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- January 2010
- Article
Does Public Ownership of Equity Improve Earnings Quality?
We compare the quality of accounting numbers produced by two types of public firms-those with publicly traded equity and those with privately held equity that are nonetheless considered public by virtue of having publicly traded debt. We develop and test two... View Details
- 2008
- Other Unpublished Work
Are Private Equity Firms Better Managed?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
We use an innovative survey tool to collect management practice data from over 4,000 medium sized manufacturing firms across Asia, Europe and the US. These measures of managerial practice are strongly associated with firm-level performance (e.g. productivity,... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Management Practices and Processes; Production; Performance Improvement; Manufacturing Industry; Asia; Europe; United States
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Are Private Equity Firms Better Managed?" December 2008. (Slides.)
- November 1995 (Revised April 1996)
- Case
ENTel and the Privatization of Argentine Telecommunications
Growing fiscal deficits, persistent economic recession, and underinvestment in the nation's telecommunications infrastructure lead the Argentine government to privatize its state-owned monopoly provider of telecommunications services, ENTel, in late 1990. The... View Details
Keywords: Opportunities; Risk and Uncertainty; Communication Technology; Privatization; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Competition; Development Economics; Policy; Government and Politics; Performance Effectiveness; Telecommunications Industry; Argentina
Emmons, Willis M., III. "ENTel and the Privatization of Argentine Telecommunications." Harvard Business School Case 796-065, November 1995. (Revised April 1996.)
- October 2016
- Supplement
24 Hour Fitness (B): Ownership Changes, 2005–2016
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
In 2016, 24 Hour Fitness was the number-two fitness chain in the United States, generating revenues of $1.4 billion from 441 clubs serving 3.8 million members. Based in San Ramon, California, 24 Hour Fitness operated clubs in 13 states. Having grown rapidly to become... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Advertising Campaigns; Buildings and Facilities; Acquisition; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Customers; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Age; Training; Private Equity; Financing and Loans; Price; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Location; Geographic Scope; Health; Nutrition; Business History; Human Resources; Employees; Employee Relationship Management; Recruitment; Selection and Staffing; Journals and Magazines; Human Capital; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Teams; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Marketing Channels; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Social Marketing; Demand and Consumers; Market Entry and Exit; Media; Organizational Design; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Groups and Teams; Sales; Salesforce Management; Situation or Environment; Welfare or Wellbeing; Sports; Strategy; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Segmentation; Information Technology; Internet; Mobile Technology; Online Technology; Software; Web Sites; Value; Valuation; Health Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States; California; San Francisco
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "24 Hour Fitness (B): Ownership Changes, 2005–2016." Harvard Business School Supplement 717-423, October 2016.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Employee Ownership and Wealth Inequality: A Path to Reducing Wealth Concentration
By: Thomas Dudley and Ethan Rouen
This paper examines the impact of an economy-wide shift to broad-based employee ownership on wealth concentration in the United States. Relying on government data, we show that if all private firms became 30% employee-owned, the wealth distribution would be profoundly... View Details
Keywords: Wealth Inequality; Employee Ownership; Wealth; Equality and Inequality; Analysis; United States
Dudley, Thomas, and Ethan Rouen. "Employee Ownership and Wealth Inequality: A Path to Reducing Wealth Concentration." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-021, September 2021.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Infrastructure and Privatization
By: Louis T Wells Jr
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Infrastructure and Privatization." World Bank (forthcoming).
- 2009
- Chapter
Do Private Equity-owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
We use an innovative survey tool to collect management practice data from over 4,000 medium sized manufacturing firms across Asia, Europe and the US. These measures of managerial practice are strongly associated with firm-level performance (e.g. productivity,... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Management Practices and Processes; Production; Private Ownership; Performance Improvement; Performance Productivity
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Do Private Equity-owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?" Chap. 1 in The Global Economic Impact of Private Equity Report 2009, 1–23. Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2009.
- October 2004 (Revised July 2006)
- Background Note
Ownership Structure in Professional Service Firms: Partnership versus Public Corporation
By: Ashish Nanda
This case reviews the relative merits of partnership and public ownership structures in professional services firms. It also evaluates the various rationales for converting partnership professional services firms to publicly owned firms. Finally, the case highlights... View Details
Keywords: Private Ownership; Transition; Partners and Partnerships; Public Ownership; Service Industry
Nanda, Ashish, and Lauren Prusiner. "Ownership Structure in Professional Service Firms: Partnership versus Public Corporation." Harvard Business School Background Note 905-038, October 2004. (Revised July 2006.)
- Article
Private Enterprise for Public Health
By: Michael Chu and David E. Bloom
By many measures, the world today is a healthier place than ever before, yet a daunting set of deficits and disparities remains to be tackled. For various reasons, it is not clear that the traditional tandem of government and civil society are up to those challenges.... View Details
Keywords: Private Ownership; Social Enterprise; Public Sector; Private Sector; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry
Chu, Michael, and David E. Bloom. "Private Enterprise for Public Health." Global Investor (Credit Suisse) (February 2012), 14–16.
- September 1998 (Revised September 1998)
- Background Note
Note on Privatization in Brazil
Focuses on the historical evolution of Brazil's state-owned enterprises and efforts to privatize them. View Details
Ghemawat, Pankaj. "Note on Privatization in Brazil." Harvard Business School Background Note 799-025, September 1998. (Revised September 1998.)
- February 2001 (Revised April 2001)
- Background Note
Note on Valuing Private Businesses
By: Dwight B. Crane and Indra Reinbergs
This case provides a brief overview of valuation for owners of closely held companies. The focus is on a comparable transactions approach, although rules of thumb and discounted cash flow are mentioned. Earnings multiples and their drivers are discussed. It uses... View Details
Keywords: Earnings Management; Finance; Cash Flow; Analytics and Data Science; Private Ownership; Valuation
Crane, Dwight B., and Indra Reinbergs. "Note on Valuing Private Businesses." Harvard Business School Background Note 201-060, February 2001. (Revised April 2001.)
- March 1994
- Case
Ministry of Privatization
By: Thomas R. Piper
Piper, Thomas R. "Ministry of Privatization." Harvard Business School Case 294-029, March 1994.
- February 2018 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Omar Simmons: Franchising and Private Equity
By: Steven Rogers and Alyssa Haywoode
Omar Simmons, managing director of a private equity fund that owns 53 Planet Fitness Health Clubs, has to choose: continue in private equity or shift his career to managing and growing the health clubs. An African-American graduate of Princeton University and Harvard... View Details
Keywords: Diversity Characteristics; Ethnicity Characteristics; Health Club Franchises; African-american Entrepreneurs; Finance; Private Equity; Decisions; Entrepreneurship; Motivation and Incentives; Personal Development and Career; Franchise Ownership; Consulting Industry; Boston
Rogers, Steven, and Alyssa Haywoode. "Omar Simmons: Franchising and Private Equity." Harvard Business School Case 318-055, February 2018. (Revised April 2018.)
- August 1993 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
Prochnik: Privatization of a Polish Clothing Manufacturer
Prochnik was a large state-owned clothing manufacturer located in the textile-production-intensive region of Lodz, Poland. In the early months of economic reform, Prochnik was one of the first five state enterprises to be privatized through initial public offerings and... View Details
Loveman, Gary W., and David T. Kotchen. "Prochnik: Privatization of a Polish Clothing Manufacturer." Harvard Business School Case 394-038, August 1993. (Revised January 1994.)
- 18 Jul 2016
- Research & Ideas
Is Greed Ruining Private Equity Firms?
In a first-ever look at the internal economics driving private equity partnerships, Harvard Business School researchers have found that many of these funds can be torn apart by greed among founding partners who take home a much bigger... View Details
- June 2001
- Supplement
Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: Note on Valuation of Privatizing Enterprises in Emerging Markets
Anatolia National Telekom is a multiparty negotiation simulation patterned after the Turkish government's aborted attempt to privatize its state-owned telecommunications monopoly, Turk Telekom, in late 1997. Provides participants with an opportunity to identify and... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Privatization; Emerging Markets; State Ownership; Telecommunications Industry; Turkey
Watkins, Michael D., Banu Ozcan, Burkhard Schrage, and Paul Vaaler. "Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: Note on Valuation of Privatizing Enterprises in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Supplement 801-438, June 2001.
- October 1990
- Article
Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default
By: S. C. Gilson
In 111 publicly traded firms that either file for bankruptcy or privately restructure their debt between 1979 and 1985, bank lenders frequently become major stockholders or appoint new directors. On average, only 46% of incumbent directors remain when bankruptcy or... View Details
Keywords: Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Governance; Banks and Banking; Change; Business Ventures; Ownership
Gilson, S. C. "Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default." Journal of Financial Economics 27, no. 2 (October 1990): 355–387.
- June 2016
- Case
The Redevelopment of Palazzo Tornabuoni (A)
By: Sid Yog, Arthur I Segel and Ricardo Andrade
In the spring of 2004, Byrne Murphy and his partners at Fingen Group discussed options to redevelop Palazzo Tornabuoni, an iconic 15th century palace in the heart of Florence, Italy. The possibilities included turning the upper floors into office space, hotel rooms,... View Details
Keywords: Palazzo Tornabuoni; Private Residence Club; Florence; Italy; Timeshare; Fractional Ownership; Property; Real Estate Industry; Italy; Europe
Yog, Sid, Arthur I Segel, and Ricardo Andrade. "The Redevelopment of Palazzo Tornabuoni (A)." Harvard Business School Case 216-069, June 2016.
- 27 Jan 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Labor Regulations and European Private Equity
Keywords: by Ant Bozkaya & William R. Kerr