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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (1,874)
- 27 Sep 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
How Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Exploring the Effects of Financial Markets on Linkages
- 05 Jan 2015
- News
China Still Isn't Ready to be a True Global Leader
- 20 Oct 2003
- Research & Ideas
Gaps in the Historical Record: Development of the Electronics Industry
further investigation into the development of the consumer electronics and computer industries. Here is an excerpt.I have just completed an initial sketch of the evolution of two industries—Inventing the Electronic Century: The Epic Story... View Details
- 25 Mar 2014
- Research & Ideas
China’s Economic System has Difficult Road Overcoming its Political System
One need only look as far as the bookshelf to see the optimism attached to China's ascension as a world economic and political power. Titles like The Dragon Awakes; The Rise of China; and When China Rules the World predict an inevitable,... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- 2024
- Working Paper
Long-run Returns to Impact Investing in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
By: Shawn Cole, Martin Melecky, Florian Mölders and Tristan Reed
We provide the first evidence on the long-run returns to private equity in emerging and frontier markets using the cash flows from every equity investment made by the International Finance Corporation across 130 countries over 58 years. Risk-adjusted returns are... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Investment; Emerging Markets; Developing Countries and Economies; Investment Return
Cole, Shawn, Martin Melecky, Florian Mölders, and Tristan Reed. "Long-Run Returns to Private Equity in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-138, June 2021. (Revised September 2024. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27870, September 2024)
- 2014
- Discussion Paper
The Promise of Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: What Does the Evidence Say?
By: Dina D. Pomeranz
The microfinance revolution has transformed access to financial services for low-income populations worldwide. As a result, it has become one of the most talked-about innovations in global development in recent decades. However, its expansion has not been without... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship In Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship; Women's Empowerment; Entrepreneurs; Saving; Savings; Credit; Credit Supply; Insurance; Development Economics; Development Finance; Behavioral Economics; Gender; Microfinance; Social Entrepreneurship; Developing Countries and Economies; Banking Industry; Public Administration Industry; Financial Services Industry; Insurance Industry; Latin America; Kenya; Chile; India; Asia; Africa
Pomeranz, Dina D. "The Promise of Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: What Does the Evidence Say?" EY Thought Leadership Series, February 2014.
- 14 Jun 2023
- Op-Ed
Every Company Should Have These Leaders—or Develop Them if They Don't
We’ve long known that organizations require so-called flexible leaders to respond to rapid market fluctuations; the last couple of years have only emphasized that necessity. The environment we operate in—shaped by the pandemic, social justice issues, war, and View Details
Keywords: by Hise Gibson
- 17 Oct 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Sharing Design Rights: A Commons Approach for Developing Infrastructure
Keywords: by Nuno Gil & Carliss Y. Baldwin
- August 1976
- Article
A Model of Economic Growth With Altruism Between Generations
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "A Model of Economic Growth With Altruism Between Generations." Journal of Economic Theory 13, no. 1 (August 1976): 1–13.
- 28 Nov 2023
- Book
Economic Growth Draws Companies to Asia. Can They Handle Its Authoritarian Regimes?
economic stagnation, while mutual endangerment can contribute to financial instability and erosion of regime political discipline. I explain the development of one pattern of relations over another by... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- Research Summary
My work assists small business entrepreneurs, and high-growth technology firms that serve them, to grow with technology and AI in emerging economies. View Details
- Working Paper
Developing the Guts of a GUT (Grand Unified Theory): Elite Commitment and Inclusive Growth
By: Lant Pritchett and Eric D. Werker
Two key unanswered questions in theories of growth are (a) why some countries successfully initiate episodes of rapid growth while others suffer extended stagnation and (b) why some countries are able to sustain growth episodes over many decades of rapid (or steady)... View Details
Keywords: Elite Commitment; Inclusive Growth; Status and Position; Rank and Position; Economic Growth
Pritchett, Lant, and Eric D. Werker. "Developing the Guts of a GUT (Grand Unified Theory): Elite Commitment and Inclusive Growth." ESID Working Paper Series, No. 16/12, December 2012.
- 2013
- Working Paper
Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth since 1850
By: G. Jones
This working paper integrates the role of entrepreneurship and firms into debates on why Asia, Latin America and Africa were slow to catch up with the West following the Industrial Revolution and the advent of modern economic growth. It argues that the currently... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Change; Political Economy; Emerging Economies; Developing Countries; Industrial Development; Culture; Human Capital; Economic History; History; Wealth and Poverty; Business History; Emerging Markets; Globalization; Developing Countries and Economies; Manufacturing Industry; Mining Industry; Service Industry; Latin America; Asia; North and Central America; Africa; South America; Europe
Jones, G. "Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth since 1850." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-076, March 2013.
- Article
The Role of Finance and Private Investment in Developing Sustainable Cities
By: John D. Macomber
Three trends will drive urban investment, development, and entrepreneurship in the next two decades. This article provides tools to identify the situations and circumstances that will be most favorable for private sector involvement in consideration of these trends.... View Details
Keywords: Trends; Demographics; Private Sector; Investment; City; Infrastructure; Opportunities; Urban Development
Macomber, John D. "The Role of Finance and Private Investment in Developing Sustainable Cities." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 23, no. 3 (Summer 2011): 64–74.
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Research Triangle
This regional report examines the composition and performance of the Research Triangle regional economy, how industry clusters developed and innovation arose, how clusters affected the region's economic future, and how the region can establish a strategy and action... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Research Triangle." Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, January 2002. (Report.)
- December 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
Transforming Arizona's Health Care System: Developing and Implementing the Health-e Connection Roadmap
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Ajay Vinze, T.S. Raghu and Minu Ipe
Addresses the issues of leadership and change management in the process of transforming an industry through an innovative public-private partnership approach to policy making. In 2005, the Governor of Arizona issued an Executive Order to create a roadmap for the state... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Private Sector; Public Sector; Health Care and Treatment; Service Delivery; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Health Industry; Service Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Ajay Vinze, T.S. Raghu, and Minu Ipe. "Transforming Arizona's Health Care System: Developing and Implementing the Health-e Connection Roadmap." Harvard Business School Case 808-072, December 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
The Skills Gap and the Near-Far Problem in Executive Education and Leadership Development
By: Mihnea Moldoveanu and Das Narayandas
Executive development programs have entered a period of rapid transformation, driven on one side by the proliferation of a new technological, cultural, and economic landscape commonly referred to as “digital disruption” and on the other by a widening gap between the... View Details
Moldoveanu, Mihnea, and Das Narayandas. "The Skills Gap and the Near-Far Problem in Executive Education and Leadership Development." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-019, September 2016.
- 2003
- Other Unpublished Work
A Review of Commitment Savings Products in Developing Countries
By: Nava Ashraf, Nathalie Gons, Dean Karlan and Wesley Yin
Ashraf, Nava, Nathalie Gons, Dean Karlan, and Wesley Yin. "A Review of Commitment Savings Products in Developing Countries." ERD Working Paper, July 2003.
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Pittsburgh
This regional report examines the composition and performance of the Pittsburgh regional economy, how industry clusters developed and innovation arose, how clusters affected the region's economic future, and how the region can establish a strategy and action program to... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Pittsburgh." Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, April 2002. (Report.)