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- All HBS Web
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- 29 Jan 2021
- Op-Ed
How Influencers, Celebrities, and FOMO Can Win Over Vaccine Skeptics
websites of the four main health care organizations to direct people to clinics, helped the country get the word out early on and increase shots in arms. "When polio was rampant, Elvis Presley extolled the... View Details
- September 2022
- Article
Regulatory Spillover and Workplace Racial Inequality
By: Letian Zhang
This paper suggests that affirmative action bans in the U.S. public sector may influence racial inequality in the private sector. Since the 1990s, nine states have banned affirmative action practice in public universities and state governments. Though these bans have... View Details
Keywords: Inequality; Regulation; Law; Organizational Norm; CEO; Affirmative Action; Organizations; Private Sector; Equality and Inequality; Diversity; Race; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Zhang, Letian. "Regulatory Spillover and Workplace Racial Inequality." Administrative Science Quarterly 67, no. 3 (September 2022): 595–629.
- October 2018 (Revised February 2018)
- Case
Masayoshi Son and the Vision Fund
In October 2016, SoftBank Group Corp., the Japanese conglomerate giant caused a significant shock to the worldwide market for venture capital and private equity by announcing the Vision Fund, the largest tech investment fund in the world at close to $100 billion. The... View Details
Nicholas, Tom, Ramana Nanda, and Benjamin N. Roth. "Masayoshi Son and the Vision Fund." Harvard Business School Case 819-041, October 2018. (Revised February 2018.)
- Research Summary
Chu's research is focused on business and low income sectors, particularly in the use of commercial platforms to deliver what has traditionally been considered public responsibilities. In the last three decades, business models have emerged to meet the underserved... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Microfinance; Base Of The Pyramid; Role Of Profit And Social Impact; Private Sector Development; Emerging Markets; Business Ventures; Health Care and Treatment; Management; Social Enterprise; Strategy; Financial Services Industry; Banking Industry; Health Industry; Latin America; North and Central America; Asia; Africa
- Article
Toward a Corporate Culture of Health: Results of a National Survey
By: Michael Anne Kyle, Lumumba Seegars, John M. Benson, Robert J. Blendon, Robert S. Huckman and Sara J. Singer
Context: The private sector has a large potential role in advancing health and well-being, but attention to corporate practices around health tends to focus on a narrow range of issues and on large businesses. Systematically describing private sector engagement in... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Health; Social Determinants Of Health; Health Policy; Public Health; Organizations; Health; Policy; Surveys
Kyle, Michael Anne, Lumumba Seegars, John M. Benson, Robert J. Blendon, Robert S. Huckman, and Sara J. Singer. "Toward a Corporate Culture of Health: Results of a National Survey." Milbank Quarterly 97, no. 4 (December 2019): 954–977.
- Web
Instrument of Pictorial Publicity - The High Art of Photographic Advertising - Baker Library | Bloomberg Center
HBS Quick Links MBA Executive Education Doctoral Programs Faculty and Research Alumni HBS Publishing Site Index HBS Home Contact Us Map/Directions Instrument of Pictorial Publicity William M. Rittase. Down... View Details
- January 2019 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
The Louvre
By: Rohit Deshpandé, Francois-Lucien Vulliermet and Daniela Beyersdorfer
Once a royal residence and today one of the most photographed Parisian landmarks, the Louvre, home of iconic masterpieces, was the world’s largest and most visited museum in 2017. Its President Director Jean-Luc Martinez had since 2013 spearheaded its development and... View Details
Keywords: Customer-centricity; Cultural Organizations; Museum; Brand; Customer Focus and Relationships; Mission and Purpose; Culture; Education; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Fine Arts Industry
Deshpandé, Rohit, Francois-Lucien Vulliermet, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "The Louvre." Harvard Business School Case 519-045, January 2019. (Revised January 2021.)
- Article
The Payoff of Pay-for-Success
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Lisa Chase
Pay-for-success contracts also known as social impact bonds, have been widely touted as a clever way to fill the funding gap plaguing social programs by attracting a tranche of the trillions of dollars in private return-seeking capital. This article takes an in-depth... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Social Impact Bonds; Public Innovation; Social Enterprise; Investment; Innovation and Invention
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Lisa Chase. "The Payoff of Pay-for-Success." Stanford Social Innovation Review 13, no. 4 (Fall 2015): 28–36.
- 2022
- Chapter
Capitalism and the Environment
By: Geoffrey Jones
Capitalism drove the environmental decimation of the planet. The environment was seen as a free good, while the consequences of dirty industrial and agricultural processes were seen as external to the firm. Public policies largely allowed this to happen, as politicians... View Details
Keywords: History; Environment; Sustainability; Capitalism; Ethics; Business History; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Pollution; Climate Change
Jones, Geoffrey. "Capitalism and the Environment." Chap. 8 in Evolutions of Capitalism: Historical Perspectives: 1200–2000, edited by Catherine Casson and Philipp Robinson Rössner, 187–211. Bristol, United Kingdom: Bristol University Press, 2022.
- May 2022
- Case
By: Boris Groysberg, Katherine Connolly Baden and Julia Kelley
In January 2021, Byte co-founders Scott Cohen and Blake Johnson reflected on how far their Los Angeles-based direct-to-consumer (DTC) orthodontics company had come since launching its clear aligners just a little over two years earlier. Cohen and Johnson were both... View Details
- November 2014
- Article
Government Green Procurement Spillovers: Evidence from Municipal Building Policies in California
By: Timothy Simcoe and Michael W. Toffel
We study how government green procurement policies influence private-sector demand for similar products. Specifically, we measure the impact of municipal policies requiring governments to construct green buildings on private-sector adoption of the U.S. Green Building... View Details
Keywords: Public Procurement; Green Building; Quality Certification; Environmental Policy; Buildings and Facilities; Environmental Sustainability; Policy; Government and Politics; Green Technology Industry; Public Administration Industry; California
Simcoe, Timothy, and Michael W. Toffel. "Government Green Procurement Spillovers: Evidence from Municipal Building Policies in California." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68, no. 3 (November 2014): 411–434. (Lead article.)
- 03 Apr 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Clear and Present Danger: Planning and New Venture Survival Amid Political and Civil Violence
Keywords: by Shon Hiatt & Wesley Sine
- Article
Managing the Narrative: Investor Relations Officers and Their Interactions with Sell-Side Analysts and Institutional Investors
By: Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement and Nathan Y. Sharp
Investor relations officers (IROs) play a central role in corporate communications with Wall Street. We survey 610 IROs at U.S. public companies and conduct 14 follow-up interviews to deepen our understanding of the role of IROs in corporate disclosure events. Three... View Details
Brown, Lawrence D., Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp. "Managing the Narrative: Investor Relations Officers and Their Interactions with Sell-Side Analysts and Institutional Investors." Journal of Accounting & Economics 67, no. 1 (February 2019): 58–79.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Self-Interest: The Economist's Straitjacket
By: Robert Simons
This paper examines contemporary economic theories that focus on the design and management of business organizations. In the first part of the paper, a taxonomy is presented that describes the different types of economists interested in this subject—market economists,... View Details
Keywords: Self-interest; Economist; Moral Philosophers; Regulation; Capture; Organization Design; Economy Theory; Organization Theory; Management Theory; Commitment; Controls; Governance; Customers; Conflict of Interests; Business or Company Management; Competition; Organizational Design; Business Education; Agency Theory; Economics; Theory; Boundaries
Simons, Robert. "Self-Interest: The Economist's Straitjacket." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-045, October 2015. (Revised January 2019.)
- February 2017
- Case
Eve Hall: The African American Investment Fund in Milwaukee
By: Steven Rogers and Alterrell Mills
The case highlights the role of minority chambers of commerce and the background of Eve Hall, a well-regarded multi-sector leader asked to revive Wisconsin's African-American chamber. This case study examines the lending options that a minority chamber of commerce... View Details
Keywords: Business Organization; Business Plan; Change Management; Demographics; Diversity Characteristics; Ethnicity Characteristics; Race Characteristics; Investment Fund; Cost Of Capital; Banks And Banking; Micro Finance; Interest Rates; Business Or Company Management; Management Styles; Management Succession; Mission And Purpose; Organizational Culture; Leadership Style; Leadership Change; Business And Community Relations; Nonprofit Organizations; Wealth And Poverty; Organizations; Diversity; Ethnicity; Race; Small Business; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Decision Choices and Conditions; Public Administration Industry; Public Administration Industry; Public Administration Industry; Public Administration Industry; United States; Wisconsin
Rogers, Steven, and Alterrell Mills. "Eve Hall: The African American Investment Fund in Milwaukee." Harvard Business School Case 317-076, February 2017.
- Teaching Interest
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Combining the tools of philanthropy, business and advocacy (or mission, margin and mandate), social entrepreneurs have tackled long-standing societal issues like teacher training, college access, global public health, renewable energy and sanitation. Social... View Details
- July 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation
In the United States, genetically modified corn and soybeans are now widely grown and consumed. In Europe, however, they have been dubbed "Frankenstein foods," shunned by packaged food manufacturers, and subjected to a host of governmental restrictions. This case... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Genetics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Law; Goods and Commodities; Safety; Environmental Sustainability; Government and Politics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Europe; United States
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation." Harvard Business School Case 701-004, July 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- Article
Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development
By: Michael Beer
A normative and actionable theory of planned organizational change and development is proposed based on fifty years of engagement by the author as a scholar-consultant. Five principles are central features of the theory and practice proposed: 1) Organizations are... View Details
Keywords: Consultant; Process; Systems; Silence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Learning; Management Teams
Beer, Michael. "Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 1 (2021).
- September 2016
- Teaching Note
Nuclear Energy: An Answer to Climate Change?
By: Michael W. Toffel and Glen W. S. Dowell
This case asks students to take the perspective of a nuclear energy industry association whose objective is convincing politicians and the public about the merits of its industry. The association is considering whether to approach environmental nongovernmental... View Details