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- Faculty Publications (664)
- 2013
- Book
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Paul M. Healy
This book provides a framework for business analysis and has been used by business schools throughout the world. It provides a foundation for analysis using four key steps: 1) Strategy analysis: Identifying a firm's strategy and understanding sources of its competitive... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Debt Securities; Valuation; Performance Evaluation; Financial Statements; Credit; Business Ventures; Strategy; Financial Condition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Forecasting and Prediction
Palepu, Krishna G., and Paul M. Healy. Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases. 5th ed. Cengage Learning, 2013.
- 2013
- Case
Xinhua Hospital: Implementation of EMR Project
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Ning Jia, Weiqi Liu and Shanshan Cao
Established in 1958, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (hereafter referred to as "Xinhua Hospital") is an integrated modern teaching and research hospital with a comprehensive set of disciplines and a specialization in... View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, Ning Jia, Weiqi Liu, and Shanshan Cao. "Xinhua Hospital: Implementation of EMR Project." Tsinghua University Case, 2013.
- 2013
- Teaching Note
Xinhua Hospital: Implementation of EMR Project (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Ning Jia, Weiqi Liu and Shanshan Cao
Established in 1958, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (hereafter referred to as "Xinhua Hospital") is an integrated modern teaching and research hospital with a comprehensive set of disciplines and a specialization in... View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, Ning Jia, Weiqi Liu, and Shanshan Cao. "Xinhua Hospital: Implementation of EMR Project (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2013.
- Spring 2013
- Article
Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Improve the Information Environment?
By: Joanne Horton, George Serafeim and Ioanna Serafeim
We examine the effect of mandatory International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption on firms' information environment. We find that after mandatory IFRS adoption, consensus forecast errors decrease for firms that mandatorily adopt IFRS relative to forecast... View Details
Keywords: International Accounting; Financial Reporting; Standards; Information; Quality; Earnings Management
Horton, Joanne, George Serafeim, and Ioanna Serafeim. "Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Improve the Information Environment?" Contemporary Accounting Research 30, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 388–423.
- Winter 2012
- Article
Is a Nuclear Deal with Iran Possible?: An Analytical Framework for the Iran Nuclear Negotiations
By: James K. Sebenius and Michael K. Singh
Varied diplomatic approaches by multiple negotiators over several years have failed to conclude a nuclear deal with Iran. Mutual hostility, misperception, and flawed diplomacy may be responsible. Yet, more fundamentally, no mutually acceptable deal may exist. To assess... View Details
Keywords: Nuclear Proliferation; Zone Of Possible Agreement; International Relations; Negotiation; Iran; United States
Sebenius, James K., and Michael K. Singh. "Is a Nuclear Deal with Iran Possible? An Analytical Framework for the Iran Nuclear Negotiations." International Security 37, no. 3 (Winter 2012): 52–91.
- November 2012 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Persephone's Pomegranate: Crédit Agricole and Emporiki
By: Dante Roscini, Daniela Beyersdorfer and Jerome Lenhardt
In 2006 the French bank Crédit Agricole bought the Greek Emporiki bank, for €2.8 billion, at the peak of a bull market for bank takeovers. Six years, a major financial crisis, and €5.2 billion of losses later, in a context of great uncertainty in the European banking... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Currency; Development Economics; International Finance; International Relations; Banking Industry; Greece
Roscini, Dante, Daniela Beyersdorfer, and Jerome Lenhardt. "Persephone's Pomegranate: Crédit Agricole and Emporiki." Harvard Business School Case 713-055, November 2012. (Revised November 2013.)
- November 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Gerry Pasciucco at AIG Financial Products
By: Gautam Mukunda and Thomas J. DeLong
Gerry Pasciucco was appointed to lead American International Group's Financial Products (AIGFP) group after the government bailout of AIG in 2008 and charged with the task of shutting down the division while minimizing the government's losses. AIGFP's failed trades had... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Accountability; Ethics; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Management Teams; Business and Government Relations; Financial Services Industry; United States
Mukunda, Gautam, and Thomas J. DeLong. "Gerry Pasciucco at AIG Financial Products." Harvard Business School Case 413-059, November 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- November 2012
- Technical Note
A Note on the International Integrated Reporting Council: Towards An International Framework
By: Robert G. Eccles, George Serafeim, Pippa Armbrester and Jess Schulschenk
- October 2012
- Case
Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity
By: W. Carl Kester and Sunru Yong
A small, publicly traded company specializing in non-hazardous waste management considers a major acquisition in the Midwestern U.S. The acquisition can provide entry into the region, help the firm compete in a competitive industry, and improve its cost position. The... View Details
Keywords: United States; Acquisitions; Capital Structure; Equity Capital; Debt Management; Expansion; Leveraged Buyouts; Financial Analysis; Administrative/Support/Waste Management/Remediation Services; Equity; Borrowing and Debt; Service Industry
Kester, W. Carl, and Sunru Yong. "Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-530, October 2012.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Can Implicit Regulation Change Financial Market Behavior? Evidence from Spitzer's Attack on Market Timers
This paper explores a natural experiment setup from the 2003-2004 mutual fund scandals to evaluate the effectiveness of implicit regulation on financial markets behavior. On average, buy-and-hold investors lost 218 basis points annually from 1998 to 2002 to market... View Details
- September 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Can the Eurozone Survive?
By: Dante Roscini and Jonathan Schlefer
The sovereign debt crisis that took Greece by storm in 2010 began to spread to other European markets. Within a few months Ireland and Portugal had also lost access to the sovereign debt markets and had to rely on supranational loans for their financing. The risk of... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Debt Crisis; Currency Areas; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Currency Exchange Rate; International Relations; Banking Industry; European Union; Germany; France; Italy; Spain; Greece; Portugal
Roscini, Dante, and Jonathan Schlefer. "Can the Eurozone Survive?" Harvard Business School Case 713-034, September 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- 2012
- Article
Open Innovation and Organization Design
By: Michael Tushman, Karim Lakhani and Hila Lifshitz - Assaf
This paper calls the organization design community to reconcile the divergent scholarly perspectives on the relationship between firm boundaries and the locus of innovation by moving beyond debates between open vs. closed boundaries and instead embracing the notion of... View Details
Keywords: Organization Design; Open Innovation; Innovation; Locus Of Innovation; Organizational Boundaries; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Innovation and Invention; Alliances; Vertical Integration; Boundaries
Tushman, Michael, Karim Lakhani, and Hila Lifshitz - Assaf. "Open Innovation and Organization Design." Special Issue on The Future of Organization Design. Journal of Organization Design 1, no. 1 (2012): 24–27. (SSRN's top ten download list for: Organizational Structural Designs, Innovation & Product Development.)
- 2012
- Book
Banks as Multinationals
By: G. Jones
This is a revised edition of a comparative, international study which looks at the history of multinational banks. Researchers from the United States, Japan, Europe, and Australia survey the evolution of multinational banks over time and suggest a conceptual framework... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Banks and Banking; Business Strategy; Geographic Location; Trends; Theory
Jones, G., ed. Banks as Multinationals. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- 2012
- Chapter
Capturing the Link between Non-financial and Financial Performance in One Space
By: Robert G. Eccles, Jess Schulschenk and George Serafeim
Eccles, Robert G., Jess Schulschenk, and George Serafeim. "Capturing the Link between Non-financial and Financial Performance in One Space." In Making Investment Grade: The Future of Corporate Reporting: New trends in capturing and communicating strategic value, edited by Cornis van der Lugt and Daniel Malan, 43–48. United Nations Environment Programme, 2012.
- April 2012
- Article
Local R&D Strategies and Multi-location Firms: The Role of Internal Linkages
By: Juan Alcacer and Minyuan Zhao
This study looks at the role of firms' internal linkages in highly competitive technology clusters, where much of the world's R&D takes place. The leading players in these clusters are multilocation firms that organize and integrate knowledge across sites worldwide.... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Technological Innovation; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Research and Development; Risk and Uncertainty; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Technology
Alcacer, Juan, and Minyuan Zhao. "Local R&D Strategies and Multi-location Firms: The Role of Internal Linkages." Management Science 58, no. 4 (April 2012): 734–753.
- 2012
- Case
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Donghong Li, Lei Li and Hong Zhang
ChemChina is China's largest basic chemical manufacturing firm. It was included in Fortune Global 500 in 2011 and 2012, ranked No. 475 and 402. Its sales revenue in 2011 was 179 billion yuan, and profit was 600 million yuan. The year-end total assets were 254.2 billion... View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, Donghong Li, Lei Li, and Hong Zhang. "ChemChina." Tsinghua University Case, 2012.
- 2012
- Teaching Note
ChemChina (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Donghong Li, Lei Li and Hong Zhang
ChemChina is China's largest basic chemical manufacturing firm. It was included in Fortune Global 500 in 2011 and 2012, ranked No. 475 and 402. Its sales revenue in 2011 was 179 billion yuan, and profit was 600 million yuan. The year-end total assets were 254.2 billion... View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, Donghong Li, Lei Li, and Hong Zhang. "ChemChina (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2012.
- January – February 2012
- Article
When One Business Model Isn't Enough
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Jorge Tarzijan
Trying to operate two business models at once often causes strategic failure. Yet LAN Airlines, a Chilean carrier, runs three models successfully. Casadesus-Masanell, of Harvard Business School, and Tarziján, of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, explore how... View Details
Keywords: Integration; Failure; Business Model; Service Operations; Asset Management; Value; Complexity; Competency and Skills; Business Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Risk and Uncertainty; Customer Relationship Management; Air Transportation Industry
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Jorge Tarzijan. "When One Business Model Isn't Enough." Harvard Business Review 90, nos. 1-2 (January–February 2012).
- December 2011 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
Brasil Foods
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
In mid-2011, the management of Brasil Foods, a leading Brazilian branded foods producer and protein exporter, is evaluating strategies for international and domestic growth. The team has just received approval from Brazil's antitrust authorities to complete the merger... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Brazil
Bell, David E., and Natalie Kindred. "Brasil Foods." Harvard Business School Case 512-013, December 2011. (Revised April 2013.)