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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (8)
- News (1,211)
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- Events (45)
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- Faculty Publications (4,043)
- Research Summary
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance
By: Laura Alfaro
We examine the differential response of establishments to the recent global financial crisis with particular emphasis on the role of foreign ownership. Using a worldwide establishment panel dataset, we investigate how multinational subsidiaries around the world... View Details
- 2011
- Article
How Do Networks Matter? The Performance Effects of Interorganizational Networks
By: Ranjay Gulati, D. Lavie and Ravi Madhavin
A growing body of research suggests that an organization's ties to other organizations furnish resources that bestow various benefits. Scholars have proposed different perspectives on how such networks of ties shape organizational behavior and performance outcomes, but... View Details
Keywords: Management Systems; Organizational Design; Performance; Performance Effectiveness; Networks; Partners and Partnerships; Research; Perspective; Value
Gulati, Ranjay, D. Lavie, and Ravi Madhavin. "How Do Networks Matter? The Performance Effects of Interorganizational Networks." Research in Organizational Behavior 31 (2011): 207–224.
The Effects of Quota Frequency: Sales Performance and Product Focus
This study investigates the comprehensive and multidimensional effects of quota (goal) frequency on sales force performance. The study provides a theory of salespeople’s behavior—aggregate effort and the product type focus—in response to the temporal length of a... View Details
- Spring 2020
- Article
Establishing High Performing Teams: Lessons from Health Care
By: Michael Anne Kyle, Emma-Louise Aveling and Sara J. Singer
Effective teams can be significant drivers of innovations that enable broader quality improvements and efficiency gains across organizations. But despite the wealth of research and managerial expertise describing characteristics of effective teams, people and... View Details
Kyle, Michael Anne, Emma-Louise Aveling, and Sara J. Singer. "Establishing High Performing Teams: Lessons from Health Care." Special Issue on Disruption 2020. MIT Sloan Management Review 61, no. 3 (Spring 2020): 14–18.
- June 1999
- Article
Interorganizational Endorsements and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Ventures
Stuart, Toby E., Ha Hoang, and Ralph Hybels. "Interorganizational Endorsements and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Ventures." Administrative Science Quarterly 44, no. 2 (June 1999): 315–349.
- May 2000
- Article
The Use of Performance Measures in Incentive Contracting
By: George P. Baker
Baker, George P. "The Use of Performance Measures in Incentive Contracting." American Economic Review 90, no. 2 (May 2000).
- Article
Strategic Performance Measurement and Management in Nonprofit Organizations
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Kaplan, Robert S. "Strategic Performance Measurement and Management in Nonprofit Organizations." Nonprofit Management & Leadership 11, no. 3 (Spring 2001): 353–370.
- 07 Dec 2020
- News
How Do You Evaluate Performance During a Pandemic?
- 2010
- Working Paper
The Limits of Nonprofit Impact: A Contingency Framework for Measuring Social Performance
By: Alnoor Ebrahim and V. Kasturi Rangan
Leaders of organizations in the social sector are under growing pressure to demonstrate their impacts on pressing societal problems such as global poverty. We review the debates around performance and impact, drawing on three literatures: strategic philanthropy,... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Expectations; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Issues
Ebrahim, Alnoor, and V. Kasturi Rangan. "The Limits of Nonprofit Impact: A Contingency Framework for Measuring Social Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-099, May 2010. (Recipient of 2010 Academy of Management, Public and Nonprofit Division, Carlo Masini Award for Innovative Scholarship runner-up prize; and, selection for the Best Papers proceedings.)
- 2018
- Article
Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance
By: Sharique Hasan and Rembrand Koning
We conduct a field experiment at an entrepreneurship bootcamp to investigate whether interaction with proximate peers shapes a nascent startup team's performance. We find that teams whose members lack prior ties to others at the bootcamp experience peer effects that... View Details
Keywords: Field Experiment; Peer Effects; Office Space; Knowledge Spillovers; Accelerators; Entrepreneurship; Knowledge Sharing; Performance; Technology Industry; India
Hasan, Sharique, and Rembrand Koning. "Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 9 (September 2019): 1394–1416.
- 2016
- Book
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance in Emerging Markets
By: Lakshmi Iyer
Emerging markets play an increasingly important role in the global economy, accounting for 31% of global GDP and more than 50% of global foreign direct investment in 2012. However, doing business in emerging markets remains subject to a high degree of "policy risk,"... View Details
Keywords: Property Rights; Economic Policy; Political Economy; Emerging Markets; Economic Growth; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations
Iyer, Lakshmi. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance in Emerging Markets. World Scientific Publishing, 2016.
- August 2012
- Article
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance
By: Laura Alfaro and Maggie Chen
We examine the differential response of establishments to the recent global financial crisis with particular emphasis on the role of foreign ownership. Using a worldwide establishment panel dataset, we investigate how multinational subsidiaries around the world... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Financial Crisis; Multinational Firms and Management; Analytics and Data Science; Business Subsidiaries; Production; Finance; Performance; Ownership
Alfaro, Laura, and Maggie Chen. "Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4, no. 3 (August 2012): 30–55. (Also NBER Working Paper No. 17141.)
- September 2016 (Revised March 2017)
- Module Note
Strategy Execution Module 3: Using Information for Performance Measurement and Control
By: Robert Simons
This module reading explains how managers use information to control critical business processes and outcomes. The analysis begins by illustrating how managers use information to communicate goals and track performance. Then the focus turns to the choices that managers... View Details
Keywords: Management Control Systems; Implementing Strategy; Strategy Execution; Organization Process; Feedback Model; Innovation; Uses Of Information; Big Data; Benchmarking; Decision Making; Information; Performance Evaluation; Analytics and Data Science
Simons, Robert. "Strategy Execution Module 3: Using Information for Performance Measurement and Control." Harvard Business School Module Note 117-103, September 2016. (Revised March 2017.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
ESG Performance and Voluntary ESG Disclosure: Mind the (Gender Pay) Gap
By: June Huang and Shirley Lu
We study if firms with better ESG performance are more likely to provide voluntary ESG disclosure, an assumption embedded in many ESG ratings. We focus on gender diversity and proxy for performance using a firm's gender pay gap ("GPG") disclosed under a UK disclosure... View Details
Huang, June, and Shirley Lu. "ESG Performance and Voluntary ESG Disclosure: Mind the (Gender Pay) Gap." SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 3708257, May 2022.
- 2016
- Chapter
Understanding Confidence: Its Roots and Role in Performance
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Daniel Fox
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Daniel Fox. "Understanding Confidence: Its Roots and Role in Performance." Chap. 4 in Critical Mindfulness: Exploring Langerian Models, edited by Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi, 55–67. Springer, 2016.
- 09 Jul 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
The Limits of Nonprofit Impact: A Contingency Framework for Measuring Social Performance
Keywords: by Alnoor Ebrahim & V. Kasturi Rangan
- 16 Feb 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Diversity and Team Performance in a Kenyan Organization
- January 1981 (Revised February 1982)
- Case
People's Republic of China: Development Strategies and Performance
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Development Economics; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; China
Austin, James E. "People's Republic of China: Development Strategies and Performance." Harvard Business School Case 381-111, January 1981. (Revised February 1982.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
Performance Measures and Intra-Firm Spillovers: Theory and Evidence
By: J. Bouwens and L. van Lent