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- All HBS Web
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- October 2007 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Transforming Korea Inc: Financial Crisis and Institutional Reform
By: Laura Alfaro and Renee Kim
South Korea, as one of the Asian "tiger" economies, transformed itself into the world's 11th largest economy and major exporter by 1996, emerging from being one of the lowest income countries in the region back in the 1960s. Yet one year later in 1997, Korea was swept... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Financial Crisis; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business and Government Relations; South Korea
Alfaro, Laura, and Renee Kim. "Transforming Korea Inc: Financial Crisis and Institutional Reform." Harvard Business School Case 708-007, October 2007. (Revised May 2008.)
- Teaching Interest
Field Course: Social Innovation Lab
Co-taugh with Prof. John Kim
This course provides students an opportunity to use the discipline of entrepreneurial... View Details
- Research Summary
Supply Chain Coordination for Products with Uncertain Demand
By: Ananth Raman
Ananth Raman has been investigating supply chain coordination for products with uncertain demand in industries as diverse as apparel, power tools, computers, and footwear. Most recently he has been exploring the role of intermediaries, particularly in supply chains... View Details
- Fall 2016
- Article
Global Talent Flows
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr, William R. Kerr, Çağlar Özden and Christopher Parsons
The global distribution of talent is highly skewed and the resources available to countries to develop and utilize their best and brightest vary substantially. The migration of skilled workers across countries tilts the deck even further. Using newly available data, we... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Human Capital; Entrepreneurship; Global Range; Competency and Skills; Immigration
Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, Çağlar Özden, and Christopher Parsons. "Global Talent Flows." Journal of Economic Perspectives 30, no. 4 (Fall 2016): 83–106.
- 15 Oct 2007
- Research & Ideas
Businesses Beware: The World Is Not Flat
their counterparts at International. Wal-Mart also tries to aggregate across national boundaries with its IT platform and regional management teams that were created in 2004 to manage global brand View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- September 2019 (Revised August 2020)
- Case
Engineering an Inclusive Bioeconomy
By: Tarun Khanna, Raffaella Sadun and Susie L. Ma
In 2019, entrepreneur Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio was developing a project he hoped could generate and share wealth from the natural resources of the Amazon without destroying those resources. His idea, called Earth Bank of Codes (EBC), would create a library of the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Development Economics; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Intellectual Property; Emerging Markets; Market Design; Marketplace Matching; Science; Genetics; Natural Environment; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change; Social Enterprise; Strategy; Strategic Planning; Information Technology; Ownership; Social Psychology; Trust; Society; Biotechnology Industry; South America; Amazon Basin
Khanna, Tarun, Raffaella Sadun, and Susie L. Ma. "Engineering an Inclusive Bioeconomy." Harvard Business School Case 720-356, September 2019. (Revised August 2020.)
Gerald C. Chertavian
Gerald Chertavian is the Founder of Year Up, one of the nation’s largest and most effective youth workforce development programs. Chertavian was a successful technology entrepreneur and Wall Street banker, but it was through his many years as a Big Brother... View Details
- 29 Apr 2016
- HBS Seminar
Richard Freeman, Harvard University & NBER
- December 2013
- Article
Land Politics and Local State Capacities: The Political Economy of Urban Change in China
By: Meg Rithmire
Despite common national institutions and incentives to remake urban landscapes to anchor growth, generate land-lease revenues, and display a capacious administration, Chinese urban governments exhibit varying levels of control over land. This article uses a paired... View Details
Keywords: China; Land Politics; Urban Planning; Local Government; Northeast China; Property Rights; Urban Development; Property; Government and Politics; China
Rithmire, Meg. "Land Politics and Local State Capacities: The Political Economy of Urban Change in China." China Quarterly, no. 216 (December 2013): 872–895.
- March 2016
- Case
M-Pesa: Financial Inclusion in Kenya
By: Rajiv Lal, Lisa Cox and Sarah McAra
M-Pesa, a mobile money transfer service launched in 2007 in Kenya by telecommunications company Safaricom, allowed people to send money via mobile messaging to contacts, such as friends and family, or even to pay for goods and services, such as groceries or a taxi... View Details
- Article
Innovation Contests for High-Tech Procurement
By: Jin Hyun Paik, Martin Scholl, Rinat A. Sergeev, Steven Randazzo and Karim R. Lakhani
Innovation managers rarely use crowdsourcing as an innovative instrument despite extensive academic and theoretical research. The lack of tools available to compare and measure crowdsourcing, specifically contests, against traditional methods of procuring goods and... View Details
Keywords: Open Innovation; Contests; Crowdsourcing; Nasa; Evaluation; Acquisition; Information Technology; Innovation and Invention; Performance Evaluation; Framework
Hyun Paik, Jin, Martin Scholl, Rinat A. Sergeev, Steven Randazzo, and Karim R. Lakhani. "Innovation Contests for High-Tech Procurement." Research-Technology Management 63, no. 2 (March–April 2020): 36–45.
- March 2005 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
Teach For America 2005
On November 17, 2004, as Teach for America's (TFA) national board meeting adjourned, Chief Operating Officer Jerry Hauser considered the opportunity before the organization. The board had just given the go ahead to move forward with development of a new strategic plan... View Details
Childress, Stacey M. "Teach For America 2005." Harvard Business School Case 805-094, March 2005. (Revised October 2005.)
- 07 Dec 2017
- HBS Seminar
Eric von Hippel, MIT Sloan School of Management
- November 2021
- Article
The Effects of Retirement on Sense of Purpose in Life: Crisis or Opportunity?
By: Ayse Yemiscigil, Nattavudh Powdthavee and Ashley V. Whillans
Does retirement lead to an existential crisis or present an opportunity to experience a renewed sense of purpose in life? Prior research has documented a negative association between retirement and sense of purpose in life, suggesting that retirement could lead people... View Details
Yemiscigil, Ayse, Nattavudh Powdthavee, and Ashley V. Whillans. "The Effects of Retirement on Sense of Purpose in Life: Crisis or Opportunity?" Psychological Science 32, no. 11 (November 2021): 1856–1864.
Archie L. Jones
Archie Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at the Harvard Business School, where he currently teaches Venture Capital and Private Equity, Field... View Details
- September 2020
- Article
Community-Level Postmaterialism and Anti-Migrant Attitudes:: An Original Survey on Opposition to Sub-Saharan African Migrants in the Middle East
By: Matt Buehler, Kristin Fabbe and Kyung Joon Han
Why do native citizens of the Middle East and North Africa express greater opposition to certain types of migrants, refugees, and displaced persons? Why, particularly, do they express greater opposition to sub-Saharan African migrants? This article investigates these... View Details
Buehler, Matt, Kristin Fabbe, and Kyung Joon Han. "Community-Level Postmaterialism and Anti-Migrant Attitudes: An Original Survey on Opposition to Sub-Saharan African Migrants in the Middle East." International Studies Quarterly 64, no. 3 (September 2020): 669–683.
- 2018
- Chapter
The United States in Contemporary Perspectives: Evolving Forms, Strategy, and Performance
By: David J. Collis, Bharat Anand and J. Yo-Jud Cheng
BOOK ABSTRACT: In spite of surging interest in the business group organization among business scholars, economists, and historians in recent years, academic research on business groups has, to date, remained within the boundary of emerging markets. The major aim of... View Details
Collis, David J., Bharat Anand, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng. "The United States in Contemporary Perspectives: Evolving Forms, Strategy, and Performance." Chap. 15 in Business Groups in the West: Origins, Evolution, and Resilience, edited by Asli M. Colpan and Takashi Hikino. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- June 2014 (Revised September 2014)
- Case
Johnson & Johnson: The Promotion of Wellness
By: John A. Quelch and Carin-Isabel Knoop
To create the world's healthiest workforce, diversified health care giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J) mandated participation in its "Culture of Health" program globally, customized by location, culture, and specific health needs to offer prevention-focused education,... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Employee Motivation; Transformation; Ethics; Health; Human Resources; Leadership; Management; Personal Development and Career; Problems and Challenges; Strategy; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; North and Central America; Middle East; Latin America; Europe; Asia
Quelch, John A., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Johnson & Johnson: The Promotion of Wellness." Harvard Business School Case 514-112, June 2014. (Revised September 2014.)
- March 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Case
Pratham 2.0: Sustaining Innovation
By: Brian Trelstad, Samantha Webster and Malini Sen
Pratham is a Mumbai-based nonprofit, which focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in India’s education system. From inception, it has pioneered innovation, from early childhood learning centers to adaptive literacy programs, to... View Details
- February 2018
- Case
Infrastructure in Nigeria: Unlocking Pension Fund Investments
By: John Macomber and Pippa Tubman Armerding
The so-called “infrastructure finance gap” was a problem in Nigeria as in many parts of the world. Infrastructure projects like power plants and dams were very large capital investments that could generate long-term consistent cash flows, but their financing and... View Details
Keywords: Pension Fund Investing; Infrastucture; Power/Energy; Credit Enhancement; Infrastructure; Project Finance; Investment Funds; Emerging Markets; Nigeria; Africa
Macomber, John, and Pippa Tubman Armerding. "Infrastructure in Nigeria: Unlocking Pension Fund Investments." Harvard Business School Case 218-071, February 2018.