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- Faculty Publications (750)
- March 2015
- Teaching Note
McKinsey & Co.—Protecting its Reputation (A) and (B)
By: Jay Lorsch and Emily McTague
McKinsey & Co—Protecting its Reputation (A&B) is a field case written from the perspective of the Firm's Managing Director Dominic Barton. The two cases describe the actions McKinsey & Co took to protect the firm's reputation after the Rajat Gupta matter.
The... View Details
The... View Details
Keywords: Consulting Firms; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Leadership And Change Management; Leadership And Managing People; Leading A Global Business; Corporate Culture; Professional Service Firms; Professional Service Firm; Leadership; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Consulting Industry; United States
- March 2015
- Teaching Note
CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence
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This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence (515010). The case finds Helena Foulkes, Executive... View Details
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence (515010). The case finds Helena Foulkes, Executive... View Details
Keywords: Medication Adherence; Affordable Care Act (ACA); Marketing Strategy; Communication Strategy; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decisions; Health Care and Treatment; Goals and Objectives; Resource Allocation; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behavior; Measurement and Metrics; Service Delivery; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Social Issues; Information Technology; Value Creation; Health Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Insurance Industry; Public Relations Industry; Retail Industry; United States
John, Leslie, John Quelch, and Robert Huckman. "CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 515-086, March 2015. (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- March 2015
- Background Note
Equity Compensation in Startup Ventures
By: Ramana Nanda, Robert White and Stephanie Puzio
Setting equitable and "market" level compensation for founders and early employees of startups is one of the most important elements of a new venture. It is not only central to attract and retain the best human capital for the startup, but is critical to align... View Details
Nanda, Ramana, Robert White, and Stephanie Puzio. "Equity Compensation in Startup Ventures." Harvard Business School Background Note 815-074, March 2015.
- March–April 2015
- Article
Why We Think We Can't Dance: Theory of Mind and Children's Desire to Perform
By: Lan Nguyen Chaplin and Michael I. Norton
Theory of Mind (ToM) allows children to achieve success in the social world by understanding others' minds. A study with 3–12 year olds, however, demonstrates that gains in ToM are linked to decreases in children's desire to engage in performative behaviors associated... View Details
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, and Michael I. Norton. "Why We Think We Can't Dance: Theory of Mind and Children's Desire to Perform." Child Development 86, no. 2 (March–April 2015): 651–658.
- February 2015 (Revised September 2016)
- Teaching Note
Making stickK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics
By: Leslie K. John and Michael Norton
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This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Making sticK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics (514019). The case focuses on a... View Details
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Making sticK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics (514019). The case focuses on a... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Economics; Behavior Change; B2B Vs. B2C; Human Resource Management; Marketing Of Innovations; Health & Wellness; Weight Loss; Charitable Giving; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Entrepreneurship; Internet and the Web; Health; Business Model; Sales; Human Resources; Health Industry; United States
John, Leslie K., and Michael Norton. "Making stickK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 515-088, February 2015. (Revised September 2016.) (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- 2015
- Chapter
From Periphery to Core: A Process Model for Embracing Sustainability
By: Luciana Silvestri and Ranjay Gulati
There is a growing call for business enterprises to adopt sustainability principles and practices, yet many established organizations continue to struggle in their quest to embrace them. In this chapter, we analyze how organizations that relegate sustainability to the... View Details
Silvestri, Luciana, and Ranjay Gulati. "From Periphery to Core: A Process Model for Embracing Sustainability." In Leading Sustainable Change: An Organizational Perspective, edited by Rebecca Henderson, Ranjay Gulati, and Michael Tushman. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- January 2015 (Revised October 2015)
- Case
Trouble at Tessei
By: Ethan Bernstein and Ryan W. Buell
In 2005, Teruo Yabe is asked to revive Tessei, the 669-person JR-East subsidiary responsible for cleaning its Shinkansen ("bullet") trains. Operational mistakes, customer complaints, safety issues, and employee turnover are at or near all-time highs, even as the... View Details
Keywords: Service Management; Employee Engagement; Employee Motivation; Leadership And Managing People; Quality Improvement; Efficiency; Japan; Operational Transparency; Employee Coordination; Transparency; Leadership; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Employees; Quality; Transportation Industry; Japan
Bernstein, Ethan, and Ryan W. Buell. "Trouble at Tessei." Harvard Business School Case 615-044, January 2015. (Revised October 2015.)
- January 2015
- Article
Costly Third-party Punishment in Young Children
By: Katherine McAuliffe, Jillian J. Jordan and Felix Warneken
Human adults engage in costly third-party punishment of unfair behavior, but the developmental origins of this behavior are unknown. Here we investigate costly third-partypunishment in 5- and 6-year-old children. Participants were asked to accept (enact) or reject... View Details
Keywords: Third-party Punishment; Inequity Aversion; Social Cognition; Cooperation; Fairness; Behavior
McAuliffe, Katherine, Jillian J. Jordan, and Felix Warneken. "Costly Third-party Punishment in Young Children." Cognition 134 (January 2015): 1–10.
- Article
Leadership Tips for Today to Stay in the Game Tomorrow: The Ambidextrous Leader
By: Michael Tushman
This article summarizes research by the author into why some organizations fail in the face of "punctuated change," while others are reborn, adapt and survive. The key, he finds, involves embracing paradox. Continuing to exploit current business success is a must, but... View Details
Tushman, Michael. "Leadership Tips for Today to Stay in the Game Tomorrow: The Ambidextrous Leader." IESE Insight, no. 23 (Fourth Quarter 2014): 31–38.
- December 2014 (Revised April 2015)
- Case
Apple, Einhorn, and iPrefs
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin, Hanoch Feit, Edward A. Minasian and Brandon Van Buren
In March 2013, Apple Computer has a very large cash balance, and is under pressure to return cash to shareholders. Hedge fund manager David Einhorn thinks Apple can "unlock value" by issuing perpetual preferred stock, dubbed iPrefs. Henry Blodget, CEO of Business... View Details
Baldwin, Carliss Y., Hanoch Feit, Edward A. Minasian, and Brandon Van Buren. "Apple, Einhorn, and iPrefs." Harvard Business School Case 215-037, December 2014. (Revised April 2015.)
- Article
Guilt Enhances the Sense of Control and Drives Risky Judgments
By: Maryam Kouchaki, Christopher Oveis and F. Gino
The present studies investigate the hypothesis that guilt influences risk-taking by enhancing one's sense of control. Across multiple inductions of guilt, we demonstrate that experimentally induced guilt enhances optimism about risks for the self (Study 1), preferences... View Details
Kouchaki, Maryam, Christopher Oveis, and F. Gino. "Guilt Enhances the Sense of Control and Drives Risky Judgments." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, no. 6 (December 2014): 2103–2110.
- 2014
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Marketing Reading: Segmentation and Targeting
By: Sunil Gupta
This Reading introduces two of the integral parts of any marketing strategy: segmentation and targeting. It covers, first, all of the methods, techniques, and variables with which a business first uncovers the full range of its potential customers and then... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Segmentation; Conjoint Analysis; Demographic Segmentation; Geographic Segmentation; Market Opportunities; Market Segmentation; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Psychographic Segmentation; Unethical Marketing Practices; United States
Gupta, Sunil. "Marketing Reading: Segmentation and Targeting." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing 8219, 2014.
- December 2014
- Article
The Distinct Effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization
By: Nicholas Bloom, Luis Garicano, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
Empirical studies on information communication technologies (ICT) typically aggregate the "information" and "communication" components together. We show theoretically and empirically that this is problematic. Information and communication technologies have very... View Details
Bloom, Nicholas, Luis Garicano, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "The Distinct Effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization." Management Science 60, no. 12 (December 2014): 2859–2885.
- October 2014 (Revised January 2015)
- Background Note
Advanced Leadership in Public Education: Tools for Tackling Change from Outside the Building In
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Pamela Yatsko
If you want to create change in public education but are not a school principal or other traditional public education leader, what do you need to do? This long, integrated background note examines the inspiring models and stories of individuals who are improving... View Details
- October 2014 (Revised January 2016)
- Case
IDEO: Human-Centered Service Design
By: Ryan W. Buell and Andrew Otazo
The case describes IDEO, one of the world's leading design firms, and its human-centered innovation culture and processes. It is an example of what managers can do to make their own organizations more innovative. In reaction to a rapidly changing competitive landscape,... View Details
Keywords: Design Thinking; Innovation; Service Management; Service; Design; Service Delivery; Innovation and Management; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Peru
Buell, Ryan W., and Andrew Otazo. "IDEO: Human-Centered Service Design." Harvard Business School Case 615-022, October 2014. (Revised January 2016.)
- Article
A 'Present' for the Future: The Unexpected Value of Rediscovery
Although documenting everyday activities may seem trivial, four studies reveal that creating records of the present generates unexpected benefits by allowing future rediscoveries. In Study 1, we use a "time capsule" paradigm to show that individuals underestimate the... View Details
Zhang, Ting, Tami Kim, Alison Wood Brooks, Francesca Gino, and Michael I. Norton. "A 'Present' for the Future: The Unexpected Value of Rediscovery." Psychological Science 25, no. 10 (October 2014): 1851–1860.
- 2014
- Contribution
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Contextual Intelligence for the Study of Two Thirds of the World's Population
By: Tarun Khanna
In this paper, I review the concept of "institutional voids" that provides a way to understand the structure of emerging markets. These voids impede would-be buyers from getting together with would-be sellers, and hence compromise the functioning of markets.... View Details
Khanna, Tarun. "Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Contextual Intelligence for the Study of Two Thirds of the World's Population." Contribution to Multidisciplinary Insights from New AIB Fellows. Vol. 16, edited by Jean J. Boddewyn, 221–238. Research in Global Strategic Management. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2014.
- Aug 2014
- Conference Presentation
A New Look at Corporate Parenting: Linking Structure and Cognition in the Multibusiness Firm
By: Ranjay Gulati
- Article
The (Perceived) Meaning of Spontaneous Thoughts
By: Carey K. Morewedge, Colleen Giblin and Michael I. Norton
Spontaneous thoughts, the output of a broad category of uncontrolled and inaccessible higher-order mental processes, arise frequently in everyday life. The seeming randomness by which spontaneous thoughts arise might give people good reason to dismiss them as... View Details
Keywords: Spontaneous Thoughts; Self-Insight; Meaning; Attribution; Judgment And Decision Making; Decision Making; Cognition and Thinking
Morewedge, Carey K., Colleen Giblin, and Michael I. Norton. "The (Perceived) Meaning of Spontaneous Thoughts." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, no. 4 (August 2014): 1742–1754.
- July 2014
- Case
BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)
By: Srikant Datar, Saloni Chaturvedi and Caitlin Bowler
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) is an Indian not-for-profit organization engaged in assisting differently-abled persons by providing them with the legendary low-cost prosthesis, the Jaipur Foot, and other mobility-assisting devices, free of cost. Known... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Organizations; Financial Condition; Health Care and Treatment; Diversity; Growth and Development Strategy; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; India
Datar, Srikant, Saloni Chaturvedi, and Caitlin Bowler. "BMVSS: Changing Lives through Innovation One Jaipur Limb at a Time (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 115-009, July 2014.