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- All HBS Web
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- Research Summary
Knowledge flows and capability acquisition
By: Willy C. Shih
Technological advancements are a major source of improvement in competiveness, and a firm’s incentives to invest are diminished when the knowledge generated is involuntarily dispersed to competitors. While intellectual property rights can moderate this flow to the... View Details
- November 2020
- Article
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
By: Dany Bahar, Prithwiraj Choudhury and Hillel Rapoport
We investigate the relationship between the presence of migrant inventors and the dynamics of innovation in the migrants’ receiving countries. We find that countries are 25 to 60 percent more likely to gain advantage in patenting in certain technologies given a twofold... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Migration; Patent; Knowledge; Innovation and Invention; Immigration; Patents; Information Technology; Knowledge Dissemination
Bahar, Dany, Prithwiraj Choudhury, and Hillel Rapoport. "Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations." Special Issue on STEM Migration, Research, and Innovation. Research Policy 49, no. 9 (November 2020).
- Research Summary
The Corporate Governance Role of Taxes
Dyck introduces evidence that private benefits of control are higher in countries with poor tax enforcement and in ongoing work explores further this correlation using both theory and empirical work from the United States and Russia. This work illustrates that the... View Details
- November 2007 (Revised February 2009)
- Background Note
Myths and Lessons of Modern Chinese History
By: William C. Kirby and Brittany Crow
China is an ancient civilization, but it is really a very young country. How we understand modern China is rooted in our understanding of history. Thus, the authors examine several myths surrounding important historical themes, including unity, economic and political... View Details
Kirby, William C., and Brittany Crow. "Myths and Lessons of Modern Chinese History." Harvard Business School Background Note 308-065, November 2007. (Revised February 2009.)
- 22 Apr 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
An Exploration of Technology Diffusion
Keywords: by Diego A. Comin & Bart Hobijn
- August 2016
- Teaching Note
The Role of Real Estate in Endowment Portfolios: The Case of Christ Church College
By: Arthur I. Segel and Alexander W. Schultz
The case centers on Christ Church’s Treasurer, James Lawrie, who is contemplating his options for investing a portion of the College’s endowment in real estate. Approximately 1/3 of the total $690 million endowment was allocated towards real estate, much higher than... View Details
- 2010
- Chapter
The Financing of R&D and Innovation
By: Bronwyn H. Hall and Josh Lerner
Evidence on the “funding gap” for investment innovation is surveyed. The focus is on financial market reasons for underinvestment that exist even when externality-induced underinvestment is absent. We conclude that while small and new innovative firms experience high... View Details
Hall, Bronwyn H., and Josh Lerner. "The Financing of R&D and Innovation." Chap. 14 in Handbook of the Economics of Innovation: Volume 1, by Bronwyn H. Hall and Nathan Rosenberg, 609–639. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010.
Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations*
We investigate the relationship between the presence of migrant inventors and the dynamics of innovation in the migrants’ receiving countries. We find that countries are 25 to 60% more likely to gain advantage in patenting in certain technologies given a twofold... View Details
- 2024
- Working Paper
Appropriate Entrepreneurship? The Rise of China and the Developing World
By: Josh Lerner, Junxi Liu, Jacob Moscona and David Yang
Global innovation and entrepreneurship has traditionally been dominated by a handful
of high-income countries, especially the US. This paper investigates the international
consequences of the rise of a new hub for innovation, focusing on the dramatic
growth of... View Details
Lerner, Josh, Junxi Liu, Jacob Moscona, and David Yang. "Appropriate Entrepreneurship? The Rise of China and the Developing World." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-061, March 2024.
- Article
Manuscript Variations of Dabistān-i Maẕāhib and Writing Histories of Religion in Mughal India
By: Sudev J Sheth
A text that has found renewed interest among scholars of early modern India is the Persian compendium of religion called Dabistān-i Maẕāhib. Written between 1645 and 1658, the Dabistān presents a lively ethnographic and historical account of customs and habits of... View Details
- 2018
- Working Paper
Some Facts of High-Tech Patenting
By: Michael Webb, Nick Short, Nicholas Bloom and Josh Lerner
Patenting in software, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence has grown rapidly in recent years. Such patents are acquired primarily by large U.S. technology firms such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, and HP, as well as by Japanese multinationals such as Sony, Canon,... View Details
Webb, Michael, Nick Short, Nicholas Bloom, and Josh Lerner. "Some Facts of High-Tech Patenting." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-014, August 2018. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 24793, July 2018.)
- Research Summary
Capitalism as a System of Governance
My research interest is in further exploration of the analytic utility of an original conception of capitalism as an indirect, three level system of governance for the economic relationships within political entities, and mostly within nation states. This three level... View Details
- Article
The Implications of Working Without an Office
By: Ethan Bernstein, Hayley Blunden, Andrew Brodsky, Wonbin Sohn and Ben Waber
In early 2020, the world began what is undoubtedly the largest work-from-home experiment in history. Now, as countries reopen but COVID-19 remains a major threat, organizations are wrestling with whether and how to have workers return to their offices. Business leaders... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Work From Home (WFH); Employees; Working Conditions; Health Pandemics; Performance Productivity; Creativity
Bernstein, Ethan, Hayley Blunden, Andrew Brodsky, Wonbin Sohn, and Ben Waber. "The Implications of Working Without an Office." Special Issue on The New Reality of WFH. Harvard Business Review: The Big Idea (July 2020).
- December 1999 (Revised January 2002)
- Background Note
Overview of the Project Finance Market, An
By: Benjamin C. Esty, Suzanne I. Harris and Kathleen G. Krueger
This case introduces the field of project finance and supplies a statistical overview of the project finance market as of the mid=to late 1990s. It consists of four sections. The first section defines project finance and contrasts it with other well-known forms of... View Details
Esty, Benjamin C., Suzanne I. Harris, and Kathleen G. Krueger. "Overview of the Project Finance Market, An." Harvard Business School Background Note 200-028, December 1999. (Revised January 2002.)
- Web
History of Excellence - Doctoral
supplier of renowned researchers and educators for business schools and universities across the country and around the globe. 100 % Placement upon graduation, 2022 INTRODUCE YOURSELF So we can provide you... View Details
- Research Summary
Research Focus of Chris Gordon
Chris Gordon's main area of interest and expertise is the delivery of complex capital projects. These projects can take the form of government sponsored infrastructure projects such as highways and utilities, private real estate development such as commercial and... View Details
- April 2013
- Article
The International Politics of IFRS Harmonization
By: Karthik Ramanna
The globalization of accounting standards as seen through the proliferation of IFRS worldwide is one of the most important developments in corporate governance over the last decade. I offer an analysis of some international political dynamics of countries' IFRS... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Standards; IASB; IFRS; Politics; International Accounting; Globalization; Standards; Corporate Governance; Canada; China; India
Ramanna, Karthik. "The International Politics of IFRS Harmonization." Accounting, Economics and Law 3, no. 2 (April 2013): 1–46. (Published in a dedicated issue of the journal together with four discussions, including two by the chairpersons of the national accounting standards bodies of France and Japan.)
- March 2024 (Revised September 2024)
- Case
Supercell 2.0: Clash of Plans
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport and George Gonzalez
Founded in 2010, Supercell was a Helsinki, Finland-based mobile gaming company that had developed and launched five global hit mobile games: Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Hay Day, Brawl Stars, and Boom Beach. The company’s early philosophy was that it could produce... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Restructuring; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Corporate Strategy; Video Game Industry; Finland
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and George Gonzalez. "Supercell 2.0: Clash of Plans." Harvard Business School Case 824-180, March 2024. (Revised September 2024.)
- 2012
- Working Paper
The International Politics of IFRS Harmonization
By: Karthik Ramanna
The globalization of accounting standards as seen through the proliferation of IFRS worldwide is one of the most important developments in corporate governance over the last decade. I offer an analysis of some international political dynamics of countries' IFRS... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Standards; Globalization; IASB; IFRS; Politics; Financial Reporting; International Accounting; Global Strategy; Corporate Governance; Policy; Government and Politics; Standards; China; India; Canada
Ramanna, Karthik. "The International Politics of IFRS Harmonization." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-132, June 2011. (Revised August 2011, March 2012, August 2012, October 2012. Forthcoming in Accounting, Economics & Law.)