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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (24)
- News (2,259)
- Research (5,465)
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- Faculty Publications (4,028)
- December 1996 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
Parker's Biscuits, Inc.: Venturing into China
Carol Wittenberg's first major task as president of the Asia/Pacific business for Parker's Biscuits is to set up a joint venture to manufacture biscuits in China. The team that Wittenberg has put together to find a joint venture partner has narrowed the choice down to... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Decision Choices and Conditions; Manufacturing Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; China
Gray, Ann E. "Parker's Biscuits, Inc.: Venturing into China." Harvard Business School Case 697-056, December 1996. (Revised July 1997.)
- Article
Modelling the Effect of Purchase Quantity on Consumer Choice of Product Assortment
By: Randolph E. Bucklin, Sunil Gupta and S. Siddarth
Bucklin, Randolph E., Sunil Gupta, and S. Siddarth. "Modelling the Effect of Purchase Quantity on Consumer Choice of Product Assortment." Journal of Forecasting 17, nos. 3-4 (June–July 1998): 281–301.
- March 1990 (Revised May 1993)
- Case
Pennzoil Co.
Focuses on Pennzoil's motor oil business. Designed to address the business strategy issues of how a firm chooses its scope to create competitive advantage in its core business. "Scope" can be broadly defined to include vertical scope (forward and backward integration),... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Competitive Advantage; Consumer Products Industry; Energy Industry
Teisberg, Elizabeth O. "Pennzoil Co." Harvard Business School Case 390-131, March 1990. (Revised May 1993.)
- 13 Apr 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
The Bulletproof Glass Effect: When Privacy Notices Backfire
- April 2009
- Supplement
Merck: Managing Vioxx (E)
By: Robert L. Simons, Kathryn Rosenberg and Natalie Kindred
Keywords: Leadership; Decision Choices and Conditions; Customer Focus and Relationships; Pharmaceutical Industry
Simons, Robert L., Kathryn Rosenberg, and Natalie Kindred. "Merck: Managing Vioxx (E)." Harvard Business School Supplement 109-084, April 2009.
- September 1985 (Revised September 1987)
- Case
H.J. Heinz Co.: Plastic Bottle Ketchup (A)
By: John A. Quelch
The Heinz Ketchup product manager must decide whether or not to launch a new plastic bottle and, if so, what marketing program and support to place behind it. View Details
Quelch, John A. "H.J. Heinz Co.: Plastic Bottle Ketchup (A)." Harvard Business School Case 586-035, September 1985. (Revised September 1987.)
- January 1988
- Case
Santa Clara County Transportation Agency (A)
A manager is confronted with a choice between promoting a man, recommended through a careful evaluation process, or a woman, who scored slightly lower in the same process, and who is seen as a trouble maker. Appendix summarizes legal issues in affirmative action... View Details
Heckscher, Charles C. "Santa Clara County Transportation Agency (A)." Harvard Business School Case 488-039, January 1988.
- November 1993 (Revised January 2006)
- Supplement
Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (B)
By: Lynn S. Paine
Officials of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must decide whether to refer the Beech-Nut apple juice case to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, and if so, whether to recommend prosecution of individual executives or of the company only. View Details
Paine, Lynn S. "Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 394-103, November 1993. (Revised January 2006.)
- March 2021
- Article
Bayesian Signatures of Confidence and Central Tendency in Perceptual Judgment
By: Yang Xiang, Thomas Graeber, Benjamin Enke and Samuel Gershman
This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the role of Bayesian noisy cognition in perceptual judgment, focusing on the central tendency effect: the well-known empirical regularity that perceptual judgments are biased towards the center of the... View Details
Xiang, Yang, Thomas Graeber, Benjamin Enke, and Samuel Gershman. "Bayesian Signatures of Confidence and Central Tendency in Perceptual Judgment." Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (March 2021): 1–11.
- Article
Law, Ethics, and Managerial Judgment
By: L. S. Paine
Paine, L. S. "Law, Ethics, and Managerial Judgment." Journal of Legal Studies Education 12, no. 2 (June 1994): 153–169. (Reprinted in A Companion to Business Ethics, Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, edited by Robert E. Frederick, 194-206. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1999.)
- February 2015 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Winnan Metal: Fulfilling the Dream
By: William R. Kerr, Jim Sharpe and James Weber
Neil Kashyap and Neil Lombardo (HBS '08) acquired Winnan Metal, Inc., a metal fabrication shop, after raising a search fund and an 11 month search to fulfill their dreams of becoming business owners. Two weeks after they took control of the company, Winnan's largest... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Turnarounds; Bank Loan; Crisis Management; Financial Analysis; Search Funds; Acquisitions; Financial Capital Needed; Management; Operations Management; Sales; Entrepreneurship; Decision Making; Change Management; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Indiana
Kerr, William R., Jim Sharpe, and James Weber. "Winnan Metal: Fulfilling the Dream." Harvard Business School Case 815-104, February 2015. (Revised February 2017.)
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
PlanetAll TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Steven Silverman and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-898-105). For book only. View Details
- 1980
- Other Unpublished Work
Condominium Conversion in Massachusetts: An Evaluation of its Benefits and Costs
By: Dutch Leonard, J.F. Kain and K.E. Case
- January 1982
- Case
Unitrode Corp. (C): Sales Forecasting of Major Procurements
Schleifer, Arthur, Jr. "Unitrode Corp. (C): Sales Forecasting of Major Procurements." Harvard Business School Case 182-180, January 1982.
- April 1996 (Revised June 1996)
- Case
Dave Armstrong (A)
A second-year Harvard MBA student considers the pros and cons of three job offers. He identifies several concerns and evaluates each job in terms of how well they meet these concerns. He assesses probabilities for whether the jobs will be successful for him. View Details
Wu, George. "Dave Armstrong (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-300, April 1996. (Revised June 1996.)
- July 1977 (Revised July 1978)
- Background Note
Variations on the Maxco-Gambit Theme
By: Howard Raiffa
Raiffa, Howard. "Variations on the Maxco-Gambit Theme." Harvard Business School Background Note 178-006, July 1977. (Revised July 1978.)
- 12 Jan 2015
- News
Harvard Business School Dean Nitin Nohria Visits Asia
- 01 Sep 2023
- News
Incorporating DEI into Decision-Making
- 01 Sep 2022
- News