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- Faculty Publications (2,872)
- June 1988 (Revised December 1991)
- Case
An Tai Bao Coal Mining Project
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
An Tai Bao is the world's largest open-pit coal mine and is located in China's Shanxi province. After eight years of planning and negotiating, Occidental Petroleum, the foreign partner in the deal, is about to sign an ownership and financing agreement for $475 million... View Details
Keywords: Planning; Agreements and Arrangements; Non-Renewable Energy; Equity; Partners and Partnerships; Negotiation Deal; Joint Ventures; Mining Industry; China
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "An Tai Bao Coal Mining Project." Harvard Business School Case 288-041, June 1988. (Revised December 1991.)
- June 1988
- Case
Decontrol of Fertilizer Prices in Pakistan
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Decontrol of Fertilizer Prices in Pakistan." Harvard Business School Case 388-087, June 1988.
- May 1988
- Article
Management Dilemmas in Securities Firms
By: Robert G. Eccles Jr. and Dwight B. Crane
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Management; Business Ventures; Financial Instruments; Financial Services Industry
Eccles, Robert G., Jr., and Dwight B. Crane. "Management Dilemmas in Securities Firms." Issue 726 International Financing Review (May 1988): 13–14.
- January 1988 (Revised May 1988)
- Case
General Motors' Asian Alliances
Describes all of General Motors' major alliances with Asian firms. These include Toyota, Fanuc, Isuzu, Daewoo, Suzuki, Nissan, and Hitachi. Students can discuss the rationale of each alliance, their risks, their management problems, and their likely evolution. Also... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Cost Management; Globalized Firms and Management; Problems and Challenges; Alliances; Risk and Uncertainty; Adoption; Corporate Strategy
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "General Motors' Asian Alliances." Harvard Business School Case 388-094, January 1988. (Revised May 1988.)
- December 1987 (Revised May 1991)
- Case
One Leather Street
By: William J. Poorvu and Jeffrey A. Libert
Presents a problem involving rehabilitating a small office building in Boston. Describes an investment decision which is knowingly underfunded. As construction proceeds, the developer realizes that it is not up to building code and faces difficult business and ethical... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Ethics; Investment; Decisions; Decision Choices and Conditions; Property; Real Estate Industry; Construction Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J., and Jeffrey A. Libert. "One Leather Street." Harvard Business School Case 388-084, December 1987. (Revised May 1991.)
- October 1987 (Revised July 1991)
- Case
Tiffany & Co.
This premier retail jewelry company was bought from its parent, Avon, by a group of investors led by its own management in 1984. The company was highly leveraged, financially, and had to scramble to meet the cash flow and earnings requirements laid down by its lenders.... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Borrowing and Debt; Cash Flow; Price; Going Public; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Hayes, Samuel L., III. "Tiffany & Co." Harvard Business School Case 288-022, October 1987. (Revised July 1991.)
- September 1987 (Revised November 1992)
- Background Note
Note on Transaction and Translation Exposure
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
Describes the transaction and translation exposures that companies doing business internationally face when foreign exchange rates change. Also discusses how to measure and cover both types of exposure. Covering techniques are demonstrated using examples of forward... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "Note on Transaction and Translation Exposure." Harvard Business School Background Note 288-017, September 1987. (Revised November 1992.)
- July 1987
- Case
Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division
By: Roger E. Bohn and Robert H. Hayes
A relatively small manufacturer of computer memory disks has achieved a major market position through the use of its statistical quality control (SQC) program. It is now expanding the production of a new line of disks and is encountering problems getting the process... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Volatility; Performance Consistency; Performance Improvement; Performance Productivity; Quality; Mathematical Methods; Hardware; Manufacturing Industry
Bohn, Roger E., and Robert H. Hayes. "Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division." Harvard Business School Case 688-010, July 1987.
- June 1987 (Revised May 1990)
- Case
John Deere Component Works (B)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Having installed an activity-based system, the division is now exploring the insight provided by that system. In particular, it is studying the economics of lot-size process planning and product mix management. View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Production; Business or Company Management; Planning; Cost Accounting; Cost Management; Product Marketing; Management Practices and Processes; Consumer Products Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "John Deere Component Works (B)." Harvard Business School Case 187-108, June 1987. (Revised May 1990.)
- June 1987 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
Textile Corporation Building, The
Describes the potential acquisition of a downtown office building in Boston through a sealed bid auction. The prospective buyer analyzes in detail all elements of the income and expense statements, calculates the effect of all improvements, and imputes a purchase price... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Property; Bids and Bidding; Auctions; Price; Asset Pricing; Real Estate Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J. "Textile Corporation Building, The." Harvard Business School Case 387-189, June 1987. (Revised July 2004.)
- June 1987 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Mebel, Doran & Co.
Puts the student in the position of a senior official of a major New York investment bank who discovers that information has leaked to the market on a confidential takeover plan that was being developed by a corporate client. The official has to decide how to deal with... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment Banking; Mergers and Acquisitions; Crisis Management; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry
Hayes, Samuel L., III. "Mebel, Doran & Co." Harvard Business School Case 287-001, June 1987. (Revised September 1997.)
- May 1987 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.: Planning and Control System
By: Robert L. Simons
Detailed description of the planning and control systems in use at Johnson & Johnson. Focuses on the actions of managers in one subsidiary in revising budget targets. Illustrates intensive strategic planning and financial planning process in a large, decentralized... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Planning; Forecasting and Prediction; Accounting Audits; Budgets and Budgeting; Business Strategy; Financial Management; Business or Company Management; Management Systems; Public Administration Industry; Financial Services Industry
Simons, Robert L. "Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.: Planning and Control System." Harvard Business School Case 187-081, May 1987. (Revised February 2000.)
- May 1987 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co.
After a record year in 1983, Murray Ohio's earnings declined in 1984. The company was faced with competition from cheap imports and was experiencing declining margins. Students are asked to analyze the company's 1984 financial statements and predict whether there is... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Financial Reporting; Business Divisions; Cost Management; Spending; Decision Making; Change Management; Problems and Challenges; Management Systems; Manufacturing Industry
Palepu, Krishna G. "Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co." Harvard Business School Case 187-178, May 1987. (Revised October 1996.)
- 1987
- Book
Banking and Oil
By: Geoffrey Jones
This is the second of two volumes of a business history of a major British bank in the Middle East. Volume 1 traces the history of the bank from its foundation in 1889 as The Imperial Bank of Persia, through the years it was the state bank of Iran, and its... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Economics; Banks and Banking; Government and Politics; Growth and Development; Business History; Problems and Challenges; Iran; Jordan; Kuwait; Oman; Dubai
Jones, Geoffrey. Banking and Oil. Vol. 2, History of the British Bank of the Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
- spring 1987
- Article
Second-Sourcing and the Experience Curve: Price Competition in Defense Procurement
By: James J. Anton and Dennis A. Yao
We examine a dynamic model of price competition in defense procurement that incorporates the experience curve, asymmetric cost information, and the availability of a higher cost alternative system. We model acquisition as a two-stage process in which initial production... View Details
Anton, James J., and Dennis A. Yao. "Second-Sourcing and the Experience Curve: Price Competition in Defense Procurement." RAND Journal of Economics 18, no. 1 (spring 1987): 57–76. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- March 1987 (Revised July 1996)
- Case
Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc.
By: Kenneth A. Merchant, Krishna G. Palepu and Joseph P. Mulloy
Describes a dispute between the owners of the major league baseball teams and the players' union about the profitability of the baseball teams. The issue is important because of the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations. A consultant is brought in to decide... View Details
Keywords: State Ownership; Compensation and Benefits; Entrepreneurship; For-Profit Firms; Accounting; Activity Based Costing and Management; Resource Allocation; Cost Accounting; Cost Management; Labor and Management Relations; Financial Management; Sports; Sports Industry; Kansas
Merchant, Kenneth A., Krishna G. Palepu, and Joseph P. Mulloy. "Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 187-088, March 1987. (Revised July 1996.)
- February 1987 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Polysar Limited
By: Robert L. Simons
Canada's largest chemical company produces and markets butyl rubber in two divisions, each treated as a profit center. The new plant in the North American Division operates below capacity resulting in a significant volume variance and an operating loss. The European... View Details
Keywords: Loss; Profit; Financial Management; Volume; Performance Capacity; Financial Statements; For-Profit Firms; Market Participation; Chemical Industry; Rubber Industry; Canada
Simons, Robert L. "Polysar Limited." Harvard Business School Case 187-098, February 1987. (Revised February 2000.)
- January 1987 (Revised November 1991)
- Case
R.J. Reynolds International Financing
By: W. Carl Kester and William B. Allen
Reynolds must source a substantial portion of the financing of its Nabisco acquisition in offshore bond markets. Morgan Guaranty has proposed a yen/dollar dual currency Eurobond that could be hedged into dollars. This structure is compared to Eurodollar Bonds, Euroyen... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Capital Markets; Currency Exchange Rate; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Bonds; Financing and Loans
Kester, W. Carl, and William B. Allen. "R.J. Reynolds International Financing." Harvard Business School Case 287-057, January 1987. (Revised November 1991.)
- December 1986 (Revised November 1989)
- Case
Hewlett-Packard: Manufacturing Productivity Division (A)
By: Benson P. Shapiro and Lawrence B. Levine
In late summer 1986, the management of the Manufacturing Productivity Division (MPD) of Hewlett-Packard (HP) was in the process of making major market selection and product policy decisions. MPD is a small division which develops and markets manufacturing productivity... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Marketing; Product Marketing; Market Entry and Exit; Production; Research and Development; Manufacturing Industry
Shapiro, Benson P., and Lawrence B. Levine. "Hewlett-Packard: Manufacturing Productivity Division (A)." Harvard Business School Case 587-101, December 1986. (Revised November 1989.)