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- All HBS Web
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- 23 Jun 2010
- News
$100,000 Is Plenty for Deposit Insurance
- August 2022 (Revised June 2024)
- Exercise
How Should Netflix Add an Ad-Supported Tier?
By: Elie Ofek and Olivier Toubia
In the summer of 2022, it became clear that Netflix would introduce an ad-supported tier alongside its existing subscription plans in the near future. Speculation abounded as to the details of the new tier: How many minutes of advertising would it include? What picture... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Television Industry; Price; Marketing Strategy; Digital Platforms; Customer Value and Value Chain; Competitive Strategy; Customer Satisfaction; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Ofek, Elie, and Olivier Toubia. "How Should Netflix Add an Ad-Supported Tier?" Harvard Business School Exercise 523-033, August 2022. (Revised June 2024.)
- March 2021
- Article
The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on Internet Interconnection
By: Ran Zhuo, Bradley Huffaker, KC Claffy and Shane Greenstein
The Internet comprises thousands of independently operated networks, where bilaterally negotiated interconnection agreements determine the flow of data between networks. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict restrictions on... View Details
Keywords: Personal Data; Privacy Regulation; GDPR; Interconnection Agreements; Internet and the Web; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Zhuo, Ran, Bradley Huffaker, KC Claffy, and Shane Greenstein. "The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on Internet Interconnection." Telecommunications Policy 45, no. 2 (March 2021).
- 01 Jun 2007
- Working Paper Summaries
Firm-Size Distribution and Cross-Country Income Differences
- August 2010
- Article
Sell-Side School Ties
By: Lauren H. Cohen, Christopher J. Malloy and Andrea Frazzini
We study the impact of social networks on agents' ability to gather superior information about firms. Exploiting novel data on the educational backgrounds of sell-side equity analysts and senior officers of firms, we test the hypothesis that analysts' school ties to... View Details
Keywords: Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Knowledge Acquisition; Social and Collaborative Networks
Cohen, Lauren H., Christopher J. Malloy, and Andrea Frazzini. "Sell-Side School Ties." Journal of Finance 65, no. 4 (August 2010): 1409–1437. (Winner of Smith Breeden Prize for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Finance in Asset Pricing (Distinguished Paper) 2010.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Buy-In Effect: When Increasing Initial Effort Motivates Behavioral Follow-Through
By: Holly Dykstra, Shibeal O'Flaherty and A.V. Whillans
Behavioral interventions often focus on reducing friction to encourage behavior change. In
contrast, we provide evidence that adding friction can promote long-term behavior change when
behaviors involve repeated costly efforts over longer time horizons. In... View Details
Dykstra, Holly, Shibeal O'Flaherty, and A.V. Whillans. "The Buy-In Effect: When Increasing Initial Effort Motivates Behavioral Follow-Through." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-020, October 2023.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Hidden Alpha
By: Manuel Amman, Alexander Cochardt, Lauren Cohen and Stephan Heller
This paper documents the central role of hidden connections between fund managers and firm officers in financial markets, drawing on an extensive dataset of over 100 thousand manually identified Facebook profiles and their 35 million Facebook friends. Our findings... View Details
Amman, Manuel, Alexander Cochardt, Lauren Cohen, and Stephan Heller. "Hidden Alpha." Working Paper, 2024. (Winner of the 2022 Chicago Quantitative Alliance Academic Paper Competition. First Prize presented by Chicago Quantitative Alliance. Winner of the Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (INQUIRE) Grant, 2023.)
- September 1991 (Revised February 1993)
- Case
Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (A)
Burroughs Wellcome Co., developer of AZT, the first drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), finds itself under siege in September 1989 by AIDS activists and various segments of the U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Ethics; Business and Government Relations; Communication Strategy; Health Care and Treatment; Monopoly; Intellectual Property; Research and Development; Price; Pharmaceutical Industry; London
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (A)." Harvard Business School Case 792-004, September 1991. (Revised February 1993.)
- October 2018 (Revised July 2023)
- Case
The Boston Beer Company (A): New CEO
By: Christina R. Wing and Marco Iansiti
In 1984, when the Boston Beer Company’s Samuel Adams Boston Lager was first sold, founder Jim Koch had helped ignite a craft beer movement by making small-batch premium beers in an era of industry consolidation. By 2018, Boston Beer was a publicly traded company that... View Details
Keywords: Beer/brewing Industry; Succession; Leadership; Change; Supply Chain; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain Management; Management Succession; Food and Beverage Industry; United States; Boston
Wing, Christina R., and Marco Iansiti. "The Boston Beer Company (A): New CEO." Harvard Business School Case 619-021, October 2018. (Revised July 2023.)
- May 2006 (Revised April 2009)
- Case
Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2006
By: David B. Yoffie and Michael Slind
Examines the industry structure and competitive strategy of Coca-Cola and Pepsi over 100 years of rivalry. New challenges in 2006 include boosting flagging carbonated soft drink (CSD) sales and finding new revenue streams. Both firms also began to modify their... View Details
Keywords: History; Competitive Strategy; Industry Structures; Growth and Development Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B., and Michael Slind. "Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2006." Harvard Business School Case 706-447, May 2006. (Revised April 2009.)
- October 2014 (Revised April 2023)
- Case
Gilead: Hepatitis C Access Strategy (A)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan, Vikram Rangan and David E. Bloom
Gilead had come up with an innovative drug for Hepatitis C, which affected 180 million people worldwide. The drug was priced at $1,000 a pill for the US market. Gilead had to decide how to price and market the pill in developing countries that bore the brunt of the... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Pharmaceuticals; Pricing; Access To Care; Emerging Markets; Health Care and Treatment; Price; Strategy; Ethics; Health Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, Vikram Rangan, and David E. Bloom. "Gilead: Hepatitis C Access Strategy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 515-025, October 2014. (Revised April 2023.)
- March 2011 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform
Per the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which President Obama signed in 2010, states would be required to create state-wide health insurance marketplaces - the Health Benefit Exchanges (HBEs) - in which individuals and small employers could choose... View Details
Keywords: Insurance; Health Care and Treatment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Emerging Markets; Risk and Uncertainty; Health Industry; Insurance Industry; New Jersey
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, Raffaella Sadun, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform." Harvard Business School Case 711-403, March 2011. (Revised March 2011.)
- 11 Mar 2020
- News
The U.S. President faces a triple threat of crises
- October 2018 (Revised July 2023)
- Case
Innovation at Uber: The Launch of Express POOL
By: Chiara Farronato, Alan MacCormack and Sarah Mehta
Set in March 2018, the case follows ride-sharing company Uber as it develops and launches a new product called Express POOL. This product offers a reduced price to riders willing to carpool, walk a short distance to/from their pick-up and drop-off points, and wait a... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Applications and Software; Digital Platforms; Decision Making; Technology Industry; California; San Francisco
Farronato, Chiara, Alan MacCormack, and Sarah Mehta. "Innovation at Uber: The Launch of Express POOL." Harvard Business School Case 619-003, October 2018. (Revised July 2023.)
- January 2013
- Supplement
The Great East Japan Earthquake (E): Yamato Transport's Response
By: Hirotaka Takeuchi, Leonard Kosinski, Christina Royce, Anna Stetsovskaya and Evgeny Vasilyev
CEO Kikawa of Yamato Transport gave orders to his managers right after the triple disaster hit the Tohoku region of Japan to do whatever it takes to save lives and not to worry about costs. He also felt that he had to confront the government to make donations to the... View Details
Keywords: Japan; Earthquake; Yamato Transport Company; Natural Disasters; Business and Shareholder Relations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Transportation Industry; Japan
Takeuchi, Hirotaka, Leonard Kosinski, Christina Royce, Anna Stetsovskaya, and Evgeny Vasilyev. "The Great East Japan Earthquake (E): Yamato Transport's Response." Harvard Business School Supplement 713-442, January 2013.
- Program
Advanced Management Program
six weeks on campus and one virtual module. During the virtual module, participants should set aside 10-12 hours per week to complete self-paced work and eight hours for live online sessions, which include faculty-led sessions, discussion... View Details
Do Experts or Collective Intelligence Write with More Bias?
Co-authored by Feng Zhu
Which source of information contains greater bias and slant-text written by an expert or that constructed via collective intelligence? Do the costs of acquiring, storing, displaying, and revising information shape those... View Details
Which source of information contains greater bias and slant-text written by an expert or that constructed via collective intelligence? Do the costs of acquiring, storing, displaying, and revising information shape those... View Details