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- All HBS Web (157)
- Faculty Publications (93)
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- 2017
- Working Paper
The Role of Taxes in the Disconnect Between Corporate Performance and Economic Growth
By: Urooj Khan, Suresh Nallareddy and Ethan Rouen
We investigate the relation between the growth in corporate profits and the overall U.S. economy, focusing on the impact of the U.S. corporate tax regime on this relation. We document that the growth of corporate profits, on average, has outpaced the growth of the... View Details
Keywords: Taxes; Gdp; Corporate Profits; American Jobs Creation Act Of 2004; Taxation; Economic Growth; Profit; United States
Khan, Urooj, Suresh Nallareddy, and Ethan Rouen. "The Role of Taxes in the Disconnect Between Corporate Performance and Economic Growth." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-006, July 2017.
- November 2020
- Article
The Role of Taxes in the Disconnect Between Corporate Performance and Economic Growth
By: Urooj Khan, Suresh Nallareddy and Ethan Rouen
We investigate the relation between the growth in corporate profits and the overall U.S. economy, focusing on the impact of the U.S. corporate tax regime on this relation. We document that the growth of corporate profits, on average, has outpaced the growth of the... View Details
Keywords: Taxes; Gdp; Corporate Profits; American Jobs Creation Act Of 2004; Taxation; Economic Growth; Profit; United States
Khan, Urooj, Suresh Nallareddy, and Ethan Rouen. "The Role of Taxes in the Disconnect Between Corporate Performance and Economic Growth." Management Science 66, no. 11 (November 2020): 5427–5447.
- April 2010 (Revised May 2012)
- Background Note
Note: Disclosure, Regulation, and Taxation of Hedge Funds versus Mutual Funds in the U.S.
By: Lena G. Goldberg, Robert C. Pozen and Melissa Anne Hammerle
This note provides students with an explanation of the regulatory and tax framework for hedge funds vs. mutual funds in the U.S. View Details
Keywords: Investment Funds; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Taxation; Financial Services Industry; United States
Goldberg, Lena G., Robert C. Pozen, and Melissa Anne Hammerle. "Note: Disclosure, Regulation, and Taxation of Hedge Funds versus Mutual Funds in the U.S." Harvard Business School Background Note 310-131, April 2010. (Revised May 2012.)
- 08 Aug 2017
- Working Paper Summaries
The Role of Taxes in the Disconnect Between Corporate Performance and Economic Growth
- 2018
- Working Paper
Corporate Tax Cuts Increase Income Inequality
By: Suresh Nallareddy, Ethan Rouen and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato
This paper studies the effects of corporate tax changes on income inequality. Using state corporate tax rate changes as a setting, we show that cutting state corporate tax rates leads to increases in income inequality. This result is robust to using regression and... View Details
Nallareddy, Suresh, Ethan Rouen, and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato. "Corporate Tax Cuts Increase Income Inequality." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-101, May 2018.
- March 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
MAC Development Corporation
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Colleen McCaffrey
Deals with MAC Development's efforts to develop a 41-acre site near Chicago. Reviews two years of efforts and highlights the remaining issues of: 1) gaining town approval for development and tax reductions, 2) meeting the bank's debt covenants, including finding a... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Taxation; Financial Instruments; Borrowing and Debt; Asset Pricing; Construction Industry; Chicago
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Colleen McCaffrey. "MAC Development Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 802-140, March 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- 2010
- Working Paper
Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets
We exploit an exogenous shock to corporate ownership structures created by a recent tax reform in Germany to explore the link between corporate governance and internal capital markets. We find that firms with more concentrated ownership are less diversified and have... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Capital Markets; Corporate Governance; Taxation; Ownership; Performance Efficiency; Diversification; Germany
Sautner, Zacharias, and Belen Villalonga. "Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-100, May 2010.
- 13 May 2018
- Working Paper Summaries
Corporate Tax Cuts Increase Income Inequality
- 02 Jul 2018
- Research & Ideas
Corporate Tax Cuts Don't Increase Middle Class Incomes
Halfpoint In the worlds of economic theory and conservative political orthodoxy, corporate tax cuts, such as the 2017 tax reform in the United States, should create benefits beyond businesses. As the thinking goes, middle class workers... View Details
Keywords: by Roberta Holland
- June 2017 (Revised August 2018)
- Supplement
Making Target the Target: Boycotts and Corporate Political Activity (B)
By: Nien-hê Hsieh and Victor Wu
Supplements the (A) Case. View Details
Keywords: Campaign Finance Reform; Corporate Political Activity; Lobbying; LGBTQ; Campaign Contributions; Campaign Finance; Retail; Shareholder Activism; Public Opinion; Social Issues; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Problems and Challenges; Laws and Statutes; Rights; Crisis Management; Risk Management; Media; Political Elections; Taxation; Corporate Accountability; Values and Beliefs; Fairness; Diversity; Customers; Communication; Business and Government Relations; Retail Industry; United States
Hsieh, Nien-hê, and Victor Wu. "Making Target the Target: Boycotts and Corporate Political Activity (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 317-131, June 2017. (Revised August 2018.)
- 18 Jul 2005
- Research & Ideas
Time to Rethink the Corporate Tax System?
ultimately harm shareholders, and the role boards of directors play in making sure their companies stay within the rules. Ann Cullen: How has the way corporations view taxation changed? Mihir A. Desai: There... View Details
Keywords: by Ann Cullen
- March 6, 2006
- Article
Taxing Corporate Capital Gains
By: Mihir A. Desai
Desai, Mihir A. "Taxing Corporate Capital Gains." Tax Notes 110 (March 6, 2006): 1079–1092.
- January 2001 (Revised June 2001)
- Case
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
By: James E. Austin and Kim Slack
Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC) is a $74 million nonprofit social enterprise that combats poverty by helping community development organizations build affordable housing and create economic development opportunities through public-private partnerships. Poses a... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Development Economics; Education; Capital; Investment Funds; Taxation; Growth and Development; Partners and Partnerships; Nonprofit Organizations; Segmentation; Service Industry
Austin, James E., and Kim Slack. "Local Initiatives Support Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 301-124, January 2001. (Revised June 2001.)
- January 2014 (Revised November 2014)
- Case
Legislative Choices for U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
By: Robert C. Pozen and Eric Lonstein
This case asks students to wear the hat of a policymaker to explore the politically charged issues around corporate tax reform in the U.S. View Details
Pozen, Robert C., and Eric Lonstein. "Legislative Choices for U.S. Corporate Tax Reform." Harvard Business School Case 314-090, January 2014. (Revised November 2014.)
- January 1993 (Revised July 2003)
- Case
Texas High-Speed Rail Corporation
By: Timothy A. Luehrman
The finance director of the Texas High-Speed Rail Corp. (THSRC) is considering modifications to the financing program designed to support the development, construction, and operations of THSRC's planned high-speed rail system. The current plan achieves many objectives,... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Financial Strategy; Financing and Loans; Taxation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Strategic Planning; Valuation; Rail Industry; Texas
Luehrman, Timothy A. "Texas High-Speed Rail Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 293-072, January 1993. (Revised July 2003.)
- Article
Do Strong Fences Make Strong Neighbors?
By: Mihir Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
Many features of U.S. tax policy towards multinational firms-including the governing principle of capital export neutrality, the byzantine system of expense allocation, and anti-inversion legislation-reflect the intuition that building "strong fences" around the United... View Details
Keywords: International Taxation; Initial Public Offerings; Foreign Portfolio Investment; Policy; Taxation; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Initial Public Offering; Mergers and Acquisitions; Foreign Direct Investment; United States
Desai, Mihir, and Dhammika Dharmapala. "Do Strong Fences Make Strong Neighbors?" National Tax Journal 63, no. 4 (December 2010): 723–740.
- December 2011
- Article
Do Powerful Politicians Cause Corporate Downsizing?
By: Lauren Cohen, Joshua Coval and Christopher J. Malloy
This paper employs a new empirical approach for identifying the impact of government spending on the private sector. Our key innovation is to use changes in congressional committee chairmanship as a source of exogenous variation in state-level federal expenditures. In... View Details
Keywords: Spending; Private Sector; Taxation; Innovation and Invention; Interest Rates; Business and Government Relations; Investment; Employment; Power and Influence
Cohen, Lauren, Joshua Coval, and Christopher J. Malloy. "Do Powerful Politicians Cause Corporate Downsizing?" Journal of Political Economy 119, no. 6 (December 2011): 1015–1060. (Click here for a response to Snyder and Welch, click here for the data, and click here for the code.)
- November 1999 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
International Business Machines Corporation (B)
By: David F. Hawkins
IBM changes pension plan from a defined benefit plan to a cash-balance plan. Teaching purpose: To understand pension accounting. View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Transformation; Business Earnings; Private Sector; Personal Finance; Cash; Information Infrastructure; Taxation; Computer Industry; Accounting Industry
Hawkins, David F. "International Business Machines Corporation (B)." Harvard Business School Case 100-033, November 1999. (Revised April 2002.)
- November 1999 (Revised November 2000)
- Case
International Business Machines Corporation (C)
By: David F. Hawkins
A financial analyst is examining IBM's 1998 tax note to understand better how the company's 1998 tax note was determined. Teaching purpose: Illustrates deferred tax accounting. View Details
Keywords: History; Earnings Management; Taxation; Decision Making; Business Model; Business Earnings; Information Infrastructure; Mathematical Methods; Private Sector; Accounting Audits; Accounting Industry; Computer Industry
Hawkins, David F. "International Business Machines Corporation (C)." Harvard Business School Case 100-034, November 1999. (Revised November 2000.)
- March 2009
- Article
Earnings Management and Corporate Tax Shelters, and Book-Tax Alignment
By: Mihir Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
This paper reviews recent evidence analyzing the link between earnings management and corporate tax avoidance and considers the implications for how policymakers should evaluate the financial reporting environment facing firms. A real-world tax shelter is dissected to... View Details
Desai, Mihir, and Dhammika Dharmapala. "Earnings Management and Corporate Tax Shelters, and Book-Tax Alignment." National Tax Journal 62, no. 1 (March 2009): 169–186.