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- All HBS Web
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- April 2007 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
John Mackey and Whole Foods Market
By: Nancy F. Koehn and Katherine Miller
Traces the history of organic agriculture from its pre-industrial roots to the present day, and examines the growth of Whole Foods Market in the context of the broader growth of the organic industry. Also investigates John Mackey's role as a founder and leader of the... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Food; Entrepreneurship; Agribusiness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Koehn, Nancy F., and Katherine Miller. "John Mackey and Whole Foods Market." Harvard Business School Case 807-111, April 2007. (Revised May 2007.)
- 23 Oct 2019
- News
Exploring Big Issues at the Intersection of Business and Society
and mastery of business. “However, they often don’t get to tackle some of the big issues that intersect business and society and that don’t fit... View Details
Keywords: Educational Innovation
- March 2020
- Technical Note
Influencer Marketing
By: Jill Avery and Ayelet Israeli
Despite a heavy barrage of advertising, most consumers declare that their purchases are most influenced by the experiences, advice, and recommendations of others, and not by marketers. Interpersonal communication between and among consumers serves as a potent path for... View Details
Keywords: Influencers; Marketing; Marketing Communications; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Avery, Jill, and Ayelet Israeli. "Influencer Marketing." Harvard Business School Technical Note 520-075, March 2020.
- October 2018
- Case
Corruption and Business in Emerging Markets
By: Geoffrey Jones, Tarun Khanna and Nataliya Langburd Wright
The case is built around video clips from top business leaders in emerging markets who were interviewed for Harvard Business School’s innovative Creating Emerging Markets oral history project. Corruption is a widespread problem in emerging markets, and this case is... View Details
Jones, Geoffrey, Tarun Khanna, and Nataliya Langburd Wright. "Corruption and Business in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Case 319-054, October 2018.
- 23 May 2016
- News
Three MBA Students Honored for Service to School and Society
- August 2018 (Revised February 2023)
- Case
Hubble Contact Lenses: Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
By: Jill Avery and Ayelet Israeli
As its Series A extension round approaches, the founders of Hubble, a subscription-based, social-media fueled, direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand of contact lenses, are reflecting on the marketing strategies that have taken them to a valuation of $200 million and debating... View Details
Keywords: DTC; Direct To Consumer Marketing; Health Care; Mobile; Attribution; Experimentation; Experiments; Churn/retention; Customer Lifetime Value; Internet Marketing; Big Data; Analytics; A/B Testing; CRM; Advertising; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Media; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Digital Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Acquisition; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Social Media; E-commerce; Analytics and Data Science; Health Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States; North America; Europe
Avery, Jill, and Ayelet Israeli. "Hubble Contact Lenses: Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing." Harvard Business School Case 519-011, August 2018. (Revised February 2023.)
- May 2016
- Case
OPET: Precision Marketing in Uncertain Times
By: Rajiv Lal, Esel Çekin and Eren Kuzucu
During Timucin Guler’s decade at OPET, a prominent fuel distributor in Turkey, he transformed the definition of marketing in the company. Under Guler’s lead, OPET, once a local player in the downstream distribution market, became the second largest fuel distributor in... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Customer Service; Emerging Market; Focusing On Customers; Competition; Turkey; Loyalty Program; Marketing Strategy; Downstream Distribution; Customer Relationship Management; Energy Industry; Turkey
Lal, Rajiv, Esel Çekin, and Eren Kuzucu. "OPET: Precision Marketing in Uncertain Times." Harvard Business School Case 516-087, May 2016.
- 05 Dec 2023
- Cold Call Podcast
What Founders Get Wrong about Sales and Marketing
Keywords: Re: Mark N. Roberge
- 1985
- Working Paper
Sequential Innovation and Market Structure
By: Jerry R. Green and Jean-Jacques Laffont
This paper concerns the introduction of a sequence of new, higher-quality durable products in a market in which there already exists a lower-quality substitute. The product has the further attribute that a real resource cost is incurred at the time a higher-quality... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Jean-Jacques Laffont. "Sequential Innovation and Market Structure." Harvard Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper, No. 1185, October 1985.
- 12 Jan 2011
- News
Making the Case for “Shared Value” for Business and Society
- July 2014 (Revised August 2014)
- Case
AmazonFresh: Rekindling the Online Grocery Market
By: Rory McDonald, Clayton Christensen, Robin Yang and Ty Hollingsworth
More than a decade after the high-profile failures of several early online grocers, grocery remains the largest single U.S. retail category and one of the few that has not yet migrated online. Amazon began testing its grocery-delivery service, AmazonFresh, in Seattle,... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; New Markets; Grocery; Operations Strategy; Innovation and Invention; Strategy; Emerging Markets; Learning; Service Operations; Internet and the Web; Business Model; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
McDonald, Rory, Clayton Christensen, Robin Yang, and Ty Hollingsworth. "AmazonFresh: Rekindling the Online Grocery Market." Harvard Business School Case 615-013, July 2014. (Revised August 2014.)
- 8 AM – 9 AM EDT, 05 May 2021
- Virtual Programming
The Post-Pandemic Future for Corporations for Institutions and Civic Society
Please join us for a fireside chat on The Post-Pandemic Future for Corporations for Institutions and Civic Society.
Hosted by the Harvard Club of the Philippines, this event will feature a conversation between former HBS Dean Nitin Nohria, Atlantic Media Company... View Details
- Research Summary
Markets of Progress: Coffee, Commerce, and Community in the Soconusco, Chiapas, 1867-1920
Markets of Progress presents a new holistic story of rural development in Mexico at the turn of the century. In the Soconusco, as in regions throughout the world, the accelerating circulation of commodities and capital, ideas and immigrants reshaped society... View Details
Keywords: Commodities; Coffee; Mexico; Foreign Investment; Institutions; Immigration; Developing Agriculture; Development; Export Crop; Emerging Market; Property Rights; Labor History; History; Capital Markets; Business History; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Latin America; Mexico; Central America
- May 2009 (Revised January 2011)
- Case
Enel: Power, Russia, and Global Markets
By: Rawi E. Abdelal, Richard H.K. Vietor and Sogomon Tarontsi
Although the global trend toward liberalization of electric utilities forced Enel, the largest power company in Italy, to give up some of its assets in its home base, it also opened up many opportunities abroad, including in Russia, one of the largest electricity... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Energy Generation; Foreign Direct Investment; Global Strategy; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Business and Government Relations; Utilities Industry; Russia; Italy
Abdelal, Rawi E., Richard H.K. Vietor, and Sogomon Tarontsi. "Enel: Power, Russia, and Global Markets." Harvard Business School Case 709-046, May 2009. (Revised January 2011.)
- 13 Aug 2014
- News
A Whole-Brain Approach to Marketing
- February 2001 (Revised February 2002)
- Case
Estee Lauder and the Market for Prestige Cosmetics
By: Nancy F. Koehn
Opens with a brief history of the U.S. cosmetics market and its rapid development in the 1920s. Also recounts Lauder's initial involvement in the sector, making skin care products and selling them in Manhattan beauty parlors during the Great Depression. Pays particular... View Details
Keywords: Fluctuation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Market Entry and Exit; Entrepreneurship; Luxury; Business Strategy; Society; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; United States
Koehn, Nancy F. "Estee Lauder and the Market for Prestige Cosmetics." Harvard Business School Case 801-362, February 2001. (Revised February 2002.)
- June 2009 (Revised March 2011)
- Module Note
The Creative Industries: Managing and Marketing Talent
By: Anita Elberse
This module note examines issues concerning the management and marketing of talent in the creative industries. It describes the characteristics of the market for creative talent, discusses how individual talent creates and captures value, and explores how professional... View Details
Keywords: Talent and Talent Management; Entertainment; Innovation and Management; Marketing; Creativity; Value
Elberse, Anita. "The Creative Industries: Managing and Marketing Talent." Harvard Business School Module Note 509-078, June 2009. (Revised March 2011.)
- 22 May 2024
- News
Nine Students Win Dean's Award for Service to the School and Society
- 2015
- Mimeo
Market Power in Mortgage Lending and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
By: David S. Scharfstein and Adi Sunderam
We present evidence that high concentration in mortgage lending reduces the sensitivity of mortgage rates and refinancing activity to mortgage-backed security (MBS) yields. We isolate the direct effect of concentration and rule out alternative explanations in two ways.... View Details
Keywords: Mortgage Lending; Market Power; Monetary Policy Transmission; Mortgages; Banking Industry; United States
Scharfstein, David S., and Adi Sunderam. "Market Power in Mortgage Lending and the Transmission of Monetary Policy." April 2015. Mimeo.