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- Faculty Publications (782)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (782)
- January 2013
- Case
Luotang Power: Variances Explained
By: Robert Simons and Craig Chapman
The general manager of Luotang Power, a coal-fired power plant located in central China, reviews annual results before a meeting with the board of directors. He thought the company performed well during the year and both plant availability and fuel economy had improved... View Details
Keywords: China; Financial Statements; Management Accounting; Variance Analysis; Environmental Regulations; Incentives; Electric Power Generation; Contracts; Valuation; Energy Generation; Accounting; Performance Evaluation; Energy Industry; China
Simons, Robert, and Craig Chapman. "Luotang Power: Variances Explained." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-533, January 2013.
- January 2013 (Revised March 2017)
- Teaching Note
Luotang Power: Variances Explained (Brief Case)
By: Robert Simons and Craig Chapman
The primary objective is to explore the concepts of variance analysis in performance from one year to the next and the predictability of contracting counterparts to extract value from contract positions where they can. The general manager of a coal-fired power plant... View Details
- 2013
- Book
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Paul M. Healy
This book provides a framework for business analysis and has been used by business schools throughout the world. It provides a foundation for analysis using four key steps: 1) Strategy analysis: Identifying a firm's strategy and understanding sources of its competitive... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Debt Securities; Valuation; Performance Evaluation; Financial Statements; Credit; Business Ventures; Strategy; Financial Condition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Forecasting and Prediction
Palepu, Krishna G., and Paul M. Healy. Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases. 5th ed. Cengage Learning, 2013.
- December 2012
- Case
Coca-Cola: Residual Income Valuation
By: Suraj Srinivasan, Beiting Cheng and Edward J. Riedl
The case illustrates the use of the residual income (also known as the abnormal earnings) valuation approach. Students are asked to provide a valuation of Coca-Cola Company using the residual income valuation methodology and understand how it maps into the discounted... View Details
Srinivasan, Suraj, Beiting Cheng, and Edward J. Riedl. "Coca-Cola: Residual Income Valuation." Harvard Business School Case 113-056, December 2012.
- December 2012
- Case
Trouble Brewing for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Michael Norris
In October 2011, noted hedge fund manager David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital delivered a presentation at an investors' conference analyzing the business and accounting quality weaknesses of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Until then Green Mountain had exhibited rapid... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Fraud; Accounting Quality; Accounting Red Flags; Accounting Restatements; Accounting Scandal; Accounting Information; Financial Accounting; Financial Analysts; Financial Analysis; Financial Intermediaries; Hedge Funds; Financial Ratios; Financial Statement Analysis; Valuation Methodologies; Earnings Quality; Accounting; Quality; Earnings Management; Valuation; Crime and Corruption; Mergers and Acquisitions; Financial Reporting; Investment Funds; Financial Statements; Food and Beverage Industry
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Michael Norris. "Trouble Brewing for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters." Harvard Business School Case 113-035, December 2012.
- December 2012 (Revised November 2014)
- Case
W.R. Grace & Co.: Dealing with Asbestos Torts
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
A manufacturer of building products and specialty chemicals, W. R. Grace & Co. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2001 in response to a flood of lawsuits alleging that its products contained asbestos, and had caused hundreds of thousands of people to contract... View Details
Keywords: Bankruptcy Reorganization; Business Failures; Environmental Regulations; Class Action Lawsuits; Natural Environment; Valuation; Health Disorders; Capital Structure; Restructuring; Lawsuits and Litigation; Chemicals; Crisis Management; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Legal Liability; Construction Industry; Chemical Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "W.R. Grace & Co.: Dealing with Asbestos Torts." Harvard Business School Case 213-046, December 2012. (Revised November 2014.)
- Article
Agency Costs, Mispricing, and Ownership Structure
By: Sergey Chernenko, C. Fritz Foley and Robin Greenwood
Standard theories of corporate ownership assume that because markets are efficient, insiders ultimately bear all agency costs that they create and therefore have a strong incentive to minimize conflicts of interest with outside investors. We argue that if equity is... View Details
Keywords: Business and Shareholder Relations; Ownership; Conflict of Interests; Investment; Valuation
Chernenko, Sergey, C. Fritz Foley, and Robin Greenwood. "Agency Costs, Mispricing, and Ownership Structure." Financial Management 41, no. 4 (Winter 2012): 885–914.
- December 2012
- Article
Estimating the Value of Connections to Vice-President Cheney
By: Rakesh Khurana, Raymond Fisman, Julia Galef and Yongxiang Wang
We estimate the market valuation of personal ties to Richard Cheney. Our proxies for personal ties are based on corporate board linkages that are prevalent in the network sociology literature. We consider a number of distinct political and personal events that either... View Details
Khurana, Rakesh, Raymond Fisman, Julia Galef, and Yongxiang Wang. "Estimating the Value of Connections to Vice-President Cheney." B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 13, no. 3 (December 2012).
- December 2012
- Article
How Much Is Sweat Equity Worth?
By: Christopher Marquis and Joshua D. Margolis
The article presents a case study of a business decision related to the valuing of sweat equity in a start-up business. One man starts a premium vodka business, bringing in his cousin at an early stage, but with no initial discussion of the eventual split of equity or... View Details
Marquis, Christopher, and Joshua D. Margolis. "How Much Is Sweat Equity Worth?" R1212X. Harvard Business Review 90, no. 12 (December 2012).
- 2012
- Chapter
Valuing Financial Literacy
By: Shawn Cole, Thomas Sampson and Bilal Zia
Cole, Shawn, Thomas Sampson, and Bilal Zia. "Valuing Financial Literacy." Chap. 12 in Banking the World: Empirical Foundations of Financial Inclusion, edited by Robert Cull, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Jonathan Morduch, 415–428. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
- Article
When Talk Is "Free": The Effect of Tariff Structure on Usage Under Two- and Three-Part Tariffs
By: Eva Ascarza, Anja Lambrecht and Naufel Vilcassim
In many service industries, firms introduce three-part tariffs to replace or complement existing two-part tariffs. In contrast with two-part tariffs, three-part tariffs offer allowances, or “free” units of the service. Behavioral research suggests that the attributes... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Nonlinear Pricing; Discrete/continuous Choice Model; Three-part Tariffs; Free Products; Price; Consumer Behavior; Analysis; Learning; Risk and Uncertainty
Ascarza, Eva, Anja Lambrecht, and Naufel Vilcassim. When Talk Is "Free": The Effect of Tariff Structure on Usage Under Two- and Three-Part Tariffs. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 49, no. 6 (December 2012): 882–900.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Search-Based Peer Firms: Aggregating Investor Perceptions Through Internet Co-Searches
By: Charles M.C. Lee, Paul Ma and Charles C.Y. Wang
Applying a "co-search" algorithm to Internet traffic at the SEC's EDGAR web-site, we develop a novel method for identifying economically-related peer firms and for measuring their relative importance. Our results show that firms appearing in chronologically adjacent... View Details
Keywords: Peer Firm; EDGAR Search Traffic; Revealed Preference; Co-search; Industry Classification; Analytics and Data Science; Internet and the Web; Mathematical Methods; Corporate Finance
Lee, Charles M.C., Paul Ma, and Charles C.Y. Wang. "Search-Based Peer Firms: Aggregating Investor Perceptions Through Internet Co-Searches." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-048, November 2012. (Revised September 2013, March 2014, June 2014, July 2014.)
- November 2012
- Exercise
Coca-Cola: Residual Income Valuation Exercise
By: Suraj Srinivasan
The exercise illustrates the use of the residual income (also known as the abnormal earnings) valuation approach. Students are asked to provide a valuation of Coca-Cola Company using the residual income valuation methodology and understand how it maps into the... View Details
Keywords: Business Analysis; Valuation; Residual Income Valuation; Accounting; Financial Accounting; Financial Analysis; Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Statements; Discounted Cash Flows
Srinivasan, Suraj, Beiting Cheng, and Edward J. Riedl. "Coca-Cola: Residual Income Valuation Exercise." Harvard Business School Exercise 113-056, November 2012.
- November 2012
- Teaching Note
Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off (TN)
By: Suraj Srinivasan
The case this Teaching Note addresses studies the decision of the security services company Brink's Corporation to spin off its home security division from the rest of the company. The decision followed intense pressure on the company by three activist hedge funds that... View Details
- October 2012
- Case
Lin TV Corp
By: David Scharfstein, Erik Stafford and Joel Heilprin
This case considers the valuation of Lin TV, a publicly-traded company with 30 TV stations. The case highlights how a change in operating strategy can enhance the firm's value, and considers the effect of consolidation within the industry on firm value. View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Acquisitions; Synergy; Broadcasting; Entertainment; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; North and Central America
Scharfstein, David, Erik Stafford, and Joel Heilprin. "Lin TV Corp." Harvard Business School Case 213-065, October 2012.
- October 2012 (Revised September 2013)
- Case
Creating the First Public Law Firm: The IPO of Slater & Gordon Limited
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
Slater & Gordon (S&G), a midsized Australian law firm with a high-growth consolidation strategy, had an initial public offering (IPO) scheduled for May 2007. Due to a series of regulatory changes in Australia in recent years, the IPO provided an opportunity for S&G to... View Details
Keywords: IPO; Mergers & Acquisitions; Law Firm; Value Drivers; Growth Strategy; Revenue Recognition; Roll-up; Consolidator; Initial Public Offering; Valuation; Consolidation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Financial Strategy; Growth Management; Corporate Governance; Business Strategy; Legal Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Australia
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Creating the First Public Law Firm: The IPO of Slater & Gordon Limited." Harvard Business School Case 213-019, October 2012. (Revised September 2013.)
- October 2012 (Revised June 2015)
- Case
Grantham, Mayo, and Van Otterloo, 2012: Estimating the Equity Risk Premium
Hanson, Samuel, Erik Stafford, and Luis Viceira. "Grantham, Mayo, and Van Otterloo, 2012: Estimating the Equity Risk Premium." Harvard Business School Case 213-051, October 2012. (Revised June 2015.)
- October 2012
- Article
The Effect of Reference Point Prices on Mergers and Acquisitions
By: Malcolm Baker, Xin Pan and Jeffrey Wurgler
Prior stock price peaks of targets affect several aspects of merger and acquisition activity. Offer prices are biased toward recent peak prices although they are economically unremarkable. An offer's probability of acceptance jumps discontinuously when it exceeds a... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Xin Pan, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "The Effect of Reference Point Prices on Mergers and Acquisitions." Journal of Financial Economics 106, no. 1 (October 2012): 49–71.
- September 2012 (Revised June 2017)
- Technical Note
Private Equity Valuation in Emerging Markets
By: Paul A. Gompers, Victoria Ivashina and Timothy Dore
This note provides an opportunity to understand how private equity investors need to adapt to emerging markets. View Details
Gompers, Paul A., Victoria Ivashina, and Timothy Dore. "Private Equity Valuation in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Technical Note 213-043, September 2012. (Revised June 2017.)
- September 2012 (Revised September 2016)
- Background Note
Convertible Notes in Seed Financings
This note introduces convertible notes in angel financing. It begins by delineating the differences between a priced and non-priced round. It then describes a specific example of a convertible note, with attention paid to technical details regarding valuation caps. View Details
Nanda, Ramana, William R. Kerr, and Robert F. White. "Convertible Notes in Seed Financings." Harvard Business School Background Note 813-017, September 2012. (Revised September 2016.)