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- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #1
Describes the position of Utility #1 in negotiating Group B with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Governance Compliance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government Legislation; Negotiation; Pollutants; Strategy; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #1." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-077, December 1992.
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #4
Describes the position of Utility #4 in negotiating Group A with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #4." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-076, December 1992.
- December 1992 (Revised November 1993)
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #3
Describes the position of Utility #3 in negotiating Group C with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Process; Pollutants; Laws and Statutes; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry; United States
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #3." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-083, December 1992. (Revised November 1993.)
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #2
Describes the position of Utility #2 in negotiating Group B with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #2." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-078, December 1992.
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #4
Describes the position of Utility #4 in negotiating Group C with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group C, Utility #4." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-084, December 1992.
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #3
Describes the position of Utility #3 in negotiating Group B with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #3." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-079, December 1992.
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #3
Describes the position of Utility #3 in negotiating Group A with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governance Compliance; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group A, Utility #3." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-075, December 1992.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Accounting for Carbon Offsets – Establishing the Foundation for Carbon-Trading Markets
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Karthik Ramanna and Marc Roston
Tackling climate change requires reductions in current and future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as the removal of existing GHG from the atmosphere. Carbon-offset producers purport to provide such removals. But poor measurement practices and inadequate controls... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Karthik Ramanna, and Marc Roston. "Accounting for Carbon Offsets – Establishing the Foundation for Carbon-Trading Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-050, February 2023.
- April 2017
- Article
The Effectiveness of U.S. Energy Efficiency Building Labels
By: Omar Isaac Asensio and Magali A Delmas
Information programs are promising strategies to encourage investments in energy efficiency in commercial buildings. However, the realized effectiveness of these programs has not yet been estimated on a large scale. Here we take advantage of a large sample of monthly... View Details
Asensio, Omar Isaac, and Magali A Delmas. "The Effectiveness of U.S. Energy Efficiency Building Labels." Art. 17033. Nature Energy 2, no. 4 (April 2017).
- 17 Jan 2024
- Research & Ideas
Are Companies Getting Away with 'Cheap Talk' on Climate Goals?
Companies regularly set ambitious climate goals, but these plans often end up like many people’s New Year’s resolutions: unmet aspirations that quietly fizzle out. While companies often gain positive media attention by trumpeting plans for reducing greenhouse gas... View Details
Keywords: by Tim Gray
- February 2016 (Revised March 2019)
- Case
Suncor and the Future of Oil Sands
Suncor, Canada's largest producer of "oil sands," faces a host of issues involving prices, costs, and the environment. The Government of Canada recently put an explicit limit on carbon emissions from oil sands and a price on carbon. Suncor, which produces more than... View Details
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Suncor and the Future of Oil Sands." Harvard Business School Case 716-065, February 2016. (Revised March 2019.)
- Guest Column
Decarbonizing Economy Requires Lot More Electricity: Big Ramp-ups in Solar, Wind Power Are Needed
By: Jurgen Weiss
The column summarizes the findings of a report prepared for the Coalition for Community Solar Access, which concludes that to achieve New England's 2050 economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals would require increasing the annual deployments of new... View Details
Weiss, Jurgen. "Decarbonizing Economy Requires Lot More Electricity: Big Ramp-ups in Solar, Wind Power Are Needed." CommonWealth (October 19, 2019).
- December 2023
- Case
Raízen: Helping to Decarbonize the World?
By: Gunnar Trumbull, Pedro Levindo, Daniel Tong and Rafaella Mazza
Raízen, the world’s largest sugar and ethanol producer, strived to find ways to expand the second-generation ethanol (E2G) market, which it pioneered. The company planned to invest R$24 billion (around $4.6 billion) in 20 production plants, with a total capacity to... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Renewable Energy; Environmental Sustainability; Production; Expansion; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Energy Industry; Brazil; Europe; North America; United States; Argentina; Paraguay
Trumbull, Gunnar, Pedro Levindo, Daniel Tong, and Rafaella Mazza. "Raízen: Helping to Decarbonize the World?" Harvard Business School Case 724-014, December 2023.
- 2021
- Article
Nudging the Commute: Using Behaviorally-Informed Interventions to Promote Sustainable Transportation
By: Ashley Whillans, Joseph Sherlock, Jessica Roberts, Shibeal O'Flaherty, Lyndsay Gavin, Holly Dykstra and Michael Daly
Dramatic reductions in carbon emissions must take place immediately. A human-centric method of reducing environmental impacts is to “nudge” employees away from single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs) toward more sustainable commuting options. While an abundance of research... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Science; Transportation Demand Management; Commuting; Single-occupancy Vehicle Commutes; Transportation; Behavior; Change; Environmental Sustainability
Whillans, Ashley, Joseph Sherlock, Jessica Roberts, Shibeal O'Flaherty, Lyndsay Gavin, Holly Dykstra, and Michael Daly. "Nudging the Commute: Using Behaviorally-Informed Interventions to Promote Sustainable Transportation." Behavioral Science & Policy 7, no. 2 (2021): 27–49.
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Economic and Environmental Effects of Making Electricity Infrastructure Excludable
By: Husnain Fateh Ahmad, Ayesha Ali, Robyn C. Meeks, Zhenxuan Wang and Javed Younas
Electricity theft occurs when individuals cannot be excluded from accessing services. We study the impacts of an infrastructure upgrade in Karachi, Pakistan -- converting bare distribution wires to aerial bundled cables (ABCs) -- that was intended to prevent illegal... View Details
Ahmad, Husnain Fateh, Ayesha Ali, Robyn C. Meeks, Zhenxuan Wang, and Javed Younas. "The Economic and Environmental Effects of Making Electricity Infrastructure Excludable." SSRN Working Paper Series, July 2023.
- 02 Sep 2008
- First Look
First Look: September 3, 2008
citizens, and corporations to work collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a task that requires information on companies' emissions levels, risks, and reduction opportunities. This paper explores... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- February 2024 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
CPP Investments—The Road to Zero
By: Vikram Gandhi and Radhika Kak
In February 2022, Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) Investments, the investment management organization that managed funds for the CPP, one of the biggest pension plans in the world, announced a net-zero commitment for its portfolio by 2050. Under its CEO, John Graham, it... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Asset Management; Investment Portfolio; Leading Change; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Financial Services Industry; Canada; California
Gandhi, Vikram, and Radhika Kak. "CPP Investments—The Road to Zero." Harvard Business School Case 324-054, February 2024. (Revised April 2024.)
- July 2009 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
Sustainability at Millipore
By: Michael W. Toffel and Katharine Lee
This case describes Millipore Corporation's approach to becoming a more environmentally sustainable company. As he prepared for his quarterly meeting with the CEO, the Director of Sustainability needed to develop positions on several issues. Tactically, he needed to... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Corporate Disclosure; Operations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Structure; Natural Environment; Environmental Sustainability; Pollutants
Toffel, Michael W., and Katharine Lee. "Sustainability at Millipore." Harvard Business School Case 610-012, July 2009. (Revised January 2014.) (defining sustainability in a corporate context, managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including inventories, targets, disclosure, reduction strategies.)
- 09 Jun 2009
- First Look
First Look: June 9
a task that requires information on companies' emissions levels, risks, and reduction opportunities. This paper explores the conditions under which firms participate in this endeavor. Building on theories of... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- March 2019
- Article
Is There a Future for the Gas Network in a Low Carbon Energy System?
By: Conor Hickey, Paul Deane, Celine McInerney and Brian O' Gallachoir
This paper evaluates the potential low carbon opportunities for and challenges to the utilisation and financial
performance of Ireland's gas distribution network within a series of low carbon scenarios. There has been a
limited amount of academic literature published... View Details
Keywords: Decarbonization; Investment; Risk and Uncertainty; Environmental Sustainability; Demand and Consumers; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Republic of Ireland
Hickey, Conor, Paul Deane, Celine McInerney, and Brian O' Gallachoir. "Is There a Future for the Gas Network in a Low Carbon Energy System?" Energy Policy 126 (March 2019): 480–493.