have made sizable investments in information technology. They’ve used their IT systems to replace paper records with electronic ones and to improve billing processes, thereby boosting revenue. But so far, IT has been of little... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Performance Improvement; Business Model
Sahni, Nikhil R., Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati, and David M. Cutler. "The IT Transformation Health Care Needs." Harvard Business Review 95, no. 6 (November–December 2017): 128–136.
- April 2012
- Case
Bayonne Packaging, Inc.
By: Roy D. Shapiro and Paul E. Morrison
A printer and paper converter produces customized packaging used by industrial customers to deliver promotional materials, software, luxury beverages, and gift food and candy. The company specializes in creating innovative packaging solutions for its customers and... View Details
Keywords: Production Controls; Manufacturing; Capacity Analysis; Quality Control; Performance Management; Process Analysis; Quality; Production; Performance Productivity; Performance Capacity; Business Processes; Manufacturing Industry
Shapiro, Roy D., and Paul E. Morrison. "Bayonne Packaging, Inc." Harvard Business School Brief Case 124-420, April 2012.
- November 2011 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
Healthymagination at GE Healthcare Systems
By: Vineet Kumar and V. Kasturi Rangan
Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE, introduced a new innovation strategy named "healthymagination" in 2009. With cost, quality, and access as its three pillars, healthymagination ensures a strong focus for new product introduction efforts all around GE. But will this focus... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Product Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry
Kumar, Vineet, and V. Kasturi Rangan. "Healthymagination at GE Healthcare Systems." Harvard Business School Case 512-039, November 2011. (Revised August 2012.)