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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (24)
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- Faculty Publications (4,859)
- 18 Jun 2019
- Cold Call Podcast
Can Khan Academy Scale to Educate Anyone, Anywhere?
Keywords: Education
- September 2019 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
Vispera: Visual Intelligence for Retail
By: Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Gamze Yucaoglu
The case opens in 2019 as Aytul Ercil, co-founder and CEO of Vispera, computer vision technology provider for retail, is contemplating the company’s agenda trying to decide how to prioritize the impeding options. The case chronicles the founding of Vispera, the... View Details
Keywords: Computer Vision Technology; Visual Analysis; Retail; Information Technology; Business Model; Operations; Performance Efficiency; Competitive Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Global Strategy; Technology Industry; Retail Industry; Turkey
Grushka-Cockayne, Yael, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "Vispera: Visual Intelligence for Retail." Harvard Business School Case 620-022, September 2019. (Revised January 2021.)
- 02 Mar 2016
- Blog Post
HBS FIELD - A Sneak Peek Into Retail
Every January HBS sends hundreds of first year business school students to an emerging market for 10 days of cultural and business immersion. Dauntingly, in those 10 days students must acclimate themselves to the new market and complete a project for a View Details
Keywords: Consumer Products / Retail
- 19 Apr 2018
- Video
Dignify Final Pitch New Venture Competition 2018 Social Enterprise Track
- April 2004 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
Conor Medsystems
By: Donald N. Sull, Robert F. Higgins, Linda A. Cyr and Bijan Salehizadeh
Conor Medsystems had developed a drug-eluting stent that could capture significant share of the $5 billion global market. Chief executive officer, Frank Litvack, is considering alternative sources of financing to test the device. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Health Testing and Trials; Corporate Finance; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Sull, Donald N., Robert F. Higgins, Linda A. Cyr, and Bijan Salehizadeh. "Conor Medsystems." Harvard Business School Case 804-180, April 2004. (Revised May 2007.)
- 14 Apr 2020
- Video
Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Advaithi-Shih (Session 6)
- June 2022 (Revised August 2023)
- Case
Strategic Innovation at the United Nations: A Network of Ecosystems
By: Frank Nagle, Elizabeth J. Altman and Amy Klopfenstein
In 2021, Gina Lucarelli, leader of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Labs, prepared for a meeting with UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner. The two planned to discuss the future of the Accelerator Labs, a network of social innovation labs located... View Details
Keywords: Change; Disruption; Transformation; Change Management; Education; Learning; Environmental Management; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Geography; Geographic Scope; Global Range; Local Range; Geopolitical Units; Country; Human Resources; Recruitment; Retention; Selection and Staffing; Employees; Employee Relationship Management; Information Technology; Information Management; Innovation and Invention; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Knowledge; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Dissemination; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Organizations; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Organizational Design; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Social Enterprise; Non-Governmental Organizations; Social Psychology; Social and Collaborative Networks; Society; Social Issues; Welfare; Strategy; Cooperation; Adaptation; Public Administration Industry; North and Central America
Nagle, Frank, Elizabeth J. Altman, and Amy Klopfenstein. "Strategic Innovation at the United Nations: A Network of Ecosystems." Harvard Business School Case 722-363, June 2022. (Revised August 2023.)
- March 1998 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
Bronner Slosberg Humphrey
By: David E. Bell and Donald M Leavitt
Bronner Slosberg Humphrey has succeeded by providing integrated direct marketing solutions for major service companies such as AT&T, American Express, and FedEx. A new CEO takes over from the company's founder and is wondering how to grow the company. Options include... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Growth and Development Strategy; Leading Change; Global Strategy; Service Operations; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology; Salesforce Management; Marketing Communications; Service Industry
Bell, David E., and Donald M Leavitt. "Bronner Slosberg Humphrey." Harvard Business School Case 598-136, March 1998. (Revised December 1999.)
- 19 Mar 2012
- News
HBS Cases: Overcoming the Stress of ‘Englishnization’
- February 2009 (Revised March 2009)
- Case
Publicis Groupe 2009: Toward a Digital Transformation
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Matthew Bird
After a series of acquisitions, Maurice Levy, the Chairman and CEO of Publicis Groupe, had created the fourth largest marketing and communications company in the world. His next major challenge was managing the firm's digital transformation. In December 2006, the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Transformation; Financial Crisis; Globalized Firms and Management; Leading Change; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Expansion; Information Technology; Advertising Industry; Communications Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Matthew Bird. "Publicis Groupe 2009: Toward a Digital Transformation." Harvard Business School Case 309-085, February 2009. (Revised March 2009.)
- 05 Jul 2017
- News
North Korea Threat
- March–April 2020
- Article
What's Really Holding Women Back? It's Not What Most People Think
By: R. Ely and Irene Padavic
Ask people to explain why women remain so dramatically underrepresented in the senior ranks of most companies, and you will hear from the vast majority a lament that goes something like this: High-level jobs require extremely long hours, women's devotion to family... View Details
Keywords: Overwork; Employment; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture
Ely, R., and Irene Padavic. "What's Really Holding Women Back? It's Not What Most People Think." Harvard Business Review 98, no. 2 (March–April 2020): 58–67.
Archie L. Jones
Archie Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at the Harvard Business School, where he currently teaches Venture Capital and Private Equity, Field... View Details
- Web
Site Map
Project Christensen Center for Teaching & Learning Creating Emerging Markets Crossover Into Business Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard Entrepreneurship (Rock Center) Faculty & Research Foundry Global Health Care Impact Investments... View Details
- Program
Family Office Wealth Management—Virtual
our renowned faculty to learn from their latest research, gain actionable takeaways, and facilitate your growth. In addition, virtual discussion groups will connect you to a global group of peers and build your network. Admissions... View Details
- October 1995
- Case
Groupe Danone Prepares for the Next Century
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Elizabeth Ashcroft
Danone is the largest food company in France and is in the top ten in the world, but most of its activity is in France, Spain, and Italy. How does it become a global company? Should it? How does it leverage its leadership in yogurt, biscuits, and mineral water? View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Global Strategy; Goods and Commodities; Marketing Strategy; Strategic Planning; Expansion; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Elizabeth Ashcroft. "Groupe Danone Prepares for the Next Century." Harvard Business School Case 596-054, October 1995.
- September 2020 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Hitachi Rail Limited (A)
By: David J. Collis, Akiko Kanno and Nobuo Sato
Hitachi must decide whether to make a British executive, who has successfully built its European rail business from scratch, head of its global rail division even though the bulk of revenues for the unit still come from Japan. The case describes the history of Hitachi... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Leadership; Values and Beliefs; Human Resources; Globalized Firms and Management; Organizational Structure; Rail Industry; Japan
Collis, David J., Akiko Kanno, and Nobuo Sato. "Hitachi Rail Limited (A)." Harvard Business School Case 721-364, September 2020. (Revised April 2021.)
- November 2005 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Publicis Groupe: Leading Creative Acquisitions
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ryan Raffaelli
The CEO of a French-based advertising agency network led a series of high-profile acquisitions that created the world's 4th largest global communications company, after a failed strategic alliance taught him lessons about leadership and business relationships. View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Leadership; Management Succession; Partners and Partnerships; Cooperation; Integration; France
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ryan Raffaelli. "Publicis Groupe: Leading Creative Acquisitions." Harvard Business School Case 506-010, November 2005. (Revised February 2009.)
- 25 Sep 2024
- HBS Seminar