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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (16)
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- Faculty Publications (903)
- July 2016 (Revised July 2019)
- Teaching Plan
Doctor My Eyes: The Acquisition of Bausch & Lomb by Warburg Pincus (A)
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz and Ricardo Andrade
In early 2010, senior partners at Warburg Pincus met to review a report on Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, the firm's largest investment at the time. Warburg Pincus had led a group of investors in acquiring Bauch & Lomb on October 26, 2007, taking the company private and... View Details
- 11 Feb 2011
- Working Paper Summaries
Leviathan as a Minority Shareholder: A Study of Equity Purchases by the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES), 1995-2003
Keywords: by Sergio G. Lazzarini & Aldo Musacchio
- April 2016 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
"Doctor My Eyes"--The Acquisition of Bausch & Lomb by Warburg Pincus (A)
In early 2010, senior partners at Warburg Pincus met to review a report on Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, the firm's largest investment at the time. Warburg Pincus had led a group of investors in acquiring Bauch & Lomb on October 26, 2007, taking the company private and... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Mergers & Acquisitions; Governance; Buyout; Private Equity; Finance; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Governance; Health Care and Treatment; Reports; Business Model; Health Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Lietz, Nori Gerardo. "Doctor My Eyes"--The Acquisition of Bausch & Lomb by Warburg Pincus (A). Harvard Business School Case 216-021, April 2016. (Revised July 2019.)
- October 2019 (Revised December 2019)
- Case
BC Partners: Acuris
By: Victoria Ivashina and Terrence Shu
This case follows Nikos Stathopoulos, Managing Partner of BC Partners, as he and his team evaluate the potential sale of one of BC Partners’ portfolio companies, Acuris. Acuris was a global financial intelligence, news, and data company that had been acquired by BC... View Details
Keywords: Fund Management; Fund Raising; Leveraged Buyout; Buyout; Portfolio Management; Operations Improvement; Exit; Exit Strategy; Valuation Ratios; Finance; Private Equity; Leveraged Buyouts; Operations; Performance Improvement; Acquisition; Valuation
Ivashina, Victoria, and Terrence Shu. "BC Partners: Acuris." Harvard Business School Case 220-041, October 2019. (Revised December 2019.)
- August 2015
- Case
Kjell & Company: Electronics Accessories Retail in the Nordics
By: Krishna Palepu, Das Narayandas and Kerry Herman
Swedish electronics accessories retailer Kjell is considering several issues as it plots its next stage of growth. How should it balance opportunities to expand retail stores into a new market (Oslo, Norway) with additional growth in its home market—Sweden—with... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Electronics Accessories; Online Channel; Omni-channel; Private Equity; Retail; Salesforce Management; Performance Management; Marketing; Sales; Strategy; Scandinavia; Sweden; Norway
Palepu, Krishna, Das Narayandas, and Kerry Herman. "Kjell & Company: Electronics Accessories Retail in the Nordics." Harvard Business School Case 116-009, August 2015.
- January 2020
- Case
Blackstone at 35: Performance, Innovation, and the Next Generation
By: Josh Lerner
Keywords: Finance; Private Equity; Investing; Succession Planning; Leadership; Fund Management; Fund Raising
Lerner, Josh. "Blackstone at 35: Performance, Innovation, and the Next Generation." Harvard Business School Case 220-051, January 2020.
- February 2025
- Case
RedBird Capital Partners
By: Anita Elberse and David Moreno Vicente
In July 2024, Gerry Cardinale, the founder and managing partner of RedBird Capital Partners (‘RedBird’) has helped orchestrate a high-profile deal in the world of entertainment: one in which Skydance Media (‘Skydance’), a content production studio led by David Ellison... View Details
Keywords: Entertainment; Media; Film; Television; Sports; Superstars; Marketing; Strategy; General Management; Mergers And Acquisitions; Investing; Private Equity
Elberse, Anita, and David Moreno Vicente. "RedBird Capital Partners." Harvard Business School Case 525-049, February 2025.
- November 2006 (Revised December 2011)
- Case
HCA, Inc. (A)
Focuses on the buyout of HCA by three private equity firms: Bain Capital, KKR, and Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity. It provides an opportunity to discuss a variety of issues related to leveraged buyouts including the process, the role of private equity, the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Private Equity; Investment; Business and Shareholder Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Valuation
Ruback, Richard S. "HCA, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 207-076, November 2006. (Revised December 2011.)
- June 2013
- Supplement
Wayne Ferrari: iAutomation at a Crossroads (Video Supplement)
This is the Video Supplement for Wayne Ferrari: I Automation at a Crossroads (HBS Case #813120). View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Private Equity Exit; Pricing; Pricing Policies; Pricing Strategy; Pricing Structure; Distribution; Channels Of Distribution; Acquisitions; Integration; Growth; Salesforce Management; Price; Private Equity; Manufacturing Industry; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry; United States
Sharpe, Jim. "Wayne Ferrari: iAutomation at a Crossroads (Video Supplement)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-704, June 2013.
- November 2012 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
HCA, Inc. LBO Exit
This case discusses the events following the 2006 $33.2 billion buyout of Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) by a consortium of private equity firms, including Bain Capital, KKR, and Merrill Lynch's private equity arm. The case highlights some of the core features... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Finance; Stockholders; Dividends; Private Equity; Initial Public Offering
Ivashina, Victoria. "HCA, Inc. LBO Exit." Harvard Business School Case 813-056, November 2012. (Revised January 2014.)
- January 2017 (Revised August 2017)
- Case
Earl Gordon - Eastern Circle
By: Steven Rogers and Greg White
This case follows an African-American entrepreneur through the process of sourcing a potential acquisition, valuing a company, and securing the funding to purchase the company. This entrepreneur must decide if he should close the deal and which financing term sheet to... View Details
Keywords: Negotiations; Manufacturing; LBO; Leveraged Buyout; Entrepreneurship; Term Sheets; Deal Structuring; Financial Statements; Acquisition; Leveraged Buyouts; Business Model; Forecasting and Prediction; Cost vs Benefits; Cash Flow; Borrowing and Debt; Cost of Capital; Private Equity; Negotiation Deal; Negotiation Offer; Negotiation Process; Valuation; Value Creation; California
Rogers, Steven, and Greg White. "Earl Gordon - Eastern Circle." Harvard Business School Case 317-061, January 2017. (Revised August 2017.)
- March 2022 (Revised November 2024)
- Case
Aldrich Capital Partners
By: Jo Tango and Alys Ferragamo
By July 2016, the Aldrich Capital Partners team had spent over two years trying to raise their inaugural growth-equity fund. They had pitched to over 140 investors, but none had committed. Managing Partners Mirza Baig and Raz Zia each had extensive experience in the... View Details
Keywords: Growth Equity; Investment Evaluation; Entrepreneurship; Private Equity; Investment; Strategy; Decision Making; United States
Tango, Jo, and Alys Ferragamo. "Aldrich Capital Partners." Harvard Business School Case 822-090, March 2022. (Revised November 2024.)
- 25 Mar 2016
- Video
Jim Southern, Founding Partner, Pacific Lake Partners
- January 2000 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
By: Thomas R. Piper and Jeremy Cott
Divisional management must decide whether to support a leveraged buyout by a private equity group and, if so, what percent of ownership should go to the various partners involved. The appropriateness of the financing structure and the value of the equity depend on the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Capital Structure; Valuation; Ownership Stake; Forecasting and Prediction
Piper, Thomas R., and Jeremy Cott. "Dressen." Harvard Business School Case 200-041, January 2000. (Revised May 2007.)
- May 2013
- Supplement
To JV or Not To JV? That Is the Question (for XTech in China)
This is the Spreadsheet Supplement for To JV or Not To JV? That is the Question (for XTech in China) HBS Case 807118. Includes Exhibit 1. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Growth Planning And Management; Partnerships; Supply Chain Management; Succession; Private Equity; International; International Business; International Expansion; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Management Succession; Joint Ventures; Trade; Manufacturing Industry; United States; China; Singapore
- February 1997 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
The Exxel Group: September 1995
By: Josh Lerner, Alex Hoye and Gonzalo Pacanins
The Exxel Group, a private equity group based in Buenos Aires, is considering a buyout of Argencard, Mastercard's exclusive licensee in Argentina. To complete the deal, however, it will need to raise additional financing from U.S. investors. Both the valuation and the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Developing Countries and Economies; Private Equity; Financing and Loans; Investment; Negotiation Deal; Problems and Challenges; Valuation; United States; Buenos Aires
Lerner, Josh, Alex Hoye, and Gonzalo Pacanins. "The Exxel Group: September 1995." Harvard Business School Case 297-068, February 1997. (Revised October 2002.)
- February 2013 (Revised February 2013)
- Case
Wayne Ferrari: iAutomation at a Crossroads
By: Jim Sharpe and Michael Norris
Wayne Ferrari has bridged the gap between being an independent entrepreneur and a "professional manager." After selling his business to a Private Equity (PE) firm, Ferrari takes on the role of CEO and with their support implements a roll-up strategy to attain growth... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Organizations; Leveraged Buyouts; Roll-up; Career Planning; Acquisitions; Pricing; Pricing Policies; Pricing Strategy; Pricing Structure; Acquisition; Entrepreneurship; Private Equity; Distribution; Integration; System; Electronics Industry; Distribution Industry; United States
Sharpe, Jim, and Michael Norris. "Wayne Ferrari: iAutomation at a Crossroads." Harvard Business School Case 813-120, February 2013. (Revised February 2013.)
- January 1997 (Revised November 1997)
- Case
Fojtasek Companies and Heritage Partners, The: March 1995
By: Samuel L. Hayes III and Josh Lerner
The Fojtasek Companies, a family business, faces several financing choices to address generational succession issues. Several buyouts have expressed interest in acquiring the firm outright; an investment bank has proposed a leveraged recapitalization; and a private... View Details
Keywords: Family Ownership; Financing and Loans; Private Equity; Mergers and Acquisitions; Investment Banking; Partners and Partnerships; Management Succession; Capital Structure; Financial Strategy
Hayes, Samuel L., III, and Josh Lerner. "Fojtasek Companies and Heritage Partners, The: March 1995." Harvard Business School Case 297-046, January 1997. (Revised November 1997.)
- March 2021
- Case
Yale Investments Office: November 2020
By: Josh Lerner, Jo Tango and Alys Ferragamo
David Swensen and the Investments Office staff must decide whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university's endowment to illiquid investments—hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, natural resources—given the impact of the COVID-19... View Details
Keywords: University Endowment; Asset Allocation; Real Estate; Equities; Fixed Income; COVID-19; Asset Management; Private Equity; Venture Capital; Natural Resources; Resource Allocation; Investment; Investment Portfolio; Health Pandemics; Financial Crisis; Financial Services Industry; Real Estate Industry; Energy Industry; Connecticut
Lerner, Josh, Jo Tango, and Alys Ferragamo. "Yale Investments Office: November 2020." Harvard Business School Case 821-074, March 2021.
- June 2013
- Supplement
To JV or Not To JV? That is the Question (for XTech in China) - Video Supplement
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Video Supplement for To JV or Not To JV? That is the Question (for XTech in China) HBS Case 807118. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Growth Planning And Management; Partnerships; Supply Chain Management; Succession; Private Equity; International; International Business; International Expansion; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Management Succession; Joint Ventures; Trade; Manufacturing Industry; United States; China; Singapore
Sharpe, Jim. "To JV or Not To JV? That is the Question (for XTech in China) - Video Supplement." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-718, June 2013.