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- Faculty Publications (2,739)
- March 1987 (Revised November 1987)
- Case
Taiwan 1986: Choices for the Future
By: George C. Lodge
Lodge, George C. "Taiwan 1986: Choices for the Future." Harvard Business School Case 387-152, March 1987. (Revised November 1987.)
- January 1987 (Revised September 1991)
- Case
Walt Disney Co.'s Yen Financing
By: W. Carl Kester and William B. Allen
Walt Disney is considering hedging future yen inflows from Disney Tokyo. It is evaluating techniques using FX Forwards, swaps, and Yen term borrowings. Goldman Sachs presents a rather unusual but potentially attractive solution: Disney could issue ECU Eurobonds and... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and William B. Allen. "Walt Disney Co.'s Yen Financing." Harvard Business School Case 287-058, January 1987. (Revised September 1991.)
- January 1987 (Revised January 1990)
- Case
The World VCR Industry
By: David B. Yoffie
In the 1980s Japan dominated the world industry for video cassette recorders. This case looks at the evolution of the technology and competition in VCRs, the battles between VHS and Beta, and the emerging threats to Japanese dominance. View Details
Yoffie, David B. "The World VCR Industry." Harvard Business School Case 387-098, January 1987. (Revised January 1990.)
- December 1986 (Revised April 1987)
- Case
Motorola's Japan Strategy
By: David B. Yoffie and John J. Coleman
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Technology Industry; Communications Industry; Japan
Yoffie, David B., and John J. Coleman. "Motorola's Japan Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 387-093, December 1986. (Revised April 1987.)
- November 1986 (Revised January 1988)
- Case
General Electric Exports: Financing Trade with China
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "General Electric Exports: Financing Trade with China." Harvard Business School Case 387-067, November 1986. (Revised January 1988.)
- November 1986 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd.
Describes the internationalization of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) fast food chain, focusing on KFC's entry into Japan. An entrepreneurial country general manager, Lou Weston, battles numerous problems to establish the business and is eventually highly successful.... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Strategic Planning; Agency Theory; Perspective; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; Japan
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 387-043, November 1986. (Revised December 1992.)
- 1986
- Book
Banking and Empire in Iran
By: Geoffrey Jones
This is the first of two volumes of a business history of a major British bank in the Middle East. Volume 1 traces the history of the bank from its foundation in 1889 as The Imperial Bank of Persia, through the years it was the state bank of Iran, and its development... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; International Relations; Business History; Economic History; Political History; War; Iran; Russia; Great Britain
Jones, Geoffrey. Banking and Empire in Iran. Vol. 1, History of the British Bank of the Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
- October 1986 (Revised February 1987)
- Case
South Korea: Trade and the Electronics Industry
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "South Korea: Trade and the Electronics Industry." Harvard Business School Case 387-036, October 1986. (Revised February 1987.)
- August 1986
- Case
Dow Indonesia (A), Software Case
By: James E. Austin and Louis T. Wells Jr.
Austin, James E., and Louis T. Wells Jr. "Dow Indonesia (A), Software Case." Harvard Business School Case 386-142, August 1986.
- August 1986 (Revised January 1989)
- Teaching Note
Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh, Teaching Note
Teaching Note for (9-586-013). View Details
- August 1986 (Revised February 1991)
- Supplement
Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh, Video
Population Services International, a not-for-profit agency founded to promote family planning information and to market birth control products, had an agreement with the government of Bangladesh to conduct a social marketing program using modern marketing techniques to... View Details
Keywords: Social Marketing; Health; Advertising; Marketing; Nonprofit Organizations; Government and Politics; Agreements and Arrangements; Health Industry; Bangladesh
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 887-506, August 1986. (Revised February 1991.)
- July 1986 (Revised July 1991)
- Case
Nippon-WTI Ltd.
By: W. Carl Kester and Glynn Ferguson
A Japanese joint venture between a U.S. parent and a Japanese parent has proposed that 100% of the U.S. parent's product be produced in Japan rather than the 40% currently being manufactured there. This would require the U.S. parent to give up a dollar profit earned on... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Currency Exchange Rate; Profit; Product; Production; Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; Asia; Japan; United States
Kester, W. Carl, and Glynn Ferguson. "Nippon-WTI Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 287-006, July 1986. (Revised July 1991.)
- April 1986 (Revised July 1988)
- Case
Cooperation for Competition: U.S. and Japan
By: Joseph L. Bower
Bower, Joseph L. "Cooperation for Competition: U.S. and Japan." Harvard Business School Case 386-181, April 1986. (Revised July 1988.)
- Book Review
Review of The Chinese Connection, by Michael A. Goldberg
By: Louis T Wells Jr
Keywords: China
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Review of The Chinese Connection, by Michael A. Goldberg." Journal of International Business Studies 17, no. 1 (Spring 1986): 163–164.
- Article
Capital and Ownership Structure: A Comparison of United States and Japanese Manufacturing Corporations
By: W. C. Kester
Kester, W. C. "Capital and Ownership Structure: A Comparison of United States and Japanese Manufacturing Corporations." Financial Management 15, no. 1 (Spring 1986): 5–16.
- February 1986
- Supplement
Kedaung Industrial Ltd., Video
Presents an interview with the Indonesian partner of Corning Glass Works' investment in Indonesia. The first part of the interview sets out the original decisions made by the partners. It serves to introduce the partners to the class and to help them decide whether to... View Details
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Kedaung Industrial Ltd., Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 886-532, February 1986.
- September 1985 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh
Population Services International (PSI) was a not-for-profit agency founded to disseminate family planning information and to market birth control products, primarily in less developed countries seeking to curb their population explosions. In 1976, PSI concluded an... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Health; Marketing Strategy; Social Marketing; Business and Government Relations; Nonprofit Organizations; Bangladesh
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh." Harvard Business School Case 586-013, September 1985. (Revised July 2007.)
- September 1985 (Revised October 1988)
- Case
NIKE in China
By: James E. Austin and Francis Aguilar
Nike is reviewing its strategy for producing shoes in China for the U.S. market. Compares the experience in China with that in other countries. View Details
Austin, James E., and Francis Aguilar. "NIKE in China." Harvard Business School Case 386-065, September 1985. (Revised October 1988.)
- July 1985 (Revised February 1986)
- Case
Dow Indonesia (B1)
By: James E. Austin, Dennis J. Encarnation III and Louis T. Wells Jr.
Austin, James E., Dennis J. Encarnation III, and Louis T. Wells Jr. "Dow Indonesia (B1)." Harvard Business School Case 386-032, July 1985. (Revised February 1986.)
- July 1985 (Revised January 1990)
- Case
Dow Indonesia (B2)
By: James E. Austin, Dennis J. Encarnation III and Louis T. Wells Jr.
Austin, James E., Dennis J. Encarnation III, and Louis T. Wells Jr. "Dow Indonesia (B2)." Harvard Business School Case 386-033, July 1985. (Revised January 1990.)