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- All HBS Web
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- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (E): The August 2009 Recess
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
During the Congress's August recess in 2009, the Tea Party makes a big push to stop the health reform bill moving through Congress. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (E): The August 2009 Recess." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-036, February 2015.
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (C): Legislative Strategy in the Senate
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In 2009, the Senate begins drafting its health care bills. Jurisdiction in the Senate is shared between two committees, but the more important is the Senate Finance Committee. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Government Administration; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (C): Legislative Strategy in the Senate." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-034, February 2015.
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (J):
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In the fall of 2013, launches as an insurance exchange for consumers to buy health insurance. The launch is filled with glitches, and some worry if it will imperil the fate of the entire ACA. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (J):" Harvard Business School Supplement 315-041, February 2015.
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (F): Regaining Momentum
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In the fall of 2009, President Obama makes a speech to a joint session of Congress in an attempt to regain lost momentum on health reform and get a bill through Congress. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (F): Regaining Momentum." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-037, February 2015.
- March 2011 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform
Per the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which President Obama signed in 2010, states would be required to create state-wide health insurance marketplaces - the Health Benefit Exchanges (HBEs) - in which individuals and small employers could choose... View Details
Keywords: Insurance; Health Care and Treatment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Emerging Markets; Risk and Uncertainty; Health Industry; Health Industry; New Jersey
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, Raffaella Sadun, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform." Harvard Business School Case 711-403, March 2011. (Revised March 2011.)
- Web
Women, Work, and the “M” Word - Blog: Health Supplement
Blog Blog Health Care and Life Science at HBS Filter Results Arrow Down Arrow Up Read posts from Author Alumni Author Blavatnik Fellow Author Blavatnik Fellowship Team Author Executive Education Author HBS Partners Author HBS Staff Author... View Details
- February 2025
- Supplement
Intenseye: Powering Workplace Health and Safety with AI (B)
By: Michael W. Toffel, Shane Greenstein and Sadika El Hariri
Intenseye used its $25 million series A funds to refine and expand its digital safety platform while refining its target markets and ideal customer profile. As the company implemented new approaches to create value for its clients, such as developing an AI-powered... View Details
Keywords: Safety Performance; Occupational Safety; Innovation; Safety; Operations; Health; AI and Machine Learning; Analytics and Data Science; Digital Transformation; Supply Chain Management; Performance Improvement; Entrepreneurship; Product Development; Customer Relationship Management; Value Creation; Information Technology Industry; United States; Europe; Middle East; Turkey
Toffel, Michael W., Shane Greenstein, and Sadika El Hariri. "Intenseye: Powering Workplace Health and Safety with AI (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 625-025, February 2025.
- 24 Apr 2014
- News
Committed to a goal of 'zero harm' in the mining industry
people in 45 countries around the world. Carroll also launched initiatives to improve health and education in the localities where the company operates. Her compassion, strategic vision, and business acumen had a deep impact not just on... View Details
- March 2014
- Article
Delivering High-quality Cancer Care: The Critical Role of Quality Measurement
By: Tracy Spinks, Patricia Ganz, George Sledge, Laura Levit, James Hayman, Timothy Eberlein and Thomas W. Feeley
In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published Ensuring Quality Cancer Care, an influential report that described an ideal cancer care system and issued ten recommendations to address pervasive gaps in the understanding and delivery of quality cancer... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Quality; Health Care and Treatment; Quality; Measurement and Metrics; Health Industry; North America
Spinks, Tracy, Patricia Ganz, George Sledge, Laura Levit, James Hayman, Timothy Eberlein, and Thomas W. Feeley. "Delivering High-quality Cancer Care: The Critical Role of Quality Measurement." Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation 2, no. 1 (March 2014): 53–62. (PMCID: PMC4021589.)
- January 2014 (Revised June 2014)
- Case
23andMe: Genetic Testing for Consumers (A)
By: John A. Quelch and Margaret L. Rodriguez
On November 22, 2013, the direct-to-consumer genetic testing provider, 23andMe, received a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordering the company to halt the sale and promotion of its genetic testing kit. The FDA stated that the product was... View Details
Keywords: Public Health; Genome Testing; Health Care; Ancestry; 23andMe; Marketing; Product Launch; Health; Health Care and Treatment; Health Testing and Trials; Genetics; Strategy; Health Industry; United States
Quelch, John A., and Margaret L. Rodriguez. "23andMe: Genetic Testing for Consumers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 514-086, January 2014. (Revised June 2014.)
- March 2015 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
Bonitas, a South African medical scheme (i.e., health insurer), must navigate highly restrictive regulations that make it difficult for Bonitas to innovate, grow, and compete with market leader Discovery as well as providers of alternative insurance products. Bonitas... View Details
Keywords: Health Insurance; Health Care; South Africa; Medical Scheme; Public Policy; Bonitas; Bonitas Medical Fund; National Health Insurance; Health; Health Care and Treatment; Insurance; Policy; Health Industry; Health Industry; South Africa; Johannesburg; Africa
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "Bonitas." Harvard Business School Case 315-020, March 2015. (Revised November 2017.)
- January 2017 (Revised May 2020)
- Case
Sesame Workshop (A): Bringing Big Bird Back to Health
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Ryan Raffaelli and Jonathan Cohen
Sesame Workshop was transforming in 2016. CEO Jeff Dunn had reorganized and shifted the iconic institution to respond to digital disruption and a consensus culture. This case examines his efforts to turn Sesame Workshop around. It notes Sesame's storied history and the... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Information Technology; Education; Media; Strategy; Education Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Ryan Raffaelli, and Jonathan Cohen. "Sesame Workshop (A): Bringing Big Bird Back to Health." Harvard Business School Case 317-094, January 2017. (Revised May 2020.)
- 2012
- Report
Competing by Saving Lives: How Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies Create Shared Value in Global Health
By: Mark R. Kramer, Kyle Peterson, Matthew Rehrig, Mike Stamp and Samuel Kim
Examples of how pharmaceutical and medical companies are addressing unmet health needs in low- and middle- income economies, creating shared value by providing products and services that tackle global health problems. View Details
Keywords: Shared Value; Low- And Middle-income Economies; Health Care and Treatment; Global Range; Pharmaceutical Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Kramer, Mark R., Kyle Peterson, Matthew Rehrig, Mike Stamp, and Samuel Kim. "Competing by Saving Lives: How Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies Create Shared Value in Global Health." Report, FSG, 2012.
- 2016
- Blog
Building A Culture of Health - John A. Quelch: The Marketing of Prevention
By: John A. Quelch
The US will devote 17.5% of GDP to health care this year, around $3 trillion. Yet only 3 percent of that will be spent on prevention, including both primary prevention (preventing illness in the first place) and secondary prevention (preventing sick people getting... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Healthcare Marketing; Prevention; Wellbeing; Health; Marketing; Health Industry; Health Industry; Health Industry; Europe; North and Central America
Quelch, John A. "The Marketing of Prevention." Building A Culture of Health - John A. Quelch (blog). May 12, 2016.
- 07 May 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
Broadening Focus: Spillovers and the Benefits of Specialization in the Hospital Industry
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (A): Legislative Strategy in the House of Representatives
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In early 2009, the Obama administration and the Democratically-led Congress began working on what would eventually become the Affordable Care Act. The (A) case in this series discusses the legislative strategy in the House of Representatives, where three different... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Government Administration; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (A): Legislative Strategy in the House of Representatives." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-032, February 2015.
- 2014
- Other Unpublished Work
Nudging Physicians to Pursue Careers in Underserved Areas: A Case for Behavioral Economics
By: Joseph Lopez, Mona Singh, Nava Ashraf and Joel Weissman
Currently, more than 60 million Americans live in "Health Professional Shortage Areas." Unless policymakers can encourage more physicians to practice in medically under-resourced areas, an increased number of uninsured individuals newly able to obtain health insurance... View Details
- May 2015 (Revised September 2015)
- Case
Philips Healthcare: Marketing the HealthSuite Digital Platform
By: John A. Quelch and Margaret L. Rodriguez
In June 2014, leading healthcare and consumer technology company, Royal Philips ("Philips"), announced its HealthSuite Digital Platform to house healthcare data and enable applications used by physicians and patients. Philips had strong equity in the healthcare... View Details
Keywords: Health; Healthcare; Digital; Platform; Ecosystem; Health Care and Treatment; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Product Development; Applications and Software; Digital Platforms; Health Industry; Health Industry; Netherlands; United States
Quelch, John A., and Margaret L. Rodriguez. "Philips Healthcare: Marketing the HealthSuite Digital Platform." Harvard Business School Case 515-052, May 2015. (Revised September 2015.)
- June 2012
- Case
Reconfiguring Stroke Care in North Central London
By: Michael E. Porter, James Mountford, Kamalini Ramdas and Samuel Takvorian
In 2006, surgeon Ara Darzi identified several key areas, including acute stroke care, for improving health care across London. In response to his seminal call to action, stroke care was reorganized around eight hyper-acute stroke units covering London's five sectors,... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care and Treatment; Performance Improvement; Performance Efficiency; Integration; Health Industry; London
Porter, Michael E., James Mountford, Kamalini Ramdas, and Samuel Takvorian. "Reconfiguring Stroke Care in North Central London ." Harvard Business School Case 712-496, June 2012.
- November 2021 (Revised May 2022)
- Case
West Virginia: Finding the Right Path Forward
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl, Christine Keung and Reggie Smith
Once at the center of the American economy, the state of West Virginia had seen decades of decline as its coal industry fell on hard times. With beautiful but challenging topography, a proud but shrinking population, and a new scourge of the opioid epidemic, the... View Details
Keywords: Population Health; Geographic Location; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; West Virginia
Weinzierl, Matthew C., Christine Keung, and Reggie Smith. "West Virginia: Finding the Right Path Forward." Harvard Business School Case 722-024, November 2021. (Revised May 2022.)