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- Faculty Publications (315)
- March 2005
- Article
Sovereign Debt As a Contingent Claim: A Quantitative Approach
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
We construct a dynamic equilibrium model with contingent service and adverse selection to quantitatively study sovereign debt. In the model, benefits of defaulting are tempered by higher future interest rates. For a wide set of parameters, the only equilibrium is one... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Interest Rates; Balance and Stability; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Mathematical Methods; Management Style; Segmentation; Debt Securities; Banking Industry
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Sovereign Debt As a Contingent Claim: A Quantitative Approach." Journal of International Economics 65, no. 2 (March 2005).
- January 2005 (Revised August 2005)
- Case
Changing Times at the NBA
By: Thomas J. DeLong, Tonika Cheek-Clayton and Daniel Reed
David Stern, commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA), faces myriad challenges: globalization of product, young players entering the league, loss of fan base, etc. Stern must put together a plan for the Board of Governors that confronts these... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Governing and Advisory Boards; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Problems and Challenges; Sports; Competitive Strategy
DeLong, Thomas J., Tonika Cheek-Clayton, and Daniel Reed. "Changing Times at the NBA." Harvard Business School Case 405-004, January 2005. (Revised August 2005.)
- Article
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors: Evidence from Accounting Restatements and Audit Committee Members
By: Suraj Srinivasan
I use a sample of 409 companies that restated their earnings from 1997 to 2001 to examine penalties for outside directors, particularly audit committee members, when their companies experience accounting restatements. Penalties from lawsuits and Securities and Exchange... View Details
Keywords: Outcome or Result; Business Earnings; Financial Statements; Lawsuits and Litigation; Labor; Markets; Financial Reporting; Accounting Audits; Cost; Reputation
Srinivasan, Suraj. "Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors: Evidence from Accounting Restatements and Audit Committee Members." Journal of Accounting Research 43, no. 2 (May 2005): 291–334.
- November 2004 (Revised July 2005)
- Case
Messier's Reign at Vivendi Universal
By: Rakesh Khurana, Vincent Dessain and Daniela Beyersdorfer
Focuses on a crisis in the board at Vivendi. Highlights the difficulties that arise when dramatic pressure from outside the boardroom affects boardroom dynamics. In this case, there are two events. The first is an unexpectedly large financial loss and a pending cash... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Crisis Management; History; Cash Flow; Acquisition; Performance; Telecommunications Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Khurana, Rakesh, Vincent Dessain, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "Messier's Reign at Vivendi Universal." Harvard Business School Case 405-063, November 2004. (Revised July 2005.)
- October 2004 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Making China Beautiful: Shiseido and the China Market
By: Geoffrey G. Jones, Akiko Kanno and Masako Egawa
Describes the multinational growth of Shiseido, the world's fourth-largest cosmetics company, with a focus on its strategy in China since 1981. Explores the challenges facing firms in the globalization of a culturally specific industry such as cosmetics. The Japanese... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Globalized Firms and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Resource Allocation; Competition; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; China; Japan
Jones, Geoffrey G., Akiko Kanno, and Masako Egawa. "Making China Beautiful: Shiseido and the China Market." Harvard Business School Case 805-003, October 2004. (Revised July 2013.)
- August 2004 (Revised July 2006)
- Case
PROPECIA TM: Helping Make Hair Loss History
By: Marta Wosinska and Youngme E. Moon
In late 1997, Tom Casola, brand manager for Propecia, debates the best approach to market this breakthrough one-a-day pill for hair loss. This launch would be atypical for a prescription drug because of the key position of the consumer. As a result, the team's... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Communication Strategy; Customers; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Product; Performance Effectiveness; Problems and Challenges; Quality; Pharmaceutical Industry
Wosinska, Marta, and Youngme E. Moon. "PROPECIA TM: Helping Make Hair Loss History." Harvard Business School Case 505-035, August 2004. (Revised July 2006.)
- June 2004 (Revised June 2006)
- Case
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Scientific-Atlantia (S-A), a leading manufacturer of cable TV equipment, is confronting strategic challenges in mid-2004. For decades, cable operators have faced high switching costs that have locked them into exclusive supply relationships with either S-A or its... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Competition; Industry Structures; Television Entertainment; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Manufacturing Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Scientific-Atlanta, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 804-191, June 2004. (Revised June 2006.)
- January 2004 (Revised April 2005)
- Case
Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (B)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Aldo Sesia
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Financial Services Industry
Esty, Benjamin C., and Aldo Sesia. "Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (B)." Harvard Business School Case 204-094, January 2004. (Revised April 2005.)
- January 2004 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Timberland and Community Involvement (Abridged Version)
By: James E. Austin and James Quinn
When Jeffrey Swartz became the third generation in his family to lead the Timberland Co., he made community involvement an integral part of the company's strategy. Under Swartz's leadership, Timberland formed a close partnership with City Year, the national corps of... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Business and Community Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Austin, James E., and James Quinn. "Timberland and Community Involvement (Abridged Version)." Harvard Business School Case 304-086, January 2004. (Revised February 2005.)
- December 2003 (Revised October 2006)
- Case
Globalizing the Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting at AES
By: Mihir A. Desai and Douglas Kurt Schillinger
With electricity generating businesses around the world, AES Corp. is seeking a methodology for calculating the cost of capital for its various businesses and potential projects. In the past, AES used the same cost of capital for all of its capital budgeting, but the... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Risk Management; Globalized Firms and Management; Cost of Capital; Valuation; Emerging Markets; Foreign Direct Investment; Capital Budgeting; Energy Industry; South America
Desai, Mihir A., and Douglas Kurt Schillinger. "Globalizing the Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting at AES." Harvard Business School Case 204-109, December 2003. (Revised October 2006.)
- November 2003
- Article
The Macroeconomics of Happiness
By: Rafael Di Tella, Robert MacCulloch and Andrew J. Oswald
We show that macroeconomic movements have strong effects on the happiness of nations. First, we find that there are clear microeconomic patterns in the psychological well-being levels of a quarter of a million randomly sampled Europeans and Americans from the 1970s to... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, Robert MacCulloch, and Andrew J. Oswald. "The Macroeconomics of Happiness." Review of Economics and Statistics 85, no. 4 (November 2003): 793–809.
- 2003
- Other Unpublished Work
Initiative for a Competitive Milwaukee: A Call to Action
The inner city of Milwaukee holds great promise, but is not advancing economically. The inner city has been hard hit by the loss of many of its largest employers as a result of relocation, acquisition and failure. According to the 2000 US Census data, thirty percent of... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Initiative for a Competitive Milwaukee: A Call to Action." Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, September 2003. (Report.)
- August 2003 (Revised August 2024)
- Case
Fighting the Battle of the Bulge—Evaluating Do Good/Do Well Innovations in Morbid Obesity Treatment
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and John McDonough
Many health care innovations appear successful; but fail. This is the first case in the Innovating Health Care course that investigates how to create successful health care innovations. It is part of the first module in the course. This module focuses on how to... View Details
Keywords: Three Pillars; Industry Analysis; Health Care and Treatment; Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Medical Specialties; Health Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E., and John McDonough. "Fighting the Battle of the Bulge—Evaluating Do Good/Do Well Innovations in Morbid Obesity Treatment." Harvard Business School Case 304-009, August 2003. (Revised August 2024.)
- December 2002 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Aldo Sesia
In June 1999, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced plans to revise the capital standards for banks. The Basel Committee believed that project loans were significantly riskier than corporate loans and, therefore, warranted higher capital charges under... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Project Finance; Financing and Loans; Projects; Standards; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Esty, Benjamin C., and Aldo Sesia. "Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (A)." Harvard Business School Case 203-035, December 2002. (Revised January 2004.)
- December 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Teaching Note
Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characteristics of Project Finance Loans (TN)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Aldo Sesia
Teaching Note for (9-203-035). View Details
- November 2002
- Supplement
Basel II: Assessing the Default and Loss Characterisrics of Project Finance Loans
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Aldo Sesia
Spreadsheet to (9-203-035). Download only. View Details
- September 2002 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
By: Dorothy A. Leonard and David Kiron
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) faces a serious loss of knowledge--both because of the "faster, better, cheaper" mandate for Mars missions and from the retirement of key personnel. An extensive knowledge management system for NASA/JPL includes formal knowledge-capture... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Dissemination; Leadership Development; Internet and the Web; Risk and Uncertainty; Organizational Culture; Retirement; Human Resources; Human Capital
Leonard, Dorothy A., and David Kiron. "Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)." Harvard Business School Case 603-062, September 2002. (Revised October 2002.)
- March 2002 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
Apple Computer 2002
By: David B. Yoffie and Yusi Wang
In 1980, Apple was the leader of the personal computer industry, but by 2002 it had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Wintel camp. This case examines Apple's strategic moves as the PC industry evolves in the 21st century and poses the question: Can Steve Jobs... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Leadership Style; Information Technology; Supply and Industry; Competitive Advantage; Computer Industry; Retail Industry; California
Yoffie, David B., and Yusi Wang. "Apple Computer 2002." Harvard Business School Case 702-469, March 2002. (Revised October 2005.)
- 2001
- Chapter
Enlarging the Pie by Accepting Small Losses for Large Gains
By: J Baron and Max Bazerman
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits
- August 2001 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Dakota Office Products
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The senior management team of Dakota, an office products distributor, is concerned about the company's first loss in history. Explores the role for activity based costing and customer profitability measurement in a distribution company. Dakota's customers are... View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Profit; Distribution; Customers; Distribution Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Dakota Office Products." Harvard Business School Case 102-021, August 2001. (Revised February 2005.)