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- Faculty Publications (115)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (115)
- November 2021 (Revised January 2022)
- Supplement
Scott Tucker (B): The Feds Catch Up
By: Aiyesha Dey and Amram Migdal
The case tells the story of the rise and fall of Scott Tucker, an entrepreneur, businessman, passionate race car driver, competitor, and owner of a professional racing team. From 1997 to 2012, Tucker built a nationwide network of payday lending businesses, becoming a... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Fairness; Financing and Loans; Personal Finance; Governance; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Governance Compliance; Governance Controls; Financial Services Industry; United States
Dey, Aiyesha, and Amram Migdal. "Scott Tucker (B): The Feds Catch Up." Harvard Business School Supplement 122-032, November 2021. (Revised January 2022.)
- Article
How Direct-to-Consumer Brands Can Continue to Grow
By: V. Kasturi Rangan, Daniel Corsten, Matt Higgins and Leonard A. Schlesinger
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands such as Allbirds, Casper, Peloton, and Warby Parker have creatively found a weakness in the marketing citadel of incumbent brands. By using data gleaned from daily interactions with customers, these brands have been able to adapt how... View Details
Keywords: Direct-to-consumer; Customer Journey; Business Model; Customer Relationship Management; Growth and Development Strategy
Rangan, V. Kasturi, Daniel Corsten, Matt Higgins, and Leonard A. Schlesinger. "How Direct-to-Consumer Brands Can Continue to Grow." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 6 (November–December 2021): 101–109.
- November 2021
- Article
Ratings, Reviews, and the Marketing of New Products
By: Itay P. Fainmesser, Dominique Olié Lauga and Elie Ofek
We study how user-generated content (UGC) about new products impacts a firm's advertising and pricing decisions and the effect on profits and market dynamics. We construct a two-period model where consumers value quality and are heterogeneous in their taste for the new... View Details
Keywords: Online Reviews; Product Ratings; Social Networks; Word Of Mouth; Pricing; User-generated Content; Advertising; Product Marketing; Price; Consumer Behavior; Product Positioning; Social Media
Fainmesser, Itay P., Dominique Olié Lauga, and Elie Ofek. "Ratings, Reviews, and the Marketing of New Products." Management Science 67, no. 11 (November 2021): 7023–7045.
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Changing Role of Business in Society
Business interaction with the U.S. government, historically based on securing industry or company special interests at the expense of the public good, has enabled and furthered government dysfunction. Gridlock within the American political system has precluded the... View Details
Keywords: Politics; Shared Value; Social Progress Index; Competitiveness; Walmart; BlackRock; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG; Transparency; Campaign Contributions; Campaign Finance; Lobbying; Revolving Door; Political Ideology; Political Parties; Political Partisanship; Government And Business; Government Innovation; Elections; Democracy; Capitalism; Stakeholder Capitalism; Shareholder Engagement; Competition; Strategy; Government and Politics; Society; Social Issues; Human Needs; Wealth and Poverty; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Accountability; Financial Services Industry; Banking Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "The Changing Role of Business in Society." Working Paper, July 2021.
- July 2021
- Article
Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy
By: Enrico Cantoni and Vincent Pons
We test whether politicians can use direct contact to reconnect with citizens, increase turnout, and win votes. During the 2014 Italian municipal elections, we randomly assigned 26,000 voters to receive visits from city council candidates, from canvassers supporting... View Details
Keywords: Campaigns; Candidates; Elections; Experiment; Political Parties; Turnout; Voting Behavior; Voting; Political Elections; Behavior; Interpersonal Communication; Italy
Cantoni, Enrico, and Vincent Pons. "Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy." Economics & Politics 33, no. 2 (July 2021): 379–402.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Accounting for Product Impact in the Interactive Media and Services Industry
By: DG Park, George Serafeim and Katie Trinh
We apply the product impact measurement framework of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI) in two competitor companies within the interactive media and services industry. We design a monetization methodology that allows us to calculate monetary impact... View Details
Keywords: Product Innovation; Impact; Impact Investing; Impact Measurement; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Ratings; Social Corporate Responsibility; Corporate Social Responsibility; Social Impact; Product Design; Product Positioning; Society; Product; Environmental Sustainability; Measurement and Metrics; Framework; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Social Media; Technology Industry
Park, DG, George Serafeim, and Katie Trinh. "Accounting for Product Impact in the Interactive Media and Services Industry." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-134, June 2021.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Virtual Water Coolers: A Field Experiment on the Role of Virtual Interactions on Organizational Newcomer Performance
Designing management practices to better onboard organizational newcomers working remotely is a key priority for firms. We report results from a randomized field experiment conducted at a large global firm that estimates the performance effects of different types of... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Virtual Water Coolers; Social Interactions; Careers; Field Experiment; Employees; Interpersonal Communication; Internet and the Web; Performance; Personal Development and Career
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Jacqueline N. Lane, and Iavor Bojinov. "Virtual Water Coolers: A Field Experiment on the Role of Virtual Interactions on Organizational Newcomer Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-125, May 2021. (Revised February 2023.)
- 2021
- Chapter
Governing for Growth in Scope: Cultivating a Comparative Understanding of How Peer Production Collectives Evolve
By: Rebecca Karp, Amisha Miller and Siobhan O'Mahony
One of the early challenges for any peer production collective is how to govern the growth of new members or contributors. Scope growth was not a topic of concern when scholars were focused on understanding the emergence of peer production collectives as a phenomenon... View Details
Keywords: Peer Production Collectives; Scope Growth; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Governance; Growth Management
Karp, Rebecca, Amisha Miller, and Siobhan O'Mahony. "Governing for Growth in Scope: Cultivating a Comparative Understanding of How Peer Production Collectives Evolve." Chap. 11 in The Handbook of Peer Production, edited by Mathieu O'Neil, Christian Pentzold, and Sophie Toupin, 137–152. John Wiley & Sons, 2021.
- September 7, 2020
- Article
Remote Networking as a Person of Color
By: Laura Morgan Roberts and Anthony J. Mayo
In remote work situations, where people cannot rely on impromptu elevator conversations or water cooler chats with coworkers, the answer isn’t to turn inward. In fact, the need for networking is even more important. In particular, our interactions with people whose... View Details
Morgan Roberts, Laura, and Anthony J. Mayo. "Remote Networking as a Person of Color." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (September 7, 2020).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Does Who Helps You Impact Your Behavior? Examining the Effects of Social Interactions on Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities
By: Eunkwang Seo, Frank Nagle and Sonali K. Shah
Online communities provide vibrant forums for knowledge sharing and are increasingly being used by individual users and firms to source knowledge and create and capture value. Yet, there is much to learn about how the actions of community members affect other members,... View Details
Keywords: Online Communities; Knowledge Development; Innovation; Reciprocity; Knowledge Sharing; Networks; Innovation and Invention; Interpersonal Communication
Seo, Eunkwang, Frank Nagle, and Sonali K. Shah. "Does Who Helps You Impact Your Behavior? Examining the Effects of Social Interactions on Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-026, August 2020. (Revised July 2021.)
- June 2020
- Article
In Generous Offers I Trust: The Effect of First-offer Value on Economically Vulnerable Behaviors
By: M. Jeong, J. Minson and F. Gino
Negotiation scholarship espouses the importance of opening a bargaining situation with an aggressive offer, given the power of first offers to shape concessionary behavior and outcomes. In our research, we identify a surprising consequence to this common prescription.... View Details
Keywords: Attribution; Interpersonal Interaction; Judgment; Social Interaction; Inference; Open Data; Open Materials; Preregistered; Negotiation Offer; Strategy; Behavior; Interpersonal Communication; Trust; Outcome or Result
Jeong, M., J. Minson, and F. Gino. "In Generous Offers I Trust: The Effect of First-offer Value on Economically Vulnerable Behaviors." Psychological Science 31, no. 6 (June 2020): 644–653.
- May 2020
- Article
Measuring Collaboration in Modern Organizations
By: Stephen Michael Impink, Andrea Prat and Raffaella Sadun
Internal communication has been a central theme in organizational economics, as employee collaboration provides insight into the structure of firms. Use of electronic communications data can be transformational for organizational economics, as these data provide a... View Details
Keywords: Collaboration; Employees; Interactive Communication; Measurement and Metrics; Organizations; Performance
Impink, Stephen Michael, Andrea Prat, and Raffaella Sadun. "Measuring Collaboration in Modern Organizations." AEA Papers and Proceedings 110 (May 2020): 181–186.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity
By: Laura Alfaro, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf and Farzad Saidi
In SIR models, homogeneous or with a network structure, infection rates are assumed to be exogenous. However, individuals adjust their behavior. Using daily data for 89 cities worldwide, we document that mobility falls in response to fear, as approximated by Google... View Details
Keywords: Social Interactions; Pandemics; Mobility; Cities; SIR Networks; Social Preferences; Social Planner; Targeted Policies; Health Pandemics; Interpersonal Communication; Behavior; Policy
Alfaro, Laura, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf, and Farzad Saidi. "Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27134, May 2020.
- March–April 2020
- Article
Avoid the Pitfalls of A/B Testing
By: Iavor I. Bojinov, Guillaume Sait-Jacques and Martin Tingley
Online experiments measuring whether “A,” usually the current approach, is inferior to “B,” a proposed improvement, have become integral to the product-development cycle, especially at digital enterprises. But often firms make serious mistakes in conducting these... View Details
Keywords: A/B Testing; Experiment Design; Social Networks; Product Development; Performance Improvement; Measurement and Metrics; Social Media
Bojinov, Iavor I., Guillaume Sait-Jacques, and Martin Tingley. "Avoid the Pitfalls of A/B Testing." Harvard Business Review 98, no. 2 (March–April 2020): 48–53.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Topic Preference Detection: A Novel Approach to Understand Perspective Taking in Conversation
By: Michael Yeomans and Alison Wood Brooks
Although most humans engage in conversations constantly throughout their lives, conversational mistakes are commonplace— interacting with others is difficult, and conversation re-quires quick, relentless perspective-taking and decision making. For example: during every... View Details
Keywords: Natural Language Processing; Interpersonal Communication; Perspective; Decision Making; Perception
Yeomans, Michael, and Alison Wood Brooks. "Topic Preference Detection: A Novel Approach to Understand Perspective Taking in Conversation." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-077, February 2020.
- Article
Designing Social Networks: Joint Tasks and the Formation and Endurance of Network Ties
By: Sharique Hasan and Rembrand Koning
Can managers influence the formation of organizational networks? In this article, we evaluate the effect of joint tasks on the creation of network ties with data from a novel field experiment with 112 aspiring entrepreneurs. During the study, we randomized individuals... View Details
Keywords: Accelerators; Entrepreneur; Social Networks; Field Experiment; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Design; Networks; Social and Collaborative Networks; Social Media; Information Technology Industry; India
Hasan, Sharique, and Rembrand Koning. "Designing Social Networks: Joint Tasks and the Formation and Endurance of Network Ties." Art. 4. Journal of Organization Design 9 (2020).
- December 2019
- Article
Communicating with Warmth in Distributive Negotiations Is Surprisingly Counterproductive
By: M. Jeong, J. Minson, M. Yeomans and F. Gino
When entering into a negotiation, individuals have the choice to enact a variety of communication styles. We test the differential impact of being “warm and friendly” versus “tough and firm” in a distributive negotiation, when first offers are held constant and... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Style; Communication Strategy; Perception; Performance Effectiveness; Outcome or Result
Jeong, M., J. Minson, M. Yeomans, and F. Gino. "Communicating with Warmth in Distributive Negotiations Is Surprisingly Counterproductive." Management Science 65, no. 12 (December 2019): 5813–5837.
- November–December 2019
- Article
Head, Heart or Hands: How Do Employees Respond to a Radical Global Language Change Over Time?
By: Sebastian Reiche and Tsedal Neeley
To understand how recipients respond to radical change over time across cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions, we conducted a longitudinal study of a mandated language change at a Chilean subsidiary of a large U.S. multinational organization. The... View Details
Keywords: Language; Communication; Change; Employees; Attitudes; Emotions; Globalized Firms and Management
Reiche, Sebastian, and Tsedal Neeley. "Head, Heart or Hands: How Do Employees Respond to a Radical Global Language Change Over Time?" Organization Science 30, no. 6 (November–December 2019): 1252–1269.
- October 14, 2019
- Article
The Truth About Open Offices: There Are Reasons Why They Don't Produce the Desired Interactions
By: Ethan Bernstein and Ben Waber
It’s never been easier for workers to collaborate—or so it seems. Open, flexible, activity-based spaces are displacing cubicles, making people more visible. Messaging is displacing phone calls, making people more accessible. Enterprise social media such as Slack and... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Interpersonal Communication; Communication Technology; Design; Human Resources; Performance Productivity; Organizational Design
Bernstein, Ethan, and Ben Waber. "The Truth About Open Offices: There Are Reasons Why They Don't Produce the Desired Interactions." Harvard Business Review 97, no. 6 (November–December 2019): 82–91.
- October 2019
- Case IPO
By: Victoria Ivashina and Esel Çekin
This case follows, a private equity (Baring Vostok) co-owned retail bank in Central Asia that evolved into a fintech, payments and e-commerce company. It provides insights into private equity financing, portfolio company management, and initial public offering... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Private Equity; Initial Public Offering; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Central Asia
Ivashina, Victoria, and Esel Çekin. " IPO." Harvard Business School Case 220-007, October 2019.