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- Faculty Publications (437)
- 2005
- Working Paper
Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase International Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from U.S. Firm-Level Panel Data
By: Lee Branstetter, Raymond Fisman and C. Fritz Foley
Branstetter, Lee, Raymond Fisman, and C. Fritz Foley. "Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase International Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from U.S. Firm-Level Panel Data." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 11516, August 2005.
- Article
Discussion of "Ivory Tower and Industrial Innovation: University-Industry Technology Transfer Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States" by David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson, Bhaven N. Sampat, and Arvids A. Ziedonis
By: Josh Lerner
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Education; Information Technology; Patents; Law; Communication; United States
Lerner, Josh. Discussion of "Ivory Tower and Industrial Innovation: University-Industry Technology Transfer Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States" by David C. Mowery, Richard R. Nelson, Bhaven N. Sampat, and Arvids A. Ziedonis. Journal of Economic Literature 43, no. 2 (June 2005): 510–511.
- Article
150 Years of Patent Office Practice
By: Josh Lerner
Lerner, Josh. "150 Years of Patent Office Practice." American Law and Economics Review 7, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 112–143. (Earlier version distributed as Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 00-040 and National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 7478.)
- April–May 2005
- Article
Markets for Partially-Contractible Knowledge: Bootstrapping Versus Bundling
By: James J Anton and Dennis A. Yao
We discuss how a seller can appropriate rents when selling knowledge that lacks legal property rights by solving either an expropriation or a valuation problem and then analyze how seller rents increase when a portion of the intellectual property (IP) can be protected.... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge; Markets; Rights; Valuation; Problems and Challenges; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Intellectual Property; Strategy
Anton, James J., and Dennis A. Yao. "Markets for Partially-Contractible Knowledge: Bootstrapping Versus Bundling." Journal of the European Economic Association 3, nos. 2-3 (April–May 2005): 745–754. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- Comment
Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: A Reassessment: Comment
By: Rebecca M. Henderson, Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
Henderson, Rebecca M., Adam Jaffe, and Manuel Trajtenberg. "Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: A Reassessment: Comment." American Economic Review 95, no. 1 (March 2005): 416–464.
- February 2005 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Rx Depot: Importing Drugs from Canada
By: Debora L. Spar
In 2002, a handful of entrepreneurs began to ship drugs from Canada into the United States, taking advantage of regulatory and price differentials across the neighboring countries. Using the Internet and a low-cost network of Canadian pharmacies, firms like Rx Depot... View Details
Keywords: Courts and Trials; Entrepreneurship; Intellectual Property; Laws and Statutes; Pharmaceutical Industry; Canada; United States
Spar, Debora L., and Adam Day. "Rx Depot: Importing Drugs from Canada." Harvard Business School Case 705-010, February 2005. (Revised April 2006.)
- January 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Edwin W. Parkinson III
Molecular Insight has developed a novel biopharmaceutical to detect heart attacks. The company's unique approach to intellectual property protection uses the Hatch Waxman Act and the Orphan Drug Act. The company is struggling to raise $7 million in Series B financing.... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property; Health Care and Treatment; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Edwin W. Parkinson III. "Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 805-067, January 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
- December 2004
- Article
How Market Smarts Can Protect Property Rights
By: Bharat N. Anand and Alexander Galetovic
Anand, Bharat N., and Alexander Galetovic. "How Market Smarts Can Protect Property Rights." Harvard Business Review 82, no. 12 (December 2004).
- November 2004 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
Marvel Enterprises, Inc.
By: Anita Elberse
The management team of Marvel Enterprises, known for its universe of superhero characters that includes Spider-Man, the Hulk, and X-Men, must reevaluate its marketing strategy. In June 2004, only six years after the company emerged from bankruptcy, Marvel has amassed a... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property; Business Model; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Opportunities; Growth and Development Strategy; Rights; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Elberse, Anita. "Marvel Enterprises, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 505-001, November 2004. (Revised May 2005.)
- October 2004 (Revised March 2005)
- Case
Langer Lab, The: Commercializing Science
By: H. Kent Bowen, Alex Kazaks, Ayr Muir-Harmony and Bryce LaPierre
Professor Robert Langer's laboratory at MIT is the source of an unusually large number of published papers, patents, and technology licenses to start-up and established companies in the biomedical industry. Explores Langer's leadership and other factors that create a... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Business Startups; Research and Development; Patents; Innovation Leadership; Science-Based Business; Commercialization; Biotechnology Industry; Education Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, Alex Kazaks, Ayr Muir-Harmony, and Bryce LaPierre. "Langer Lab, The: Commercializing Science." Harvard Business School Case 605-017, October 2004. (Revised March 2005.)
- 2004
- Book
Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What To Do About It
By: Adam Jaffe and Josh Lerner
Jaffe, Adam, and Josh Lerner. Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What To Do About It. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.
- July 2004 (Revised September 2004)
- Case
Novell: CEO-led Turnaround and Growth Strategy
By: Richard L. Nolan and Robert D. Austin
Novell CEO Jack Messman tried to return the company to its leadership position in the software industry through a strategy that embraces Linux and other open source software. This case serves as an introduction to open source software and strategies based on open... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Value Creation; Open Source Distribution; Applications and Software; Intellectual Property; Business Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L., and Robert D. Austin. "Novell: CEO-led Turnaround and Growth Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 605-004, July 2004. (Revised September 2004.)
- June 2004 (Revised July 2005)
- Background Note
Tenant and Landlord Rights
By: Arthur I Segel, Jeff Mandelbaum and Armen Panossian
Certain key principles govern the landlord-tenant relationship in both commercial and residential settings. Because most property law is state specific, this note provides an overview of how many states would generally analyze a particular situation or relationship. View Details
Keywords: Renting or Rental; Leasing; Rights; Contracts; Laws and Statutes; Relationships; Real Estate Industry
Segel, Arthur I., Jeff Mandelbaum, and Armen Panossian. "Tenant and Landlord Rights." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-161, June 2004. (Revised July 2005.)
- June 2004
- Article
Efficient Patent Pools
By: Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole
Keywords: Patents
Lerner, Josh, and Jean Tirole. "Efficient Patent Pools." American Economic Review 94, no. 3 (June 2004): 697–711. (Earlier version distributed as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 9175.)
- May 2004
- Background Note
56K Modem Battle
By: David B. Yoffie and Deborah Freier
Examines the battle to set the standard for the 56K modem. Set in 1996, this case looks at how computers accessed the Internet via a telephone line, or dial-up connection, and a hardware modem. In 1995, there were 18.6 million total modem unit shipments, with market... View Details
Keywords: Announcements; Revenue; Patents; Product Launch; Network Effects; Standards; Competition; Information Infrastructure; Internet and the Web; Technology Industry; Illinois
Yoffie, David B., and Deborah Freier. "56K Modem Battle." Harvard Business School Background Note 704-501, May 2004.
- May 2004 (Revised April 2005)
- Background Note
Intellectual Property and Strategy
By: David B. Yoffie and Deborah Freier
Explores the role of intellectual property in firms' strategies. Explains the legal and strategic differences between patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets and explores the multiple ways firms use these different legal protections to gain competitive... View Details
Yoffie, David B., and Deborah Freier. "Intellectual Property and Strategy." Harvard Business School Background Note 704-493, May 2004. (Revised April 2005.)
- May 2004
- Supplement
Slingshot Technology, Inc. Supplement: Partnership Agreements
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Elizabeth Collins
Slingshot Technology Inc. (STI) is a privately held software start-up founded in 1995 focused on identifying emerging spaces in the IT services industry and partnering with vendors selling promising but unproven technologies in those spaces. The vendors used STI to... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Emerging Markets; Partners and Partnerships; Intellectual Property; Information Technology Industry; Consulting Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Elizabeth Collins. "Slingshot Technology, Inc. Supplement: Partnership Agreements." Harvard Business School Supplement 804-025, May 2004.
- May 2004 (Revised December 2004)
- Case
Slingshot Technology, Inc. (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Elizabeth Collins
Slingshot Technology Inc. (STI) is a privately held software start-up founded in 1995 focused on identifying emerging spaces in the IT services industry and partnering with vendors selling promising but unproven technologies in those spaces. The vendors used STI to... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Private Ownership; Opportunities; Partners and Partnerships; Entrepreneurship; Applications and Software; Intellectual Property; Business Startups; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Elizabeth Collins. "Slingshot Technology, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 804-022, May 2004. (Revised December 2004.)
- May 2004 (Revised December 2004)
- Case
Slingshot Technology, Inc. (B)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Elizabeth Collins
Slingshot Technology Inc. (STI) is a privately held software start-up founded in 1995 focused on identifying emerging spaces in the IT services industry and partnering with vendors selling promising but unproven technologies in those spaces. The vendors used STI to... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Private Ownership; Opportunities; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Entrepreneurship; Applications and Software; Intellectual Property; Business Startups; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Elizabeth Collins. "Slingshot Technology, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 804-023, May 2004. (Revised December 2004.)