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- Faculty Publications (609)
- December 2002 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Aldo Sesia
In June 1999, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced plans to revise the capital standards for banks. The Basel Committee believed that project loans were significantly riskier than corporate loans and, therefore, warranted higher capital charges under... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Project Finance; Financing and Loans; Projects; Standards; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Esty, Benjamin C., and Aldo Sesia. "Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (A)." Harvard Business School Case 203-035, December 2002. (Revised January 2004.)
- July 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Teaching Note
Restructuring Bulong's Project Debt (TN)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Michael Kane
Teaching Note for (9-203-027). View Details
- July 2002 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Restructuring Bulong's Project Debt
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Michael Kane
Preston Resources, a small Australian gold mining company, bought the Bulong nickel mine for A$319 million in November 1998 and financed the acquisition by issuing a US$185 million (A$294 million) project bond. At the time, mining had been underway for several months,... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Projects; Restructuring; Bonds; Borrowing and Debt; Business Startups; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Valuation; Mining Industry; Australia
Esty, Benjamin C., and Michael Kane. "Restructuring Bulong's Project Debt." Harvard Business School Case 203-027, July 2002. (Revised March 2003.)
- June 2002
- Background Note
Note on the Equivalency of Methods for Discounting Cash Flows
Uses a numerical example to demonstrate that when you discount the cash flows to capital from a project at the weighted average cost of capital, you get same net present value result as you obtain when discounting the cash flows to equity at the cost of equity. Also... View Details
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "Note on the Equivalency of Methods for Discounting Cash Flows." Harvard Business School Background Note 202-128, June 2002.
- April 2002 (Revised February 2003)
- Module Note
Teaching Project Finance: An Overview of the Large-Scale Investment Course
By: Benjamin C. Esty
Large-Scale Investment is a case-based course about project finance for second-year MBA students. Project finance involves the creation of a legally independent project company financed with nonrecourse debt for the purpose of investing in a single-purpose industrial... View Details
Esty, Benjamin C. "Teaching Project Finance: An Overview of the Large-Scale Investment Course." Harvard Business School Module Note 202-086, April 2002. (Revised February 2003.)
- March 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
MAC Development Corporation
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Colleen McCaffrey
Deals with MAC Development's efforts to develop a 41-acre site near Chicago. Reviews two years of efforts and highlights the remaining issues of: 1) gaining town approval for development and tax reductions, 2) meeting the bank's debt covenants, including finding a... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Taxation; Financial Instruments; Borrowing and Debt; Asset Pricing; Construction Industry; Chicago
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Colleen McCaffrey. "MAC Development Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 802-140, March 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- February 2002
- Background Note
Note on Commercial Real Estate Financial Market
By: Arthur I Segel and Melissa Yin-Yin Lam
Discusses the recent history of the commercial real estate financial market (pre-1990s-2001). Looks at the shift to more conventional capital markets for commercial real estate debt. View Details
Segel, Arthur I., and Melissa Yin-Yin Lam. "Note on Commercial Real Estate Financial Market." Harvard Business School Background Note 802-165, February 2002.
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
The Maturity of Debt Issues and Predictable Variation in Bond Returns
By: Malcolm Baker, Robin Greenwood and Jeffrey Wurgler
The maturity of new debt issues predicts excess bond returns. When the share of long term debt issues in total debt issues is high, future excess bond returns are low. This predictive power comes in two parts. First, inflation, the real short-term rate, and the term... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Bonds; Investment Return; Financial Markets; Forecasting and Prediction
Baker, Malcolm, Robin Greenwood, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "The Maturity of Debt Issues and Predictable Variation in Bond Returns." 2002. (First draft in 2001.)
- January 2002 (Revised January 2003)
- Case
Finova Group, Inc. (A), The
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Perry Fagan
Finova Group, a $14 billion commercial finance company, filed for Chapter 11 in early March 2001, in what was one of the largest U.S. bankruptcy filings of all time and the largest corporate bond default since the Great Depression. While in Chapter 11, Finova became... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Business Startups; Borrowing and Debt; Equity; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Debt Securities; Price; Crisis Management; Bids and Bidding; Partners and Partnerships; Strategy; Valuation; Financial Services Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Perry Fagan. "Finova Group, Inc. (A), The." Harvard Business School Case 202-095, January 2002. (Revised January 2003.)
- December 2001 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Financing PPL Corporation's Growth Strategy
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Carrie Ferman
PPL Corp., an electric utility in Pennsylvania, needs to finance $1 billion of peaking plants as part of its new growth strategy. In February 2001, Steve May, director of finance for PPL's Global Division, is responsible for recommending a finance plan. After... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Financial Instruments; Project Finance; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Leasing
Esty, Benjamin C., and Carrie Ferman. "Financing PPL Corporation's Growth Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 202-045, December 2001. (Revised April 2003.)
- October 2001
- Exercise
Liability Problems
By: Robert S. Kaplan
This case provides three examples of the recognition and measurement of liabilities. The first focuses on recognizing when employees have rendered services for which future period benefits have been earned, that is, whether unused vacation, sick, and personal days at... View Details
Keywords: Cash; Annuities; Interest Rates; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Wages; Problems and Challenges; Value
Kaplan, Robert S. "Liability Problems." Harvard Business School Exercise 102-035, October 2001.
- September 2001 (Revised July 2009)
- Case
Buenos Aires Embotelladora S.A. (BAESA): A South American Restructuring
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Gustavo A. Herrero
In 1998, BAESA, PepsiCo's largest bottler and distributor outside North America, experienced severe financial difficulty and had to restructure its debt and business operations to avoid bankruptcy or liquidation. Based in Argentina, with operations throughout South... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Borrowing and Debt; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Bonds; Stocks; Multinational Firms and Management; Laws and Statutes; United States; Argentina; Brazil
Gilson, Stuart C., and Gustavo A. Herrero. "Buenos Aires Embotelladora S.A. (BAESA): A South American Restructuring." Harvard Business School Case 202-009, September 2001. (Revised July 2009.)
- fall 2001
- Article
Structuring Loan Syndicates: A Case Study of the Hong Kong Disneyland Project Loan
By: Benjamin C. Esty
Esty, Benjamin C. "Structuring Loan Syndicates: A Case Study of the Hong Kong Disneyland Project Loan." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 14, no. 3 (fall 2001): 80–95.
- July 2001
- Technical Note
Technical Note on LBO Valuation (A): LBO Structure and the Target IRR Method of Valuation
Explains the equity cash flow method of valuation as it applies to leveraged buyouts. Also explains: 1) earnings and cash flow forecasts, 2) debt structure and the cash sweep, 3) the cashing out horizon and terminal valuation, and 4) the target IRR method of valuation. View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Leveraged Buyouts; Capital Budgeting; Borrowing and Debt; Cash Flow; Equity; Profit; Price; Forecasting and Prediction
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Technical Note on LBO Valuation (A): LBO Structure and the Target IRR Method of Valuation." Harvard Business School Technical Note 902-004, July 2001.
- May 2001 (Revised January 2003)
- Case
Calpine Corporation: The Evolution from Project to Corporate Finance
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Michael Kane
In early 1999, Calpine Corp.'s CEO Pete Cartwright adopted an aggressive growth strategy with the goal of increasing the company's aggregate generating capacity from approximately 3,000 to 15,000 megawatts (MW) by 2004. He believed there was a fleeting opportunity to... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Cost of Capital; Project Finance; Adaptation; Profit; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Energy Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., and Michael Kane. "Calpine Corporation: The Evolution from Project to Corporate Finance." Harvard Business School Case 201-098, May 2001. (Revised January 2003.)
- March 2001 (Revised February 2004)
- Case
Power to the States: "Fiscal Wars" for FDI in Brazil
By: Laura Alfaro, Yasheng Huang and Marios S. Kalochoritis
On January 6, 1999, Itamar Franco, the governor of the state of Minas Gerais, the second-largest state in Brazil, declared a 90-day moratorium on its debt payment to the federal government. The announcement triggered a run on the Brazilian currency, the Real, and... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, Yasheng Huang, and Marios S. Kalochoritis. Power to the States: "Fiscal Wars" for FDI in Brazil. Harvard Business School Case 701-079, March 2001. (Revised February 2004.)
- February 2001 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
CDC Capital Partners
By: G. Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
In 2001, CDC Capital Partners is facing the greatest challenge in its 53-year history. Founded as part of the U.K. government's post-war colonial reconstruction, it had operated as a developmental finance institution, largely issuing debt to the world's poorest... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Private Equity; Emerging Markets; Cost vs Benefits; Mergers and Acquisitions; Partners and Partnerships; Financial Institutions; Financial Services Industry; United Kingdom
Hardymon, G. Felda, Josh Lerner, and Ann Leamon. "CDC Capital Partners." Harvard Business School Case 801-333, February 2001. (Revised April 2001.)
- February 2001
- Case
Bang Networks, Inc.
By: Paul A. Gompers and Sergio Rattner
Bob Rosin, president and CEO of Bang Networks, must decide how much debt financing to take on. The company is a raw start-up and is considering taking on $10 million in debt. The firm has six offers and needs to identify the best one. View Details
Gompers, Paul A., and Sergio Rattner. "Bang Networks, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 201-074, February 2001.
- November 2000 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
FleetBoston Financial: Online Banking
By: Frances X. Frei and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar
As the ninth largest bank holding company in the United States in 2000, FleetBoston Financial Corp. provided a myriad of financial services, including retail banking, loan origination, and brokerage accounts. This case explores how FleetBoston responded to the Internet... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Borrowing and Debt; Cost Management; Banks and Banking; Consumer Behavior; Service Operations; Competition; Online Technology; Banking Industry; United States
Frei, Frances X., and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar. "FleetBoston Financial: Online Banking." Harvard Business School Case 601-042, November 2000. (Revised May 2002.)
- November 2000 (Revised December 2000)
- Case
Loewen Group Inc., The
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Jose Camacho
A publiclytraded funeral home and cemetery consolidator faces imminent financial distress. The company has aggressively grown through use of debt. Restructuring the debt is potentially very costly to creditors, shareholders, suppliers, and other corporate stakeholders.... View Details
Keywords: International Accounting; Restructuring; Capital Structure; Cost of Capital; Debt Securities; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Crisis Management; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Service Industry
Gilson, Stuart C., and Jose Camacho. "Loewen Group Inc., The." Harvard Business School Case 201-062, November 2000. (Revised December 2000.)