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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (1)
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- Faculty Publications (941)
- 2020
- Chapter
Reserve Accumulation, Sovereign Debt, and Exchange Rate Policy
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
In the past decade, foreign participation in local-currency bond markets in emerging countries increased dramatically. Additionally, emerging countries are increasingly deviating from inflation targeting regimes, managing their exchange rate and engaging in... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Reserve Accumulation, Sovereign Debt, and Exchange Rate Policy." In Asset Management at Central Banks and Monetary Authorities: New Practices in Managing International Foreign Exchange Reserves, edited by Jacob Bjorheim. Springer, 2020. (Book link.)
- June 2013
- Supplement
Hexcel Turnaround—2001 (Video Supplement)
This is the Video Supplement for Hexcel Turnaround - 2001(A), (B) and (C), HBS Cases 806099, 806100, 806101. View Details
Keywords: Turnarounds; Human Capital; Organizational Change And Transformation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Management; Leadership; General Management; Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Reorganization; Financial Crisis Management; Acquisitions; Debt Crisis; Debt; Debt Management; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Private Equity; Public Ownership; Resignation and Termination; Restructuring; Air Transportation Industry; Communications Industry; Electronics Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Europe
Sharpe, Jim. "Hexcel Turnaround—2001 (Video Supplement)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-723, June 2013.
- 2010
- Working Paper
International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
The key in the investigation of "where" and "why" capital flows, relative to the neoclassical benchmark, is how we measure these flows. The macro literature has been using three main yardsticks: the current account balance, returns to capital, and the volume of net... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "International Capital Allocation, Sovereign Borrowing, and Growth." NBER Working Paper Series, No. w17396.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Internal and External Capital Markets of Large Banks
By: Lina Lu, Marco Macchiavelli and Jonathan Wallen
Despite regulatory restrictions, large U.S. bank holding companies have sizable and dynamic internal capital markets. They raise long-term debt at the holding company and deposits at the commercial bank to internally make unsecured loans to affiliated broker-dealers.... View Details
Lu, Lina, Marco Macchiavelli, and Jonathan Wallen. "Internal and External Capital Markets of Large Banks." Working Paper, November 2024.
- 2012
- Case
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Olivia Leskinen
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
2009 AL Fellow
Bob Whelan developed an idea with partners that was a seed before his fellowship year and seemed to address a significant national challenge - college financing - with a creative concept and experience from... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Entrepreneurs; Leadership Skills; Student Loan Crisis; Student Loans; Students; Low-income; Postsecondary Education; Debt-free; Income-share Agreements; ISA; College; Master’s Degree; Google; Purdue Research Foundation; Kanter’s Law; Elida Gonzalez; 13th Avenue; Ed Lowry; Flexibility; National Student Debt Jubilee Project; Fundraising; Difficult Middles; Investing In Student Success Act Of 2014; State Engagement; State Level; Pay It Forward; Student Movement; Tuition; Financing College; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Education; Higher Education; Financing and Loans; Social Enterprise
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Olivia Leskinen. "Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-009, 2012. (Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- September 1992 (Revised September 2004)
- Background Note
Liabilities and Time
By: William J. Bruns Jr.
An introduction to accounting for liabilities. Both current liabilities and long-term debts are described, and illustrations of bond interest calculations and financial reporting formats are included. View Details
Bruns, William J., Jr. "Liabilities and Time." Harvard Business School Background Note 193-051, September 1992. (Revised September 2004.)
- June 2017 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
Signet Jewelers: Assessing Customer Financing Risk
By: Gerardo Pérez Cavazos, Suraj Srinivasan and Monica Baraldi
Marc Cohodes, a renowned short seller, has identified weaknesses in Signet's business strategy, which he argues is heavily reliant on providing loans to customers with subprime credit scores. He believes that the company accounts for its receivables portfolio using... View Details
Keywords: Short Selling; Bad Debt Expense; Accounting; Financial Reporting; Financial Statements; Finance; Financing and Loans; Valuation; Retail Industry; Financial Services Industry; United States
Pérez Cavazos, Gerardo, Suraj Srinivasan, and Monica Baraldi. "Signet Jewelers: Assessing Customer Financing Risk." Harvard Business School Case 117-038, June 2017. (Revised January 2019.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
FinTech Lending and Cashless Payments
By: Pulak Ghosh, Boris Vallée and Yao Zeng
Borrower's use of cashless payments both improves their access to capital from FinTech lenders and predicts a lower probability of default. These relationships are stronger for cashless technologies providing more precise information, and for outflows. Cashless payment... View Details
- March 2009 (Revised November 2009)
- Case
WL Ross and Plascar
By: C. Fritz Foley and Linnea Meyer
How can distressed investors take advantage of the procedures governing an international bankruptcy? Wilbur L. Ross, chairman and CEO of the private equity firm WL Ross & Co., LLC, has the opportunity to bid for debt and equity claims on Plascar Industria e Comercio... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Private Equity; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Investment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries
Foley, C. Fritz, and Linnea Meyer. "WL Ross and Plascar." Harvard Business School Case 209-091, March 2009. (Revised November 2009.)
- May 2015
- Case
Transforming Alkermes into a Global Biopharmaceutical Company
By: C. Fritz Foley and Nicholas Haas
In the summer of 2011, Jim Frates, CFO of Alkermes faced choices about how to finance the acquisition of Dublin, Ireland-based Elan Drug Technologies (EDT)—a deal that was expected to close in the fall. The case describes the history of Alkermes, provides information... View Details
Keywords: Financing; Debt; Merger; CFO; Financial Management; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States; Europe
Foley, C. Fritz, and Nicholas Haas. "Transforming Alkermes into a Global Biopharmaceutical Company." Harvard Business School Case 215-079, May 2015.
- April 2012
- Article
Corporate Ownership Structure and Bank Loan Syndicate Structure
By: Chen Lin, Yue Ma, Paul Malatesta and Yuhai Xuan
Using a novel data set on corporate ownership and control, we show that the divergence between the control rights and cash-flow rights of a borrowing firm's largest ultimate owner has a significant impact on the concentration and composition of the firm's loan... View Details
Keywords: Ownership; Financing and Loans; Cash Flow; Borrowing and Debt; Accounting; Crisis Management; Relationships; Law; Contracts; Banking Industry
Lin, Chen, Yue Ma, Paul Malatesta, and Yuhai Xuan. "Corporate Ownership Structure and Bank Loan Syndicate Structure." Journal of Financial Economics 104, no. 1 (April 2012): 1–22. (Lead Article.)
- Research Summary
Bad-debts provisioning at banks
By: V.G. Narayanan
I am very interested in studying loan-loss reserves and the provisioning for bad-debts at banks. View Details
- March 2012
- Article
Subprime Foreclosures and the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform
By: Donald Morgan, Benjamin Iverson and Matthew Botsch
This article presents arguments and evidence suggesting that the bankruptcy abuse reform (BAR) of 2005 may have been one contributor to the destabilizing surge in subprime foreclosures. Before BAR took effect, overly indebted borrowers could file bankruptcy to free up... View Details
Keywords: Mortgages; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Borrowing and Debt; United States
Morgan, Donald, Benjamin Iverson, and Matthew Botsch. "Subprime Foreclosures and the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform." Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review 18, no. 1 (March 2012).
- 2024
- Working Paper
Corporate Debt, Boom-Bust Cycles, and Financial Crises
By: Victoria Ivashina, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Luc Laeven and Karsten Müller
Using a new dataset on sectoral credit exposures covering financial and non-financial sectors in 115 economies over the period 1940–2014, we document the following evidence that corporate debt plays a key role in explaining boom-bust cycles, financial crises, and slow... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Economic Growth; Economic Sectors; Borrowing and Debt; Credit
Ivashina, Victoria, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Luc Laeven, and Karsten Müller. "Corporate Debt, Boom-Bust Cycles, and Financial Crises." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 32225, March 2024.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Closing Costs, Refinancing, and Inefficiencies in the Mortgage Market
By: David Hao Zhang
In the US, borrowers often finance the price of mortgage origination by agreeing to higher mortgage rates for a given principal amount. I show that for standard fixed-rate, prepayable mortgages this contractual feature has two consequences. First, it leads to increased... View Details
- 2010
- Working Paper
Crashes and Collateralized Lending
By: Jakub W. Jurek and Erik Stafford
This paper develops a parsimonious static model for characterizing financing terms in collateralized lending markets. We characterize the systematic risk exposures for a variety of securities and develop a simple indifference-pricing framework to value the systematic... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Cost of Capital; Credit; Financing and Loans; Interest Rates; Investment; Framework; Risk and Uncertainty; Financial Services Industry
Jurek, Jakub W., and Erik Stafford. "Crashes and Collateralized Lending." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-025, September 2010.
- 27 Apr 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Corporate Leadership and Creditor Recovery Rates: Evidence from Executive Gender
- 2014
- Working Paper
Finance and Social Responsibility in the Informal Economy: Institutional Voids, Globalization and Microfinance Institutions
By: Hao Liang, Christopher Marquis and Sunny Li Sun
We examine the heterogeneous effects of globalization on the interest rate setting by microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. We consider MFIs as a mechanism to overcome the institutional void of credit for small entrepreneurs in developing and emerging... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Voids; Microfinance Institutions; Economic Globalization; Social Globalization; Microfinance; Globalization; Developing Countries and Economies
Liang, Hao, Christopher Marquis, and Sunny Li Sun. "Finance and Social Responsibility in the Informal Economy: Institutional Voids, Globalization and Microfinance Institutions." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-029, October 2014.
- October 2012
- Supplement
Hill Country Snack Foods Co., Spreadsheet for Students (Brief Case) (CW)
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
- June 2020
- Article
Parallel Play: Startups, Nascent Markets, and the Effective Design of a Business Model
By: Rory McDonald and Kathleen Eisenhardt
Prior research advances several explanations for entrepreneurial success in nascent markets but leaves a key imperative unexplored: the business model. By studying five ventures in the same nascent market, we develop a novel theoretical framework for understanding how... View Details
Keywords: Search; Legitimacy; Organizational Innovation; Organizational Learning; Mechanisms And Processes; Institutional Entrepreneurship; Qualitative Methods; Business Model Design; Business Model; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Emerging Markets; Adaptation; Competition; Strategy
McDonald, Rory, and Kathleen Eisenhardt. "Parallel Play: Startups, Nascent Markets, and the Effective Design of a Business Model." Administrative Science Quarterly 65, no. 2 (June 2020): 483–523.