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- All HBS Web (1,323)
- Faculty Publications (774)
- Web
The 20th Century Zeitgeist - Leadership
circuit boards replace transistor technology First ATM installed Influence: Medium 70 1970 s 19 Beginning of biotech industry Fiber-optic wire Pong (first video game) UPC bar code Supercomputer Influence: Medium-Low 80 1980 s 19 Software industry booms PC use expands... View Details
- Web
Disruptive Innovation Online Course | HBS Online
scope Gain confidence articulating complex viewpoints Who Will Benefit Innovative Leaders Forward-Thinking Strategists Aspiring Entrepreneurs Align your resources, processes, and financial strategy to position your business for growth. I... View Details
- June 1996 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
McKinsey & Co.: Managing Knowledge and Learning
Describes the development of McKinsey & Co. as a worldwide management consulting firm from 1926 to 1996. In particular, it focuses on the way in which McKinsey has developed structures, systems, processes, and practices to help it develop, transfer, and disseminate... View Details
Keywords: Management; Managerial Roles; Management Practices and Processes; Competitive Advantage; Global Range; Knowledge Dissemination; Business Processes; Consulting Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "McKinsey & Co.: Managing Knowledge and Learning." Harvard Business School Case 396-357, June 1996. (Revised January 2000.)
- Web
Data Privacy Statement (MENA) - Global
may also receive data from direct communications with the individuals. The Center stores personal data in accordance with the Law and processes such data, for the purposes explained herein, within the scope of the legitimate interests of... View Details
- Web
Strategy for Health Care Delivery - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
+1.617.495.6226. Application Review: To optimize the learning experience and maximize the exchange of ideas, our Admissions Committee makes selections that balance each participant's experience, scope of current responsibilities, and type... View Details
- 14 Jun 2010
- Research & Ideas
The Hard Work of Measuring Social Impact
requires greater access to education, health care, and employment resources; at the same time, you might be trying to influence public policy on issues that affect the homeless. That involves a whole set of interrelated activities that are broad in scope. As you widen... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- 2015
- Working Paper
Competitiveness and Clusters: Implications for a New European Growth Strategy
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
This paper develops policy recommendations on the use of cluster-based economic policies and the adoption of a new concept of competitiveness in the context of the new growth path that WWWforEurope aims to outline.
A first section discusses and derives an... View Details
A first section discusses and derives an... View Details
Keywords: Competitiveness; Clusters; Economic Policy; European Union; Competition; Industry Clusters; Policy; Economic Growth; European Union
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Competitiveness and Clusters: Implications for a New European Growth Strategy." WWW for Europe Working Paper Series, No. 84, February 2015.
- Profile
Phillip Jones
went outside the military, I could increase the scope of my service.” Phillip recognized that the general shape of his ambitions crossed multiple sectors. “The future,” he says, “requires leadership from both the private and the public... View Details
- Web
Value Measurement for Health Care - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
selections that balance each participant's experience, scope of current responsibilities, and type of organization. HBS seeks candidates who reflect a broad range of industries, functions, countries, and backgrounds. We review... View Details
- January 2017
- Case
The Six CEOs of Tyco International Ltd.
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
In September 2016, Johnson Controls, Inc. completed the acquisition of Tyco International PLC, a $9.9 billion business with operating profits of $884 million. The purchase consideration was $14.4 billion. Although the deal was billed as a merger, Ireland-based Tyco... View Details
Keywords: Tyco; Dennis Kozlowski; Edward Breen; Fire Safety; Fire Protection; Security; Packaging; Securities And Exchange Commission; Fraud; Accounting; Accounting Audits; Earnings Management; Financial Statements; Goodwill Accounting; Acquisition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Conglomerates; Business Divisions; Business Exit or Shutdown; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Headquarters; Business Model; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Restructuring; Crime and Corruption; Engineering; Applied Optics; Chemicals; Construction; Metals and Minerals; Ethics; Finance; Cash Flow; Public Equity; Stock Options; Financing and Loans; Initial Public Offering; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Location; Geographic Scope; Global Range; Globalized Firms and Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Health Care and Treatment; Business History; Executive Compensation; Selection and Staffing; Courts and Trials; Lawfulness; Lawsuits and Litigation; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Market Entry and Exit; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Strategy; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Consolidation; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Horizontal Integration; Value; Chemical Industry; Construction Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Electronics Industry; Energy Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Mining Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Semiconductor Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Utilities Industry; Republic of Ireland; Switzerland; Bermuda; United States; New Hampshire
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "The Six CEOs of Tyco International Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 717-459, January 2017.
- 31 Mar 2023
- Research & Ideas
Can a ‘Basic Bundle’ of Health Insurance Cure Coverage Gaps and Spur Innovation?
additional medical services like dental or long-term care, and patient cost sharing. How much health care is a right? Establishing a basic plan would require policymakers to wrestle with complex questions about access and cost. Defining the View Details
- 15 Dec 2023
- News
Exploring Business Opportunities in Africa; Alumni Grapple with Plastic Waste Problem
significant demographic implications for the future and the promising scope of emerging markets. “Africa’s evolution is not much talked about—outside the circles that closely watch the continent—but it has massive implications for the... View Details
Keywords: Margie Kelley
- Web
Criteria | Social Enterprise | Harvard Business School
for a period of time consistent with achieving the desired social impact.] People: Size and scope of team, including information on full-time employees, advisors, and partnerships. [We will evaluate whether the team has the relevant... View Details
- June 2018
- Case
Forta Furniture: International Expansion
By: John A. Quelch and Karthik Easwar
The Forta Furniture case highlights the need to consider new market expansion to grow a firm. It demonstrates that simply doing what has always been done is not sustainable when other competitors enter the market with differentiated or potentially superior offerings.... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry and Exit; Global Range; Decision Making; Analysis; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Growth and Development Strategy; Brands and Branding; Expansion
Quelch, John A., and Karthik Easwar. "Forta Furniture: International Expansion." Harvard Business School Brief Case 918-547, June 2018.
- April 2020 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Uber: Competing Globally
By: Alexander J. MacKay, Amram Migdal and John Masko
This case describes Uber’s global market entry strategy and responses by regulators and local competitors. It details Uber’s entry into New York City (New York), Bogotá (Colombia), Delhi (India), Shanghai (China), Accra (Ghana), and London (United Kingdom). In each... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Geography; Geographic Location; Geographic Scope; Globalization; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Governance; Governance Controls; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation Strategy; Law; Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Markets; Demand and Consumers; Consumer Behavior; Network Effects; Emerging Markets; Market Design; Market Entry and Exit; Market Participation; Supply and Industry; Industry Structures; Planning; Strategic Planning; Relationships; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Labor and Management Relations; Networks; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Expansion; Information Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Digital Platforms; Transportation; Transportation Networks; Transportation Industry; Technology Industry; Africa; Ghana; Asia; China; Shanghai Shi; Shanghai; India; New Delhi; Europe; United Kingdom; England; London; Latin America; North and Central America; United States; New York (city, NY); New York (state, US); South America; Colombia
MacKay, Alexander J., Amram Migdal, and John Masko. "Uber: Competing Globally." Harvard Business School Case 720-404, April 2020. (Revised January 2022.)
- October 2019 (Revised August 2022)
- Case
Nehemiah Mfg. Co.: Providing a Second Chance
By: Michael Chu, Brian Trelstad and John Masko
In 2009, Dan Meyer and Richard Palmer, two veterans of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry, founded Nehemiah Manufacturing to build FMCG brands while providing jobs to Cincinnati, Ohio’s beleaguered urban core. Two years later, the pair made their first... View Details
Keywords: Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Social Entrepreneurship; Retention; Selection and Staffing; Employment; Human Capital; Growth Management; Brands and Branding; Social Marketing; Mission and Purpose; Prejudice and Bias; City; Urban Scope; Consumer Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Ohio; United States
Chu, Michael, Brian Trelstad, and John Masko. "Nehemiah Mfg. Co.: Providing a Second Chance." Harvard Business School Case 320-008, October 2019. (Revised August 2022.)
- 15 Mar 2017
- Lessons from the Classroom
More Than 900 Examples of How Climate Change Affects Business
This word cloud is composed of blog posts by more than 900 students describing how individual organizations are likely to be affected by climate change. Image by Patrick Clapp Last fall, first-year MBA students at Harvard Business School received a new assignment in... View Details
- December 2002 (Revised January 2003)
- Case
Four Seasons Goes to Paris: '53 Properties, 24 Countries, 1 Philosophy'
By: Roger H. Hallowell, David Bowen and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Illustrates how Four Seasons manages hotels in countries with strong and distinct national cultures. Focuses on how the chain meets its exacting service standards in a variety of settings worldwide, with special attention on France. View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Organizational Culture; Global Range; Global Strategy; Standards; Accommodations Industry; Paris
Hallowell, Roger H., David Bowen, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Four Seasons Goes to Paris: '53 Properties, 24 Countries, 1 Philosophy'." Harvard Business School Case 803-069, December 2002. (Revised January 2003.)
- 20 Apr 2023
- News
On the Move: Anand Kini (MBA 1997)
Photo courtesy Anand Kini Our “On the Move” series highlights HBS alumni who are taking on new roles and responsibilities. In this inaugural post, we speak with Anand Kini (MBA 1997), who in March was named executive vice president of corporate strategy at Comcast in... View Details
- March 2004 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
Samsung Electronics Company: Global Marketing Operations
By: John A. Quelch
Samsung's global marketing director is assessing how to build the global brand reputation of the company further and upgrade the company's worldwide brand image. To show how to build a global brand. View Details
Quelch, John A., and Anna Harrington. "Samsung Electronics Company: Global Marketing Operations." Harvard Business School Case 504-051, March 2004. (Revised January 2008.)