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- Faculty Publications (437)
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- Faculty Publications (437)
- July 1999 (Revised December 2005)
- Case
Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (F)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Katharina Pick
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Patents; Governing and Advisory Boards; Behavior; Lawsuits and Litigation; Organizations; Acquisition; Corporate Governance; Service Industry
Lorsch, Jay W., and Katharina Pick. "Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (F)." Harvard Business School Case 400-011, July 1999. (Revised December 2005.)
- July 1999 (Revised December 2005)
- Case
Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (G)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Katharina Pick
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Patents; Governing and Advisory Boards; Behavior; Lawsuits and Litigation; Organizations; Acquisition; Corporate Governance; Service Industry
Lorsch, Jay W., and Katharina Pick. "Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (G)." Harvard Business School Case 400-012, July 1999. (Revised December 2005.)
- April 1999
- Case
General Property Trust
By: Peter Tufano
In 1994 General Property Trust, an Australian property investment trust, was anticipating future cash needs beyond those that the Trust could fund with internal cash flows. The managers of the Trust were considering a novel financing structure whereby it would sell... View Details
Keywords: Financing and Loans; Financial Institutions; Financial Services Industry; Real Estate Industry; Australia
Tufano, Peter, and John C Handley. "General Property Trust." Harvard Business School Case 299-098, April 1999.
- June 1998
- Article
Stronger Protection or Technological Revolution: What is Behind the Recent Surge in Patenting?
By: Josh Lerner and Samuel Kortum
Lerner, Josh, and Samuel Kortum. "Stronger Protection or Technological Revolution: What is Behind the Recent Surge in Patenting?" Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 49 (June 1998). (Abridged version reprinted as "What is Behind the Recent Surge in Patenting?" in Research Policy 28 (January 1999): 1-22.)
- Article
The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey of the Empirical Literature
By: Josh Lerner and Jenny Lanjouw
Lerner, Josh, and Jenny Lanjouw. "The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey of the Empirical Literature." Special Issue on The Economics and Econometrics of Innovation. Annales d'économie et de statistique, nos. 49-50 (January–June 1998): 223–246.
- November 1997
- Case
Borden Ranch: Balancing Private Property Rights and Social Interests in Ag
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Don Daniels and Diane Richmond
Angelo Tsakopoulos wanted to convert grazing land to crop agriculture. He received different advice from different government agencies and became involved in legal battles. View Details
Keywords: Property; Social Entrepreneurship; Rights; Agribusiness; Social Issues; Interests; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business and Government Relations; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., Don Daniels, and Diane Richmond. "Borden Ranch: Balancing Private Property Rights and Social Interests in Ag." Harvard Business School Case 598-069, November 1997.
- September 1997 (Revised October 1997)
- Case
Bayer AG (A)
By: John A. Quelch
Bayer's senior executives convene in Germany to consider submitting a $1 billion bid that would recover the Bayer brand name and trademark cross in North America, both of which were confiscated by the U.S. government after World War I. The group also sets out to assess... View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Brands and Branding; War; Communication; Trademarks; Acquisition; Government and Politics; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Germany; North America; United States
Quelch, John A., and Robin Root. "Bayer AG (A)." Harvard Business School Case 598-031, September 1997. (Revised October 1997.)
- September 1997
- Case
Bayer AG (B)
By: John A. Quelch
Bayer's senior executives detail the communications challenge program that resulted from the company's reacquisition of its brand name and trademark cross, which gave Bayer one name worldwide for the first time since World War I. View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; War; Acquisition; Trademarks; Brands and Branding; Communication Strategy; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Germany
Quelch, John A., and Robin Root. "Bayer AG (B)." Harvard Business School Case 598-032, September 1997.
- 1997
- Chapter
Patent Scope and Emerging Industries: Biotechnology, Software, and Beyond
By: Josh Lerner and Robert P. Merges
Keywords: Patents; Applications and Software; Genetics; Information Technology Industry; Biotechnology Industry
Lerner, Josh, and Robert P. Merges. "Patent Scope and Emerging Industries: Biotechnology, Software, and Beyond." In Competing in the Age of Digital Convergence, edited by D. B. Yoffie, 301–324. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
- 1997
- Article
University versus Corporate Patents: A Window on the Basicness of Invention
By: Rebecca M. Henderson, Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
Henderson, Rebecca M., Adam Jaffe, and Manuel Trajtenberg. "University versus Corporate Patents: A Window on the Basicness of Invention." Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5, no. 1 (1997): 19–50.
- September 1996 (Revised December 2000)
- Background Note
Protection of Intellectual Property in the United States, The
By: Myra M. Hart and Howard G. Zaharoff
Presents an overview of U.S. laws/systems in place to safeguard intellectual property rights. Includes a brief history of the development of the laws. Attention is given to patents, licenses, copyrights, trade secrets, trade and service markets, and non-disclosure and... View Details
Keywords: Trademarks; Patents; Copyright; Laws and Statutes; Agreements and Arrangements; United States
Hart, Myra M., and Howard G. Zaharoff. "Protection of Intellectual Property in the United States, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 897-046, September 1996. (Revised December 2000.)
- January 1996
- Case
Outrage in Cyberspace: CompuServe and the GIF Patent
By: Josh Lerner and Benjamin Conway
CompuServe, an online services vendor, informs its software developers that they must enter into a licensing agreement to use the popular GIF compression. CompuServe claims that it is forced to do so because Unisys is enforcing its patent rights in this area. Others... View Details
Keywords: Patents; Technological Innovation; Internet and the Web; Information Technology; Competitive Strategy; Internet and the Web; Web Services Industry
Lerner, Josh, and Benjamin Conway. "Outrage in Cyberspace: CompuServe and the GIF Patent." Harvard Business School Case 296-057, January 1996.
- January 1996
- Case
Palm Computing, Inc. (A)
By: Myra M. Hart
Discusses patents, licenses, and deal making in a start-up venture. The entrepreneur, Jeff Hawkins, holds a patent on Palm Print, a pattern recognition algorithm. After licensing Palm Print to his employer, he led three years of development of commercial products for... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property; Patents; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Deal; Business Startups; Management Teams
Hart, Myra M. "Palm Computing, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-245, January 1996.
- 1996
- Chapter
Trends in University Patenting 1965-1992
By: Rebecca M. Henderson, Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
- November 1995 (Revised February 1996)
- Case
Monsanto Company: The Coming of Age of Bio-Technology
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Thomas N. Urban Jr
Monsanto has one product, Roundup, accounting for 30% of company net income and is going off patent. How should the company position itself and its products in the future? View Details
Goldberg, Ray A., and Thomas N. Urban Jr. "Monsanto Company: The Coming of Age of Bio-Technology." Harvard Business School Case 596-034, November 1995. (Revised February 1996.)
- November 1995 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Luna Pen (A)
By: Kathleen McGinn and Michael Wheeler
Discusses the negotiation of a possible trademark infringement involving a German conglomerate and a Taiwanese trading firm. View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Law; Negotiation Tactics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Gender; Culture; Trademarks; Power and Influence; Germany; Taiwan
McGinn, Kathleen, and Michael Wheeler. "Luna Pen (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-156, November 1995. (Revised February 2017.)
- Article
Patenting in the Shadow of Competitors
By: J. Lerner
Lerner, J. "Patenting in the Shadow of Competitors." Journal of Law & Economics 38, no. 2 (October 1995): 563–595.
- October 1995
- Article
Start-ups, Spin-offs, and Internal Projects
By: James J. Anton and Dennis Yao
We examine the incentive problem confronting a firm and employee when the employee privately discovers a significant invention and faces a choice between keeping the invention private and leaving the firm to form a new company (start-up), or transferring knowledge and... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Projects; Motivation and Incentives; Rights; Employees; Innovation and Invention; Compensation and Benefits; Knowledge Sharing; Capital; Profit
Anton, James J., and Dennis Yao. "Start-ups, Spin-offs, and Internal Projects." Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 11, no. 2 (October 1995): 362–378. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- May 1995
- Teaching Note
C.K. Coolidge, Inc. (A) TN
By: David E. Bell
Teaching Note for (9-894-017). View Details
- January 1995 (Revised November 1995)
- Case
Candela Laser vs. Cynosure, Inc.
By: Josh Lerner and Benjamin Conway
Summarizes the lawsuit by Candela Laser against its former CEO and founder, who has begun a competing firm. The extent of patent and trade secret protection are crucial issues. View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Benjamin Conway. "Candela Laser vs. Cynosure, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 295-097, January 1995. (Revised November 1995.)